Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library


AUGUST 12 to SEPTEMBER 30, 1873




A Lecture will be delivered at the Court House in Falmouth tomorrow evening by the Revd. N. L. Ellis, Island Curate of Brown's Town, St. Ann's. The proceeds will be given to the Montego Bay Lodge to aid them in purchasing premises for the Lodge.



Richard Paddyfoot was murdered in the Long Pond mountains of Trelawny. A quiet and inoffensive man, it appears that he was going to his provision ground. His body was discovered by a man named Eccleston, through whose place Paddyfoot had to pass to reach his own


Arrival of Cubans

The Schooner Antonica arrived in Falmouth yesterday from Manzanillo de Cuba, with a cargo of Lancewood Spars etc. She brought as passengers 42 Cubans who are likely to be located here. Among them was the family of Senor Rodan who arrived here a short time ago. He has purchased Friendship Estate in the parish of St. James, where he intends carrying on cultivation on a large scale.


Intelligence From Spanish Town

Cuban Enterprise: A Cuban Gentleman named Cohen has purchased a part of Bybrook estate in St. Thomas in the Vale, and has commenced colonization with every prospect of success. He is over 60 years of age, but with his 2 sons, and the small capital saved from the exploitation of Spanish Tyrants, he expects to do well in his adopted country.


Intelligence From St. Ann's

A Cuban expedition: An expedition consisting of 7 men, one of them a Cuban General, and one a Member of the Cuban House of Representatives arrived in St. Ann's Bay on the 4th instant. They effected a landing at Runaway Bay in an open boat, after 32 hours sailing from Manzanillo de Cuba, and that too in the midst of the Spanish Camp: from their point of debut on both sides there are two Spanish Fortresses. The General reports 5 engagements during the past month; among them there was the one in the district of Bayama on the 17th last between 1500 Spanish troops and 120 men of the Cuban Army. They also report the safe landing of the Virginius at the Cuban Camp, as also that of two other vessels since. The party left St. Ann's Bay for Kingston on August 5, with intelligence for the Cuban Junta in Kingston, from whence they will proceed to New York.





August 11, Spanish Schooner Antonica, Uriarte, from Manzanillo-de-Cuba, general cargo and 42 passengers, consigned to Messrs. Nunes Bros.


August 10, British Brig Ferry Hill, Barclay, for London (cargo: sugar, rum, logwood, cocoanuts, wool.)


Cleared at the Customs, Falmouth, on August 9, by Simon Thomson, Esq., the British Barque William Naizby, Defries, at Rio Bueno, for London with cargo of sugar, rum, logwood, fustic, tamarinds, Bees' wax, cattle hides, cocoanuts, shells.


The Murder Case

The town of Falmouth was thrown into great excitement on Tuesday evening last when Detectives brought in 2 men, William Johnson and Joseph Pinguey, charged with the murder of Richard Paddyfoot. A Coroners' Inquest, presided over by L. J. Preston, Esq., as Deputy Coroner, commenced its sittings yesterday.


Intelligence From St. Ann's

Cuba Libre: A Boat arrived at St. Ann's Nay on the 11th August with 6 Cubans from the coat of Cuba in 30 hours. They report that they left Jamaica about 8 days ago in a Schooner, and received the cargo of the Village Bride, which it will be remembered was captured a short time ago at Port Antonio with arms and ammunition by the Customs' Authorities, but was subsequently released. After receiving the cargo they made for Cuba, landed everything safely at the Cuban Camp. They then went ashore to pick up fruit, but seeing the Spanish Frigate of War Chiruco coming in from sea and bearing down on them, they slipped away and got safely into ___, after which they made off for Jamaica. The vessel is commanded by Captain ___. The owner, a successful and patriotic Cuban who fights for the good cause, is also on board. For obvious reasons the names of Places, Vessel, Captain and Owner are withheld.


St. Thomas in the East

Destruction of Property: Someone poisoned 3 valuable horses on Winchester Estate in the Plantain Garden River District. The horses belonged to the Overseer, Mr. Cheslow.


Falmouth District Court

This Court was opened on Tuesday August 12th. Solicitors in attendance were Messrs. S. H. Watson and W. S. Gilbourne. The following criminal cases were heard:

The Queen vs Christian Mann for larceny of clothing and money the property of Catherine Robinson. Guilty.

Queen vs Samuel Bell for maliciously wounding Samuel Williams. Guilty.

Queen vs George Cooke for breaking into the dwelling house of William Palmer and stealing clothing. Guilty.

Queen vs William Murray for larceny of 15 gallons of Rum the property of Frederick R. Coy Esq. Guilty.

Queen vs Ageem (a Coolie) for larceny in a dwelling house. Guilty.

Queen vs Francis Clarke for assault with bodily harm to Elizabeth Plummer. Guilty.

