Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library


Published in Falmouth, Jamaica

February to July 1878

[Transcriber's note: to avoid duplication, ships arriving and departing will only be listed here if they were not regular ships which had been listed in prior years]

Thursday, February 21, 1878


Mr. F. B. Sturridge begs to contradict a report which has been most industriously circulated by certain interested persons, to the effect that he has given up the Tuning Business and no longer intends visiting the different parishes.
Mr. Sturridge is now in Westmoreland and will soon be visiting Trelawny and the intermediate parishes.  Applications can be sent as usual to Messrs. F. Guiselin & Co.



In Kingston, Reverend George Sargeant, Reverend W. C. Murray, Reverend F. Chapman, Reverend A. Taylor, Reverend W. H. F. Bleby.
Montego Bay, Reverend T. P. Russell
Lucea , Reverend S. Goodyer
Spanish Town, Reverend T. M. Geddes
Morant Bay, Reverend S. T. Brown
Watsonville, Reverend D. J. Reynolds, Moneague P. O.
Grateful Hill, Reverend W. J. Lewis and Reverend W. Westlake (Golden Spring P. O.)
Falmouth, Reverend John Jeffery
St. Ann's Bay, Reverend S. Sutton
Ocho Rios, Reverend R. M. Parnther
Beechamville, Reverend George Lockett (Claremont P. O.)
Bath, Reverend J. B. Gedye
Port Antonio, Reverend C. Reynolds
Clarendon, Reverend S. Smyth (May Pen P. O.)
Manchester, Reverend Robert Raw (Mandeville P. O.)
Mount Ward, Reverend A. T. Hosking, Ramble P. O.
Black River, Reverend Henry Cox
Sav-la-Mar, Reverend H. B. Foster
Brown's Town, Reverend John Duff and Reverend W. Melville
Duncan's, Reverend E. Spratt and Reverend S. J. Moodie
Yallahs, Reverend A. M. Smith
Mount Fletcher, Reverend J. E. Howard
Manchioneal, Reverend A. Bourne

The changes are:
Reverend E. Spratt from Kingston to Duncans
Reverend F. Chapman from Manchester to Kingston
Reverend A. Taylor from Spanish town to Port Royal
Reverend T. M. Geddes from Montego Bay to Spanish Town
Reverend J. Jeffery from Watsonville to Falmouth
Reverend D. J. Reynolds from Falmouth to Watsonville
Reverend W. J. Lewis from St. Ann's Bay to Grateful Hill
Reverend R. Raw from Grateful Hill to Manchester
Reverend T. P. Russell from Duncans to Montego Bay
Reverend S. Sutton from Mount Fletcher to St. Ann's Bay
Reverend J. E. Howard from Kingston to Mount Fletcher
and the appointment of the Reverend W. Melville to assist the Reverend J. Duff at Brown's Town
the Reverend J. R. Hargreaves is re-appointed to the High School at York Castle as Governor and Chaplain.



Mr. Sturridge has thrown a stone, which is much to be regretted, as we do not travel in these parts of the island for the purpose of injuring in any manner, the character of a gentleman who has been accustomed to be looked for as a regular visitor.  But, the public having stated their grievances, we are prepared to visit each district every six months punctually.  We also tune and endeavor to make playable the most antiquated instruments with as much pleasure as the Queenly Erard and Steinway.
Axel C. F. Holm
Harry Walters

Tuesday, March 12, 1878


March 9, American Barque Lalia, Cunningham, Kingston, with general cargo of breadstuffs and lumber


Cleared at the Customs, Lucea, the British Barque Veronica, Captain Morris, for London, with a cargo of sugar and rum etc.


The French barque Congo, Captain E. B. Beginnot from Bordeaux to Vera Cruz laden with liquor called at Lucea on Wednesday, March 6, in distress, believing that she had a fire in her hold.  No fire was found but some smoky vapour was seen when the hatches were taken off.

