Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library
Please see Wills:
Joseph Bennett
James Blair
William Fraser
Philip Carver James
Charles Wright
James Cooper Wright
Nathaniel Wright
George Williams
Jamaica SS George the third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King and of Jamaica Lord Defender of the faith. To our trusty and well beloved and Alexander Girdwood and James Miller. Know ye that we have Constituted authorised and Appointed and By these presents do Constitute authorise and Appoint ye or either or ye to Administer an Oath unto William McKnight or any other that are witnesses and can make oath of Signing Sealing publishing and declare of the last Will and Testament of Joseph Bennett late of the parish of Saint Elizabeth planter deceased and thereof you or either of you are to make a due return under your or either of your Hands and Seals unto our Captain General and Governor in Chief of the same for the time being with this power annexed so that such Proceedings may be ordered therein as may be according to Law.
Witness his Grace the Duke of Manchester Captain General and Governor in Chief of our said Island at Saint Jago de la Vega the 3rdh day of March Annoque Domini 1810 and in the 50 year of our Reign.
Passed the Secretary's Office
R. Robertson, Secretary
In obedience to the within Dedimus Potestatem to me and another directed I have administered an Oath unto the within named William McKnight as I am thereby directed. Given under my hand and seal this twelfth day of March 1810.
A. Girdwood
Joseph Bennett, Proved 12th March 1810
Jamaica SS This is the last will and Testament of me Joseph Bennett of the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the County of Cornwall and Island aforesaid Planter I hereby Give devise and bequeath unto the several persons hereinafter named the following Legacies That is to Say unto my Son Joseph Bennett the following Slaves named Thisby, Basheba, Jenny, Franny, George, Hazard, little Len son of Franny and Philip and the future issue offspring and increase of the females with fifty acres of Land on Greenfield run, his heirs assigns
Unto my son William Bennett the following Slaves named Tom, Jack, old Len and Piomeo with fifty acres of land on Greenfield Run and two Acres of Land at Paratee where his house now stands and the first Choice of one Slave after the decease of his Mother his heirs and assigns.
Unto my son in law Edward Taylor the following Slaves named Monumia, Quaco, Hardtimes, Dolly, Hannah, Sarah, John Barry, Jacob, Betty, Isabella Anthony and Eve with the future Issue Assigns and increase of the females and fifty Acres of Land on Greenfield Run for and during and until the full end and term of his natural life and no longer and after his decease it is my Will and desire that the said Slaves and Land shall fall and avert to the said Edward Taylors children named Eleanor Taylor Martha Taylor Elizabeth Taylor and Nicholas Taylor with one sixth part of the residue of the Slaves after the decease of my Beloved Wife Rachel Bennett to be equally divided between them as Tenants in Common and not as joint tenants and to the survivor or survivors of them for Ever
Unto my Son John Bennett the following Slaves named Ben son of Sarah Judea Susanna Peggy and little Harry with Seventy Acres of Land on Greenfield Run Provided Nevertheless That should the said John Bennett die without Issue by his present Wife That then it is my will and desire that After his and her decease the said Negroes and Lands shall lapse and sink in my residuary Estate
Unto my Son Montague Bennett the following Slaves named Abraham Agnes, Beck and her two Children George and Priscilla Present and her two children Maria and Jack and Violet with the future Issue and increase of the females and liberty to work twenty acres of Land on John Cunningham Run his heirs and assigns for Ever
Unto my son Thomas Bennett the following Slaves named Bob Sancho Ruthy, Molly Flora, Bella Sambo Tom Little Ned with the future issue and increase of the females and the use of twenty acres of land on John Cunningham Run his heirs and assigns for Ever
Unto my Grand Daughter Ann Poiser James the following Slaves named Jubah and her three children William Mary and Jenny, Ann and Cyrus with twenty Acres of Land on the South End of John Cunningham Run and five acres on the north west end of Spring Garden Run and the future Issue and increase of the females of said Slaves her heirs and Assigns for ever
Unto my Daughter Dorothy Bennett her immediate freedom with the following Slaves named Kitty Mesina and her three children named Leanora Melia and July with the future issue and increase of the females and twenty acres of land north of Ann Poiser James but joining her provided Nevertheless that if the said Dorothy Bennett should die without issue then the said Slaves and Land shall lapse and sink into my residuary Estate
Unto my Slave Silvia her immediate freedom But to live under the inspection of her Daughter Dorothy Bennett who is to maintain her
All the rest residue and remainder of my Estate both Real and Personal the same now is or hereafter shall or may or wherever situate I hereby give devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife Rachael Bennett for and during and until the full end and term of her Natural Life and I hereby direct my Executors hereinafter named to work and employ the Same to and for her Sole Use benefit and Behalf And after her decease it is my Will and desire the said residue and remainder of my Estate shall be equally shared among my Lawful Children and their heirs as Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants with the Exception of one six part already bequeathed to the children of Edward Taylor
Lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my said two Sons Joseph Bennett and William Bennett, Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former and other Will and Wills Codicil and Codicils at any time by me heretofore declaring this and this only to be my last Will and Testament
In witness whereof the said Joseph Bennett, the Testator have hereunto set and subscribed my Hand and applied my Seal to this my Last Will and Testament Contained on four Sheets of Quarter Post this Eighteenth day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Five
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Joseph Bennett as and for his Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of Each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses
Joseph Bennett
James Wade
Wm. McKnight
Joseph Hall
10 shillings
Jamaica SS In obedience to the dedimus Potestatem hereunto annexed I have administered an Oath unto William McKnight who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists deposeth and saith that he was present and did see Joseph Bennett the Testator in the annexed Instrument of Writing named being at that time of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding Sign Seal publish and declare the same as and for his Last Will and Testament and at the same time James Wade and Joseph Hall were also present and together with him subscribed their names as witnesses to the same in the presence of the said Testator and further that he knows nothing of any Will since made by the said Testator that can tend to the disadvantage of the will hereunto annexed. Given under my Hand and Seal this twelfth day of March 1810
A. Girdwood
Jamaica SS William 4th by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King and of Jamaica Lord defender of the faith. To our trusty and well beloved James Miller and Henry C. Forbes. Know ye that we have Constituted authorized and appointed and by these presents do Constitute authorize and appoint ye or either of ye to administer an oath unto A. G. Robertson or any other that are witnesses and can make oath of the signing sealing publishing and declaring of the last Will and Testament of James Blair late of the Parish of Saint Elizabeth Esquire Deceased And thereof you or either of you are to make a due Return under your or either of your hands and Seals unto our Captain General and Governor in Chief of our said Island or to the Governor in Chief of the same for the time being with this power annexed so that such proceedings may be ordered therein as may be according to law.
Witness his Excellency The Most Noble Howe Peter Marquess of Sligo Captain General and Governor in Chief of our said Island at St. Jago de la Vega. The Twenty fifth day of June Annoq Domini 1835 and in the fifth year of our reign
Passed the Secretary's Office
Walter G. Stewart, Secretary Sligo
Jamaica SS In Obedience to the written Dedimus Potestatem to me and another directed I have administered an Oath unto the within named A. G. Robertson as I am thereby directed. Given under my hand and Seal this 2 day of July 1835.
James Miller
Will James Blair ___ 6th August 1835
Jamaica SS In the Name of God Amen I James Blair of the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the County of Cornwall in the said Island of Jamaica Planter being of sound and disposing Mine Memory and understanding do make this my last Will and Testament in Manner and Form following First I will and desire that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid and to the payment thereof subject all my Estate real and personal
Secondly I will and bequeath all my wearing apparell of whatever description to a Mulatto woman named Elizabeth Pennycook and my reputed daughter her named Margaret Blair to be equally divided between them Share and share alike
In the third place I will and direct all the rest residue and remainder of my estate and effects of what kind or nature soever of which I may die possessed or have a right to dispose of to be sold as soon as convenient after my death and the proceeds thereof divided Equally share and share alike by my Executors hereinafter named between the said Elizabeth Pennycook her said daughter Margaret Blair and her other children named Thomas William David James Eliza Henry Robert and Isabella and my reputed children by Ann Cook now residing on Mount Zion named Agnes Mary and Horatius or to the survivor or survivors of them on the youngest attaining the age of Fifteen years and until then it is my desire that my Executors hereinafter named do place the proceeds of my Estate and Effects as aforesaid in such securities as to them may appear most eligible and that the interest thereof be appropriated to the use and support of the said Elizabeth Pennycook Margaret Thomas, William, David, James, Eliza, Henry Robert and Isabella and Agnes Mary and Horatius share and share alike
and lastly I do Nominate Constitute and appoint the Honourable Duncan Robertson of the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the said Island my brother William Davidson Blair of the City of Glasgow Wine Merchant and William Walker of the Parish and Island aforesaid Planter Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all and every other Will or Wills at any time heretofore by me made and do declare this to be my last Will and Testament written on two sides of foolscap paper.
