Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library
August to December 1878
[Transcriber's note: to avoid duplication, ships arriving and departing will only be listed here if they were not regular ships which had been listed in prior years]
July 4, at York Town, Sandhurst, the wife of Jahleel Brenton Carey Esq., 98th Regiment (Staff College) of a son.
At Clermont in Trelawny on the sixth August after a long illness, Susan, youngest daughter of the late Dr. Lemonius.
Mr. A. M. Jackson for some years Assistant Collector of Taxes in Trelawny, has been appointed Collector of Taxes for Hanover in place of Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Brakespeare, who has been acting as Assistant Collector for some time has received the permanent appointment.
The Circuit Court for this parish was held at St. Ann's Bay on the 29th July.
Peter Grant and James Barrett guilty of perjury.
Robert Hind and William Freemantle guilty of larceny of coffee and receiving, and larceny in a dwelling house.
George Edwin guilty of horse stealing.
Isaac Sherier guilty of indecent assault
John Mattis guilty of rape.
August 5, German Brigantine Rio, Rothbar, master, Ponce, Porto Rico, in ballast.
August 5, British Brigantine Juventa, Fillial, Master, London, island produce.
In Falmouth on Saturday morning 10th August, Herbert Beecher Gerrard, third son of James Pasmore Jr., aged six years and nine months.
We regret to have to record the death yesterday, from congestive fever, of John Wilson Esq., of Georgia Estate in Trelawny. The deceased was a native of Scotland, but resided in this colony for many years. He married in 1874, Miss Avis, daughter of a Utten T. Todd Esq., of The Ridge, St. Ann, and has now left a widow and two children to mourn their irreparable loss. Mr. Wilson was made a magistrate of the parish in 1873.
It is said that the marble statue of Dr. Bowerbank, ex-Custos of Kingston, intended for the Parade Garden, has been shipped and is now on the water bound for Kingston.
At his father's residence on Thursday night the 8th August 1878, Mr. Robert Scott Williams, the only son of Mr. David Williams, aged 30 years.
The Montego Bay District Court was held on the 8th August.
Samuel all would guilty of stealing coffee from a Vessel.
Peterkin guilty of praedial larceny.
David Bowling guilty of stealing growing canes.
Henry Dehany guilty of stealing canes.
Julian Anglin and Rebecca Anglin guilty of praedial larceny.
John Mailer guilty of stealing rum.
Edward Smith guilty of receiving goods under false pretenses.
Thomas Gardiner guilty of stealing one growing cane.
Messrs. Duperly Bros. Photographers are here and have opened a pavilion in Church Street where photos maybe had.DIED
At Lancaster estate, on the 23rd of August, James Armstrong, aged 47 years, leaving a widow and large family to mourn. The deceased was a native of Ireland, and had endeared himself to many friends in this island by whom his loss is greatly felt. Irish papers please copy.
Mr. R. N. Berwick, Assistant Collector of Taxes, on returning from Bath on Thursday last, (where he had been for two days collecting taxes,) to his residence Clifton Hill, was forcibly washed out of his buggy in crossing the river called River Gap and miraculously escaped drowning. The vehicle was immediately capsized by the rapid passage of the water and carried down the stream together with the horses, harness, books, papers etc., which were seen no more.
The Reverend W. H. N. Stewart, LL. D.,
proposes to open
a school for girls
at Chichester Ramble P. O., Hanover
He will be assisted by a German professor of music, drawing, and languages, holding a Royal Diploma and License from the Prussian Government to teach those branches.
The domestic arrangements will be in the charge of a member of Dr. Stewart's family.
On Thursday the 22nd of August a man called James Guthrie, a fisherman well known in this town, was found dead at a part of the sea beach called Flat Rock. It appears that he went along with some others in a canoe fishing and while so engaged became suddenly ill. He requested them to land him on the nearest part of the shore, which was done. The following morning a report came in to Montego Bay that a man was found dead on the sea shore, and it was then discovered to be his body.
Of malignant fever, at Schoonard Estate, Demerara, on the 21st August, Archibald C. Taylor, Esq., engineer, aged 38, son of the late George Taylor Esq. who died in Falmouth in April last. The deceased has left a widow and four children.
Important dental notice
Dr. Frank Comer of the firm of Comer and Miller, surgeon dentists of Kingston, will open a temporary dental office at Mrs. D'Souza's, Duke Street, on Monday, September 16, and remain for two weeks only.
September 13, Coasting Steamer Souvenir, Price master.
September 13, American schooner, Dryser, master, in eight days from New Orleans.
A correspondent in Montego Bay has forwarded to us some very interesting extracts from an old newspaper, illustrative of the state of affairs in this town more than 60 years ago. As we deem that they will be welcome to those of our readers who feel an interest in the past, we are glad of the opportunity of republishing them:
ST. GEORGE'S DAY (Falmouth, 1817.)
