Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library


Published in Falmouth, Jamaica


Monday, January 1, 1877

The foundation stone of a Methodist chapel was laid at Stewart Town last week.  The Honorable J. W. Fisher was present.


We learn of a sad accident at York Castle, arising from the incautious use of fire arms.  One of the sons of Mr. C. S. Cover of Stewart Town was dangerously wounded in the head by a pistol shot from a schoolfellow.  His recovery was considered precarious.


An inquest was held in Kingston on Wednesday last into the cause of the sudden death of Ambrozine, the daughter of Mr. Pinto, residing at 13 Princess St. Witnesses examined, were the mother and father of the deceased; Julian Russell their servant, Dr. Saunders, and Mr. Thomas Barnes, a clerk at Mr. Auvray's drugstore.  It appeared from the testimony of the parents that the deceased was a strong, fully grown up girl of 18, highly accomplished, speaking French and Spanish, and reading Hebrew.  Her father was troubled with asthma, and had been in the habit of taking morphia in large doses, to bring on sleep, and usually purchased it at Mr. Auvray's drugstore.  Recently, her name had been scandalized by a young married man named Louis Dacosta, and she expressed regret at ever having spoken to him.  She grieved considerably, and for the last few days had refused her food.  She also became restless at nights.  At about noon on Tuesday she sent her servant to Mr. Auvray's, to purchase three grains of morphia, ostensibly for her father's use.  When Dr. Saunders saw her at about eight o'clock last night, she was unconscious, breathing slowly.  He attempted to revive her, but she died at 11 p.m. the jury returned a verdict that the deceased took the poison to produce sleep.

Thursday, January 4, 1877


At Mahogany Hall, Trelawny on the 31st of December, Mary Ann daughter of the late Robert Keith Senior, Esq., of Belmont, and Mosquito Cove Estates, in her 77th year.

Monday, January 8, 1877


In Falmouth, at the residence of J. A. Vine Esq., on the 3rd January, Mrs. Ann Field, in her 86th year.



January 6, British Barque Arcadia, Stopher, in 50 days.


January 6, Scotch Barque Diamond, Girtrig Montego Bay.



Prisoners tried during the morning sitting were:
Queen against William McLean, for horse stealing.  Guilty.
Henry Salisbury and Aug. Gordon for horse stealing.  Guilty.
James Sterling and George Samuels, guilty of larceny.
William Weir, guilty of larceny.
James Samuel Dixon, guilty of larceny.
Elizabeth Williams guilty of larceny.
Jacob a coolie, guilty of housebreaking and larceny.

Thursday, January 11, 1877


At the Ramble, Hanover, on the morning of the 6th January, Mabel Sylvia Heaven.  Aged 10 years 2 months.


In Falmouth on the evening of the 9th January Mr. John Hillyard Nichols of the town of Bedford, England.  Aged 33 years.


The usual annual distribution to the poor of the parish took place at St. Ann's Bay on January 2, when 550 people were supplied with beef, bread, rice, sugar, ale, and many with articles of clothing.  Among those engaged in the distribution were Messrs. J. C. Lewis, Thomas Bartlett, E. Hart and several ladies who were assisted by the Reverends J. Cork and T. Griffiths


The appointment of Mr. John Pasmore to the Collectorship of Customs at Falmouth has given general satisfaction to the community.  Mr. Badley has been appointed as a Clerk.

Thursday, January 18, 1877

Trelawny Estates producing sugar and rum for 1876:

Arcadia, Bryan Castle, Brampton Brian, Bracco, Cambridge, Chester, Dundee, Etingdon, Fontabelle, Gibraltar, Georgia, Green Park, Gales Valley, Golden Grove, Good Hope, Hyde Hall, Hyde , Hopewell, Harmony Hall, Hague Calero , Holland, Hampstead, Kent, Lottery, Long Pond, Lansquinet, Lancaster, Maxfield, Nightingale Grove, Oxford, Orange Valley, Pembroke, Pantrepant, Roslin Castle abandoned, Swanswick, Steelfield, Spring, Tilston, Vale Royal, Wales.


Changes are soon to take place in the Internal Revenue Office of Trelawny.  Mr. A. M. Jackson, Assistant Collector is to be sent to Lucea as Acting Collector in place of Mr. Kennedy.  During his absence his place will be filled by Mr. Collymore and that of the latter by Mr. Gregory.  Mr. Godden, at present a volunteer in the service will be appointed in Mr. Gregory's place.

