Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library
Falmouth, 4th January 1879
Robert Rogers, surgeon and physician Ireland, being about leaving the island, calls on those of his patients whose accounts are unsettled for an immediate payment to prevent unpleasant measures being resorted to.
On the 4th of December last at Christ Church, Brondesbury, by Dr. Williams, Sarah Jane, third daughter of D. H. D'Souza, Esq., to Samuel Morris Cover Esq..
In Falmouth on Thursday the 9th January, Mr. George P. Delisser, Harbour Master, aged 53 years, leaving a widow and nine children to mourn their irreparable loss.
At the quarterly meeting of the Municipal Board on Saturday last Mr. George P. Huie was appointed Poundkeeper for Falmouth at a salary of £30 year.
Mr. Wortley was on Saturday last appointed keeper of the Fire Engines; the appointment having become vacant by the death of Mr. George P. Delisser.
On Tuesday the seventh of January, the "A.H.S.", a sloop belonging to Captain Owens of Montego Bay, foundered off Point Gallenas. Captain Stevenson drowned -- the sea was running very high at the time, and after the vessel foundered, he swam for about a mile and a half, and got ashore on the rocks off Gallenas, but the drawback of the waves carried him against a rock and struck him senseless, after which he was no more seen. The Captain's son and Alexander Scott, the other two who had been on board, were saved.
The court was opened on January 9.
The following people were found guilty of stealing canes: Elizabeth Fowler, Thomas Barrett, Isaac Thompson, Thomas Smart, Joseph Anderson.
Thomas Clarke guilty of larceny.
John Smith and James Palmer guilty of shopbreaking and larceny.
The following were found guilty of praedial larceny: George Malcolm, Robert Louis, James Reid, Catherine Lawrence, Catherine Barrett, Eletia Wallace, Charles Bernard, Robert Price, Jane Marchant, Rebecca Nelson, William Grant, Ann Stewart.
Peter Clarke guilty of wounding.
Edward Reid guilty of larceny.
Archibald Scott guilty of shopbreaking and larceny.
James Townsend guilty of larceny
Peter Lamey guilty of indecent assault.
David Jarrett guilty of larceny of butter weighing 5 pounds, the property of Morris Lazarus.
Miss Judith Ball who was employed at the Marine Hospital for many years has been discharged and another matron from Kingston, called Mrs. Humber, has been appointed in her place.
On Friday last, a coroner's inquest was held to inquire into the cause of the death of Edward Lawrence, a convict who died suddenly in the prison about two weeks ago. After listening to medical testimony the jury returned a verdict of death by fatty degeneration of the heart.
The Falmouth District Court held its sittings at St. Ann's Bay on the 20th January.
John Davidson, guilty of praedial larceny.
Henry Walters guilty of unlawful wounding.
George Pinnock guilty of larceny of growing trees.
At Retreat, the court was held on the 21st January.
Isabella Lord and Rebecca Walker guilty of praedial larceny.
Stephen Young guilty of unlawful wounding.
On Tuesday last, a coroner's inquest was held to inquire into the cause of the death of Henry Brown, a convict who died in the prison on December 23. The evidence showed that the prisoner was in ill health when he entered the prison. After listening to medical testimony the jury returned a verdict of death from valvular disease of the heart.
The Honorable F. C. Williams has been appointed judge of the Falmouth District Court. The learned gentleman succeeded the Honorable Philip Anstie Smith at Montego Bay. He returned to the island a few weeks ago after enjoying leave of absence for several months.
The above named court was opened at the courthouse in Falmouth on the 10th of February, before the Honorable F. C. Williams, judge.
Charles Minto vs Julian Russel for larceny of one growing cane, guilty.
John Palmer vs Peter Stirling for larceny of bananas. Sentenced to the Reformatory for five years.
Keddoo (Coolie) vs Juraham (Coolie) for larceny of money. Guilty.