Tuesday, March 19, 1878


The law for the registration of Births and Deaths will come into operation at the beginning of next month.  According to its provisions, in the case of births, it will be the duty, primarily, of the father and mother of the child to give information of the birth to the Registrar within 42 days after its occurrence; and in the case of deaths, it will be the duty of the nearest relatives of the deceased present at the death to give information to the Registrar within five days after it shall have happened.  Information must be given to the District Registrar nearest to, and in the same parish with, the house where the birth or death takes place.  No fee is payable by the informant.  No intimation has yet been publicly given who are the Registrars.  This should certainly be done without delay, as the law will come into operation in a few days.
A system of registration existed in this country a generation ago, but it was abandoned as impracticable.  Now however that the population is denser and education somewhat more diffused among the people, registration may be so are carried out as to furnish fairly accurate information.


The governor has appointed A. Mallory Dillett, Esq., Barrister at Law, to act as assistant Attorney General, on the Western Circuit during the term which began on 13th March, as the locum tenens of the Solomon DaSilva Lindo, Esq., to whom leave of absence has been granted.


The Governor has also sanctioned the following changes in the Medical Department.
Dr. James Henry Clark, to be Parochial Medical Officer of the Spanish town and Western Rural District of St. Catherine's, and Medical Superintendent of the Lepers' Home; Dr. Benjamin H. Stamers to be Parochial Medical Officer of the Santa Cruz District of St. Elizabeth.  Dr. George Cooke to be Parochial Medical Officer of the Mandeville District of Manchester.


John Cover, Esq., by the pleasure of the Governor, has been appointed as a Justice of the Peace for the parish of St. Ann.


The Governor has appointed J. S. Trench, Esq., Assistant Collector of Taxes in Westmoreland, to act as Collector of Taxes and Parochial Treasurer, in the room of George French, Esq., to whom leave of absence has been given.


On the evening of 28 February, the Sloop A.D.C. left Falmouth with a full cargo for Dry Harbour, Ocho Rios and St. Ann's Bay.  On entering Dry Harbour she struck upon a reef and became a total wreck.

Thursday, March 21, 1878

March 19, American Schooner Menawa, Fairchild, Wilmington N. C., Pitch, pine lumber and cypress shingles
March 20, British brigantine Fortuna, Hawes, Halifax to Kingston, fish stuffs.
March 20, American schooner Lena R. Stover Seavy, New York via Kingston, bread stuffs.

March 17, barque Else Eschricht, Friers, London, via St. Ann's Bay, island produce.


We have received a copy of the annual report of the Directors of the Jamaica Mutual Life Assurance Society.  The report says:
It is now more than 34 years since Mr. Brown with the following six gentlemen, now deceased -- the Honorable Alexander Barclay, the Honorable Edward Jordon, C. B., James Davidson, W. W. Anderson, Henry Franklin, and J. V. Purrier Esquires -- met to initiate this society, and it is mainly owing to their assiduous attention to its organization that we now have the gratification of knowing that . . .this Society has been laid upon a substantial foundation.



The steam yacht "Marchesa," with the Marquis of Ailsa on board came to an anchor in Montego Bay on the morning of March 18, and the Marquis with two companions came ashore and shortly went for a drive.  He intends going on to Cuba from this port.

Tuesday, March 26, 1878

March 24, schooner Cook Borden, Lunt, Montego Bay, island produce to fill up.

Thursday, March 28, 1878


At Brown's Town Baptist Chapel, on Thursday, March 21 by Reverend J. Clark, and G. R. Henderson, the Reverend George E. Henderson to Katherine Alice Egan, widow of the late T. S. Eden Esq., of Grand Cayman.


At Georgia Estate on the 26th March, the wife of John Wilson Esq., of a daughter.


The Reverend William Murray, Presbyterian minister of Falmouth, has been appointed Superintendent Registrar of Births and Deaths for the parish of Trelawny.



The following indictments were disposed of at the last sittings of the Falmouth District Court on March 19 before the Honorable H. B. Hancock.
Queen versus William Maylor, for a larceny of two oranges, value one half penny.  Sentence three calendar months in the Falmouth District prison, and corporal punishment of 18 lashes with ordinary cat of nine tails.
Queen versus Benjamin Feurtado, larceny of canes, value six pence (after a previous conviction) prisoner pleaded guilty.  Sentenced to nine calendar months in the F.D.P. and corporal punishment of 24 lashes with ordinary cat of nine tails.
Queen versus James Grant, larceny of four roots of yams and one root of cocoa value six shillings (after previous conviction).  Sentence six calendar months with hard labor and 24 lashes with the ordinary cat of nine tails.
David Hewan guilty of larceny of yams.
Catherine Thompson pleaded guilty to larceny of two pumpkins.  Sentenced to one year at the Reformatory.
William Dyer guilty of larceny of three coconuts.
And Brown guilty of larceny of four yellow yams (after four previous convictions) property of Robert Cummings.
Letitia Reid guilty of unlawfully wounding one Rebecca Palmer, thereby causing actual bodily harm.