Monday, January 22, 1877


In Falmouth on 14th January, after a few hours illness, Bertha Blanche, third daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Wood, aged 3 years.

Monday, February 5, 1877


January 29, British Barque Blanche, Bosdet Master from London.


Dr. John DeLeon has received the medical appointment in Falmouth rendered vacant by the death of Dr. Hilbert.  Dr. DeLeon has for many years past been a practitioner in Montego Bay where he also held the position of Government Medical Officer.


A girl named Drucilla Corinaldi was sentenced to 2 months without hard labour in the Montego Bay jail, for the larceny of a £5 note from a man named Richard Clark.  The cheque was used to purchase beef from Mr. David Mills.


Mr. Paul Levy, a druggist at Gordon Town, has been charged with manslaughter. The circumstances are somewhat peculiar. Letitia Archer, a girl residing at Gordon Town, went to the drug shop where Mr. Levy is a clerk, and asked for a worm powder.  Mr. Levy gave her instead tartar emetic, which was administered to two children, Elizabeth Mothersill and Peter Augustus Mothersill, from the effects of which they died.  Mr. Edward Bell, who appeared to defend the accused, provided an explanation, and the case was sent by Mr. Bicknell to trial by the next Circuit Court.

Monday, February 19, 1877

A shop at Ulster Spring, Trelawny, belonging to Mr. Peter McKay was broken into on Tuesday night last, and £9 in silver coin, together with about 20 lbs. of pigs' tongues were stolen therefrom.



Late of the Parish of Trelawny Practitioner of Physic and Surgery, Deceased
Take notice that all Creditors having any claims and demands against the estate of


are required to send them to us in Falmouth, or to our Solicitor, D. P. Nathan, Esq., Kingston…..
George J. Joseph
Alice Joseph
Qualified Executor and Executrix of the Estate. . .



The House and Premises situate in Sea Bound, Falmouth, opposite the Public Landing place, formerly the residence of the late R. W. G. Scott,
The site commands a full view of the Falmouth Harbor, and is situate in a very healthy locality.  For particulars apply to
Elizabeth C. Scott,

Thursday, February 22, 1877


February 19, American Schooner Georgietta Curtis, from Norfolk, with staves.



February 14, British Brigantine Christina, from Halifax, via Kingston
February 14 American Schooner Jessie S. Clark, from New York, via Kingston with part cargo of flour
February 15 American Schooner Hannah Coomer, King, in nine days from New Orleans, with a cargo of pitch line lumber
February 15 American Schooner Susan Scranton, with a cargo of P. P. lumber from New Haven
February 19, American Schooner Bisby, in 10 days from New York



We learn from a correspondent at St. Ann's Bay, that the dying depositions of John Maddison, a sailor of the German Barque Moewe, lying at anchor in that port, were taken at the Parochial Hospital there on Sunday, February 18, by Stipendiary Justice Cartwright.  It appears that on Sunday 11th, whilst these sailors were ashore, they became somewhat in liquor, when a quarrel ensued between them, and blows passed.  They continued fighting on board, whereupon the accused Hans Morgansen drew a knife and inflicted two severe incised wounds on the deceased, one on the head, and the other on the right chest, which penetrated to the handle of the knife and direct into the lungs.  The wounded man died at 7 p.m. on the 18th, and was interred at the cemetery on the evening of the 19th.  The accused it is said, is in a sad state, asking the other sailors why they did not prevent him.



Falmouth, 22nd February 1877
Cameron & Co. Wholesale Merchants have removed their office to the large and central premises, corner of Market and Duke Streets, formerly the office of Messrs. Nunes Brothers.


in the Parish of Hanover,
in the Parish of St. James,
together or separately

The former contains 1980 acres, including 800 acres in guinea grass
with about 800 head of horned stock.
The latter consists of about 7000 acres of cane land, guinea grass, and common and ruinate.
The cultivation has been abandoned for the last eight years, but there is a fine mill several coppers and siphons two stills and a worm.

Also two Runs of Mountain Land
in the Parish of Westmoreland
containing 1345 acres

For leave to view the property apply to William Kerr, Hampden P. O.

Thursday, March 1, 1877

February 27, American Schooner Georgietta Curtis, for St. Ann's Bay



Several awards were made to the Exhibitors in the Jamaica Section of the Centennial Exhibition [differences between the report in the Trelawny and the Falmouth Post]:
For Chocolate: Messrs. F. Langier & Co., Kingston
For Coffee: Mrs. C. Lascelle, Arntully; Mr. Francis Chalmers, Radnor; Dr. Stedhens, Bellevue.