John H. Gilbourne vs George Bartlett and Alonzo Nathan for assault. Both guilty
Dr. Courtenay, Bishop of Kingston, has announced his resignation of the office.
The Reverend Mr. Lindo, Wesleyan minister in St. Vincent, has been appointed to the congregation in Falmouth and its out stations. The vacancy was occasioned by the death of the Reverend Mr. Jeffery in September last.
Mr. John Pasmore, Collector of Customs at Falmouth, has been gazetted as member of the Pilotage and Harbour Board of this district in the room of the late Mr. Joseph Malabre.
The death is announced of the Honorable John Salmon, for many years President of the Legislative Council of Jamaica. After the change of constitution in 1865, Mr. Salmon retired into private life on his properties in St. Elizabeth. He had attained the ripe old age of 82.
The United Presbyterian Kirk in Kingston is to be supplied with a permanent pastor in the person of the Reverend Mr. Cochrane. He was for some years a minister of the Presbyterian Church of England. He is expected in March.
The February sitting was held in Montego Bay on February 7.
The following were guilty of stealing growing yams: James Morris, James Mulgrave, Joseph McIntosh.
Thomas Allen and Benjamin Reed guilty of stealing growing canes.
Sarah Ann Jeph guilty of stealing growing naseberries.
February 15, British schooner Augustus Muir, Vele, master from Halifax via Kingston with fish stuffs.
We have been requested to give insertion to the following, which we do in a spirit of fair play to the engineers and others concerned in the construction of the Duncan's well.
"We congratulate the inhabitants of Duncans upon the success of the public well. It appears water now flows in great abundance, and the pumping machinery is working admirably. Great credit is due to the district engineer Mr. Tilly for his perseverance and to Mr. Renwick in bringing this invaluable undertaking to a successful issue."
A coroner's inquest was held on Tuesday last on the body of a female infant who died a short time ago. A. B. Dignum, Esq. acted as Coroner. Louis Lazarus, Esq., Foreman, and Messrs. J. Sullivan, James Dobie, James McKay, James Andrew, Robert Westmore, John Whannel, H. J. D'Souza, James Brown, ---- Melville, Thomas Whiteside, James Thomson composed the Jury.
Mrs. Thompson, Mary Hine, Mary Bailey, and Mr. J. McKereth were the witnesses examined -- one of them being a servant of a benevolent lady, to whose house the child, shortly before dying, was removed. It the evidence of all the witnesses went in one direction, which was that there had been criminal neglect on the part of the mother of the child. The jury returned a unanimous verdict of willfully starved, killed, and murdered by the mother.
On the last days speaking of the Kingston Circuit Court on the 27th of February, two lads, Nicholas Patterson and Eustace Aarons, were found guilty with having forged and uttered an order on Mr. Henry Augustus Hugg for several cans of salmon, sardines and oysters, representing the order to have come from a Thomas Cook, a shopkeeper of Browns Town.
At Falmouth on Thursday 27th of February, the wife of Mr. Charles Lewellyn of a daughter.
At King Street, Montego Bay, on the 23rd of February, at 7:45 p.m. the Reverend James Reid, Baptist minister.
And on the following day, about the same hour, Mrs. Hannah Baylis Reid, his wife.
The above Court was opened at the Court House in Falmouth on March 6.
Thomas Reid guilty of wounding.
Alex Martin and Eliza Bernard guilty of praedial larceny.
The District Court was opened on Monday, March 3.
Richard Gooden and William Murray guilty of stealing growing yams.
We regret to have to record the foundering of the Sloop Sprite on a voyage from Montego Bay to Falmouth on Sunday forenoon. Her crew consisted of Thomas Walker (Master), Daniel King and Hackett (seamen). She left Montego Bay at 12 o'clock on Saturday night, having on board, in addition to the crew, one Greenwood as a Stevedore returning home in the boat, and Richard Downer, a carpenter belonging to Montego Bay, and on his way to Falmouth to do some work for Messrs. Phillips and Abraham. On Sunday forenoon, it was discovered that the boat was sinking, having sprung a leak. She foundered, it is supposed, some five or 6 miles at sea. The men clung to the hatches and some planks that formed part of the boat's cargo. King, Hackett and Greenwood managed to swim ashore, but as the other two have not been heard of, it is only natural to fear that the poor fellows are drowned.
