Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library
Edited by Dr. Robb, Kingston. Subscriptions and Advertisements for 1882 are to be paid to the Rev. Wm. Murray, Falmouth. Subscription is 2/6 per annum, post free.
Married, in the Presbyterian Church, Falmouth, on Tuesday December 12th 1882, by the Rev. William Murray assisted by the Rev. James Cochrane, Nathaniel Jones, Esq. to Ellen Gordon Gray, daughter of Patrick Gray Esq. of St. James.
Many a terrible calamity has befallen this city and island, the earthquake of 1692, the hurricane of 1712, hurricane, earthquake and pestilence in 1744, and, more recently, fire, flood and storm; but nothing has surpassed this last fire in the destruction of property. Happening during the daylight, it did not destroy many lives, although some escaped with difficulty, through the upper, nether and surrounding fires. The origin of this fire is still in doubt. We know not certainly whether it was due to accident, to carelessness, or to malice. Once having taken hold of timber on a wharf and of the dwellings near, it was soon carried by the strong S.E. sea breeze far beyond the power of man to subdue. It rushed on house after house towards the West, and the eddies caused by the hot flames carried the conflagration in a somewhat irregular and surprising course. Places were caught, lying behind other places that escaped, flashing as it were round corners. Corrugated iron roofs and wet blankets protected some large stores that were in the line of the fire. The breeze carried showers of burning fragments to great distances, scattering them on shingled roofs as dry as tinder, which caught and extended the flames. The wharves, stores, and offices along the beach were one wall of flame and so was that part of the town South and West, which was most thickly peopled, and in which stood the two Synagogues, which have been entirely destroyed. Towards evening the land wind carried the conflagration southward, and completed its devastation. Along with the wharves, offices, and wholesale and retail stores in the lower part of town, 598 dwelling houses are consumed, and several thousands of people rendered houseless. The destruction is complete; over a wide area there stands nothing but bare walls; and nearly half-a-mile lies between the point East where the fire broke out, and where it ceased, leaving nothing more to consume.
From all parts of the Island help has come. But aid from home is needed, and will certainly be given.
The Relief Bulletin, printed on Saturday 23rd December, states what is being done to feed and clothe the destitute. It gives 598 as the number of dwelling that have been consumed, £286,598 as the value of these, and states that after deducting the amounts insured, the owners' absolute loss will reach £200,000. The loss to them in rent will be £22,000 to £25,000, the loss to the Revenue £28,650, and to the Water Company £9,000, until the destruction be repaired.
The Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Jamaica met at Montego Bay, on Tuesday 12th December. The Rev. James Cochrane opened the proceedings, conducting divine service and preaching the sermon. The Rev. Leonard Miller was chosen Moderator for the year, and Rev. William Gillies was appointed clerk of the Synod. Two public meetings were held. The Rev. Messrs. Williamson, Russell, Brown and Smyth, Ministers of the other sections of the Church universal, took part in the meetings. Much was said regarding an outburst of superstition in St. James, which is doing great mischief, and which some think might righteously be forbidden by authority. This particular outcome is combined blasphemy, immorality, roguery, ignorance and superstition.
News of the fire in Kingston reached Montego Bay by telegram. It evoked ready sympathy in the community; and the members of the Synod contributed £68. 10s. 6d, £25 of which was given by Mr. Roxburgh of Annandale. Other contributors were Mr. Adam Roxburgh, Rev. Thomson, Murray, Miller, Ingram and Gillies; McNeill, Simpson and Noble; Scott, Gordon, McDonald, Drummond, Heighington, Hamilton, Baillie, Robb; Messrs. Shirley, Pine, Arnold, Jarrett, Shaw, Goodin, Reid, Byfield, Dean, Grant, Forbes, Robertson, and Campbell.
Subscriptions received during December, 1882
(Amounts varying from 2/6 to £3)
Hon. Robert Nunes, Simon Thompson, Thomas Alexander, Dick and Abbott, Briscoe Brothers, Michael Solomon & Co., Bravo Brothers, H. W. Cody & Co., J. R. Young & Co., Charles Llewellyn, L. J. Preston, J. S. Corinaldi, Rev. H. H. Hamilton, John MacPhail, Hon. H. J. Kemble, Park, Reid & Co. per Archibald Munro, Frederick Chamberlain; Miss Roxburgh, Annandale; Thomas F. Roxburgh; Rev. Richard Drummond; Rev. John MacDonald; Rev. H. B. Wolcott; James Grant, Lucea; Rev. A. P. Thomas; Rev. William Gillies.