The anniversary of the tutelary saint and patron of England, was celebrated here on Wednesday last in a style of unusual splendour, and with genuine old English feeling. William Fairclough Esq. President, supported by Samuel Earnshaw, and William Manby Esq. Vice Presidents, took the chair about five o'clock, when nearly 100 persons sat down to a most sumptuous dinner, in the New Assembly Room. Among the many toasts was one to "Our worthy Custos, the Honorable James Stewart."
The Queen has been graciously pleased to appoint Edward Newton, Esq., C.M.G. to be the Colonial Secretary for Jamaica. He assumed his duties on 6th September.
The governor has been pleased to appoint the Honorable Edward Newton to be the Revenue Commissioner.
The Queen has been pleased to appoint the Honorable Edward Newton, Colonial Secretary, to be Lieutenant Governor, in the event of the death, absence or incapacity of the Governor of Jamaica.
The Honorable Colonel John Hackett, Senior Military Officer in command of the troops has been appointed President of the Privy Council for the island.
The Governor has granted leave of absence for six months to Dr. S. L. Stanigar, the Parochial Medical Officer of the Ulster Spring District of Trelawny, and has approved Dr. H. B. Foster to perform the duties during his absence.
The Governor has approved the removal back to Port Morant of the post office recently transferred to Bowden, and has appointed Mr. Abraham Dennis to be Postmaster at Port Morant.
The Montego Bay District Court was held on the 4th September.
Thomas Jones, otherwise MacPherson, guilty of stealing three red herrings.
Theodore Dickson, guilty of stealing growing canes.
Montego Bay, 13 September 1878
Take notice that as my wife Jane Elisabeth has left my protection and gone away without my consent I will not be liable for any debts she may contract.
John S. Cunningham
Mrs. Armstrong (widow) had applied for letters of administration on the estate of her husband the late James Armstrong, of Lancaster estate, in Trelawny. The personalty does not exceed £200.
Application has been made by the Widow for letters of administration on the estate of the late John Wilson, Esq. late of Georgia plantation in the parish of Trelawny. The personalty is set down at £1,200
A man named Alfred Jackson, who was convicted at the last Circuit Court in the city of Kingston, on a charge of arson in St. Andrew, died in the penitentiary a few days ago.
Captain Hartwell, the successor of Major Prenderville, as Inspector General of Police, is expected from England in the first Packet of November.
The Gazette contains the names of two new Medical Practitioners who have been registered according to law, namely Dr. Mayhew Beckwith Burfee, and Dr. Aaron Ansel.
We exceedingly regret to have to record the death by fever of the Reverend John Jeffery, Wesleyan minister in this town. The deceased had not been stationed in Falmouth many months.
In Falmouth on the 29th September, the wife of T. Alexander Esq., Inspector of Constabulary, of a son.
The governor has been pleased to appoint Robert Kerr, Esq., to be Judge of the Kingston District Court.
For the present the duties of the Spanish Town District Court will be divided between Mr. Kerr and Mr. Robert Baird, judge of the Mandeville District Court.
October 4, American schooner Alice Stetson, King master, for Port Maria, to fill up.
News from Siloah, the 30th September 1878:
Last evening the Reverend Mr. Tayloe, a young Englishman, died at Wallingford. For some time he has been going to remote spots to preach to the people, in connection with no particular denomination. His death was caused by bilious remittent fever brought on by constant wettings in the late rainy weather, and caught in the interior of woodland districts.
A woman named Elizabeth McKenzie is in custody for the charge of knowingly uttering counterfeit coin. The counterfeit half crowns have been used recently in our area.
At Wiltshire, on the seventh of October, Ida Margaret Alberta, third daughter of the late James Armstrong of Lancaster Estate Trelawny. Aged 8 years and nine months.
Dr. McCatty has been relieved by the Chief Medical Officer of the Hospital which has been handed over to Dr. Lewis Alexander. Dr. McCatty has accepted the duties formerly performed by Dr. Alexander.
Mr. Nathan Badley, clerk and warehouse keeper of H. M. Customs at Falmouth, has been appointed by his Excellency the Governor second officer at Montego Bay, replacing Mr. William Magill, resigned.
At Vale Royal on the 16th October, Mrs. Shearer of a daughter.
H. Sewell having received full powers from the Heir at Law of the late John Hibgame (who died at Braco estate, Trelawny, in 1852)for the winding of the said John Hibgame's estate, is prepared to receive offers: 1st. For of the property known by the name of Loudon Hill in the Dry Harbour mountains, St. Ann, consisting of a store, dwelling house, out offices, and four or five acres of land. 2nd. For two shares in the Falmouth Water Company.