The Circuit Court for Cornwall was opened at Montego Bay on Monday, March 25.
William Holt and Edward Johnson guilty of larceny of tobacco from a boat.
Alexander Alexander, alias Lewis Alexander guilty of larceny of a mare.
Archibald Ford, Robert Ford, and William Ford guilty of shopbreaking and larceny of £500 in money, the property of William Gentles Esq., of Duncans.
Charles Cotter guilty of larceny.

Falmouth, 27th of March 1878

The unexpired lease of the House in Duke Street lately occupied by Mrs. Maitland.  Particulars to be obtained from A. B. Dignum or M. A. Nunes


Estate Jacob N. Alsop
The Several Properties

In the town of Falmouth belonging to the deceased: consisting of two houses in Tharp Street, one house behind the Shambles and a house in Market Street.
Apply to Mrs. Dennis, Falmouth.

Saturday, March 30, 1878

Kingston, 23 March 1878

forming one freehold of 843 acres in the Port Royal District of the parish of St. Andrews, including 110 acres of coffee.  The property produces a small quantity of pimento, and abounds in Cedar and hardwood trees.  There is a comfortable dwelling house on Pen Hill, near Guava Ridge, with a good bridle road to the door, distance from Gordon Town (where the driving road from Kingston ceases) about 6 miles.  The Yallahs River runs through these properties, and Robertsfield, where the Works and Overseer's House are situated, is on its eastern bank, with ample water power.  The great house of Robertsfield was once a fine Mansion, but is now out of repairs.


Richmond Hill, coffee plantation, containing 645 acres of land, in the St. David's District of the parish of St. Thomas, distance from Kingston, 21 miles.  The Banana River runs through this property.  The coffee cultivation consists of 100 acres.  The dwelling house and works are in fair order with ample water power to drive the machinery.
Please apply to John McLear, Esq., Cold Spring P. O.


Estate of Jacob Segre, late of the parish of Westmoreland, Esq., (deceased)
Those having claims against the above named are requested to send particulars to Joseph Swaby Segre of Savanna-la-Mar, in Westmoreland, or to Francis Belinfante Lyons of Kingston, Executors of the Will.

Tuesday, April 2, 1878

The following are the names of the persons appointed to act as District Registrars for the parish of Trelawny.
Falmouth, Falmouth P. O., T. Wood
Stewart Town, Stewart Town P. O., C. S. Cover
Rio Bueno, Rio Bueno P. O., R. A. Laing
Ulster Spring, Ulster Spring, ___ Falden
Clarks Town, Clarks Town, J. P. Laing
Bunkers Hill, Bunkers Hill, Thomas Stirling



A very destructive fire has occurred in Kingston.  The number of houses destroyed is seriously estimated at from 25 to 30.  There seems to be some doubt respecting the loss of life.  There is also the same tout as to the origin of the fire.  The following are the details as given by the "Budget."

Between five and six o'clock on Thursday evening, a fire broke out at the corner of Barry Street and Princess Street.  It originated at the building on the northwest corner, the upper part occupied as a residence and the basement as a provision shop kept by a Chinaman by the name of Robert Jackson.  The first general alarm was given by the ringing of the bell at the government workshop, but it was not till the bell of the parish church was set a ringing that the inhabitants became aroused , and soon a large crowd gathered at the scene.  Unfortunately no one in authority was present to take any measures for arresting the flames, and as the building was an old one it burned with considerable rapidity and was entirely consumed before any efforts were made to prevent the destruction of the adjoining property.
The flames took the building in Barry Street occupied as a shop, and in a few minutes stretched across Barry Street to the building on the southwest corner, occupied as a residence above and a drug shop below.  The fire was extending up and down the range of buildings on the left side of Princess Street and on the right and left of Barry Street.  Places in the rear of Princess Street were burnt in rapid succession.
The fire brigade was inefficient; the hose of which it had command admitted a feeble jet of water which did not extend 10 feet.  The full pressure of the water was put on invariably and the hose in consequence burst before it could be brought into use.
By six o'clock the fire was at its highest, and upwards of a dozen buildings were entirely destroyed.  The so called fire brigade was by this time marshaled in order, under the direction of the superintendent, but the fire could not be brought under control.  Over 25 houses were destroyed.  They were chiefly the dwellings and places of business of the poorer classes, who were hardly likely to have been predicted by insurance.
The police were strict in the performance of their share of duty.  The inspectors Tivey, Crosbie and Ponsonby were constantly among the men, encouraging them by a word of approval whenever it was necessary.