Received for 1883
William Lee, Esq., Rev. W. F. Hathaway; Rev. J. Macdonald; Rev. J. M. McNiell; Rev. T. Downie; W. Runcie, Esq; Rev. W. A. Tucker.
The undersigned whose Printing Establishment was entirely destroyed by the fire of the 11th December, begs to state that he is using every endeavour to resume business. . . Mortimer DeSouza, Temporary Office, 55 King Street, Kingston.
The Misses Knibb, Kettering, Falmouth, will reopen the School, conducted by them (D.V.) on Wednesday, January the 24th, and all Pupils are requested to assemble on that day.
Parcels of clothing for women and children may be addressed to: Mrs. Downer, Jamaica Government Railway.
And for men to: L. F. Mackinnon, Jamaica Government Railway.
The Relief Committee of the General Masonic Benevolence
Lodges and Brethren please send fonations to J. C. Ford, c/o Messrs. Henry Pinnock & Co., Harbour St., Kingston.
Applications for Relief may be sent to Brothers: C. W. Tait, J. L. Ashenheim, B. M. Dias, A. H. Jones, William Duff, E. X. Leon, J. C. Ford, A. C. Sinclair, G. W. Downer, E. Friedlander.
Joseph Davidson & Co.
Musgrave House, 113 Harbour Street, Kingston.
Michael Solomon & Co.,
St. Ann's Bay.
Bravo Bro. & Co.,
Commission merchants and general dealers, St. Ann's Bay
H. W. Livingston, Manager
Government Savings Bank
H. W. Cody & Co.
The Eagle Store, Barry and King Streets, Kingston
Joseph S. Segre
General dealer and importer, 61 & 63 George Street, Savanna-la-Mar
Comer and Miller
American dentists, No. 1 Parade, Kingston
Vane Hill
Torquay, Devonshire, England
A second class teacher for the Presbyterian School at Rosehill, St. Mary. One who can play the Harmonium or Organ preferred. Apply with testimonials to Revd. H. B. Wolcott, Richmond P.O.
Standard Life Assurance Co.
Jamaica - Board of Directors
Hon. James H. McDowell, Esq. M.L.C. Chairman
The Hon James Chapman Melville
Ven. Archdeacon Brooks, M.A.
James Ryley, Esq.
Thomas Oughton, Esq., Advocate and Clerk of the Legislative Council
Medical Officers: Dr. James Ogilvie, Dr. Izett Anderson
Agent: H. J. Kemble
Jamaica Mutual Life Assurance Society
Founded in 1844
Patron: Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B.
R. Russell, Esq., Chairman
Hon D. P. Trench, Vice-Chairman
S. E. Pietersz, William Lee, F. B. Lyons, J. E. Martin, J. T. Orrett, Rev. G. W. Downer, Joseph Reid, Esquires.
Albert H. Jones, Secretary
A trained teacher to take charge of a school at Jeffrey Town. . . Reply to the Revd. John Aird, Goshen Manse, Gayle P.O.
At Creek Town, Old Calabar, West Africa, on October 24, 1882, the wife of the Rev. H. G. Clerk of a son.
At Carron Hall, St. Mary, on the 24th Jan. 1883, the wife of the Rev. Q. R. Noble of a daughter.
In the Wesleyan Chapel, St. Ann's Bay, by the Rev. S. L. Lindo, on Thursday 18th January, Christopher Kerr Phillips to Pauline Amanda, youngest daughter of the late Phillip D. Turner, Esq. of New Banks, St. Ann. No cards.
We are authorized to say that the Bazaar for the repairs on the property of the Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church, East Queen Street [Kingston], has been very satisfactory in its results.. . His Excellency the Governor was so good as to take an hour or two from onerous duty, to open the Bazaar by a few kindly words, and that Lady Musgrave and Mrs. General Gamble also mingled with the assembly. .
The Editor has to thank Mr. Sinclair, the Superintendent of the Government Printing Office for his great kindness and courtesy, in aiding the publication of our January and February numbers, the plant of our printer having been largely injured by the fire.