Falmouth, 1st March 1877
Robert G. Robey will not be responsible for any accident or damage sustained by stock sent on pasturage at Cave Island Pen.

Monday, March 5, 1877

St. Ann, Thicket 5 March 1877
I hereby give notice to all shopkeepers storekeepers etc. not to give credit to my wife and Barrett as she has left my protection without any reasonable cause.
Edward Barrett, his X mark

Thursday, March 8, 1877

March 4, British barque Swansea, for London.


A sad accident occurred at Stettin on the fifth.  A tree, felled near the house occupied by a person of the name of Ferguson, in falling destroyed the house, killing Jane Ferguson, Ferguson's daughter; breaking Ferguson's arm and less seriously injuring his wife and a young man who was at that time on the premises.

Monday, March 19, 1877


The Northern Presbytery met at Mount Zion, St. James, on Monday 12th March for inducting into the pastoral charge of the Presbyterian church there, the Reverend James Bayne, whose ordination as a missionary of the Gospel to Jamaica, by the Presbytery of Perth in Scotland took place on the third of January last.  A report by the Reverend James Robertson of his labors for three months at Mount Zion was received and read..  He had been there temporarily after the death of Edwin Angel Wallbridge.

Thursday, March 22, 1877

March 19, British Barque Triune, Johnson, Master from Cow Bay to fill up.

March 21, British Barque Blanche, Bosdet, Montego Bay to fill up.



A very severe shock of earthquake was felt in this town on Monday March 19th at about 1 a.m. undulations were from east to west.  From Kingston we learn that the shock was spent there and in the Parish of St. Thomas.  No shock so severe had been felt in Falmouth since the earthquake of 1861.

Monday, March 26, 1877


March 24, British Barque Dundee, Maugre, in 49 days from London.


March 22, British Barque Regia, Grant, for Annotto Bay, to fill up.

Thursday, April 5, 1877

March 29, British Brig Harriet Wardle, Lonlois, in 40 days from London.
April 1, British Barque William Naizby, Wood, in 38 days from London.

Monday, April 9, 1877


April 7, Scotch Barque Harvest Queen, for Montego Bay, to fill up.



The seaman, Hans Morganson of the German Barque Moewe who inflicted serious wounds on one of his comrades causing his death, was found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to 18 months in the General Penitentiary.
Thomas White, also, the man charged with poisoning 13 persons with arsenic in the Parish of St. Ann's, was acquitted of the murder, but sentenced to penal servitude for life for administering, or inciting to administer poison.


John Lyon, a laborer on Hague Estate in Trelawny the property of H. B. Gardiner Esq., was convicted at the last Court of Petty Sessions in Falmouth of larceny of a quart and a half of proof rum from the estate.


A cart man on Gayle's Valley estate, named Samuel Kelly, was also sentenced to pay a fine for refusing to obey the lawful commands of the overseer.  The fine was paid.



having claims against the Estate of Thomas Simmons, (deceased) late of Success Estate in the Parish of St. James are requested to send their claims to Samuel Bernard, of Irwin Estate the qualified executor.

Thursday, April 12, 1877



April 10, German brig Charles Korsh, Rubarth, from Kingston, to fill up.


April 9, Barqueantine Flying Scud, Cruse, Dry Harbour, to fill up.
April 11, British barque Dundee, Naugre, for St. Ann's Bay to fill up.
April 8, British barque Arcadia, Stopher, for London.


At the Falmouth court of Petty Sessions, David Hibgame, a seaman on board the British barque Dundee, was found guilty of embezzling one pair of elastic side boots the property of John W. Edwards of Knockalva in Hanover.  He was sentenced to three months hard labor.
Joseph Brown and Elizabeth Rosetta were charged with larceny of a bottle of rum from Fontabelle Estate.  Brown, who is a cooper on the estate gave the rum to Rosetta.  Mr. Anderson is the overseer.  Brown was found guilty

Thursday, April 19, 1877



April 17, Swedish barque Elizabeth, Walhgren, from St. Thomas in ballast.


The estate in the Parish of Hanover known as Mosquito Cove, owned by Andrew McCubbin and Henry Fray Esquires, and Mrs. Theresa Fray, wife of the latter, was sold on the 14th of March out of the Encumbered Estates' Court for the sum of £2500.