An old woman named Catherine Stirling died at Blythstown, yesterday morning, at the age of 117 years. She originally belonged to Content Estate, from the books of which the date of her birth was ascertained. In the census of 1871, she was put down at 109. She was probably the oldest inhabitant of the island.
March 16, British steam yacht Sunrise, from London, via Kingston, with Lord Ashburton and party, on a tour.
At Irwin estate, parish of St. James, on the 14th of March, John Fisher Esq., in the 46th year of his age
On last Sunday afternoon, in the Kirk of this town, three members of the congregation, Messrs. Charles Heighington, Thomas Wood, and George Jenkins were set apart to the office of eldership.
Fire at Florence Hall
A grass-piece on the above-named pen took fire on Tuesday last while the proprietor, Henry Carvalho Esq., was absent in Falmouth.. No considerable damage was done.
In Falmouth on the 21st March, the wife of Mr. H. G. D'Souza, of a daughter.
Assistant Inspectorship of Schools
The Jamaica Gazette states that the Reverend James Roberts has been appointed a temporary Assistant Inspector of Schools. Of the four temporary assistants three are clergymen.
Browns Town, 20th of March 1879
Trust Estate of Mary Ann Costa
of Brown's Town in the parish of St. Ann's
The Petition in Bankruptcy against the above having been dismissed I give notice as trustee that I will distribute the assets of the above estate to those creditors only who will then have sent in their claims.
J. H. Levy, Trustee
At his residence, Duncans, on Friday morning, 28 March, at eight o'clock after a long and painful illness, Henry Benaim, Sr., Esq., aged 75 years, leaving a widow and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. He held a Commission of the Peace, for the parish of Trelawny for upwards of 25 years. A large concourse of persons followed the bier from his residence to the Wesleyan Chapel, and back again to the Family Burial Ground.
On Thursday 27th March Mr. George Thomas Huie, aged 71 years. The deceased was one of the last surviving veterans of the rebellion of 1871, during which he once rode with a despatch from Falmouth to Little River, 11 miles, in 35 minutes.
Hawkers' and Pedlars' Licenses were granted to M. Lazarus, E. Yatman, H. C. Walcott, John Jarrett, and F. Guiselin & Co.
Appointment of Poundkeeper
Consequent upon the death of Mr. Thomas Huie, Poundkeeper, the necessity arose for the appointment of a successor. The applicants for this situation were Messrs. T. W. Benjamin, Isaac Reuben, J. R. Lion, Joseph A. Brown, and James Thompson. Mr. Benjamin was elected.
The following appointments in the Medical Service were gazetted on Thursday.
Dr. G. T. Martyn to be Parochial Medical Officer of the Spanish Town and Western District of St. Catherine.
Dr. J. J. McMahon to be Parochial Medical Officer of the St. Ann's Bay district.
Dr. H. E. Maunsell to be the Parochial Medical Officer of the Buff Bay district.
Dr. T. M. Drummond to be the Parochial Medical Officer of the St. John's district.
Dr. J. Neish to be the Senior Resident Medical Officer of the Public Hospital.
Dr. W. H. Miller to be the Parochial Medical Officer of Linstead district.
Doctors C. R. Gillard to be the Parochial Medical Officer of the Chapelton district.
The Circuit Court for the parishes of St. Mary and St. Ann were held at St. Ann's Bay on Monday 31st March.
Angus Vincent guilty of larceny of a heifer.
Francis Hudson guilty of killing a horse.
Joshua George Whittle guilty of breaking into a counting-house and stealing therefrom. He was a Constable at Port Maria at the time of the perpetration of the act.