At Hampden Estate on the 19th October, the wife of Campbell T. Dewar Esq. of a daughter.
At Kent Estate, Trelawny, on the 20th October, the wife of Herbert J. Kerr, Esq., of a daughter.
Dr. S. M. Logan has been appointed to the temporary charge of the Ulster Spring District of Trelawny, during the leave of absence of Dr. Stanigar. Dr. Logan's place of residence will be Stewart Town.
The Governor has been pleased to make the following promotions in the Customs and Internal Revenue Department:
Mr. N. Badley, Clerk and Warehouse Keeper at Falmouth, to be Landing Waiter and Tide Surveyor at Montego Bay replacing Magill resigned.
Mr. J. A. S. Monaghan, Clerk and Landing Waiter at Port Morant, to be Clerk and Warehouse Keeper at Falmouth, replacing Badley; and Mr. O. L. B. Cumming, Second class Clerk in the Internal Revenue Department, and Treasury Clerk, Portland, to be Clerk and Landing Waiter at Port Morant.
At Kent Estate, Trelawny, on the 21st October, the wife of Herbert J. Kerr, Esq., of a daughter. [sic]
The foundry recently as established by Mr. Robert Taylor is likely to prove of material service to planters and others whose business involves the use of machinery, as they will no longer need to be sent to Kingston for a repair. The foundry is fitted up with an engine and other labour saving contrivances.
The premises in Duke Street, almost opposite the Church School Room, known as Batt's house. The lower part has been for many years a good stand for a small provision business. Apply to C. P. Delgado.
October 28, H.M.S. Schooner Sparrow Hawk, Pullen, Commander.
October 28, British Schooner Chillian, Bahn, master, from New York via Montego Bay.
The Kingston papers announced the death of Ralph Nunes, Esq., aged 50 years.
November 4 Spanish schooner Talafero from Manzanilla, for cows.
November 3, American steamer Acadia, Dickman, for Port Antonio
November 4, British schooner Chilion, Bahn Master for Lucea.
At Kent estate Trelawny, on the second instant, Frances Eliza, infant daughter of Herbert J. Kerr, aged 13 days.
November 10, Schooner Maroon, Swaine, Lockport, via Kingston.
The Jamaica Creole records the death by starvation of Miss Adrienne DaSilva, a Danish subject, who came some time ago to Kingston to seek employment as a teacher of languages and music.
CORINALDI - ALBERGA. At Montego bay on Wednesday the 13th of November, by the father of the bridegroom, (under authority of the Wardens of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, Kingston) Sidonia Charles, third son of S. G. Corinaldi Esq. of Montego Bay, to Julia Emma (Julita) eldest surviving daughter of the late Henry A. Alberga, Inspector of Police, St. Thomas ye East.
The Falmouth District Court held its sittings at St. Ann's Bay on 11th of November.
James Johnson guilty of unlawfully wounding.
James Johnson (another defendant of the same name) guilty of larceny of money.
Henry Clarke guilty of praedial larceny.
At Retreat, James Martin was found guilty of praedial larceny.
At a Coroner's Inquest held at the courthouse in St. Ann's Bay on the 13th of November, to inquire into how Mary Ann Forrest alias Polly Forrest, came by her death. The jurors, (of which Mr. Barclay Chadwick was Foreman) reached the verdict, that she died from the improper use of mercury administered to her by Robert E. Dale.
Sergeant Daniel McCallum died suddenly at St. Ann's Bay on Wednesday morning the 13th of November. An inquest is to be summoned.
Dry Harbour, 14 November 1878
A dividend of 4s. in the Pound will be paid to the creditors of the above estate on application to R. Beverland, Acting Trustee.
Kingston, 14 November 1878
In the Port Royal Mountains District,
of the parish of St. Andrew
distant 4 miles from the Old Botanic Gardens at Gordon Town.
In a healthy climate, 1200 feet above the sea, in the Parish of Manchester, at the mouth of the direct road through Ulster Spring.
Highly qualified and experienced teachers. Apply to the manager, the Reverend E. Bassett Key, Siloah, P.O.
The following gentlemen have been invited to take seats at the Municipal Board of Kingston for the ensuing year -- Messrs. George Henderson, William Lee, Daniel Finzi, Frederick Lindo, and David Martin. Of course, these are in addition to the gentleman already occupying seats at the Board.
Richard Baker, Joseph Ricketts, Richard Gordon, Jacob Webster, and William Brown were found guilty of murder at the Black River Circuit Court on the 14th of November. We have thus the unpleasant prospect of five persons being hanged in this town in a short time.
The Montego Bay circuit court was opened on 18th of November.
Thomas Thompson guilty of manslaughter.
Louisa McKenzie, guilty of uttering false coin.