On Tuesday, 16th January, we had the pleasure of being present at the Annual Missionary Meeting in the Presbyterian Church at Friendship [Westmoreland].. . . On the platform there were 10 gentlemen. S. S. Segre Esq. occupied the chair and performed the duties in a graceful and dignified manner. The Episcopal Clergyman, the Rev. H. Clarke, Junior, gave an instructive and very practical address on Home Missions. . . the Rev. J. S. Pryor, pastoer of the Wesleyan Church, gave an address on Foreign Missions. The Presbyters of the West had the strength of the Rev. William Gillies, from Edinburgh Scotland added to that of the Rev. Robert Gordon from the Northern Presbytery, who is a son of Friendship Church. David F. Thomas, Esq., of Ackendown closed with some stirring remarks.
Mount Hermon
The Annual Missionary Services of the Mount Hermon Congregation [Portland?] were held on the 24th and 26th December last. In consequence of the sudden indisposition of Mr. J. S. Ingram of Hampden, who was engaged for the Sabbath Services, the pastor of the congregation preached the Missionary Sermon. . . On the following Tuesday the Missionary meeting was held, when, along with Mr. Gordon, there were present the Revds. A. Thomson, P. Larsen (Moravian) and A. Rushbrooke (Episcopalian).
Subscriptions received for 1882:
F. Guiselin, A. B. Dignum, John Baillie, Phillips and Abraham, George Jenkins, John F. Henlas, Alexander Palmer, S. W. Jarrett, WIlliam Cork, James White, Rev. RObert Gordon, J. M. Facey, Dr. Miller, H. W. Livingston, Hon. William Kerr; Anthony Musgrave Private Secretary; His Excellency Sir Anthony Musgrave, Mr. Justice Ker, Rev. E. B. Heighington, Robert Beverland, Hon. William McDonald, C. W. Treleaven, John Allwood, A. C. Byfield, Colonial Secretary's Office, Immigration Office, D. A. Young, Frank Austin.
Subscriptions received for 1883:
Miss DaCosta, Mr. Waldron, Charles Hines, Isaac Gordon, Joseph Davidson, C. D. Arscott, J. Lothian, Joseph Codner, Mrs. Batley, Mrs. McLean, J. Bryant, D. Dupee, Rev. L. Miller, F. Tapper, Rev. C. A. Winn, Dr. Taylor, P. Chapman, Rev. A. Baillie, George Hicks, Rev. J. Martin, Jamaica Mutual, Rev. T. P. Russell, John Ellis, George DeSouza, Joseph Craig, Jacob Levy, Rev. H. Hamilton, Richard Carter, Daniel McPherson, Rev. Smith, G. B. Alexander, Miss D'Aguilar, H. Campbell, T. Dickenson, W. McGlashan, H. W. Livingston
Briscoe Brothers
Wholesale and retail, corner of Tower and King Street.
Mortimer C. DeSouza, Job Printer, will resume business this month, at No. 11 Church Street, opposite his old stand.
At Grand Cayman on 9 January, 1883, the wife of Rev. John Smith of a daughter.
At Victoria Town, Manchester on 14 February, 1883, the wife of Rev. Hope Hamilton of a son.
At the Presbyterian Church East Queen Street, by Dr. Alex Robb, on February 23, 1883, Amos C. McMillian to Margaret H. L. Whittle.
We had the pleasure to be at a meeting of Managers and Teachers of the Schools in and around Kingston, held on 16th January. There were present the Hon. Alan Ker, the Hon. George Henderson, the Hon. Dr. Phillippo, Messrs. Hicks, Smeeton and Bowrey, Rev. Geddes, Gillies, Dupont, Azbill and Peckover with a goodly number of male and female teachers. A Teachers' Association was formed.
Subscriptions received for 1882:
Charles M. Phillips, George Malcolm, Rev. H. H. Hamilton, R. R. Cunningham, Rev. R. Gordon, David Archer, B. S. Gosset, Dr. DeLeon, H. G. Henry, A. H. Dundas, Rev. T. Griffiths, A. D. Smith, Mrs. Miller Nebraska (donation), From Subscribers at Montego Bay per Rev. A. Thomson 15s, A. G. Facey, Lewis Grant, Alfred Pawsey for Advt., F. Ratigan, Richard Webster, Hon. L. S. Marshalleck, Hon. J. Wanchope Fisher.