John Williams guilty of housebreaking and larceny
Alexander Walker guilty of receiving stolen money.
Henry Lynch and Adam Jackson guilty of praedial larceny.
Held at Falmouth before James A. Vine Esq. J.P.
Adolphus McNaughten guilty of larceny of two shillings from J. Henry, watchmaker. He was to have paid the money to Mr. Doig.
Queen vs Ellis Williams, at the instance of John H. Bruch, Overseer on Good Hope. Misconduct as a servant.
Frederick Gurney and John Lewis guilty of disorderly conduct.
Judith Campbell guilty of disorderly conduct.
Charles Lawrence guilty of trespass.
April 13, schooner Rebecca Florence, Richards, master, from Norfolk, with staves.
The above Court was held at the Court House in Falmouth on 10th April.
Henry Lugg guilty of housebreaking and larceny.
R. Williams guilty of escape from the taskmaster of the Falmouth District Court prison while working on the road between Falmouth and Florence Hall.
Queen at the instance of George Robertson Esq. of Green Park Estate, vs Samuel James for praedial larceny of canes. This was the first offense, but as he was the watchman on the estate, it aggravated that offense. Guilty.
Queen at the instance of Alexander Dowman, vs Thomas Mills for occasioning actual bodily harm. Guilty.
Queen at the instance of William Davis, commonly called Billy, vs Jessie Simpson for malicious injury, by striking him on the head with a bottle. Guilty.
Susan Brown, a well dressed and decent looking girl was charged with larceny of £2 five shillings, the property of one Henry Dehany. Guilty.
Mary Ann Brown guilty of larceny of canes from Green Park Estate.
The Montego Bay district court was opened on the 7th April.
George Lawrence guilty of larceny of a mule.
George Innis guilty of larceny of a goat.
Jane Henry guilty of receiving a stolen goat.
Toolsie and Tchourassee (coolies) guilty of larceny of money.
At a meeting of the Church, Lucea, on Monday the 31st of March, Henry Davis and James H. Caseley, Esquires were elected Lay Representatives of Synod for the Church, and the same members of the Church Committee for last year, with the exception of Messrs. Grenning, Crooks, and Dolman, in whose stead Messrs. William R. Johnson, Richard Dias, and James H. Casely, were elected for the present year.
The reopening of the Kirk (Presbyterian Church) in Lucea, which has just undergone repairs and improvements at a cost of about £700, took place on Thursday third April, at which there was a very large attendance.
St. Ann's Bay, April 10, 1879
Trust estate of J. G. Mesquitta & Co., Ocho Rios
Tenders will be received for the purchase of the entire stock in trade and book debts of the above estate.
Michael Solomon, and C. S. Cover, Trustees.
The above Court was opened on Tuesday 15th April before Justices F. G. Anderson and C. R. Seivewright, Esquires.
Queen at the instance of Louisa Walker vs Elmas Brown for breach of contract. Walker gave Brown a pair of boots to repair. The boots were not returned to her. The magistrates found the defendant guilty.
Queen at the instance of Corinaldi & Co, vs Phineas Dawkins for larceny of a pair of boots. The prisoner was store man at Corinaldi's establishment. Guilty.
Thomas Gordon guilty of assault.
George White guilty of vagrancy.
Pimento Walk, 16 April 1879
Take Notice
That I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my brother, James Little.
Frederick Little.
Among the passengers who arrived in the R.M.C. steamer to Jamaica are the Honorable Alexander Heslop and family. Mr. Heslop, for many years Attorney General of the island, retired on a pension during Sir John Grant's administration. He is said to be dangerously ill.
In the immediate neighborhood of Falmouth
Known as Shirley's Wharf
The premises are for Wharfinging purposes, provided with a good crane and wharfinger's residence, are of safe approach by boats, and have a good planting connection. Apply to L. C. Shirley, Clark's Town P.O.