In witness whereof I the said James Blair have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 5th day of May 1835.
James Blair
Signed Seal declared and published by the above named James Blair as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his Request in his presence and in the presence of Each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto
W. A. Rose, James Hall, A. G. Robertson
Jamaica SS In obedience to the dedimus potestatem hereunto annexed I have administered an oath unto A. G. Robertson who being duly sworn on the holy evangelists deposeth and saith that he was present and did see James Blair the Testator in the annexed Instrument of Writing named being at that time of sound and disposing Mind Memory and understanding sign seal publish and declare the same as and for his last Will and Testament and at the same time Wm. A. Rose and James Hall were also present and together with him subscribed their names as witnesses to the same in the presence and together with him subscribed their names as witnesses to the same in the presence of the said Testator and further that he knows nothing of any will since made by the said Testator that can tend to the disadvantage of the Will hereunto annexed
A. G. Robertson
Given under my hand and Seal this second day of July 1835
James Miller
Jamaica SS James M. Facey being sworn maketh oath and saith that the within contains Six legal sheets and 80 words to the best of his belief J. M. Facey
Sworn before me this 6th day of August 1835
D. Finlayson
Liber Old Series 120 Folio 3
Island Records Office, Jamaica
Jamaica SS
This is the last Will and Testament of me William Fraser of the city and parish of Kingston in the county of Surrey and Island aforesaid merchant In the first place I will and direct that all my just debts funeral expenses and testamentary charges be paid by my Executors hereinafter mentioned as soon as conveniently may be after my decease and I subject and charge all my real and personal Estate that I may be possessed of at the time of my decease with the payment thereof
I give and bequeath unto Sarah Johnston and Christian Robertson Kelly both of the city of Kingston gentlewomen the sum of three hundred pounds current money of Jamaica each
I also give and bequeath unto Lawrence Gibson of the city and parish of Kingston merchant the sum of three hundred pounds currency to be laid out by him in such manner and way as he might think best for the use and benefit of James Fraser the infant son of an apprentice named Princess MaCartney and I direct the principal of the said sum to be paid over to the said James Fraser whenever he the said Lawrence Gibson shall think fit and proper the said three legacies or sums of money to be paid by my Executors as soon after my decease as convenient
I also give and bequeath unto my brother James Fraser of the town and parish of Forfar in that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain called Scotland all my dividends capital stock and interest of and in my five Shares of the National Bank of Scotland or of whatever number of Shares the same may consist which belonged to or of right now payable to me from the said National Bank of Scotland and for his own goods chattels and effects
And as to all the rest residue and remainder of my estate of whatsoever nature or kind the same may be and consist of and wheresoever situate I give devise and bequeath the same in manner following that is to say I give devise and bequeath one third part or share thereof unto my father William Fraser the Elder of the town and parish of Forfar aforesaid and one other third part or share thereof I give and bequeath to my said brother James Fraser and their heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever and as to the remaining one other third part thereof I direct my Executors hereinafter named or such of them as shall qualify under this my Will to invest and place out the same in some good and sufficient security in the names of my said brother James Fraser and John Yeaman [sic] Banker of the said Town and parish of Forfar aforesaid and their executors administrators and assigns who shall stand possessed of and interested in the same upon trust to pay over the interest dividends and annual proceeds of the said trust monies unto my sister Catherine Fraser the wife of Douglas Fraser of the town of Arbroath in the said County of Forfar for and during the term of her natural life to and for her own sole and separate use and benefit or to such person or persons as she by any writing signed with her proper hand shall from time to time notwithstanding her present or future coverture direct or appoint and my will is that her present or any future husband shall not interfere or meddle therewith nor shall the same be liable to his debts and engagements and that the receipts of my said sister shall be a sufficient discharge for the same and from and after the decease of my said sister then upon trust to pay and apply or assign and transfer the same to and amongst all and every the child and children of my said sister Catherine Fraser begotten or to be begotten to be equally divided between them if more than one share and share alike and if just one such child then to such only child.
