Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library



June 1, 1866

Kingston, Jamaica

Passengers Arrived

In the steamer Talisman from New York:

Mr. Frank Lyons; Revd. M. Wilson and family; A. J. Pennell, Esq.

Sitting Magistrates

R .J. C. Hitchins; J. F. Lawrence; and J. K. Finzies, Esq.

Sailors Home

H. B. Shaw and J. C. Melville, Esqs.

June 2, 1866

Sunday Services

The Parish Church ............................................... The Rector

St. Michael's Church..............................................Revd. C. P. Street

St. George's Church...............................................Revd. E. Nuttall

Port Royal Church..................................................Revd. F. S. Bradshaw, Rector

St. Andrew's Church..............................................Revd. W. Mayhew, Rector

St. Andrew's Kirk..................................................Revd. James Watson

Coke Chapel..........................................................Revd. W. Holdsworth, morning

Revd. R. Copp, evening

Wesley Chapel.......................................................Revd. A Foote

Ebenezer................................................................Revd. W. Holdsworth, evening

Port Royal.............................................................Revd. R. Raw

Stony Hill )

Providence ).....................................Revd. Oughton & Revd. Gardner

East Queen Street Chapel )


At 5 a.m. this morning Alice, infant daughter of M. DeCordova, Esq., aged eleven months.


At the Carondelet Street Synagogue, New Orleans, on 6th May inst. By the Rev. H. S. Jacobs, Simha, second daughter of the late D. C. Dazevedo, to Mr. Isaac M. Morais, both of this city.

June 4, 1866

List of Passengers Arrived

For Jamaica, per R. M. C. Steamer "Tyne" from Southampton:

- Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals O'Flaherty, Mrs. O'Flaherty and niece

- Brevet Lieut. Col. Harley and female servant, Mrs. Harley and 2 children

- Sergeant Nix, wife and 2 children

- Sergeant Purcell, wife and 2 children

- Mr. H. Metters, R. N.

- Mr. S. Magnus and son

- Mr. O. Nunes

Sitting Magistrates

P. Bravo, A. L. Malabre and W. Berry


In this City on Friday morning, 1st June 1866, Martha Susanne, infant daughter of Willoughby C. Wright, aged 11 months.


In London on the 7th ultimo, in the 44th year of his age, Ellis James Davis, Esq., formerly of this City, leaving a widow, three children, mother and sisters to mourn their loss.

The Late Ellis J. Davis

Intelligence has been received by the Packet of the death of Ellis Davis, Esq. In London. Mr. Davis was for many years a merchant of this city and highly respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.

June 5, 1866

Military Intelligence

Lieutenant Colonel Harley, 3rd W. I. Regiment and family, Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals, O'Flaherty, wife and nice [sic]; Company sergeant Major Nix, and Sergeant Inspector of Musketry Purcell, 3rd W. I. Regiment, have arrived per Royal Mail Steamer from England. Lieutenant Colonel Harley assumes the Command of the 3rd W. I. Regiment at Camp, Captain Shearman becoming 2nd in Command, and Deputy Inspector General O'Flaherty takes over from Dr. Bent the medical charge of troops in Jamaica Command, the latter officer proceeding to England as soon as his health will permit. Colonel Conran commanding 4th W. I. Regiment has been granted the pension of £100 per annum for meritorious service. Lieutenant Granville, 6th Regiment, and Lieutenant W. H. Hill, 1st W. I. Regiment, have been permitted to retire from the Army by the sale of their commissions. Staff Surgeon Davys (who arrived by last mail) and Lieutenant Samson, 1st W. I. Regiment proceed by next Steamer to England, for the benefit of their health.


There is nothing new from Haiti. The country is quiet - At Port-au-Prince there was a great scarcity of carpenters and bricklayers as a good many of the houses burnt in the last fire were being rebuilt.

Captain Sampson & Lieut. Ballantine

By the recent death of Captain Smith, 1st W. I. Regt., Lieut. Samson becomes a Captain, and Ensign Ballantine a Lieutenant without purchase. We congratulate these officers upon their promotion, and are sure that the public of Kingston, where both are known an greatly respected, appreciate their promotion as deserved and share with them the pleasure afforded by the intelligence.

The Royal Mail Co. Steamers to Colon

By the R. M. C. Steamer Tyne which arrived here on Sunday evening, we are in a position to state that the Colon Route of these Steamers, will, for the present, remain without alteration. The Tamar from Colon is expected here on the 8th inst. To take the mails on to St. Thomas.

Baptist Missionary Society

The annual meeting of the members and friends of this society was recently held in Exeter Hall, under the presidency of Mr. W. E. Baxter, M. P. The Revd. F. Testrail, the secretary, read the report, which stated that the receipts of the year had been £27,016, and the expenditure £30,133. 12s. 6d. The affairs of Jamaica had naturally excited much attention during the past year. The conduct of Governor Eyre and the island press in reference to the letter of Dr. Underhill had greatly damaged the missionary cause. The committee had the fullest confidence in Dr. Underhill, and in the purity of his motives in calling upon the Secretary of State for the Colonies to institute an inquiry in the condition of Jamaica. The committee had under consideration what steps should be adopted to protect the mission in Jamaica, and had already determined to establish a station at Morant Bay. The recent disturbances had had a prejudicial effect upon the stations, for there had been a diminution of 2000 in the number of members with only an addition of 300 by baptisms. The report alluded with satisfaction to the recognition of the success of the Baptist mission in Jamaica by Sr. H. Storks. The Chairman, the Revd. Mr. Robinson, of the London Missionary Society; the Revd. R. W. Dale, of Birmingham, and other gentlemen addressed the meeting, and the report was adopted.