Philip Davis guilty of killing a pig with intent to steal the carcass.
Charles Stirling guilty of manslaughter.
William Malcolm and Rachel Bogle guilty of housebreaking and larceny.
Samuel Simpson guilty of bestiality.
Edward Yateman guilty of rape.
St. Ann's Bay, 18 November 1878
C. S. Cover & Co.
begs to give notice that they have had to take over possession of the Lee Wharf here, in consequence of the absence from the island of the lessee (Mr. E. S. Warren), but they will not be accountable nor liable for any deficiencies of goods which may have occurred prior to the time that they have been put into possession of the stock on the wharf.
Falmouth, 20 November 1878
Private furnished apartments for ladies or gentlemen may be obtained at the residence of Mrs. John A. D'Souza, Duke Street.
Having been appointed trustees for the above estate, we request that all claims against the same be sent as soon as possible.
At Hyde Hall Estate on the 20th November, Henry Hufstead, aged 61 years, who has left a widow and friends to mourn his loss.
St. Ann's Bay, November 26, 1878
Trust Estate of Ernest E. Warren
on Thursday fifth December
A Lot of Household Furniture
H. T. Brown, licensed auctioneer
In Chancery
Charlotte Mayne et al.
Helen Bruce Allwood
Administratrix of Robert William Allwood, (deceased)
and the Reverend Andrew J. Davidson
Pursuant to an order of this Honorable Court in this cause, of the 25th November 1878.
At the courthouse Falmouth, Trelawny, on Thursday 5 December 1878, before Lucius Junius Preston Esq., Attorney at Law, Mr. Henry S. Gilbourne, Bailiff of the Falmouth District Court, and Mr. Daniel Charles D'Souza, a shopkeeper, the Sequestrators acting under a commission, horned stock and sheep.. . .
Thomas Hendrick, Registrar and Clerk of the Cur. and Cor.
At Content Penn, parish of St. James, on Friday 22nd November, the wife of William S. Noad of a daughter.
We regret to have to announce the death of the Reverend Archibald McKinnon, a Presbyterian minister, at Sav-la-Mar, after a brief illness.
The Circuit Court for the parishes of St. Ann and St. Mary was held on Monday 25th November.
Naaman Jarrett, guilty of indecent assault.
James Hay, guilty of larceny from the hospital.
December 2, British brigantine Ida, O'Brien, master, from Halifax via Kingston with fish stuffs.
At Brown's Town St. Ann's, on Sunday the first of December, the wife of Mr. J. Alex Johnson of a son.
We regret to have to record the death by suicide, of Mr. Francis Dawson of Kingston. On Monday morning he was found hanging to a lattice frame over his room door, clothed from the waist downwards in the riding habit of his late wife. The evidence given at the coroner's inquest threw no light on the cause of his death. At the time of his death he was engineer of the Kingston District in the Department of Works, at £600 a year. He had held this appointment since 1873.
December 5, Spanish schooner Dalores, Organibia, master from Manzanilla de Cuba.
At Barnstaple Pen, Trelawny, on 3rd December after a short illness, Henry Percy, eldest and beloved son of Walter and Mary Thorn, aged 10 years and three months.
Opened here on December 2.
William Murray guilty of stealing growing canes.
Thomas Allen guilty of stealing canes.
Sarah Colville guilty of stealing growing canes.
Alexander Allen guilty of stealing growing canes.Corydon Barrett guilty of larceny of money.
Charles Watson guilty of stealing growing canes.
In Falmouth on Saturday 7th December, the wife of Mr. Lewis Lazarus of a son.
The Honorable William Browne has been appointed Custos of Hanover in succession to the late W. H. Cooke deceased.
All persons indebted to the above estate, and all persons having claims against the same please render them to H. M. Purchas Esq., Swanswick, Clark's Town P.O., who is authorized by me to receive payments and to adjust accounts.
Avis Catherine Wilson, administratrix
December 18, American schooner G. W. Porter, Curtis, master from Norfolk, via Anotto Bay, with staves and headings.
December 19, Spanish schooner Maria Magdalena, Vives, master, for Manzanilla de Cuba.
At Barnstaple Pen, Trelawny, on the 16th of December, of congestive fever, Ella Mary Alice only and beloved daughter of Walter and Mary Thorn. Aged six years.
In Falmouth on the 23rd December, the wife of Isaac R. Benaim of a daughter.
We regret to have to record the death on the night of 26th December, at the residence of Mr. Sewell on Arcadia estate, of Mr. Watson, a member of the eminent West India firm of Hawthorn and Watson.
The property known as Lovel Hill, in the Mount Pleasant District, St. James, 9 miles from Falmouth. Containing seven acres in guinea grass and abounding in fruit trees. Apply to David Scott, Montego Bay P.O.
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