Subscriptions received for 1883:
Mrs. Miller, Rev. Noble, Herbert Sullivan, J. Robertson, John S. Hewan, Charles Cover, L. R. Fyfe, Hon. E. N. Walker, Mrs. Brown, James Allwood, Rev. Wolcott, Mr. Facy, A. J. Sisk, Hon. Dr. Mosse, G. P. Lewis, Daniel Kelcher, A. Benloss, Rev. D. J. East, Rev. J. Cork, Miss A. Scott.
We sincerly regret to learn that Sir Anthony Musgrave is about to leave Jamaica. He has been appointed Governor of Queensland, the north east region of Australia.
The Rev. Q. R. Noble of Carronhall, St. Mary, has been unanimously called by the Presbyterian congregation of Mount Zion, St. James, to be their minister.
Ordination Services
On Monday, the 12th March, the Rev. John S. Ingram was, by the Northern Presbytery, ordained to the office of the holy ministry, and inducted to the pastoral charge of the Presbyterian Church and Congregation at Hampden, Trelawny. The Rev. Adam Thomson, of Montego bay, preached the opening Sermon, and the Rev. William Murray of Falmouth put the questions and offered the ordination prayer.
On Tuesday 27th March, Mr. James Robertson was ordained as pastor of the church at Ewing's Caymanas, by the Eastern Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Jamaica. The Rev. J. Cochrane preached a sermon, Rev. W. Gillies put the usual questions, and Rev. J. Robertson offered the ordination prayer. The Rev. H. Scott spoke to the people of their responsibilities. The Rev. Mr. Goodyer and Rev. Mr. Tucker, of Spanish Town, united with the Presbytery in the act of ordination. Alexander Crum Ewing, the proprietor of the estate. . has given a residence, a place of meeting and very generous aid towards the maintenance of the pastor. A gown was presented to the young minister by Mr. Kemp, one of Mr. Ewing's employees.
Subscriptions received for 1883:
G. F. Judah, Ebenezer Douglas, The Mico Institute advt., Rev. F. W. Hathaway, Rev. R. Gordon, Rev. J. SImpson, Dr. Scott, Rev. J. Cochrane, Rev. J. Robertson, Jomes S. Gunter, F. B. Staines, Rev. J. Radcliffe, COlin Hogg, A. Lothian, W. Laing, Rev. H. H. Hamilton, S. Johnson Knight, D. Morris, Rev. S. Lindo, Alex. Dalrymple, C. B. Henry, Robert Brown, H. A. Ellis, Capt. Wallace, Rev. W. Murray, Charles Wood, Rev. J. J. Seiler, Joseph Colash, George Syme.
Mount Carmel School
Wanted immediately for the above School, a Trained Teacher. Application with Testimonial from last Employer, and also a Certificate of Church Membership, must be sent to the address of the undersigned.
James Robertson, Manager.
Mount Carmel, Chapelton P.O.
In Kingston by the Rev. J. H. Cochrane, on Thursday 12th April, 1883, Cleveland George DeSouza to Alice Maud, second daughter of Julius Spyer, Esq. of Linstead. No cards.
His Excellency Sir A. Musgrave having left Jamaica on the 20th April, the Hon. Col. Wiseman Clarke, Senior Military Officer and Senior Member of the Privy Council, has assumed the Administration of the Government. He has appointed Anthony Musgrave, Esq. to act as his Private Secretary.
to Mr. Osmond Dolphy. In accordance with the rules of the Presbyterian Church . . . calls were given by the congregations of Chesterfield and Brandon Hill on Monday and Tuesday the 16th and 17th April to Mr. Dolphy of the Presbyterian College, Kingston.
On Wednesday, 18th April, Mr. George S. Turner, probationer, having been called to the pastoral office at Salem, St. Mary's was ordained to the office. The charge to the young minister was delivered by the Rev. Henry Scott of Port Maria, and the congregation was addressed by the Rev. Q. R. Noble, Carron Hall, and Rev. M. J. Mitchell of Cedar Valley.
Two young scholars, Edward Thomas Lea, who was educated at York Castle and at Potsdam, and Charles MacDermott Martin, educated at the Collegiate School and privately competed for the Jamaica Scholarship in December last. The former is the son of the Rev. Thomas Lea, and the latter, the son of Doctor Martin of the Mico Institution. Mr. Lea has gained the Scholarship being in the honours division. Mr. Martin was in the second division, very creditable to his ability and industry.