June 6, 1866

Military Intelligence

Major General C. P. Ainslie came out in the Transatlantic Mail Steamer, to assume the command of the troops at Barbados.

Captain G. W. Coventry, 15th Foot, accompanied Major General Ainslie as A.D.C.

Major General E. Basil Brooke returns to England in the Shannon.

Difficulty with the Customs

A misunderstanding has arisen between Mr. Henry James DePass, storekeeper, of this city, and the Customs authorities. It appears that Mr. DePass passed warrants for the shipment of 6 Cases of Brandy in bond to Navy Bay. By some mistake the Customs shipped 5 Cases of Brandy and 50 Cases of Claret Wine, the property of Mr. Charles Gadpaille, then also in bond. The Claret was retuned to this Port as having been wrongly shipped; Mr. DePass applied in the Customs authorities to make good his losses; and they refused; thereupon Mr. DePass instituted an action for damages against the Customs authorities.

June 8, 1866

During the past fortnight rather more illness than usual has prevailed in this city, though not more perhaps than might be expected, considering the intensely hot weather which we have experienced. Dysentery and Diarrhoea have been very prevalent; and when attacking children, have proved fatal in many instances. A few cases of Choleraic Diarrhoea have occurred, but as far as we can learn, have proved amenable to treatment. Some alarm has been created by the report that two or three cases of Cholera have appeared in this city. We are in a position to state that though two or three cases have certainly appeared, all of them were mild, and not one has proved fatal. We see no reason, merely from the occurrence of these isolated cases in different parts of the city, and totally unconnected with each other, to fear an epidemic of this disease. 'Sporadic' instances of this disease, are by no means rare in this city. Malarial Fevers prevail, principally in the intermittent form, though mild, and to a limited extent. We may, however, expect an increase of this type of disease, after the 'rainy seasons' which appear to be setting in.

NOTICE. June 6, 1866. Information is requested respecting Miss MARY ANNE ROGERS, native of the County of Cork, Ireland, who came to Kingston, Jamaica, in the year 1850. If alive she will please write her relatives in the City of Cork and send her address to the undersigned who will thankfully receive any information respecting this Lady.

John MacPherson MacNeil, Clerk Peace - Kingston

Passengers arrived

In the Steamer Caraibe from Cape Hayti:

- Mr. P. Gauthier

- Mr. A Carvalho

- Mr. B. M. Poyt

- Mr. A. Guerrero, from St. Jago de Cuba

- Mr. A. Verly


Passengers Sailed

In the Steamer Talisman, for New York:

- Mr. Abraham Pinto

- Mr. Abraham Pinto, Jr.

- Miss J. G. Gordon

- Mrs. R. Redwood

- Mr. Belisario

- Mr. Crosswell

- Mr. William Small

June 9, 1866

Public Nuisance

The Seventh of June, the Anniversary of the Great Earthquake of 1692, was observed with great rigour in this City, much to the annoyance and inconvenience of the Mercantile community, who were compelled to put up their shutters and close doors by an activity and zeal upon the part of the Police almost unparalleled. In former years the interests of the Mercantile community were not disturbed by an advantage of the law that has long since been considered obsolete. Many were the shifts resorted to by those who were compelled for post business of other pressing matters, to be at their places of business, and who wishing to avoid the fine, yet desired to have a little light and breath of fresh air. That adopted by Messrs. Turnbull & Lee may be particularly mentioned for its "point"; they suspended in a conspicuous place, the notice "Open for the sale of bread", and a couple of loaves exposed on a silver salver excused them. We sincerely hope this will be the last of such a nuisance. A petition to the Governor would perhaps be the best way of putting an end to it.


- Robert Marsh, St. Ann's, planter

- S. H. DeLisser, Montego Bay, on his individual account in the style of S. H. DeLisser & Co.

- Henry Dias, Kingston

- Samuel A. Peat, St. Catherine

- Israel Lopez, St. Catherine

- W. O. F. Naugle, St. Elizabeth

- Edward Ffrench, Kingston

- G. F. Judah, St. Catherine

- W. A. Hamilton, Kingston


On the 5th instant, at the Parish Church in this City, by the Revd. D. H. Campbell, M. A., Rector of Kingston, assisted by the Revd. F. S. Bradshaw, L. L. D., Rector of Port Royal, Edward Gordon Farquharson, Esq., son of the late Lieutenant William T. Farquharson, R. N., to Alice, third daughter of the late James Marshall, Esq. of this City.