Thursday, April 4, 1878


At Lancaster estate in Trelawny on the 29th of March, Henrietta Agnes, youngest daughter of Mr. James Armstrong, aged four months and 19 days.


Intelligence of the death of Robert Osborne, Esq., reached us by post this morning.  He died at the ripe old age of 78.

Saturday, April 6, 1878


At Hyde Hall Estate, on the evening of 1st April, after a short and painful illness, Henry Little, leaving a starring wife, three children, and relatives to deplore his loss, aged 54 years.  He was buried in the Swanswick church yard on April 2.


The sloop Gleaner, belonging to Mr. McLachlan of Montego Bay ran on the weather reef in coming into Falmouth yesterday morning.  Assistance was promptly rendered by Mr. Garth the Pilot, who sent off his boat to the rescue.  By the combined exertions of the crew and the men from the shore, the sloop was saved from becoming a wreck.



The Falmouth District Court held its sittings at Retreat on the 28th March last.  Indictments heard were:
James Reid guilty of praedial larceny
Darlington Jeremiah guilty of larceny of a domestic fowl
Field James, guilty of praedial larceny
Wilson Jeremiah guilty of praedial larceny
Campbell James guilty of larceny of 25 pounds of rope.


At St. Ann's Bay, the court was held and on 29th March last:
Nathaniel Burrows guilty of praedial larceny
Charles Darlington, guilty of praedial larceny
James Anderson guilty of praedial larceny
Isaac Mowbray guilty of praedial larceny
Ann Scarlett guilty of praedial larceny
Thomas Henriques guilty of praedial larceny
Messiah McLeod guilty of praedial larceny
Anne Hiatt, guilty of praedial larceny
Richard McFarlane guilty of praedial larceny
Matilda Middleton, guilty of praedial larceny, sentenced to 3 years at the Reformatory

Thursday, April 11, 1878


On the morning of Sunday, April 7, the wife of Daniel C. D'Souza Esq. of a daughter.



Miss Ochterlony would be glad to receive a limited number of young ladies, to educate, and board at Bower Hill Pen, situated in the healthiest part of the parish of Hanover, within 5 miles of the town of Lucea.

Saturday, April 13, 1868


In Falmouth on the 10th April, by the Reverend William Murray, Emily Rebecca, second daughter of H. D. Gardiner, Esq., of Hague Estate, to Walter George Hendricks, Esq., of Kingston.


If Mr. Axel Holm will apply at the "Trelawny" office, he will hear of something not at all to his advantage.

Tuesday, April 23, 1878

We regret to have to record a serious accident which occurred on 17th April.  Mr. R. Bruford and his family, being about to leave the Grange at which they had been temporarily staying, in order to return to Weston Favel, Mr. Bruford loaded his gun and was just placing it in the apron of the buggy, when his servant, Robert Menzie, coming up on the other side took the muzzle of the gun and it drew it towards him, causing one of the barrels to go off.  The contents lodged in his right arm just above the elbow.  Mr. Bruford immediately went and found Dr. Talbot.  Menzie being too weak he could not be removed to Falmouth, and the doctor decided to take off the arm at once.  We learn that several persons were present when the accident occurred.

Thursday, April 25, 1878

Mr. George Hague, the Collector of the Revenue Department has been compelled through ill health, to resign his situation.  At present his duties are being performed by Mr. Davidson one of the Clerks in the office.