I think it right to mention so as to avoid mistakes hereafter that I some short time ago purchased a house in North Street from the heirs or representatives of the late W. Aird and altho the title to the same was taken in my own name yet the purchase money for the said premises was provided for out of the copartnership funds of Gibson Fraser & Co. and I do hereby declare that the same hereditaments and premises now form part of the copartnership assets of that firm and do not belong to my individual Estate.
I now hereby appoint Lawrence Gibson and Isaac Gabriel Swainson of the said city and parish of Kingston and John Gordon of the parish of St. Andrew in this Island Esquires together with the said John Yeatman Banker of Forfar aforesaid Executors of this my Will and I do hereby revoke and make void all former and other Wills by me at any other time heretofore made and do declare this only to be and contain my last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have to this my Will contained in two sides of paper set my hand to the first side and my hand and seal to the second and last side the fifth day of May in the year of our Lord 1838
William Fraser
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the present of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
Edward B. Thomas James Young Samuel McCall
Jamaica Ss
In obedience to the dedimus potestatem hereunto annexed I have administered an oath unto Edward B. Thomas who being duly sworn on the holy Evangelists deposeth and saith that he was present and did see William Fraser the Testator in the annexed instrument of writing named being at that time of sound and disposing mind and memory and understanding sign seal publish and declare the same as and for his last Will and Testament and at the same time James Young and Samuel McCall were also present and together with him subscribed their names as witnesses to the same in the presence of the said testator and further that he knows nothing of any other will since made by the said testator which can tend to the disadvantage of the will hereunto annexed.
Given under my hand and seal this 8th day of February 1840. James Brydon
Dated the 30 day of December 1912
Last Will and Testament of
Philip Carver James of the
Parish of Saint Elizabeth Planter
Entered 14th August 1917 9.20 a.m.
This is the Instrument or paper-writing referred as the Will of Philip Carver James in the joint of affidavit of Reginald Carver James and Leontine Augustus Myers sworn to this 26th day of October 1916.
L. A. Myers R. C. James G. A. Hogg Acg. Clerk Courts St. Elizabeth
This is the paper writing referred to in the affidavit of Edmund Elliott Jones as the will of Philip Carver James sworn to this 26th day of October 1916.
Edmund C. Jones G. A. Hogg Acg. Clerk Courts St. Elizabeth
Jamaica SS This is the last Will and Testament of me Philip Carver James of Olive Park near Santa Cruz in the parish of Saint Elizabeth in the Island Planter I hereby revoke all former wills and testamentary dispositions made by me and declare this to be my last will and testament I appoint my son Reginald Carver James, at present of "Port Sea" in the said parish of Saint Elizabeth, Jeweller, and my friend Leontine Agustas (sic) Myers of Myersville in the said parish of Saint Elizabeth, to be the Executors of this my will. I direct the payment of all my just debts and liabilities and my funeral and testamentary expenses to the payment whereof I subject and make liable all my property both real and personal I bequeath the following legacies that is to say:- I give and bequeath to my son Gilbert Nunes James the sum of thirty pounds I give and bequeath to my daughter Ethel Beaumont, wife of Magnus Zephaniah Beaumont, of the said parish of Saint Elizabeth, Jeweller the sum of Thirty pounds to be paid to each of them the said Gilbert Nunes James and Ethel Beaumont by the said Reginald Carver James at and after the expiration of six calendar months next after my death I give and devise to my said son Reginald Carver James three fourths of my said property called "Olive Park" including the dwelling house, outbuildings and all other appurtenances thereto, the said three fourths of my said property "Olive Park" to include and comprise "Walker Piece" "House Common and stretching into "Big Pasture" and butting and binding from Caledonia on the South stretching on to The Villa the property of William Hamilton, on the East to Phoenix Park the property of Mrs. Alberga, West on Litchfield and Providence To Hold the same unto and to the use of the said Reginald Carver James his heirs and assigns absolutely in fee simple but subject nevertheless to the payment of the said sums of Thirty pounds hereinbefore bequeathed and directed to be paid by my said son the said Reginald Carver James respectively to my said other son Gilbert Nunes James and my said daughter Ethel Beaumont I give and devise to my other son Victor Leopold James the remaining one fourth part of my property "Olive Park" aforesaid including where his residence is located on part of "Big Pasture" adjoining Providence line running down to Bybrook To hold the same unto and to the use of the said Victor Leopold James his heirs and assigns absolutely in fee simple All the rest residue and remainder of my Estate both real and personal I give devise and bequeath unto my sons the said Reginald Carver James Victor Leopold James and Gilbert Nunes James and to my said daughter the said Ethel Beaumont to hold the same to them their heirs executors administrators and assigns share and share alike as tenants in Common In witness whereof I have set my hand to this my will the Thirtieth day of December One thousand nine hundred and twelve.