Subscriptions received for 1883:
Rev. Mr. Berry, Mr. Forbes, Fred. Ritchie, Rev. Mr. Heighington, Ebenezer Douglas, Rev. Mr. Butcher, Miss Aikman, The Hon. Thomas Capper, Robert Henlin, Mrs. C. Smith, Sutton Scoltock Esq., Rev. James Robertson, G. H. Hood Esq., Rev. H. H. Isaacs, James Vine Esq., Rev. G. Turner.
Wanted, a trained teacher and catechist for Seafield Presbyterian Church. Apply Personally or by letter, with copies of testimonial to Rev. Q. R. Noble, Pear Tree Grove, P.O., St. Mary.
At Carron Hall, on the 19th May, Richard W. Byefield, Elder of the Presbyterian Church, for the district of Palmetto Grove. Aged 48 years.
His Excellency Major-General G. J. Gamble, C.B., commanding the forces in the West Indies, having assumed the direct Executive Command of the regular troops within the Island of Jamaica, and, being the Senior Military Officer for the time being in command of the regular troops within the Island and as such the Senior Member of the Privy Council resident in the Island, has in the absence from the Island of the Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief and of the Lieutenant-Governor and under Her Majesty's Commission dated the 15th of May, 1882, succeeded to and assumed the Administration of the Government of Jamaica.
Many families in Jamaica have had to suffer a season of great anxiety in regard to friends who left them in the mail steamer, the "Don," on Thursday, 10th May. We have had a letter from the Rev. Mr. Cochrane, who was on board, and it states the few simple facts of the case. On the night o the 10th, about 11 o'clock, off Jeremie, a steamer, which was afterwards found to be a Haytien war vessel, struck the Don on the bows, breaking some of her iron plates a little above the water line. The aggressor disappeared, and suspecting that she had sunk, Captain Woolward of the "Don" sent out his life boats to pick up any that might be in the water. The report is that the Haytien was so much damaged by this apprentice attempt at ramming, that she some time thereafter sunk, and that several of her crew were drowned. We may fairly conjecture that they thought the "Don" might be a vessel with contraband of war for the use of the rebels under Bazalais[?]. If so, her officers had only to keep the "suspect" in sight, to follow in her course, or bring her to for inspection.
The "Don" reached Port-au-Prince, where she lay four or five days. Her Majesty's man-of-war, the Griffon, was there, and her commander lent the aid of her men and resources, so to repair the "Don," that she has gone on to England. It is thought more than probable, that if the "Don" had been struck amidship, she would have sunk, and that many would have been drowned. It is reported that as the result of a commission, the sum of £5,000 has been demanded of the Haytien Government for damages.
We are glad to report that the R.M.C. Steamer "Don" which was disabled at Port-Au-Prince for nearly a week, arrived safely at Plymouth at 1 a.m. on the 30th May, losing only a day by her detention.
We regret indeed that we have to report the death of a son of Jamaica, the Rev. Samuel Edgerley. He was born, we believe, in Trelawny, was educated in Scotland, and followed his late father, who died in 1857, to the service of themission of the United Presbyterian Church in the old Calabar Country, West Africe. As he went there in 1854, he has been nearly 30 years in harness.
New Ministers in Presbyterian Churches
The Rev. Hugh Logan McMillan, Arrived from Scotland on the 2nd May, and after preaching at Lauriston in St. Ann's, and Goshen in St. Mary's was introduced to the congregations of Bellevue and Reid's Friendship on Sunday May 20th, and was at subsequent meetings cordially invited to remain and become the minister of the United Churches.
The Rev. Q. R. Noble, late of Carron Hall, was inducted into the pastoral charge of the Presbyterian Church at Mount Zion, St. James. The Rev. J. S. Ingram of Hampden preached; Rev. Adam Thomson offered the induction prayer.
Subscriptions received for 1883:
James T. Dickenson, Rev. T. Rogers, Rev. Mr. Morris, R. L. Roxburgh, Dr. Martin, Miss Knible, Ephraim Polack, Rev. W. Gillies, Capt. Wallace, Robert Brown, H. A. Ellis, S. B. Henry, T. H. Bruch, James Williamson, Samuel Duncan, James Leake.