Brown's Town, April 23, 1878

I am instructed to sell at public sale on Thursday 29th May
the Residence of the Honorable
H. J. Burford Hancock
who is leaving the Island,
all of the household furniture, glass, and China ware
piano, organ
saddlery, 2 double seated buggies
and numerous other articles
William Costa
Licensed Auctioneer

Thursday, May 2, 1878

Falmouth,  27th April 1878

It is requested that all accounts due to the estate of Robert G. Robey, deceased, be immediately settled with Mr. Alex S. Robey, one of the executors.
W. Cork and Alex S. Robey, executors

Tuesday, May 7, 1878

Falmouth, 30th April 1878

The upstairs house and premises situate on the River Road, at present in the occupancy of Miss Sarah Earl, comprising a hall and two bedrooms with shop below.  Apply to George D'Souza or M. A. Nunes

Tuesday, May 14, 1878

Kinloss Common, 11 May 1878
TAKE NOTICE My wife Elizabeth James having left my protection, I will not be responsible for any debts she may incur.
Samuel James

Thursday, May 16, 1878

It is reported that Mr. Rampini has resigned his appointment as a district judge in this island.

Tuesday, May 21, 1878

(From our Lucea correspondent)
At a meeting of the Good Templars held in Presbyterian school room on the 14th May, there was a large assembly of about 200 persons, the majority being ladies.  The meeting was presided over by Brother Bonnet and Brother P. A. Adams.  The Reverend H. Browne and Mr. G. R. Davis, postmaster, addressed the meeting.
The installation of officers of the Hanover Lodge No. 19 took place in the Presbyterian school room.
Those installed were Windsor Bourke, Frances McCallum, George R. Davis, Julia Allwood, Joseph H. Casley, Ann Casley, Ann Vosper, W. Bourke, Mary Allwood, Mary Curlin, E. Vosper.

Thursday, May 23, 1878

Our Kingston contemporaries announce the death of the Honorable Louis Fullerton McKinnon, nonofficial member of the Legislative Council and sometimes Custos of St. Catherine.  He was also manager of the Jamaica Railway.  He was 68.

Thursday, May 30, 1878


At his residence the Crawle, on Wednesday the 22nd May, William Little, father of the late Henry Little of Hyde Hall Estate, aged 95 years.

Saturday, June 1, 1878


At Ealing, St. Ann's, on Wednesday 29th May, by the Reverend John Duff, Josephine Rebecca, eldest surviving daughter of Mr. Edward Nash, to Mr. Charles Lewellyn of Falmouth.


At Duncans in this parish on the 23rd May, Rebecca the beloved wife of David Carvalho Esq., aged 70 years, deeply regretted by her family and friends.



The Falmouth District Court held its sittings at St. Ann's Bay on the 24th May last.  Indictments heard were:
George Ashmeade, guilty of praedial larceny
Elizabeth Sewell guilty of praedial larceny
John Henry Scott and Robert Spencer, guilty of praedial larceny
John Edwards guilty of wounding Albert Allworthy
Ernest Chambers guilty of larceny of money
Solomon Ewbank guilty of larceny of coffee
Emily Fletcher guilty of praedial larceny
Isaac Lothian guilty of larceny of boards


On Sunday 19th of May, the wife of Robert Forrest, butler to the Honorable M. Solomon, gave birth to three boys all of whom to the present are doing well.

Tuesday, June 11, 1878

We regret to have to record the death of F. W. Mortlock, Esquire, which took place on Tuesday, June 4, at Montego Bay.  Mr. Mortlock was for many years Collector of Customs at this port.  He was a native of England, but had resided in this country for more than 40 years.

Thursday, June 13, 1878


This court was opened on June 3, before Frederick Williams Esq., Judge.
William Allen guilty of larceny of ground produce
George Brown guilty of larceny of ground produce
James Peterkin guilty of larceny of provisions
Samuel Hill guilty of stealing canes
John Miller guilty of indecent assault of a female child six years old
Robert Barnett guilty of indecent assault on a female child under nine years
John Watson guilty of smoking on an estate.

Saturday, June 15, 1878

June 11, British brigantine Arthur, Le merchant master, from Halifax, via Sav-la-mar, with fish stuffs.