Queen vs Mary Allen for assaulting Julia Jenkins Tummings. Guilty.

Queen vs Robert Cameron for assaulting Frances Chrystie. Guilty.

The Queen, at the instance of Joseph Gyles, Overseer on Carrickfoyle Penn, against Peter Black for not accounting for a steer entrusted to him to be slaughtered. Guilty.

Queen vs William Guthrie and Samuel Morais for disorderly conduct. Acquitted.

Queen vs James Brown for unlawfully cutting with intent to steal a Logwood Tree property of William Kerr, then growing on land at York in the possession of William Kerr.



The Northern Presbyterian Church in Jamaica met at Mount Horeb in St. James on August 5 to ordain Mr. Robert Gordon, a Licentiate, to the pastoral charge there. The Revd. Thomas Downie of Hampden conducted the worship. Other ministers taking part were The Revd. William Murray of Falmouth, Revd. E. A. Wallbridge of Mount Zion, the Revd. P. E. Franze a Moravian Minister. Mr. Gordon is a native of Westmoreland, and was for several years Schoolmaster at Bellevue in Trelawny.

Military Intelligence

Within a few days the Stores, Furniture and other articles left at the Barracks in Falmouth by the last detachment of the 1st West India Regiment will be shipped to Kingston in the Princess Royal, chartered for the purpose. There is some hope held out that as soon as troops return to the island the Barracks at Falmouth will be garrisoned by another detachment.


The late Murder in Trelawny

On Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th the Coroner's Jury consisting of Messrs. James Mockler (Foreman), Louis Lazarus, Henry Reuben, William Kennedy, Edward Hibgame, Eubert Lopez, Alonzo Nathan, Alexander S. Robey, Abraham C. Henriques, Alexander Wood, William Hogarth, George H. Mirey, Joseph N. Davis, Thomas Smith and Edwin Campbell, resumed it sitting at the Court House. After the hearing of witnesses, the jury returned the verdict "That the said Richard Paddyfoot came to his death by being wilfully murdered. . and we are of the opinion, from the evidence adduced that the murder was committed by William Johnson and Joseph Pinguey."


Circuit Court at Bath in St. Thomas in the East

Circuit Court was opened on August 12 and 13th under the presidency of the Hon. Alan Ker. Legal gentlemen in attendance were Mr. S. C. Burke, Assistant-Attorney-General and Mr. A. J. James, Clerk of the Court. The following cases were heard:

Queen vs J. McLachlin for house-breaking. Guilty.

Queen vs Charles Anderson for Rape. Acquitted.

Queen vs William Cole for assault with intent. Guilty.

Queen vs Robert Park for escaping from Prison. Guilty.

Queen vs James Edward Parker for murder. Guilty.





August 17. Spanish Schooner Antonica, Uriarte, for Manzanillo-de-Cuba. Cargo: 81 head of cattle, 12 dozen fowls, 57 cwt yams.


The Government of the Island

We regret that continued ill-health has caused Sir John Peter Grant's resignation of the Government of the Island.


Wesleyan Missions

The Revd. George Sargeant has been re-appointed to the General Superintendency of the Wesleyan Missions in Jamaica.





August 23, North-German Brig Seenymphe, Hold, from St. Thomas, to load, consigned to Messrs. George Solomon & Co. In port, for Bremen.


Coolie Missions

The Committee of the Church of England Home and Foreign Missionary Society in Jamaica is appealing for aid on behalf of Collie Missions, to be able to send Mr., Charles Melville to India for 2 years to study the different dialects and acquaint himself with the system adopted by Christian Missionaries in the country of the Coolies for bringing before them the great truths of Christianity.


Highway Robbery in Clarendon

Mr. E. W. Sullivan, a Clerk in the Government Savings Bank, while on his way from the district of Vere to Four Paths in Clarendon with deposits amounting to £260 was attacked by highwaymen, who beat him severely, took all the money he had received, and ran.


The Governor

His Excellency Sir John Peter Grant, Governor of Jamaica, left for New York in Atlas Company's Steamer Atlas on Wednesday, accompanied by Lady Grant. The Government will be administered by the Hon. W. A. G. Young, as President of the Privy Council. John Charles Mackglashan will act as Colonial Secretary and Revenue Commissioner.


Trelawny Municipal Board

The following tenders for supplies were accepted:

Catherine Copping for Coffins, 9s. 6d each

Robert Clarke for digging graves, 8s each

Catherine Copping, grass and water for Falmouth Pound

Elizabeth Selby, Grass and Water for Stewart Town Pound.


Mr. Guiselin appeared before the Board and objected to the assessment of the Collector of Taxes made on his premises in Market Square at a rental of £80. The Board upheld the assessment.