At her residence, Montego Bay, on the 18th April, Miss Catherine Malcolm, an old and very respectable inhabitant of the town.
The Reverend W. E. Taylor is to be Rector of Stewart Town, Trelawny.
The court was opened on Tuesday 22nd April.
Queen at the instance of David Williams, master of the British schooner Patriot vs Charles Case and Henry Crosswell or disobeying lawful commands on board the said vessel. They were found guilty and sentenced for 14 days hard labor Falmouth District Prison.
John Henry guilty of disorderly conduct.
Julia Palmer guilty of abusive language.
Frances Hunter guilty of assaulting Hugh Davis.
Julia Rattery guilty of assault.
David Mitchell and Alexander McLaren guilty of abusive language.
William French and the William Johnstone guilty of disorderly conduct.
Catherine Butler, Amelia Earl, Sarah Levermore, and Maria Davis guilty of disorderly conduct.
Ellen Williams and Eliza Beckford guilty of disorderly conduct.
Sarah Reid and Antoinette Montague guilty of abusive language.
A. Gillete guilty of disorderly conduct.
Joseph Johnson guilty of indecent language.
Mary Scarlett and F. Bernard guilty of disorderly conduct.
The following licenses were granted:
William Gentles, Duncans, for retailing gunpowder.
R. Berkely, Falmouth Tavern license
At Pan, Basses Pyrenees, on 10th March last, A. Alexander E. Drysdale Esq., of the Bogg and Arthur's Seat, St. Ann's. Aged 27 years, deeply regretted.
The Falmouth District Court held it sittings at Moneague on the 17th of April, before the Honorable Frederick Conde Williams.
The following were guilty of praedial larceny: Jane Ellis, Alexander McFarlane and Joseph McFarlane.
At St. Ann's Bay the Court met on the 18th April.
Bartholomew Murphy guilty of larceny of money and an ear-ring.
Susan Hemmings guilty of praedial larceny.
Walker James guilty of unlawful wounding.
Risly Whitehorne guilty of praedial larceny.
On Friday last a female, named Althea Pile, complained for a pain in her stomach and went into her bedroom. Immediately after a fall was heard by people residing in the premises, on entering her room found her dead. The cause of death is said to have been a diseased liver.
April 30, Norwegian bark B. M. Width, Moller, master, to load.
In Falmouth, on Thursday 24th April, Julia Hillin Alice, aged 23 years, the fourth daughter of the late Mr. C. C. Wright, National Schoolmaster, and Clerk of the Parish Church here. She was an affectionate daughter, a loving and kind sister. Her illness was a very protracted one.
Tuesday 29th of April 1879
William Reid and William MacDaniel, guilty of neglecting to lead stock on public road.
Bell, Fletcher and Virgo, guilty of furious driving in the town.
David Fletcher and Ann Swaby guilty of disorderly conduct.
Charlotte Vernon and Sophia Taylor guilty of indecent language.
G. William and Francis Lindo guilty of disorderly conduct.
Emilie Brooks guilty of indecent language.
George Evans guilty of disorderly conduct.
May 1, British bark Tycoon, MacGregor, master, from Glasgow for Lucea, with island produce to fill up.
May 3, British topsail schooner, Patriot, Williams, master, from Greenock, for Lucea , to fill up.
May 5, British Brig Star of Peace, Heathy, from London, for Montego Bay, to fill up.
The above Court was held on Tuesday 5th May.
Queen, at the instance of Sarah McCallum, vs Ann Gordon and Mary Campbell for abusive language. Guilty.
Queen, at the instance of Noolla, (Coolie) against Jane Bowers, for assault, was dismissed.
Eliza Samuels and Catherine Sutherland guilty of disorderly conduct.
William Malcolm guilty of vagrancy.
At a coroner's inquest, the death of Thomas Barrett was ruled as death from natural causes.
May 10, British brig Mary A. Kersten, McLean, from London, via Annotto Bay , with island produce, to fill up.
The following cases were heard on the 13th of May.