Philip Carver X James
Signed by the said Testator Philip Carver James as his last will (the same having been first read over to him in our presence) with his mark in the presence of us All being present at the same time who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
James Samuel Witter Teacher Pedro Plains P.O.
Edmund E. Jones Planter South P.O.
Joseph E. Elliott Planter Southfield
Declaration showing 4 sheets and 52 words.
I certify that I have examined this record with the original deed or writing of which it is the record, and that it is a true copy.
Clifford L. Lopez Examr. Speclly. apptd.
3035 1927-28 Entered 22nd March 1928, 9.30 a.m.
This is the last Will and Testament of Charles Wright late of Mountainside in the parish of St. Elizabeth deceased referred to in the Affidavit of Ada Louisa Wright as being thereunto annexed.
Dated 12th December 1927
her mark
Ada Louisa X Wright
L. B. Melville J.P. Saint Mary
This is the last Will and Testament of Charles Wright late of Mountainside in the Parish of St. Elizabeth deceased referred to in the Oath of Henry S. Wright the Administrator as being thereunto annexed
Dated Dec. 22nd 1927
H. S. Wright R. Whaites J.P.
This is the last Will and Testament of Charles Wright late of Mountainside in the Parish of St. Elizabeth deceased referred to in the Affidavit of John Grindly the attesting witness as being thereunto annexed.
Dated 29th December 1929
John Grindley R. B. Daly J.P.
Jamaica SS 12 January 1927
I the undersign Charles Wright living at Mountainside in the parish of Saint Elizabeth and Island of Jamaica do hereby make this my last Will and Testament in the name of God, Amen.
I now hereby leave and bequeath to my beloved wife Ada Louisa all that piece or parcel of land called Vanfriel in the aforesaid Parish and is estimated to be three Acres and three Roods of land 3A 3R -P more or less for her sole use and benefit.
JG Charles JG his
Sign X mark Wright
Witnesses- John Grindley
Lambert Wright
I certify that I have examined this record with the original deed or writing of which it is the record and that it is a true copy.
Signed: J. F. Rickard Examiner Speclly. Apptd.
In the Resident Magistrates Court
for the Parish of Saint Elizabeth
Holden at Santa Cruz
In Probate and Administration
In the Goods of
James Cooper Wright
late of the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in
this Island Planter deceased.
Entered 5th November 1896 9 a.m.
This is the last Will and Testament of James Cooper Wright late of the parish of Saint Elizabeth Planter deceased referred to in the affidavit of Samuel Slater as thereunto annexed.
Dated this 20th day of December 1895.
Samuel Slater F. E. Cole, Clk. Cts.
This is the last Will and Testament of James Cooper Wright late of the Parish of Saint Elizabeth Planter deceased referred to in the Oat of Executor John Hollingshed as thereunto annexed.
Dated this 4th day of January 1896.
John Hollingshed J. H. Clark J.P. St. Elizabeth
This is the last Will and Testament of James Cooper Wright late of the Parish of Saint Elizabeth Planter deceased referred to in the affidavit of James Honeygan as thereunto annexed.
Dated this 14th day of August 1896.
James Honegan (sic) Henry Maxwell J.P.
I James Cooper Wright of the Parish of Elizabeth County of Cornwall and Island of Jamaica do make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament I desire that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid by my executors to be hereafter named. I give and bequeath to Miss Martha Jane Skene for her natural life my property Friendship with the dwelling house and buildings thereon I also give and bequeath to her all the furnitures in the house after the death of Miss Martha Skene I give and bequeath to my cousin James Cooper Wright fifteen acres of land more or less adjoining the Queen's road on three sides School House and Ashwood road to his heirs issued and assigns forever I give and bequeath to Charles Robert Wright his heirs issues and assigns forever coffee piece run of land bounded on the Queens Road East and South North Priscilla Mullings and Edward Bevoks. I request that the Bigpond piece of land be sold and the money realised be used to pay off my funeral expenses and just debts should there be a balance left after paying all demands my executors shall hand over the amount to Miss Martha Jane Skene I give and bequeath to Esther Clarke the sum of two pounds I also give and bequeath to John L. Mullings my horse and saddle I give and bequeath to Priscilla Mullings for her natural life a small piece of land by the roadside enclosed with Penquin fence all round I give and bequeath to my godson James Brooks one acre of land adjoining his fathers land on the West I appoint my friend John Hollingshed to manage and keep up the property for Miss M. J. Skeene (sic). I nominate and appoint John Hollinghed and Henry William Plant Executors to this my last Will and Testament making null and void all former Wills and Codicil made by me.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of June one thousand eight hundred and ninety five
James Cooper Wright
Signed sealed and delivered and declared by the Testator to be his last Will and Testament and in his presence and in presence of each other we have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.