Monday, April 23, 1877



April 19, British brigantine Maida, Roche, 18 days from Halifax, with fish stuffs.


Falmouth, 21 April 1877

Cave Island Stakes and the Falmouth Cup.  Nominations to be sent to the treasurer, A. Lindo, by 15th May

Thursday, April 26, 1877


Licenses for Hawking and Peddling were granted to William Murray, Adam Chambers, Mary Black, B. Gordon, Charlotte Grant, William Hall, and John R. Lion.
The governor has appointed Dr. John Deleon, now Government Medical Officer of the Windward Rural District of St. James, to be permanently Government Medical Officer of the Falmouth District of Trelawny.  Dr. Gillian will for the present continue in charge of the Good Hope District.
Messrs. C. P. Delgado, and Albert Morales were appointed Firewardens.



Falmouth, 26 April 1877
Miss Matilda Delisser begs till intimate to parents and guardians that she has taken a house in the healthy part of this town where she intends to open a Boarding and Day School for young ladies and solicits a portion of their patronage.

Monday, April 30, 1877


The piece of land and premises situate in Duncans on the road leading to Rio Bueno, called the Red House.  There is a small Blacksmith's Shop on the land and a house with three rooms, always tenanted.


All that other piece of land and premises situate at Wellington Hill near Duncans, called the Cottage, containing by admeasurement 16 perches.


A piece of land in King Street, Falmouth, opposite the residence of the late A. M. Nathan.


65 head of sheep on Carrickfoyle Pen.
Apply to Emily C. Nathan, Falmouth.

Thursday, May 3, 1877


THE HERMITAGE with Stonefield Pen attached: consisting of 226 acres, more or less, all in guinea grass; a never failing tank of water at Stonefield and a fine family residence at Hermitage, together with several hundred coconut trees and several other fruit trees.


That well known business stand at Kensington in the Ulster Spring District, with 25 acres of land more or less, consisting of pasture land security fenced, together with the dwelling house lately occupied by P. J. McKay.


A run of land situated at Ulster Spring opposite the Baptist and Wesleyan Chapels.


P. J. McKay will take in horses and mules etc. at Carrickfoyle Pen on pastorage each at six shillings per month for guinea grass and common.  Not liable for accidents and strays
P. J. Mackay



The following properties situated in the Parish of Trelawny, viz:


A freehold of 1594 acres, of which there are 192 acres in canes with 163 head of livestock


Containing 860 acres.  There are 105 acres in canes and 95 head of stock.


2360 acres, of which 124 are in canes.  136 head of stock.


919 acres, of which 128 acres in canes, and 148 head of stock.
For further particulars apply to the Honorable Robert Nunes, Falmouth, or in Kingston to
William Malabre, Isaac Levy, J. J. Ron Olson, trustees estate Nunes Brothers.



Those premises in St. Ann's Bay adjoining the Lee Wharf measuring 2 1/2 chains in length, and 1 1/2 chains in breadth, situated near the market.  The building is of stone basement with wooden upper part neatly shingled.
Apply to Charles Robinson, Pedro P. O.
or to J. C. Lewis, St. Ann's Bay P. O.

Monday, May 14, 1877

We regret to have to record the death of the Honorable Charles Royes, at his residence, Windsor, in St. Ann on the 4th May.  He was for many years Custos of St. Ann, and occupied a seat in the Legislative Council under both the old system of government and the new.  He resigned all his public appointments a short time before his death.


A strange story reaches us from St. Elizabeth.  Somewhat more than 20 years ago, a Mr. Mullens was found dead on a road in that parish.  An inquest was held on the body at which two witnesses stated that the horse of the deceased had thrown him and caused his death.  As time rolls on the circumstances passed out of public recollection but one of the witnesses, who is still alive, implicated himself as one of the murderers.  Of the persons who constituted the coroner's jury at the time of the inquest, only two are alive, both of whom have been summoned as witnesses at the approaching trial of the prisoner.

Thursday, May 17, 1877


May 15, British brigantine Venus, Stokenam, ballast, from Demerara.


The city of Kingston was lit up with gas on the evening of May 10.  The work was constructed by Mr. Stivens under the direction of Honorable General Mann, the head of the Public Works Department.  300 street lamps have been erected.  There were elaborate celebrations in Kingston.

Monday, May 28, 1877


On the 23rd May, the wife of David Galloway Esq., of a daughter.