June 11, 1866

FOUND By one William Clarke, on the Old Harbour Road, Savannah, some time in December 1865, one SHEEP, which has since dropped one Lamb. The above property is now in my possession and will be restored to the owner on identification and the payment of expenses.


11 to 2nd prox. June 11, 1866

Magnus vs. Vermont


Between Elias Septimo Magnus Petitioner, and Ann Johnson Vermont, and John Richards Kitchen, (Executors of Thomas Robert Vermont), James Montague Bent Vermont, Henry Scot Vermont, John Vermont, Mariette Vermont, Thomas Robert Vermont (the younger), Alice Vermont, Mary Atkinson, and Wilhelmina Atkinson, Respondents:

In pursuance of the Decretal Order of this Honorable Court of date the 30th day of May, 1866, I hereby give notice to all and every THE CREDITORS OF THOMAS ROBERT VERMONT, LATE OF THE Parish of Trelawny, deceased, to come in and prove their several debts, claims, and demands against and upon the estate of the said Thomas Robert Vermont, deceased, before me, at my Chambers, in the Town of Saint Jago De-la-Vega on or before Wednesday the 4th day of July next; otherwise they will be excluded the benefit of the said decree.

Give under my hand, this 7th day of June 1866 at Saint Jago de-la-Vega aforesaid.


Passengers Arrived

In the W. I. and P. S. S. Steamer "Mexican" from Liverpool:

- Miss H. Magrath

- James Reid, Esq.

- William Landell, Esq.

From Port-au-Prince:

- Mrs. Catherine Simpson and 2 children

- Mr. Peter Gibbons

- Mr. M. Laforest

- Mr. J. A. D. Landre

- Miss Euphemia Pothemont

- Mr. J. H. Ferreyra

June 12, 1866


His Excellency Edward John Eyre, Esquire, attended Divine Service at the Cathedral, Spanish Town, on Sunday last, and his Lordship the Bishop of Kingston administered the ordinance of Baptism to the infant child of his Excellency. His Lordship was afterwards the guest of His Excellency at King's House.

His Excellency entertained a select party at Dinner on Saturday evening. Among the guests present we understand were Captain W. S. Cooper, R. N.; Edwd. B. Lynch, Esq., Joseph Stone Williams, Esq., and F. R. Lynch, Esq.

Sir Moses Montefiore

Sir Moses Montefiore has returned from his Mission of Charity to his Jewish Brethren in Jerusalem.


In the paragraph under the above heading, in our issue of the 9th, the name of H. A. Thompson, Kingston, was misprinted W. A. Hamilton. We hastened to make the correction, in our Country Edition yesterday, and expressed our regret at the occurrence of the error.

June 15, 1866


In this City on Wednesday, the 13th instant, Mr. Jeremy Davis to Leah, daughter of Mr. M. M. Sollas.

St. Thomas in the East Circuit Court

The Circuit Court for the Parish of St. Thomas in the East will be held on the 21st instant. The calendar contains eleven cases; five of assault, arising out of the late Rebellion; one of murder against Mr. Gordon Dewberry Ramsay; one of manslaughter and four of larceny. Mr. S. D. Lindo is the Solicitor for Mr. Ramsay.

June 18, 1866

Passengers Sailed

In the French steamer Caraibe, for St. Jago de Cuba:

- Thomas Daniel Hill; Charles Louis, Esq; Edwin Corinaldi, wife and daughter; Manuel Nunes, Esq.

For Cape Hayti:

- A. Carvalho; J. Gotheir; Peter Morison, Esquires.


At Montego Bay, on Wednesday the 13th instant, by the Father of the Bride (under special Authority) Mr. Wilfred Nunes, to Esther, eldest daughter of S. G. Corinaldi, Esq.

Sitting Magistrates

Peter John Ferron; Joseph Francis; Jonas Hart, Esqrs.

Sailors Home

Rev. E. Nuttall and H. J. Bicknell, Esq.

Mr. Gordon Ramsay

We have been informed by Mr. S. D. Lindo, the Solicitor of Mr. Ramsay, that his Honor the Attorney-General will not prefer any indictment against Mr. Gordon Dewberry Ramsay at the approaching St. Thomas in the East Circuit Court. His Honor has not abandoned the charge, however; and we may therefore accept the delay as pending the pleasure of Her Majesty in regard to the Jamaica Indemnity Bill.

June 19, 1866


At St. Mary's Church, St. Thomas in the East, , on the 14th instant, Alexander De Montagnac, to Olive Susan, the daughter of the late Philip O' Reilly, Esq., Stipendiary Justice, and step-daughter of James Ward, Esq., Fair Prospect, St. Thomas in the East.


At Cedar Valley, on Friday 8th June 1866, Jannette, daughter of the late David Gibson, Esq., age 27 years and six months, deeply regretted by her relatives and friends.

Robbery of Soap

The Soap Factory, situate in East Queen Street, in this city, was robbed on Saturday last of a lot of Soap consisting of about thirty boxes. Suspicion falling on a man who had been discharged some two months since, he was apprehended and brought before the sitting Justices yesterday, and the case was remanded till Thursday for further evidence. Messrs. Alt. DeCordova & Co. have offered a Reward of £5 for the recovery of the stolen property.

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