Wanted, a trained teacher for Mount Zion Presbyterian Church. Apply personally or by letter, with copies of testimonial to Rev. Q. R. Noble, Little River P.O.
Our readers will feel the deepest sympathy with our brother, Revd. William Gillies, Mrs. Gillies and their family. His oldest surviving daughter, Isabella Sophia, a sweet and interesting christian girl of seventeen, died on Monday, 25th June, after an illness of nearly seven months.
On the evening of June 1, a valedictory service was held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Falmouth in connection with the departure of Mr. Murray who for twelve years had been the pastor of the congregation assembling there.
The Rev. Mr. Murray, formerly editor of this paper, with Mrs. Murray and the Misses Murray, and Rev. Henry Wolcott, B.A., with Mrs. Wolcott and child left this Island by the American steamer on the 8th June.
The congregation of Rose Hill, of which Rev. H. Wolcott is Minister, presented him and Mrs. Wolcott with a kind address on their leaving for a few months' rest in their native America.
On Wednesday, 30th May, Mr. George Davidson, late of the Presbyterian College, was licensed as a preacher of the Gospel, by the Eastern Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Jamaica.
Subscriptions received for 1883:
Mrs. J. O. Clerk, Mrs. Bernard, James Martin, Rev. Wolcott, Richard White, John McLeod, Miss Leonora Fraser, Isaac Simeon, F. A. Petgrave, W. Panton Forbes, Rev. A. B. Lind.
Two trained teachers for the Presbyterian Schools at Lucea and Greenland.
John M. McDonald, Riverside, Lucea, P.O., Falmouth
The School conducted by the Misses Knibb will be re-opened (D.V.) on Wednesday, July 25th.
Roderick B. Smith
Practical book binder, has reopened at Water Lane (one door East of King St.)
The Rev. Mr. Spratt, well known minister of the Wesleyan body, lost his life by a sad horse accident, leaving a widow and numerous family.
We regret exceedingly to have to announce the death of Mr. John Lothian of Messrs. Lothian and Laing, Builders, leaving wife and four children. Mr. Lothian was recently elected an elder of the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, East Queen Street, Kingston.
We regret to learn the decease of Sir John Lucie Smith, Chief Justice of this Island. He went home in bad health, and he returns mo more hither. He has held his high post for about 13 years.
On Tuesday July 17, the Eastern Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Jamaica met at Chesterfield for the purpose of ordaining Mr. O. C. Dolphy, student of the Presbyterian College, Kingston. The charges to minister and to people were delivered by the Rev. Henry Scott, Port Maria, Rev. James D. Robertson, Ewing's Caymanas, and Rev. George S. Turnor, Salem, St. Mary's.
The Report of the Registrar-General for the year ending September 30th [1882] has been issued. It states that the births were 20,749 and the deaths 11,874. Taking in the 4 years of registration the average excess of births over deaths has been 6,710. Of boys there were 10,522, of girls 10,227. Of these children 12,000 were born out of wedlock. The Registrar, referring to the four years past, says there is no hopeful change in this matter. The sad fact lies before us that out of every 100 births, 58 are illegitimate. The degradation which this testifies is a dangerous element in any population. When women have no self respect, men do not respect them, and the result is harmful to the community in the highest degree. There can be no true liberty in a degraded community.
Referring to the deaths, it is pleasing to find only 4 cases of yellow fever, and only 14 during the last four years. There has been no death from small-pox. It is strange that of 1,633 deaths in 8 of our towns, mostly on the coast, only 344 were certified by medical men.
Subscriptions received for 1883:
J. W. Grant, Misses Johnston, Thomas Oughton Esq., Rev. E. B. Heighington, Rev. James Robertson, J. W. Somerville.
The students:
George Davidson, 3rd Year, John K. Braham, 2nd year, Robert Dingwall 1st year, and John Lannaman, preparatory.
Opening of the new church at Ebenezer, Manchester
On Thursday, the 23rd August, the new Church which has been in the course of erection during the last 2 years for the accommodation of the congregation of the Rev. J. B. Alexander, was opened. The whole expense of the building was £1,065.
The vacant congregation at Goshen, St. Mary's, has most cordially and unanimously called Mr. George Davidson of Kingston to be their Minister. He has just finished his 3 years' course of study at the Presbyterian College.