Thursday, June 7, 1877


June 4, British brigantine Peter Roberts, Martell Master from Lucea to fill up.
June 4 American three-masted schooner Cumberland, Webber, Master from New York via Kingston, W. P. lumber provisions and kerosene
June 5, German brigantine Renner, von Ehren, from St. Thomas, ballast.

Monday, June 11, 1877


June 7, British Barque Patricia, Roche, in 42 days from London
June 7, American schooner Isabel Alberto, Tooker, in 14 days from America with bread stuffs.



On the 3rd June, at Spring Garden, Mrs. Espeut of a son.


Kent, Trelawny, 11 June 1877
My wife Elizabeth Clarke having left my protection without any reasonable cause, this is to notify the public, that I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract.
Henry Clarke

Thursday, June 14, 1877


June 11, British barque Atlantic, Fischer, from Kingston to fill up.

Monday, June 25, 1877


June 22, brigantine Gambia, Harding, for Kingston
June 22, brigantine Dottie , Matson, Inagua, in ballast.



On Wednesday, June 20, at the Parish Church by the Reverend D. R. Morris, rector of St. James, Charles H. Roe to Kathleen Emma, youngest daughter of the late Francis John Hay, of Westmoreland, Esquire.


in the Parish of St. James.

Containing 1453 acres of which 200 acres are in canes.
Apply to H. M. Purchas or L. C. Shirley, Clark's Town P. O.



Situate in the Dry Harbor Mountain District of the Parish of St. Ann, and about 8 miles from Brown's Town and about 2 1/2 miles from Charlton (or Alexandria P. O.) and having a fine driving road to the door.  The property contains 700 acres of land more or less, upward of 200 acres in common pasture and pimento.  There is also a field of coffee trees.  The property has an excellent dwelling house with necessary out buildings and barbecues, and a never failing pond of water.


A small dwelling house and shop at Anderson Town Village near Greenock estate in St. Ann's, for terms please apply to Thomas Ingram Esq., Browns Town P. O.

Monday, July 2, 1877


At Vale Royal, on the 26th June, Patrick William, infant son of Joseph and Elizabeth Jane Shearer.  Aged five months and three days.

Monday, July 9, 1877

Falmouth, 14 June 1877
I hereby appoint Mr. Isaac Reuben my agent for the sale of white lime in Falmouth.
T. T. Rutty

Thursday, July 12, 1877


July 9, American schooner L. S. and L. C. Adams, Samson, from Kingston.

July 9, British barque Sorata, Price, Master, for London, with Jamaica produce.
July 11, German barque Moewe, Ahrens, for St. Ann's Bay, to fill up.
July 11, German brig Marie Becker, Parick, for St. Ann's Bay to fill up.



On the 9th May, at St. Mary's, Islington, by the Reverend E. A. Fothergill, Herbert Hine Fry, of Moor Park, St. James, Jamaica, second surviving son of the late C. E. Fry Esq., of Compton Bishop, Somerset, to Jessie Mary, youngest daughter of Thomas H. Fry Esq., of Wintcombe, Somerset.


Liberty Valley, St. Ann's 6 July 1877
My wife Catharine Higgin having left my protection, I will not be responsible for any debts she may incur.
Isaac Higgin

Thursday, July 19, 1877

Duan Vale, 17 July 1877
That I will not be responsible for any debt my wife Peggy Hyatt may contract, she having left my protection without any reasonable or just cause.
John Hyatt, his X mark

Monday, July 23, 1877


Is hereby given that all persons being creditors or having claims against the estate of Philip Hart late of Lucea in the Parish of Hanover, merchant, who died on or about March 1877, and letters testamentary of whose personal property has been granted to Philip Abraham Hart on the 19th day of June 1877 are required on or before the 31st day of October 1877 to send to Daniel Hart, No. 3 Market St., the solicitor of the said executor, the particulars of such claims.

Thursday, July 26, 1877


Situate in the Parish of St. Ann on the Grand interior Road from Spanish Town to Falmouth about 2 miles from Brown's Town, and 5 miles from Stewart Town.
The property contains about 600 acres; about 400 acres in fine guinea grass, upwards of 154 acres in pimento and common.  The property is well supplied with ponds.  The fine dwelling house, out buildings and barbecues are all in good order.  There are 144 head of stock.  Please apply to Robert Beverland, Dry Harbour.

