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The Prohibition of Wakes
A Commission was appointed by the Government "to investigate the charges of Dr. Bowerbank in reference to the late outbreak of Small Pox in the parish of St. Andrew." The charges were fully sustained respecting the "Terror of the Tents," and that "the bodies of those dying of Small Pox were allowed to remain unburied for an undue length of time, and Wakes or Assemblages of persons were permitted to be held over the dead, by which the disease was fostered and promoted." Dr. Bowerbank gave evidence in October and November 1872; since then the disease has raged in almost every part of the island, causing a fearful destruction of life, but nothing has been done to enable the Local Authorities to provide for the treatment of poor families requiring medical and other care, and nourishment, with the exception of the passing of two Laws by the legislative Council for raising a Fund to be appropriated for sanitary purposes, and for regulating the procedures of the Board of Health. . . . a couple weeks ago the Attorney-General introduced a Bill for the prohibition of Wakes "during the prevalence of any infectious or contagious diseases."
The Custos of Trelawny
The Honorable Robert Nunes, Custos of Trelawny returned in the Packet which arrived in Kingston on June 20th., accompanied by his 2 daughters. He returned to his residence in Falmouth on Thursday evening.
Coolies in St. Thomas
From a correspondent:
"An occurrence . . . took place at Belvidere Estate on Tuesday the 17th instant. Mr. James A. Hoskins, Sub-Agent of Immigration, a gentleman well known on the Northside, and much respected there as he is in this quarter, for his urbanity and strict attention to his official duties, paid his accustomed visit to the above named estate to inquire into complaints of the Coolies on the property, as well as into charges preferred against them by the Deputy Overseer. Several of the complaints were dismissed: but one laid against a Coolie for frequently absenting himself from work without any valid excuse, was so clearly proved, and the man's conduct so persistently wrong, that Mr. Hoskins was obliged to commit him to prison for 30 days.. . . The Coolies way-laid Mr. Hoskins, who, as he was driving from the estate, had his Buggy surrounded by about 30 Coolies, and his Horses stopped." Mr. Hoskins received blow after blow with bludgeons from the Coolies. Mr. Hoskins was rescued by 2 Creole Labourers who came to his assistance.
[The July 15th issue reported that the Governor had subsequently removed Mr. Hoskins from St. Thomas]
A heavy shock of earthquake was felt in Falmouth on the night of Sunday last at 13 minutes to 12 o'clock. The undulatory movement, as far as we could judge at the time, was from East to Wet.
The Rector of St. James
A Pamphlet was issued by the Red. David R. Morris, Rector of St. James.
Intelligence From Spanish Town
There was a fire at Land's Pen, the residence of Major Prenderville, Inspector-General of Constabulary, and Inspector Chamberlaine and the men under his command, and Mr. Magnus one of the Fire-Wardens were among those helping to fight the fire which did not cause great damage.
There was a burglary at a small Shop, in the market place, kept by Mr. R. B. Benjamin.
A New District Post Office will be opened in Hampden, Trelawny. Mrs. Jessie Innis has been appointed Postmistress.
Harmony Hall Wharf will be reopened on August 1. Signed William Dewar.
June 27, British Barque Blanche, Boadet, for London.
July 1, Sloop Theresa, Robey, Manzanillo-de-Cuba.
British Brigantine Saxon
Cleared at the Customs by the Honorable William Kerr, British Barque Blanche, Bosdet, for London.
Mr. William Mullett, second Landing Waiter in Falmouth has, in consequence of ill health, resigned his situation. He will, we are informed, receive a pension from the government. Mr. J. A. Barclay, Collector of Customs in Falmouth has received 6 months leave of absence from His Excellency the Governor. This gentleman will leave in the next packet for England. Mr. J. G. Chisholm, Landing Waiter and Surveyor in Falmouth will take the place of Mr. Barclay, and Mr. John McLawrence, Ride Waiter in Falmouth will act provisionally as Landing Waiter.
Trelawny Amateur Dramatic Representation
The members of the Trelawny Amateur Dramatic Society will give a representation at the Court House in Falmouth on Wednesday 16th instant, "being the inauguration of a New Drop-Scene for the Theatre, painted by Mr. J. Harcourt Dowling, H. A., representing a Pleasuring Water Party in Venice. . ."
July 1, 1873, British Barque Port Royal, Johnson. London, general cargo assigned to Simon Thomson, Esq.
July 2, 1873, American Brigantine Carrie Purington, Whettlemore, New York via Kingston, breadstuffs consigned to A. M. Nathan, Esq.
July 2, 1873, Schooner Challenge, McFarlane. Manzanillo de Cuba, Lancewood Spars, consigned to Messrs. D'Souza, Son & Lazarus.
July 1, 1873, British Brig, Saxon, Herman, to Cienfuegos, Cuba.