Subscriptions received for 1883:
Mr. Briscoe, Rev. H. Scott, Joseph Davidson, Rev. H. Scotland, Rev. L. McMillan, Samuel D. Smith, Rev. J. S. Ingram, Miss Kerr, John P. Brown, Rev. E. Fray, John Bean.
Samuel D. Smith, Goshen P.O., St. Elizabeth, is agent for the "People's Illustrated Journal."
On September 22nd at Annandale the residence of T. F. Eoxburgh Esq. by the Rev. H. Scott assisted by the Rev. William Gillies, Arthur D. Cadenhead Esqr. of the Bogue, Ocho Rios, to Emma Josephine, youngest daughter of B. Clarke Esq. of Camden East, Ontario Canada.
Subscriptions received for 1883:
Mrs. Aird, J. Whittingham, Rev. A. Baillie, Edwin U. Ellis, His Excellency General Gamble, Capt. Fawkes, George S. Patterson, P. W. Strachan, Rev. J. D. Ellis, G. R. Phillips, J. S. French, E. Turnbull, Thomas A. Salmon, Philip Hart, John S. Reid, S. E. Payne, Alexander Renie, E. B. Lynch, Robert McFarlane, John McFarlame, Dr. S. Moore, A. S. Dillen, Edward Fray Jnr., Rev. C. Brown, George Robertson.
The Rev. William Simms, M.A., Head Master of the Jamaica High School has prepared an Elementary Class Book of the Geography and History of Jamaica.
Letter to the Revd. S. J. Washington, pastor of the Baptist Church, Green Island, expressing regret that he is leaving the pastoral charge and Congregation in Green Island.
Signed by Richard Drummond (Presbyterian Minister)
Robert Watson, J. O.
Henry Robins (Government Dispenser)
J. H. Barnes (Episcopalian Teacher)
Joseph Vernon (Methodist)
George Aitcheson, Corporal (Constabulary) and others.
Subscriptions received for 1883:
Miss Kerr, A. S. Dillon, Edward Fray Jnr., James Minot, Frederick Fletcher, A. M. Jackson, W. Vernon, Rev. A. Willis, Joseph Segre, Rev. Q. R. Noble, John Nixon, Sergeant Major Gordon, Rev. O. C. Dolphy, E. P. Pullar, J. O. Milke, R. D. G. Howard, Rev. O. S. Smyth, J. G. Chisholm, J. A. S. Monaghan.
Thirty Eight Years'
Mission Work in Jamaica
Being a brief sketch of the life of the late
Rev. Warrand Carlile, of Brownsville, Hanover, by one of his sons. Adam Thomson, Montego Bay.
A trained teacher is wanted for the above School in St. Ann's. A married man preferred--one able to play and teach Music. Testimonials as to character and ability indispensable. Apply to Thomas F. Roxburgh, Claremont, P.O.
18 King Street, (next door to E. D. Kinkead)
John Stelfox has reopened at the above address with an entire new stock of General House Furnishing
On 15th November, Isaac Simeon Douglas of Mount Liberty to Janet Phillips Gordon, the youngest daughter of Henry Gordon, Esq., of Mount Liberty, Clarendon.
Subscriptions received:
H. Campbel, Miss S. Johnstone, S. S. Gooden, R. Martin, Robert Shaw, George Harty, Re. E. Heighington, Rev. O. Welch, Miss DaCosta, C. R. Taylor, J. M. Goffe, T. B. Lawrence, R. T. Clerk, Rev. O. Dolphy, William Saunders, Mrs. De. McFarlane, R. S. Phillips, Rec. E. Palmer, Rev. R. Drummond, R. Watson, Rev. R. Gordon.
Opening Services
The New Presbyterian Church
at Riverside, Hanover
Wednesday, 12th December
The Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Jamaica
will meet on
Wednesday, 12th December, 1883 at 6:30 p.m.
in the Presbyterian Church, Lucea
George McNeill, Convener of Committee, Lucea
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Jamaica Almanacs Slave-owners, Civil & Military officers, Magistrates etc.
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Transcriptions from Registers and Wills (Church of England, Dissenters, Civil Registration)
Jamaican Roman Catholic Church Registers - transcriptions
Jamaican Methodist Baptisms - transcriptions
Jewish births marriages deaths - transcriptions