Intelligence from Brown's Town

Felo de Se: A man named Raffington, an old convict, terminated his existence on Thursday August 28 by throwing himself over a precipice at a place called Inverness in the Dry Harbour Mountains. The deceased it appears, stole a pig from Mr. Tingle, and while the Constable was arresting him, he made his exit in the manner above described and broke his neck.



At No. 2,036 Mervine Street, Philadelphia, on the morning of 2nd August last, Mr. Benjamin DeCasseres, brother-in-law of Mr. Abraham Morales of Falmouth. The deceased has left a large circle of relatives and friends both in this country and America to mourn their loss.





September 1, British Brigantine Mary, Forrest, from Halifax, via Kingston. Fish Stuffs.


Mr. David Morales

It is our painful duty to announce the death at Arundale in England of the above-named Gentleman, the son of Abraham Morales, Esquire, proprietor of one of the largest mercantile establishments on this side of the Island. The deceased went to England in the month of April of the present year on a visit to his wife and children, and with the hope of recovering his health which had been for some time impaired. His intention was to return to Falmouth for the purpose of conducting the business of his father, and thus enabling the latter to pass the remainder of his days free from the cares and anxieties of a commercial life, but it has pleased the great Disposer of Events to order otherwise. Mr. David Morales died on the 25th August, in the 30th year of his age. He was a gentleman of refined manners, charitable disposition, and strict integrity. . .


Wesleyan Sabbath School

Anniversary sermons were preached in the Wesleyan Chapel in Falmouth on Sunday last by the Recd. W. J. Lewis of St. Ann's Bay. A Tea Meeting on Tuesday was addressed by the Revds. John Kingdon, W. J. Lewis, and R. M. Parnther (pastor of the congregation). Singing was led by Mr. J. W. Atkins at the Harmonium. Mr. Guiselin is the Superintendent of the Sunday School.


Friendship Estate

In our issue of August 12 we stated that we were informed that Friendship in the Parish of St. James has been purchased by Don Juan Rondon, a Cuban gentleman. We have since been requested by the Proprietress to state that such is not the fact, and that the Estate may still be purchased by anyone who desires to have it.





Sept. 7, British Barque Arcadia, Stopher, 35 days, London, general cargo, consigned to Simon Thomson, Esq.

Sept. 7, Sloop Jane, Robey, St. Ann's Bay

Sept. 7, Sloop St. Ann's, Grant, Dry Harbour

Passengers Arrived

In the Barque Arcadia from London, Mr. Webb, Mr. Booth, and Mr. Kininmonth


The Montego Bay Presbyterian Church

We have received a printed paper, containing a "Statement and Appeal in behalf of Truth and Righteousness, by the Minister of the Presbyterian Church in Montego Bay." The Minister is the Revd. Adam Thomson, who complains that the Revd. J. M. Demiston has been preaching "objectionable dogmas" since his return from England. We decline writing editorially (as requested) on the subject.





Sept. 8, North-German Brig Seenymphe, Held, for Bremen

Sept. 8, British Brigantine Mary, Forrest, for Inagua.





Sept. 13. British Brig Britannia, Tod, 6 days from St. Thomas, to load, consigned to Messrs. Nunes Bros.


Execution of a Murderer

The young man James Edward Parker, who was convicted at Circuit Court in Bath for the murder of a laborer named Frederick Walsh, was executed on Saturday 6 Sept.. within the walls of the Gaol in Spanish Town. He confessed to the Revd. Campbell Mckinnon who attended him. The death warrant was read by Mr. J. Rickard, the Acting Deputy Marshal.





Sept. 18, American Schooner Hannah Coomer, King, 13 days, New York. Bread-stuffs.



In Falmouth on September 17th, in the 98th year of her age, Mrs. Mary Gardner leaving a large number of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. There was a large attendance at her funeral on the 18th.


Intelligence from St. Ann

Small Pox: There are, up to the present time, 25th September, 163 cases of Small Pox in the parish. In some houses in the town of St. Ann's Bay there are 7 to 8 cases, many of which are of a severe nature.





Sept. 27, British Brigantine Samuel Locke, Allan, 15 days from Halifax, via Kingston.


Agnes, July 1873 from New York

Agostina Langier, July 1873 from St. Jago de Cuba

Anglo, Brigantine from Lunenburg, N.S. June - July 1873

Arabella, A. I. Clipper built British Barque, leaving Kingston for London, August.

Aura, June 1873, from New York

Azow, from Glasgow. Kingston July 1873

Barbadian, July 1873, Kingston, from Lockport, N.S.

Carrie, July 1873. Brigantine Carrie

Carron, July 1873 in Falmouth. British Barque Carron

Castillian, Brigantine from Lockeport, N.S. Kingston August .