Saturday, June 22, 1878

The following estate have been sold by Messrs. Hards Vaughann and Jenkinson at the Mart, in London.  Estates in Jamaica:
The Fontabelle sugar estate containing 1504 acres, sold for £2500
The Anchovy Bottom sugar estate, containing 1273 acres, sold for £4000
The Hopewell sugar estate containing 170 acres, sold for £430.
The Mount Horeb and the West Vale sugar estate, containing 311 acres, sold for £310.  Kingston, Jamaica: six plots of land in Port Royal St., sold for £3970.

Tuesday, June 25, 1878


In Falmouth on June 24, the wife of Frederick O. Abraham, Esq., of a son.

Thursday, June 27, 1878

June 20, British Barque Euphrosyne, Donaldson, Kingston, island produce to fill up.
June 25, British barque Tarsus, Pool, Salt River, island produce, to fill up.
June 20, American schooner Victor, Sharrett, from New York in 19 days


June 24 Brigantine Levant, Behreman, Falmouth G. B., island produce.



The Falmouth District Court held its sittings at Moneague on June 20.
Joseph Williams guilty of praedial larceny.
Richard Simpson guilty of wounding Jane Tindale.
Francis Robert, guilty of praedial larceny.


At St. Ann's Bay the court was held on second June.  
Sarah Watkis guilty of praedial larceny.
Elizabeth Sewell, guilty of praedial larceny.
Charles Grant, guilty of praedial larceny.
Joseph Hall guilty of praedial larceny.
Henry Walters, guilty of praedial larceny.
Ann Martyn, guilty of common trespass.


Persons indebted to the estate of
the late
Captain J. T. Price

are requested to settle their accounts with George Nixon, master of the Barque Fontabelle, or A. Lindo Esq.

Saturday, June 29, 1878


In Falmouth on the morning of Wednesday, June 26 after a brief illness, Mr. Samuel Thomson, aged 21 years.  He was a dutiful son, and affectionate brother.


New works,
Wallens Estates
in St. Thomas ye Vale

The machinery on each estate is in good order, and lands are good cane lands and easily worked.  For particulars inquire of Harvey and Bourke, 89 Harbour St, Kingston.

Tuesday, July 2, 1878

Brown's Town, St. Ann, 1 July 1878

Miss C. R. Morales'
Seminary for young Ladies will be reopened July 17.

Saturday, July 6, 1878


The Montego Bay District Court was opened on first July.
Joseph Fairclough and George Fairclough guilty of larceny of a hog.
William Peterson guilty of indecent assault on a female child nine years old.
William Cleghorn guilty of unlawful possession of rum.

Tuesday, July 9, 1878


In Falmouth on July 5, Edward Aubey Gerrard, youngest son of James Pasmore Jr..


Miss Troop an old and respectable inhabitant of this town, and for many years matron of the Falmouth District Prison, died suddenly on Sunday last.

Thursday, July 11, 1878


At Arcadia estate, on the eighth instant, Mrs. Henry Sewell of a son.

Saturday, July 13, 1878

July 12, British Barquantine Leading Chief, Winchester, via Old Harbour to fill up.

Thursday, July 25, 1878


On the 25th of June, in her 85th year, at the residence of her son-in-law , the Reverend M. N. Nathan, 37 Sutherland Gardens, W., Esther Samson (nee Corinaldi) relict of S. S. Samson, Kingston, Jamaica St. Thomas, W.I., Jamaica papers, please copy.



The court met on the 15th of July.
Queen versus Charles Thomas for murder.  Mr. Ashok Kit Leavy defended him and told the court that the prisoner would plead guilty of manslaughter.  The plea was recorded and the prisoner sentenced.
William Green guilty of attempted bestiality.
Samuel Brooks guilty of larceny of a tree.  
Daniel Hinds guilty of rape.
Bamnanan (a Coolie) guilty of indecent assault.
James Allen and Theodore Holderness guilty of larceny in a dwelling house from Thomas, an old man, and grandfather of the prisoner.
William Carr, guilty of horse stealing.
John Louis guilty of praedial larceny.
Robert Green guilty of larceny.

Tuesday, July 30, 1878


At his residence, the Hermitage, Westmoreland, on the morning of July 23, the Honorable W. H. Cooke, Custos of Hanover, aged 64.

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