James Honegan (sic) Samuel Slater
In the Resident Magistrates Court for the Parish of Saint Elizabeth
Holden at Black River In Probate and Administration
In the Goods of James Cooper Wright late of the Parish of St. Elizabeth Planter deceased
I James Honeygan of Santa Cruz in the parish of Saint Elizabeth in this Island Commercial Clerk make oath and say that I am one of the subscribing witnesses to the last Will and Testament of the said James Cooper Wright late of Santa Cruz aforesaid Planter deceased the said Will being now hereunto annexed bearing date the first day of June one thousand eight hundred and ninety five and that the said Testator executed the said Will on the day of the date thereof by signing his name at the foot or end thereof as the same now appears thereon in the presence of me and of Samuel Slater the other subscribed witness thereto both of us being present at the same time and we thereupon attested or subscribed the said Will in the presence of the said Testator.
James Honegan (sic)
Sworn to at Santa Cruz in the parish of Saint Elizabeth in this Island this 14th day of August 1896 before me
Henry Maxwell J.P.
In the Resident Magistrates Court for the Parish of Saint Elizabeth
Holden at Black River in Probate and Administration
In the Goods of James Cooper Wright late of the parish of Saint Elizabeth Planter deceased
Particulars of Grant
The Will of James Cooper Wright late of the Parish of Saint Elizabeth Planter deceased who died on the second day of October one thousand eight hundred and ninety five having had his last fixed place of abode at Friendship in the said Parish of Saint Elizabeth was proved in the Resident Magistrates Court for the Parish of Saint Elizabeth and Letters Testamentary were granted to John Hollingshed the executor thereof on the twentyninth day of October 1896
Fred J. Goodin
Acting Deputy Clerk of the Courts for
the parish of Saint Elizabeth
Declaration showing 5 sheets and 54 words over
I certify that I have examined this Record with the original deed or writing of which it is the Record and that it is a true copy.
E. Percy Fletcher, Examr. speclly. apptd.
Jamaica SS Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen and of Jamaica Lady defender of the Faith VC To our Trusty and well Beloved Alexander Thomson and John Cuff. Know ye that we have constituted authorized and appointed and by these presents do constitute authorize and appoint ye or either of ye to administer an oath unto John Harriott or any other that are witnesses and can make oath of the signing sealing publishing and declaring of the last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Wright late of the parish of Saint Elizabeth planter deceased and thereof you or either of you are to make a due return under your or either of your Hands and Seals unto our Captain General and Governor in Chief of our said Island or to the Governor in Chief of the same for the time being with this power annexed so that such proceedings may be ordered therein as may be according Law.
Witness His Excellency the Rt. Honble James Earl of Elgin and Kincardine Captain General in Chief of our said Island at St. Jago de la Vega the Twelfth day of August Annoq. Domini 1842 and in the Sixth year of our Reign
Elgin and Kincardine
Passed the Secretarys office W. Stewart Secretary
Jamaica SS The Execution of the within Dedimus potestatem appears by the Will and probate thereof hereunto annexed. Given under my hand and Seal this 16th day of August 1842.