William Reynolds and Phineas DeCasseres guilty of opening a place of business, and selling on Sunday.
John Whiley guilty of abusive language.
At Bloomsbury, Montego Bay on the 12th May, the wife of Philip A. Hart of a daughter.
David Hill guilty of larceny of rum from Good Hope Estate.
David Reid guilty of shopbreaking and larceny.
A. R. Anderson vs Richard Virgo for larceny of sugar. The defendant was found guilty.
Mr. John McFarlane, the pilot who brought the "Dolorez" into port on the recent occasion when she was placed in quarantine, was prosecuted at the instance of the Collector of Customs for a breach of the Quarantine Law, in leaving the vessel without his written permission as visiting officer. Guilty.
May 16, steamer Pomona.
May 19, steamer Belize.
May 19, HMS Argus
And with a number of Cuban refugees, several sailing vessels.
John Baillie, guilty of furious riding on Sunday the 18th May, when he galloped through the crowd of worshippers, who were just leaving the Wesleyan Chapel in Duke Street, thereby endangering life and limb.
Josiah Burch guilty of furious driving through Market Street on May 20.
Robert Morgan guilty of larceny.
In Falmouth, on Friday the 31st May, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Janet Hogarth, at the advanced age of 84 years. She has left behind a large circle of relatives.
Dr. John DeLeon G.M.O. for the Falmouth District of Trelawny, having obtained a brief leave of absence, we learned that Dr. Aaron Ansell has taken his place pro tempore.
The Reverend Campbell McKinnon, son of the late Honorable Louis McKinnon, Custos of St. Catherine, has seceded to the Church of Rome. The reverend gentleman resigned his living in Jamaica about four years since, in order to become chaplain to the British Protestant congregation in Lima. In his resignation he stated that it was his duty to join the Catholic Church.
We have received by yesterday's post a copy of the first number of "The Jamaica Family Journal," a weekly paper, devoted to literature and news. The publishers are Messrs. M. DeCordova & Co., the proprietors of the Gleaner.
The house of Mr. Alexander Levy in Montego Bay was struck by lightning on Monday last.
On the 21st of June, at the Cathedral Church, Spanish Town, by the Reverend C. F. Douet, M. A. Rector, Frederick Conde Williams, B. A., of Christ's College, Cambridge, and of the Inner Temple, Judge of the Montego Bay District Court, to Louisa, youngest daughter of Captain McInnis, late of H.M. 44th (East Essex) Regiment, Military Knight of the Royal Foundation, Windsor Castle.
The bridesmaids were Miss Douet, Miss Marescaux., and Miss Kerr. The best man was Ralph Hotchkin Esq.
On Thursday night at the premises known as D'Souza's Wharf, on the seaboard, Miss Mary Anne Graham, from Rio Bueno, was severely burned on her arms and lower body by the wick and kerosene of a lighted kerosene lamp.
A. H. Alexander, Esq., Immigration Agent, will shortly leave the island on a visit to Europe, and his brother, Thomas Alexander Esq., Inspector of Constabulary in Trelawny, will accompany him.
Recent government appointments
Mr. J. H. Gregory, Clerk to Revenue Department, Falmouth, resigned his situation on account of exceeding bad health, and Mr. Petgrave has been appointed to fill his place.
Deaths of the Honorable Philip Anstie Smith and Mrs. Smith
The Honorable Philip Anstie Smith, some time Judge of the Montego Bay District Court, died at Accera, Gold Coast, on first May. The deceased gentleman left Jamaica in 1876, having been appointed Chief Justice of the Bahamas. His age was 55. Mrs. Anstie Smith died on May 21, on her voyage back to England from the Gold Coast.
Lieutenant Jahleel Brenton Carey, who was formerly stationed in Falmouth, has been appointed Captain in the 98th Regiment, at present on service in South Africa.