Monday, July 30, 1877


CORINALDI - RODRIGUES. At No.1 Fort St Montego Bay, on July 25, by the father of the bridegroom, (under authority of the President and wardens of the Sephardim congregation of Kingston Jamaica) Samah Gedelia (junior), fourth surviving son of Samah Gedelia Corinaldi, to Sarah Rebecca, eldest daughter of Lewis Rodrigues, all of Montego Bay.


Mr. T. Collier, Sub-Marine Engineer and diver, late from America, left Kingston in the schooner Marcella for Rocky Point, to take off the brig Miranda, which is stranded on Folly Reef.  He will afterwards proceed to Falmouth, Jamaica, to raise the sloop Mistress, wrecked off the port last October.

Thursday, August 2, 1877


At Jarett's wharf in Falmouth, on July 26 aged six months and two days Mary Esther, youngest daughter of Mr. Joseph Phillips.

Thursday, August 16, 1877

Granville, Trelawny, August 14, 1877
My wife Mary Grant having left my protection without any reasonable cause I will not hold myself responsible for any debt she may contract.
Alex Grant, his X mark

Monday, August 20, 1877


At Montego Bay, on Wednesday evening August 8, Joseph Henry Isaacs, aged 74 years, leaving a sorrowing widow, son and other relatives to mourn.  He resided in Montego Bay for 44 years and had he been spared a few months longer he would have celebrated his golden wedding anniversary.

Monday, September 10, 1877


On the eighth of August, at the British Embassy, Paris, by the Reverend James M. Laycock, Colonel James Dowell Swain, of H. M. Bengal Staff Corps, to Mary Morris, daughter of Sir John Rose Cormack, M. D., and grand daughter of the late William Hine of Hampshire, Trelawny, Jamaica.



A Lindo having purchased the entire plant of the late FALMOUTH POST newspaper, the "TRELAWNY" is now the only journal in existence in the County of Cornwall or (Kingston excepted) the whole island of Jamaica.
Its value as a newspaper and advertising medium in the western half of the island recommends it to all to whose business publicity is useful.

Thursday, September 13, 1877


An inquest was held at the Court House at St. Ann's Bay, on Friday, September 7, before the coroner for the district, H .J. B. Hancock Esq., on the body of an infant male child aged 15 months.  From the evidence and reports of Dr. William Bourke the acting Government Medical Officer for the district, who performed the postmortem, it appears that the child came to his death having been too largely dosed with mercury.


In Kingston, 13 September 1877

In the River District of the Parish of St. Thomas,
Containing about 900 acres, including 210 acres of cane land.
The work buildings are in fair order.  There is an iron waterwheel in good order.
There are 80 cattle and 19 mules
apply to David Colthirst & Co.

Thursday, September 27, 1877

Bower Hill, Lucea P.O.
The undersigned having parted with the plant of the Falmouth Post to Abraham Lindo Esq. hereby notifies the late subscribers that no one but herself can grant receipts.
Catherine Castello
Widow and executrix of the late John Castello deceased



On Monday the 17th of September, at Caswell Hill, in Clarendon, Sarah Barber, Relic of the late William Henry Barber Esq., of England and daughter of the late William Tharpe Esq., of Chester estate (Trelawny).  Deeply lamented.  Aged 50 years.


At Ballycrystal, St. Ann, on the night of September 22, Hamilton Brown Esq., youngest son of the late Hamilton Brown, of Minard, aged 52 years.  He leaves a widow, an only daughter, and numerous relatives and friends to mourn their loss.


The Falmouth District Court was held in this town on the 21st and 22nd before the Honorable H. J. B. Hancock, judge of the said court.  Results of cases tried were:

McLean, Jean, guilty of larceny of a Sovereign, property of William McBlane, a discharged sailor from the Barque Regia.
Pearson, Robert, larceny of growing provisions after previous conviction.
Francis, Benjamin, guilty of larceny of clothes.
Hinds, Stephen, guilty of wounding Richard Russell.  Edward Hinds guilty of aggravated assault of Richard Russell.  Samuel and Edward Hinds guilty of aggravated assault of Simon Russell.

Monday, September 31 [sic], 1877

The Falmouth Post
Falmouth, 27th of October 1877 [sic]
In reference to an advertisement which appeared in the Trelawny of the 27th instant, John W. Henry hereby notifies, that having carried on the office of the Falmouth Post on his own account, and at his individual expense, since the death of the late John Castello, all accounts due to the office to the 31st of August last are due and payable only to him, and his receipt alone will be valid.