For London: British Barque Port Royal
For Trinidad, Cuba: American Brigantine Carrie Purington.
The Hanover Municipal and Road Boards
The Municipal Board of Hanover was held at the Court House in the town of Lucea on Friday the 4th instant. Measures were adopted for the establishment of a Fire Brigade, consisting of 27 gentlemen who reside in Lucea, under the captaincy of Mr. George Malcolm. A Road Board was then formed, and Mr. George Malcolm was appointed as Superintendent.
The Legislative Council
His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to call George Solomon Esq. to a seat in the Legislative Council. Mr. Solomon is the head of a Mercantile Firm in the city of Kingston.
St. Catherine's District Prison
In the late sitting of the Kingston Circuit Court a convict named Francis Rose was prosecuted for escaping from the St. Catherine's District Prison at Spanish Town, where he had been sentenced for larceny.
The Small Pox is on the increase in the Parish of St. Ann and prevails to an alarming extent among the lower orders.
Intelligence From Spanish Town
An alarm was created in Spanish Town by "the visitation of a severe chock of Earthquake." Religious services were held in the Jewish synagogue, where solemn prayers and a suitable address were offered and delivered by Mr. Lawton, the lay Reader of the synagogue, in the presence of his co-religionists and many Christians. The financial position of Mr. Lawton's congregation is such that adequate provision cannot now be made to remunerate him for his active and earnest performance of his duty; but the hope is entertained, that in the course of a few months, a sufficient sum will be raised and presented to him.
July 10, 1873: British Barque Florence Louise, Williams, from Montego Bay, to load for Glasgow, consigned to Messrs. James A. Vine & Son.
Reported in the Supplement to the Jamaica Gazette dated 26th June, 1873
Properties abandoned 1839 to 1871
Sugar Estates
Parish, Number/Hogshead of Sugar
St. Andrew, 16/5850
St. Thomas, 33/3860
Portland, 52/6769
St. Mary, 42/6140
St. Catherine, 35/4400
St. Ann, 21/2283
Clarendon, 26/2234
Trelawny, 40/1570
St. James, 48/5400
Hanover, 47/5180
Westmoreland, 25/5750
St. Elizabeth 6/350
Of these properties cultivation has been resumed on 5 in St. Andrew, 2 in Portland, 8 in St. Catherine, 3 in St. James, 1 in Westmoreland, and 1 in St. Elizabeth. Of the remainder, some are used as Grazing Penns, some are in Ruinate, and the others with the exception of a few purchased by Cubans, "are sold out and rented to Small Settlers for the cultivation of minor products and Tobacco, and rearing of Small Stock."
Coffee Plantations
Parish, Number/ Hundredweight of coffee
Portland, 24/ N/A
St. Mary, 28/6806
St. Catherine, 74/10931
St. Ann, 57/15519
Clarendon, 12/4029
St. Andrew, 25/2495
St. Thomas, 24/9000
St. Elizabeth, 15/9890
Manchester, 97/5563
In St. Andrew 5 plantations have been "taken up", and 23 in Manchester.
Of the remainder, a few are converted into Penns, some are in wood and ruinate, some in possession of Squatters, and the others sold out and rented to Small Settlers.
Trelawny Municipal Board
The Meeting of the Board was held at the Court House in Falmouth on Saturday 12th instant. J. W. Fisher, Esq. presided. Also present were the Hon. William Kerr, D. C. D'Souza, and Charles Delgado, Esquires, and Dr. Henry Hume. The clerk, Mr. Stricker presented some letters. Firewardens in Falmouth are Messrs. J. A. Vine, J. C. Lewis, Samuel Lazarus, and Henry Carvalho. A letter was read from Mr. Henry Benaim respecting the insecure state of the Duncans Pound. Licenses for Hawking and Peddling were granted to Mrs. McAdam, Sarah Sloley, Catherine Moss, Sarah Campbell and William Clarke.
Falmouth District Court
The Court was in session on Tuesday 9th before the Hon. Charles Jeffery. The following cases were tried:
The Queen vs Charles Tharpe, Robert Tharpe, and Robert Willock, charged with the larceny of a Pig the property of James Cleland. Guilty.
The Queen vs Joseph Hamilton and William Reid. The first was charged with larceny of 20 quarts of flour and 2 gallons of Rum the property of George Jarman, and the second charges with receiving the stolen rum. Guilty.
The Queen vs Robert McDonagh, Schoolmaster at Bunkershill in Trelawny, charged with assaulting one of his pupils Margaret Elizabeth Murray, between 6 and 7 years old, violently against her will to ravish and carnally know. Guilty.
The Queen vs Lewis Walker for trespassing on lands in the possession of Stuart Edwards, Esq. Guilty.