Customs Department
We have been informed that Mr. William Spence, who has been for some time in the Customs, in Montego Bay, has been appointed Locker and Gauger at that port. Mr. Gordon Hill from Port Royal will take the situation which Mr. Spence vacates.
At Swanswick estate, in Trelawny, on the eighth of July, the wife of H. M. Purchas Esq. of a son.
The Falmouth District Court held its sitting at St. Ann's Bay on third July.
Joseph H. Butterfield, guilty of larceny from the barque William Naizby, of several articles of eatables while he was Cook on the said vessel.
Cecelia Brown, Mary Ann Vidal, and Lydia Ann Hunter guilty of praedial larceny.
Estate of Hannah Reid, late of the parish of St. James, widow, deceased.
Those having claims against the above named Testatrix, are requested to send particulars to the Reverend Adam Thompson, Prospect Hill, Montego Bay P. O., the duly qualified executor of the Will.
Philpotts Brown, solicitor to the executor.
We have been favored by Mr. Sterling Fisher, who is at present acting on behalf of Mr. Maxwell Hall, with a weather bulletin for May of the Cornwall Agricultural Society. The highest average rainfall in that month was in St. Thomas (over 17 inches) and the lowest in St. Catherine, under 6 inches.
John Velvet was brought down from Hammersmith last week on a charge of wounding John Wiggan, by biting him on his thumb. The case has been sent to the District Court.
In Falmouth on the 22nd July, the wife of Dr. John DeLeon of a daughter.
Containing 2180 acres 130 of which are in canes for crop 1880. There are 240 head of cattle and mules. 8 miles from the shipping port of Rio Bueno, and 3 miles from Stewart Town.
Consisting of 800 acres, abounding in pimento, with 50 head of young stock.
Containing about 900 acres more or less, with a large rent roll.
J. Wauchope Fisher
A comparison between the import duties collected in the towns of Falmouth and Montego Bay, shows that their position, relatively to each other as commercial ports, has been reversed within the last four years. Every year has witnessed a decrease on the part of Falmouth, and an increase on that of Montego Bay. The duties paid at this port last year were little more than half of the amount collected in 1875.
At Duncans, on Friday the 25th July, David Carvalho, Esq., aged 76, for many years a prominent merchant of Falmouth, deeply regretted by his family and friends.
At her residence at Falmouth, on the 30th of July last, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Mary Ann McMahon, widow, leaving a sorrowing daughter and sister, and several friends to mourn their loss.
Kingston, 4th of August, 1879
Trust Estate of Charles Gadpaille
Parties having claims against the above estate are requested to render them to Arnold L. Malabre, trustee.
At Milnthorpe, Winchester, on the 30th June, Herbert Newton Jarrett, Esq., of Orange Valley Estate, Trelawny, Jamaica, at the age of 82.
The Lieutenant Governor has appointed Henry Arthur Lewis Conran, David Carvalho, and John Colston Lewis, Esquires, Justices of the Peace for the parish of St. Ann.
Trafalgar, Trelawny, August 18, 1879
My wife Harriet Wilfist having left my protection without any reasonable cause I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract.
James Wilfist his X mark.
Estate of the late John Kay Scott
Final Notice
Plaints will be lodged in the District Court on all accounts due Cripps Scott & Co. to December 31, 1878.
Falmouth, August 25, 1879
That cool and comfortable dwelling house, opposite Jarrett's wharf, in Falmouth. Apply to Miss Julia Gerrard.
Clarke's Town P. O., 28th of August 1879
Maxfield Estate and Greenside Pen
Situate 2 miles from the town of Falmouth. There are over 80 acres of canes on Maxfield. Apply to H. M. Purchas.
At the Long Wharf, Rio Bueno, on the 23rd July, Mr. Robert Thompson, at the advanced age of 80 years, leaving a bereaved widow and other relations to mourn their irreparable loss.
Greenwood, 5 September 1879
Guinea grass pasture attached, containing 10 acres. Distance from Montego Bay, 5 miles to Leeward. Apply to William Kerr.