John Cuff
Nathaniel Wright Will, Entd 2 September 1842
In the Name of God, Amen. I Nathaniel Wright of the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the County of Cornwall and Island of Jamaica being of sound mind and memory do declare this to be my last Will and Testament. I desire all my Stock at Arlington consisting of horsekind and Cattle to be sold to defray the expences (sic) of my Funeral and other debts and likewise my Cart to be likewise sold Save and except the following to be given to my reputed Daughter Jane Kentish Wright. A mare called Justice and the choice of a heifer to given to Thomas Dyer Essen the filly out of Maymaid and the choice of Heifer to Miss Ruth Caroline Parchment I give to my Sister Mary Wright my proportion of Land at Friendship and to my cousin Mr. Charles Wright the Sum of Six pounds I desire two acres of my land adjoining the Kingsroad leading to the Santa Cruz mountains commonly called Forty Acres to be sold to a man named Billy Rowe and two years given him to pay for the same for two pounds eight shillings per acre which is to be taken out of his wages for work done on the property. The residue of all my property both personal and real I give devise and bequeath to my reputed daughter Jane Kentish Wright and her lawful issue forever and in case of her decease without lawful issue then to my nephew James Cooper Wright and my niece Mary Wright share and share alike My gold Watch Chain and seals I give to my reputed daughter Jane Kentish Wright and in case of her dying without having a lawful Son then to belong to my Nephew James Cooper Wright I nominate and appoint Mr. Thomas B. Mullings of Rockland and my Sister Mary Wright and my reputed daughter Jane Kentish Wright Executor and Executrixes to this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills and Testaments In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this ninth day of July one thousand eight hundred and forty two.
(Notation in margin - No seal) Nathaniel Wright
Witnessed by John Harriott
George Raby Wright
James Wright
Jamaica SS In obedience to the dedimus potestatem hereunto annexed I have administered an oath unto John Harriott who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists deposeth and saith that he was present and did see Nathaniel Wright the Testator in the annexed instrument of writing named being at that time of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding Sign Seal publish and declare the same as and for his last Will and Testament and at the same time George Raby Wright and James Wright were also present and together with him subscribed their names as witnesses to the same in the presence of the said Testator and further that he knows nothing of any will since made by the Said Testator that can tend to the disadvantage of the will hereunto Given under my hand and seal this 10th day of August 1842.
John Cuff
Jamaica SS I Philip Redwood do Swear that the annexed Will and paper attached thereto contain five legal sheets and fifteen words over to the best of my reckoning and belief
P. Redwood
Sworn before me this 1st day of September 1842 A. Lopes J.P.
Jamaica Ss
Will of George Williams
Enrolled the 29th of October 1703
In the name of God Amen. I, George Williams of St Jago de la Vega in the island aforesaid Gent being of sound and perfect minde and memory praised be Almighty God for the same and calling to mind the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof Doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say First and principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my heavenly father hopeing and firmly believing through the merritt and passion of His blessed Son my lovely Saviour Jesus Christ to obtaine free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and my body I commit to the earth to be decently interned at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named and as to such Temporal Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me with all my Debtors legacys and funeral expenses being first paid and satisfied out of the same I give and bequeath in manner and fortune following Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my eldest son George Williams my best sword pistols saddle and horse and also one feather bed bedstead and furniture thereunto belonging.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my second son Thomas Williams all that my land messuages tenements and buildings thereon situate and being in the towne of St Jago de la Vega with all and every of the appurtenances thereunto belonging fronting Easterly towards the house and yard formerly belonging to Samuel Long and westerly towards the house and late of Mr William Hunt and alsoe the sum of one thousand pounds now at interest my second sword gunn one feather bed bedstead and furniture to have and to hold to him my said son Thomas Williams his heirs and assignes for ever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my third son John Williams all that my dwelling house wherein I now live with the outhouses land yard and appurtenances thereunto belonging and also a piece of ground adjoining to my said land which I purchased of Mr John Martin decd. And also my house land yard and appurtenances adjoining the tenements of Hugh Murry and also all that my land pasture and penn which I purchased of Mr John Martin with the negroe slaves thereon named You Hannah and her three pickannieos with all manner of stock thereon being or therein to belonging none of the said stock to be diminished or taken off the said pasture without my executors shall think it necessary for the use of my wife and children in housekeeping and I also give and bequeath unto my said son John Williams the sume of one thousand pounds current money of this Island now at interest and one feather bed bedstead and furniture to have and to hold my said son John Williams his heires and assigns for ever and my further will and meaning is that in case any of my said sons should happen to dye before they attaine to the age of eighteen years at which time if they think fitt they are to receive and enjoy their respective legacyes and portions [?] aforesaid that then his or their portions on dyeing shall be equally divided share and share alike amongst the survivors and survivor of them to hold them and their respective heires and assignes for ever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my two daughters Mary Williams and Elizabeth Williams by Elizabeth Williams my wife the house land outhouses yard and appurtenances in the towne of St Jago de la Vega which I redeemed from Mayor John Ellis. I also give unto my said Daughter Mary Williams one negroe girle named Venus and unto my said Daughter Elizabeth Williams one negroe girle named Sarah.