Monday, October 8, 1877

Lady Musgrave, the wife of his Excellency the Governor arrived in the S. S. Atlas on Thursday.  She had an enthusiastic reception.


During the recent heavy weather at Montego Bay, two boats, one of them the property of Mr. George Lyon of that place, were lost.


Estate of John M. Crowe, late of the Parish of St. Ann, planter (deceased)
Creditors and others having claims against the above named are requested to send claims to Thomas Ingram, Browns Town P. O., the administrator of the said estate, by October 31.

Monday, October 15, 1877


October 10, Schooner Augustus J. Fabens, Harris, New York.
October 11, Brigantine Elva, Dongo, Inagua, in ballast


Intelligence has been received at Montego Bay by the Sloop "Maria" of the wreck of the Swedish Barque "C.W.D." from Rio Janeiro bound to New Orleans with a cargo of coffee, off Grand Cayman.  The Captain and two of the crew arrived in the "Maria" at Montego Bay.


The appointment of Mr. James E. Muir as Inspector of Nuisances in Falmouth was confirmed.  His duties commenced on October 5

Monday, October 22, 1877

At the District Court held in the town of Lucea, before Judge Williams, on Thursday, October 11, the following case of ejectment, which is of some importance, was tried.
Mr. William R. Johnson, the plaintiff, in the year 1840 got a title from his aunt Mrs. Margaret Samuells for 16 acres of land which he took possession of from her death in 1844, and in consideration of which he paid Mr. Jacob Lyon the sum of £25 which she owed him, and put John Dias, who was buying five acres of it from him, in possession of all the land.  The latter as his agent had possession of the same till the year 1862 when he the plaintiff, gave the lands to his sister, Mrs. Eleanor Taylor, but William Buck the defendant some time after entered upon the land, as Mrs. Taylor was then in a poor and unprotected state, and claimed it, saying that it was given to his wife and relatives by their late mistress Mrs. Margaret Samuells, by her will.
The plaintiff produced his title in court, duly executed, and proved by himself and other witnesses that he was in the possession of the land from the death of Mrs. Samuells to the year when he gave it to Mrs. Taylor who was then not in a position to proceed at law against the defendant.  As she is now able to do so the present proceeding has been sent out to eject him.  Buck in Defense stated that he had the land in right of his wife to whom and her sisters, their owner Mrs. Samuells had given it by will which however he had never found, and that Mrs. Samuells was not in a sound state of mind when she executed the titles to Mr. Johnson, but that plaintiff produced evidence to rebut the defendant on his evidence.
The judge gave judgment for the plaintiffs and allowed the defendant three months to leave the property.

Thursday, October 25, 1877


October 20, Brigantine Lina, Annan, St. Jago de Cuba, tobacco for Bremen.  Sailed October 23.



On the morning of the 24th of October, after a long and lingering illness, Robert G. Robey, Esq., aged 58 years.  He was a native of Falmouth.  He has left a widow and son, together with numerous relatives and friends to mourn the loss.



The crew of the American Schooner Louis A. Swett have been landed at Liverpool by the ship Thomas Brocklebank.  As the latter vessel was homeward bound from Jamaica she fell in with a Schooner in a disabled condition and flying signals of distress.  The weather was exceedingly rough, but they were able to rescue the men and Captain.  The disabled ship was owned in Boston, U. S., and at the time was bound from Accra to Boston with palm oil.

Thursday, November 8, 1877


In Birmingham on the 22nd of October, the Reverend Lewis Chapman, aged 84 years, brother-in-law of D. H. D'Souza Esq. formerly of Falmouth.  The deceased was reader to the Hebrew German congregation in Kingston, nearly 50 years ago, and for the last 45 years of his life filled the same office in a synagogue in Birmingham.



On Friday evening last a row took place at Landovery Estate between John Redway and William Clarke, two of the laborers on the property, which resulted in a scuffle.  Redway struck Clarke with a stone on his temple.  Clarke was taken up in an insensible state and carried to the Great House where he died at 5 a.m. The prisoner is in custody.


Containing 426 acres
Distant from Falmouth 5 1/2 miles


The Hyde, November 5, 1877
on 23rd October last
A 3-year-old steer, dark color
A. Urquhart, overseer

Monday, November 12, 1877

On the 7th November at Bryan Castle estate the wife of F. R. Fletcher of a son.