At Stewart Town, on Thursday 11th September, the wife of S. M. Cover of a daughter.
At Iron Shore Estate, in the parish of St. James, Henry Campbell, Esq., formerly of St. Ann's, deeply regretted by his family and numerous friends.
We learn that Major Lloyd, of the 82nd Regiment, Brigade Major on the Staff, shot himself on Thursday last in St. Andrew's. No cause has been assigned for the act.
One of our old and very respectable inhabitants, Mr. John N. Dawes, who was a native of this place, but lived many years at Martha Brae and Falmouth, died last night in the town of Lucea.
On the 22nd of September, in Falmouth, the wife of Frederick O. Abraham, Esq. of a son.
At his country seat, Steelfield Hall, in Cumberland, on the 22nd of August, Henry Tyson, Esq. for many years a resident and successful planter in Jamaica.
At Lucea, on Thursday 18th September, after a protracted illness, Mr. John N. Dawes, aged 65 years, sincerely mourned by his relatives and friends.
In the list of passengers by the Aetna we observe the name of Dr. Foster, G. M. O. for the Eastern District of Trelawny, who some time ago obtained leave of absence due to his health.
On the 26th of September, from the effects of burns received on the night of 24th of June, Miss Mary Graham of Rio Bueno, aged 24 years. The deceased during her prolonged and excruciating sufferings was tended with unremitting solicitude, but gradually succumbed to the ravages made, leaving a mother and many other relations to mourn their loss.
Spring Estate, Duncans P. O., Trelawny
6 miles from Falmouth, and 4 from Duncans
Containing 174 acres of cane land and 400 acres of fine guinea grass. The Great House and Overseer's House are in good order. There is a never failing spring of water.
Apply to the proprietor, Richard Moss.
Falmouth, 1 October 1879
Trust Estate of
Samuel Lazarus
Claims are to be sent to M. Solomon, St. Ann's Bay P. O., or A. Lindo, Falmouth P.O., Trustees.
On the morning of October 13, the wife of D. C. D'Souza Esq. of a son.
In Falmouth on Sunday, October 12th, in the 39th year of his age, Mr. Isaac Benaim. The deceased was for many years form [foreman?] in the office of this journal. He has left a widow and two children, a large circle of relations and friends to mourn their loss.
On the morning of October 15, Louisa, the beloved wife of D. C. D'Souza Esq., youngest daughter of the late Charles Delgado, Esq., after a brief illness, deeply regretted and mourned by a large circle of relations and friends.
At Jarrett's Wharf in Falmouth on the 16th of October, the wife of Joseph Phillips of a son.
Alexandria P. O., St. Ann, 29th of October 1879
In this District 570 acres coffee and pimento etc.
adjoining the above, 500 acres with a magnificent dwelling etc.
Apply at Holland Hill, Rio Bueno P. O.
W. Stuart
In Kingston on the 16th of November in the 35th year of his age George Mowatt, the beloved son of John R. Kitchen Esq., of Trelawny. His remains were interred in the cemetery by the Reverend Joseph Williams and Reverend Enos Nuttall.
On Friday the 21st November, at Pembroke estate, Frances, wife of W. O. Dunbar Esq., in the 36th year of her age, leaving a sorrowing husband and several children to mourn their irreparable loss.
In Falmouth on the afternoon of the 26th November after a short illness of but three days, Lewis Maximilian, the son of Mr. L. J. Preston and Mary his wife, aged 7 years and 7 months.
Our Kingston contemporaries announced the death of Arnold L. Malabre, Esq., for many years one of the chief merchants and foremost citizens of Kingston.
The case of John Deleon vs Charles Farquharson which was tried at the District Court in Sav-la-Mar in October last has been decided in favor of John Deleon.
In Falmouth on the morning of December 1, Maree Louise, eldest daughter of Samuel and Constance Hart, aged nine years, the deceased though young, bore a protracted illness with remarkable patience.
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