The Queen vs Summarroo, a Coolie, for misconducting himself as a servant whilst in the service of William Rhodes James, Overseer, on Golden Grove Estate. Guilty.
The Queen vs Frances Steele for assaulting Sophia Taylor, and the Queen vs Sophia Taylor for assaulting Frances Steele. Both guilty.
The Queen vs Frances Edwards for abusive language to Mary Ann Robey. Guilty.
The Queen vs Samuel England and John Anderson for assaulting Samuel Dennis. Guilty.
The Queen vs Agnes Young for assaulting Mary Young. Guilty.
The Queen vs Watson Barrett for assaulting Ann Barrett. Guilty.
At Lucea on Friday 4th instant, aged 77 years, after a long illness, Miss Ellen Evans. Her loss is regretted by a large number of friends to whom she was endeared.
July 12, Sloop Theresa, Robey, Manzanillo-de-Cuba, Lancewood Spars, etc., consigned to Messrs D'Souza, Son & Lazarus
July 13, Schooner Morning Star, Panton, Kingston
July 11, American Brigantine Carrie Purington, Whettlemure, for Trinidad de Cuba
Trelawny Parochial Road Commissioners
A meeting was held on Saturday 12th instant. J. W. Fisher Esq., presided. Also present were the Hon. W. Kerr, C. R. Sievwright, and David Archer Esqs.
The report of Mr. Gardner, Superintendent of Roads, on the roads in the Ulster Spring and Sawyers area was read. Mr. William Dewar was granted to Mr. William Dewar to reform the road leading from the intersection of the Main Road to Harmony Wharf.
Mr. Gardner was instructed to recognize Mr. Milliner as a Waywarden on Road No. 122.
The conduct of Mr. Willock as Superintendent of Roads was severely censured by the Board.
Falmouth Water Company
A quarterly meeting of the Directors was held on Saturday 12th instant. The Chair was taken by Mr. Abraham Lindo, President. Also present were Messrs. A. B. Dignum, J. O. Clerk, John Delisser, Charles Delgado, and Jacob Alsop. The Collector and Secretary, Mr. David Lindo obtained a leave of absence for 6 months from 8th August next.
District Courts in St. Thomas in the East
(From a correspondent)
The usual District Courts were held in Morant Bay on the 8th and 9th. The riotous Coolies of Belvedere, who mistreated the Sub-Agent, Mr. Hoskins, were found guilty on the clearest evidence; 10 were sentenced to prison, and 2 were acquitted. Mr. Hoskins left shortly after the trial on his way to his new sphere of official duties. He was entertained at a Dinner party got up by several influential Gentlemen in the plantain Garden River District. His departure from this parish is very much regretted by everyone.
Intelligence From Spanish Town
College: It is currently reported that the long-established School, known as Walton's is to be closed, and that the Students will be placed at the College in Spanish Town. If so the Boys will lose the salubrious climate of St. Ann's.
Robbery: Another great robbery was perpetrated in this town a few nights ago. Two deserving young men, Messrs. Bryant and Dollar, after accumulating a little money, embarked in business, and laid out their all in purchasing a fine stock of goods. Their place of business was broken into a fortnight after it was opened, and nearly half the stock stolen.
Destruction of Cattle: There have been several cases of Cattle shooting within the last week in the Red Hills district of St. John's near by Bellevue and Dovecot Park Pens, the properties of Mr. Isaac Levy. He has offered a Reward of £25 for the detection of the Ruffians.
Intelligence From St. Ann's
(From our Correspondent)
Small Pox: This dreadful disease is alarmingly on the increase, attacking the young in every direction.
Infanticide: A female named Mary Henderson is in custody for having made away with her child, aged 1 year 10 months, between Arcadia Estate in Trelawny and St. Ann's Bay. One of the many statements she made is that the child died on the road and she threw it into the River at Llandovery.
Markets: The Public Shambles are now in the hands of the Contractor, Mr. Frederick Carter, who is actively engaged in repairing same.
July 20, British Barque William Naizby, Defried, London, via Rio Bueno.
Intelligence From St. Ann's
(From our Correspondent)
The anniversary Sermons on behalf of the Wesleyan Missionary Society will be preached here on Sunday 4th August. The Revds. Corlett, Sutton and Clarke will officiate.
The Barque Sorata, Captain Price, from London, consigned to Simon Thomson, Esq., arrived here in St. Ann's Bay on the 22nd. instant.
Intelligence From Brown's Town
Mr. Joseph Harris, Justice of the Peace for the Parish of St. Ann, was brought before judge Jeffery on the 15th instant charged with using abusive language to a Constable while in the execution of his duty. Guilty.
In Port
For Glasgow, British Barque Florence Louise
Not destined: British Brigantine Esk, and Schooner Dread Not.