Charles Sawyer, Schooner from Wilmington, N.S. June - July 1873

Claribel, June 1873. Steamer Claribel from New York

Clytie, June 1873. Brig Clytie from Boston

Countess of Belmore, July 1873

Daisy, Brigantine from Halifax, N.S. June - July 1873

Desirade, June 1873. S. S. Desirade, Commander L'Aube, arriving from St. Jago de Cuba, going to Colon.

Dreadnought, July 1873. The Brigantine Dreadnought from New York

Dundee, July 1873.

ESK, Brigantine from Halifax, July 1873

Ferry Hill, July 1873 in Falmouth. British Brig Ferry Hill

Fred Locke, from Lockport N.S. In Kingston August.

Inquinac, July 1873 from Philadelphia

James Duncan, July 1873

Lizzie R., July 1873. Schooner Lizzie R. from New York

Maranham, A. I. Barque, 248 tons, for London from Montego Bay in September.

Mary A. Whitham, June 1873. Schooner from New York

Myrtle, July 1873 from New York

Qui Vive, July 1873 from Lockport N. S.

Romulus from London. Kingston, August

Sardonyx, July 1873 from Halifax

Saxon, July 1873. Brigantine Saxon from Halifax

Swanley, June 1873.

Thalia, from Halifax, in Montego Bay, August

Venezuelan from Liverpool. Kingston, July 1873


Alexander Henry, Watch and Clockmaker and Jeweller, Falmouth.


Country Store for Sale

That well known place of business at Miles Town in Hanover binding on Content Estate. The stock consists of the usual supply of Dry Goods, Wines, Spirits, etc. Applications may be made to M. A. Magnus, Miles Town, or to Abraham Hart & Son, Montego Bay.


Kingston, July 10, 1873

For Charter

To any port in the United States, North of Hatteras

The fine clipper built schooner

Charles Sawyer

143 tons per Register

Mullin, master


The A. I. British Brig, Ferry Hill, for London. Baulay, Master will be in the Port of Falmouth by July 5.


Falmouth, 14th July

All accounts due to Mr. Edward Hibgame, if not paid forthwith will be sued in the District Court.

D'Souza, Son & Lazarus.


Falmouth 7th July

Trelawny Dispensary - Notice

All accounts rendered 30th June, if not settled at any early date will be put in suit.

John C. Lewis.


Albert H. Morales

has just received

Handkerchiefs and twines

Falmouth, July 1873


Saddlery and Boots and Shoes

September 1873


For Lease or Rent with immediate possession

The Alluvian (or No. 6) Wharf

In the town of Montego Bay

Apply to Messrs. Nunes Bros. in Kingston or Falmouth


Martha Brae, Trelawny, 28 July 1873


My wife Ann Barrett, having left my protection since the month of June last, I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract.

Watson Barrett.


For Lease

On and after 1st September 1873 that large and extensive wharf and premises called

Jarrett's Wharf

Situate in the Central and Business part of the town of Falmouth

Apply to William Kerr, Orange Valley Estate, Hampden P.O., Trelawny



Queen's College

Spanish Town

Principal, William Chadwick, M.A.

Professor, Grant Allen, B.A.

The College will be opened on Monday, 22 September, 1873


July 1873

For Sale,

the Fine British Schooner Helen

17 Tons Register, built at Nassau, N.P.

Apply to Davidson, Colthirst & Co.


July 1873

For Sale,

The Spanish Sloop

Amable Maria

33 Tons Register

Apply to Davidson, Colthirst & Co.


August 25th.


No Carts, Buggies or Carriages are allowed to pass the ROCK BRIDGE on account of its dangerous condition. By order of the District Engineer.


Kingston, September

For Charter

The fine A.1 Barque Tropic, 494 tons, Vicary master

London preferred



For London

To sail on or before Sept. 30th

The A 1. British Brig Britannia

291 tons, Tod, master


At a meeting of the Committee appointed by the Hon. G. M. Lawson, President of the Cornwall Agricultural Club, held at Knockalva on August 12, those present were: Hon. William Kerr, Hon. W. H. Cooke, John Edwards, W. Dewar, DeB. S. Heaven, and Anthony Harvey, Esquires. At a meeting in Shettlewood on Sept. 3, also present were H. Vickers and E. H. Robertson, Esquires.


Wednesday the 1st of October, being the Jewish Day of Atonement, our place of business will be closed. Charles Deldago & Co.


The 1st of October, being the Jewish Day of Atonement, our Store, Wharf, and other places of business will be closed. D'Souza, Son & Lazarus.


Sept. 25, 1873



Situated in Falmouth Street, Falmouth, with Out House, Stabling, and extensive Yardroom. Please make offers to Mr. Alexander Scott, Wales Estate, or to Mr. David Scott, Copse P.O., Hanover, or in Falmouth to Mr. William Kennedy who will be glad to show the premises to any one wishing to make an offer.

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