Item. I give and bequeath unto each of my said Daughters one thousand pounds a piece current money of this Island now at the interest to be paid to them at the age of eighteen years or day of marriage which shall first happen. The said premises and legacyes hereby given and bequeathed unto my said Daughters Mary and Elizabeth Williams to be held to them and their heires and assignes for ever but in case either of my said daughters dye before they arrive to their said age of eighteen years or day of marriage such survivor of them to have and enjoy the said house and land herein before given between them and the said negroe slave to her hereby also given and it shall happen that both my said Daughters shall dye before they arrive to the aforesaid age or day of marriage then the said house and land therein before given them I give and bequeath unto my son George Williams his heirs and assignes and the portion or portions of them or her soe dying as aforesaid to be equally divided between my said three sons share and share alike.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my living sister Mary Waldin widow the house where she now lives in with the appurtenances during her mortall life and alsoe one negro woman named Catalina and her Pickanniyeo during her natural life and after her decease the said house and land to goe to my said son John his heires and assignes and the said negro woman Catalina and her pickannieos to my said son Thomas.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my said sister Mary Williams the sume of forty pounds p. annum during her naturall life to be paid her quarterly for the true payment whereof I doe hereby engage the four severall legacyes and bequests herein be fore given and bequeathed to my four severall children vizt Thomas Williams John Williams Mary Williams and Elizabeth Williams to stand chargeable for the payment of the same as followeth to with Ten pounds p annum a piece to be paid to my said sister at tenne pounds p. quarter during her naturall life as aforesaid and if it shall happen that my said sister Mary Waldin shall dye before her son George Waldin attaine his age of eighteene years then it is my will and I doe hereby order and appoint him a handsome maintenance and decent Education out of the profits of the whole Estate herein given and bequeathed to my four youngest children equally to be borne between them until the said George Waldin shall arrive to this said age of eighteen yeares as aforesaid.
Item. It is my will and meaning that in case any part of the money by me placed out at interest and soe given and bequeathed as aforesaid shall happen to be lost or prove insolvent by the death or any misfortune of the person or persons to whome the same is lent that then such loss shall be equally austeyued [distributed??] between my said children to whom the same is given and bequeathed share and share alike.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Elizabeth Williams five negroe slaves during her natural life named Robin Daphney Betty Rose and great legged Betty and after my said wife deceased to my said son Thomas Williams I alsoe leave the care and education of my said children to my said wife and management of what they have during their minorities her widdowhoodd and good management. But in case she marries againe and by that reason a mismanagement of the affaires aforesaid may happen I then desire my Executors hereinafter named to take the care and management of the same upon them on the behalfe of my said children.
Item. I give and bequeath unto such poore people of the Town of St. Jago de la Vega as as receive not Alms of the parish the sum of Twenty pounds as my Executors shall thinke fitting to be given amongst them next Christmas after my decease.
Item. I give unto John Offley Gent the sume of Five pounds.
Item. My will is that imedeately upon my death twenty gold rings before be made and delivered to twenty of my particular friends without any other gift or scarfept. [bequest??]
Item. All the rest residue and reminder of my estate whatsoever reall and personall whether house land plantations negroes goods or chattels whatsoever I give and bequeath my said son George Williams his heires and assigns forever.
Item. I give unto Francis Rose Esqr and Francis Palmer Gent. Ten pounds a piece. Lastly I constitute and appoint my said son George Williams and my very good friends Francis Rose and Francis Palmer Executors of this my last Will and Testament desiring of them to see the same duly executed and performed In Witness whereof I the said George Williams have to this my last Will and Testament sett my hand and seale the twenty second day of March Anno de Domini 1702
The marke and seale of
George Williams
Signed sealed published
And declared by the Testator
George Williams In the
Presence of George Dawson
Thomas Tucker
John Offley
Memorandum that on the 3rd day of May 1703 appeared before me Thomas Tucker and John Offley and made oath upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that they were present and saw George Williams being thereof sound and memory signe seale publish and declare the within Instrument to be his last Will and Testament and that att the same time George Dawson was present and together with them the said Thomas Tucker and John Offley subscribed his name as witnesses to the same in the presence of the said Testator.
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