Death by lightning
A female named Sheal, residing at Duncans, was on Wednesday last, while engaged in washing clothes at that place, struck by lightning and died instantaneously. Out informant states that at the time of the melancholy occurrence the Sun shone brightly, although a short time previously there was a slight sprinkling of rain.
St. Ann's Bay Circuit Court
Circuit Court was opened in St. Ann's Bay on Monday 28th July, before the Hon. Sir John Lucie Smith, Chief Justice. The professional gentlemen present were Mr. Advocate Wellesley Bourke, Mrs. F. R. Lynch, Assistant Attorney General, Mrs. Alexander Lake, Clerk of the Court, Messrs. E. B. Lynch and E. C. Smith, Solicitors.
The Clerk having read the Riot Act and the Queen92's Proclamation against Vice and Immorality, the following cases were tried:
The Queen vs James Troop for escape from prison. Guilty.
The Queen vs William Stirling for escape from prison. Guilty.
The Queen vs Susan Wellington for cutting and wounding. Acquitted.
The Queen vs Daniel McLean for house breaking and larceny. Guilty.
The Queen vs John Sherer for larceny of clothes. Guilty.
The Queen vs Stephen Henry and Samuel Mills for larceny of Cheese, the property of Messrs. Bravo, Bro. & Co. Guilty
The Queen vs A. Moses for assault occasioning bodily harm. Acquitted.
Henry White was placed on trial for murder of his brother. The Jury found him guilty of Manslaughter.
The Queen vs Henry Harris for Fraud, postponed until next Court.
St. James' Circuit Court
The following cases were tried on Monday 21st:
The Queen vs John Haughton, alias John Ellis, for larceny of a Gelding the property of Mr. Hugh Kirkwood. Guilty.
The Queen vs Sarah Lauderdale of St. James for larceny of wearing apparel, the property of Susan Peterkin. Guilty.
Thomas Wallace of Trelawny charged with committing a Rape on Isabella Johnson, a married woman. Guilty.
Cases tried on Tuesday 22nd:
The Queen vs Robert Lewis of Trelawny for the larceny of a Colonial Bank Cheque for £20 the property of Captain H. A. Smith of the 1st W. I. Regiment. The prisoner was a private in the 1st W. I. Regiment and was the Captain's Orderly. On 28th March he received from the Falmouth Post Office a letter containing the Cheque for the Captain which was never handed to him. Guilty.
The Queen vs John Hurd of Hanover. Charged with committing an indecent assault on a girl named Grace Ann Gilpin, under the age of 10 years. Guilty.
Robert Bowen of Hanover convicted for the larceny of growing provisions.
The Queen vs William Knott of St. James for committing a Rape on the person of Amelia Anderson, a married woman. Guilty.
The Queen vs Davee and Katawo (Coolies) of St. James for assaulting another coolie named Latchman with intent to murder him. A second count against Katawo for aiding and abetting Davee to assault Latchman. Davee was found guilty on the first count, and Katawo on the second.
July 28, British Brig Berry Hill, Barclay, from Kingston, to load for London, consigned to Messrs. Nunes Bros.
July 20, British Brigantine Esk, Miller, Cienfuegos
July 31, British Barque Florence Louise, Williams, Glasgow
July 31, British Schooner Dread Not, Brown, New York, via St. Ann's Bay
For London, British Brig Ferry Hill
Cleared at the Customs, Falmouth, on 29 July, by Messrs James A. Vine & Son, the British Barque Florence Louise, Williams, for Glasgow with sugar, rum, logwood, cocoanuts, lime juice.
Cleared at the Customs, Falmouth, on 30 July, by Messrs. D'Souza, Son & Lazarus, the British Schooner Dread Not, Brown, New York, via St. Ann's Bay, with copper, brass, and lead.
The Reverend William Murray
This Revd. Gentleman who has had, over a period of 2 years, the Pastoral charge of the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Falmouth, has obtained a leave of absence for 3 months, in order to attend the Universal Evangelical Conference of Christians, which will take place shortly in New York.
Intelligence From Spanish Town
At a meeting of the Trustees of Walton's School in St. Ann's the Members of the Board unanimously refused their sanction to the removal that it would be illegal, and contrary to the intention of the Legatee.
Intelligence From Spanish Town
Destruction of cattle: I have to report other cases of Cattle shooting and maiming in this parish. Tongues of cattle were cut out after Squatters were ejected by Mr. Louis Verley from Spring Garden Pen in the Old Harbour district. The animals did not belong to Mr. Verley, but to Mr. Francis H. Moxy of Bodle's Pen.
Pic Nics: A Pic Nic is being held in connection with the Baptist Schools under the Superintendence of the Revd. Thomas Lea, the worthy successor of the Revd. J. M. Phillippo. There will be a large gathering of youths at Ensom Pen, the property of Mr. Louis E. Sinclair.
August 1873 continued at Falmouth Post 5
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