A very sad accident occurred at Acton, the property of Mr. Daniel Keleher, in Trelawny on Thursday, November 3.  A boy, about 10 years of age, was sent by his mother from Gravesend, a village near by, to a neighboring shop, and on his return to call at Mr. Keleher's tank, the usual watering place for the folks at Gravesend, for a pan of water.  The little fellow took up the water pan and ran eagerly down the hill.  He fell into the tank and drowned.  He was buried on the following day.


Duan Vale, 8th November 1877
My wife Mary Shirley having left my protection, I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract.
Thomas Shirley

Thursday, November 15, 1877


At Falmouth, on the 13th of November, after a painful illness, Saul Moss, Esq., aged 74 years.  The deceased was formerly engaged as a merchant in a large scene of business in Kingston.  He left Jamaica several years ago to reside in England, and returned to the island on a visit only a few months since.  He has left a widow and sons and daughters in England, and relatives here to mourn the loss.


On the 9th November, at Bryan Castle Estate, the infant son of J. R. Fletcher Esq.


On Sunday night or Monday morning last the weather being very tempestuous, a shop at the corner opposite the Masonic Lodge belonging to Mr. James Gordon, was broken into, and a considerable quantity of groceries stolen therefrom.  The burglar, having apparently a sense of humor, drew a fancy sketch on the door, of a vessel in distress and about to capsize, marking under it "Total Wreck."

Monday, November 19, 1877


On Saturday last, November 10, the weather arose very suddenly with rain and strong gusts of wind; a heavy sea running at the time, when the sloop "Royalist" Captain McCulloch, in entering the port and being very light, got capsized.  The Captain and crew were saved through the exertions of the crew of a fishing canoe.
The sloop "Maria" hailing from Caymanas, and which, during the month of October, brought intelligence of the wreck of the Swedish bark "C.W. D", whilst at anchor, parted her cables, ran ashore on the River Bay Beach, and became a total wreck.  No one was on board when the accident took place.


A man known as "Yankee William" has been arrested on the charge of having committed the burglary of which we gave a report in our last issue.

Thursday, November 22, 1877

We have to record an extraordinary rainfall which took place at Hopewell Estate, in Trelawny, from Sunday, November 11 up to Friday the 16th.  11 inches fell on Sunday in 10 hours.  The pond rose 16 feet.  The roads are fearfully damaged there and in the Sawyers market district.  The cane fields have comparatively suffered little.  Rainfall from Sunday to Friday 15 inches 2 parts.

Thursday, November 29, 1877

The hitherto unsold properties belonging to the trust estate of Messrs. Nunez Brothers, which have been in the market for more than a year past, were put up for sale.  The bidders were a few.  The following is a list of the sales:
Wales and Potosi, freehold and stock, sold to F. Roper.
Pantrepant with live and dead stock, sold to Senr. Merchado.
The Cooperage sold to Mr. Moodie.


St. Ann,
My wife Christiana Codner having left my protection, I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract.
George Codner

Monday, December 3, 1877


At the Parish Church, Montego Bay, on 29th November, by the Reverend D. R. Morris, Campbell Tulloch, son of the late Robert Dewar Esq., to Isabel Mary eldest daughter of the late John MacFarlane Esq. M.R.C.S. Edinburgh.


A man named Lewis Watson, alias Monkey Watson was brought in to Falmouth on Thursday last, in the custody of Rural Constable Huie from the Rock, on the charge of having stolen a mule.


John Williamson, a boy apparently of not more than 15 years of age, is also in custody on a charge of stealing a horse.



The above court was opened at the courthouse, St. Ann's Bay, on Monday November 26.  The criminal calendar was disposed of as follows:
Edward Brown guilty of perjury.
James Warsim, John Surrey, and James McCormack, seamen belonging to the British Barque "Balcombe" were charged with larceny of rum.  McCormack was found guilty and sentenced to five months hard labor in the St. Mary's District Prison.  The prisoners were defended by Mr. A. Mallory Dillet, barrister.
Samuel Faren, alias Samuel Faren Reid, guilty of forgery.
Eliza Wilson guilty of larceny.
Robert Watson, James Lawrence, Frederick Henry, George Wisdom, John Wisdom, and Jessie Lawrence guilty of shopbreaking and larceny.
Robert Watson, William Shirley, James Lawrence, Frederick Henry, Charles Henry, and Jessie Lawrence guilty of shopbreaking and larceny.
John Redwin guilty of manslaughter.
John Hurd guilty of larceny.
Thomas Duckett guilty of forgery.

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