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Published in Falmouth, Jamaica

June to December 1876

Thursday, June 1, 1876


May 31, Barque Nile, Brander, from Demerara in ballast.
May 31, Brigantine, Inca , Roper, from Kingston


On Saturday evening last, the new road to the cemetery in Falmouth was formally opened by a procession.  A large crowd assembled, who disported themselves over the resting place of the dead to the sound of music, the firing of brass pop-guns and other of the usual accompaniments of festive occasions.  We cannot but think that the proceedings were so far characterized by levity and indecorum as to have transgressed the widest limit which could be fairly allowed on the occasion.


The first of the R.M.S.S. Company's coasting steamers arrived here on Sunday last.  She was not the Belize, the vessel which had been announced, but the Mersey, an old steamer of the line, larger than the Belize, but not so clean and comfortable.  It is said that hereafter, the Belize will be sent around.  The religious feeling of a considerable part of the community has taken offense at the receiving and discharging cargo on Sunday: not for the one occasion, but from an impression that it will be a permanent practice.  It is believed that the result of her first coasting trip will be satisfactory.



We learn from a correspondent that the first match between the Manchester C. C. and St. Elizabeth C. C. came off on Thursday 25th May at the ground of the latter Club, at Mount Olivet, in the Santa Cruz Mountains.  There was a large attendance on the ground, every one being well repaid by witnessing play, such as it is not often seen out of England.  The play all round was first rate especially the bowling of Messrs. F. Bonitto, C. S. Foote, H. Maxwell, G. Smith, and E. Earle. The wicket keeping of Mr. Catcheside was very effective.


For Sale

The store and dwellinghouse at corner of Harbour Street and Church Lane.  The premises are large, commodious and well adapted for any kind of business.  For terms apply to the George R. Phillips Esq., or to
Mrs. Mary Lindo

Monday, June 5, 1876


At a special meeting on Saturday 27th of May, licenses for Hawking and Peddling were granted to William Johnson, Louisa Groom, and Adam Chambers.

Thursday, June 8, 1876


At Georgia estate on the fifth June, the wife of John Wilson of a son.


In Falmouth on the sixth June, the wife of Mr. James Alfred Vine of a daughter.



On Sunday, 26 March 1876 at Caledonie Estate, Providence Wellesley, Straits Settlements, JULIANA , widow of ARCHIBALD SCOTT, late of Falmouth, Jamaica, in the 69th year of her age.



I hereby notify that Mr. G. H. Joseph is authorized to collect Accounts and grant Receipts for me.  No other person's receipt will be valid.
Henry Hume, M. D.

Monday, June 12, 1876


June 10, German Barque Moewe, Ahrens
June 10, Scott Barque Florence Louise, Williams, from Glasgow

June 9, Barque Medina, Tyndale, in 30 days from London


Information wanted
of Thomas Mellish

Who resided in Jamaica in the latter part of the last century.  Any particulars respecting the said Thomas Mellish, or his descendents will be thankfully received by
Charles Levy and Co.



All persons are warned against purchasing the buggy and watchmaker's materials advertised to be sold at Public Sale by the Executor of the late Alexander Henry, as part of the estate of the deceased; as a claim thereon is held by the subscriber.
John Henry

Thursday, June 15, 1876

Dr. Henry Hume, Government Medical Officer for Trelawny, has obtained six months leave of absence, and will shortly leave the island for England to recruit his health, which has for some time past been impaired.  Dr. Hilbert, a German member of the profession, has succeeded Dr. Hume until the expiration of his leave.


On Tuesday last, Samuel Anderson, formerly pressman at the Trelawny office, was tried before Justice Bruford for misconduct as a servant, in refusing to obey lawful commands of the manager of the office.  The magistrate in passing sentence observed that it is the duty of a servant to obey orders at the time he is told to do so, and not to choose his own time.



the above court was opened in Falmouth on June 5.  Results of criminal cases were:
Elizabeth Johnson, Thomas Jackson and Elizabeth Brown guilty of larceny of a pig the property of one James Peterking.
Ramdeen, a coolie, for larceny of 65 1/2 pounds weight of sugar in the property of Honorable William Kerr and another, from Gales Valley estate.
James Martin, guilty of larceny in a dwellinghouse.



It having become necessary to repair and enlarge the Presbyterian church in Montego Bay, the ceremony of laying the foundation or chief cornerstone of the proposed addition to the sacred edifice took place on Tuesday, June 6 in the presence of a large assemblage of persons of different religious denominations.  The proceedings were begun by the Reverend Adam Thomson, pastor of the church.  The Reverend E. A. Wallbridge of Mount Zion offered a brief prayer, at the close of which Mr. Thompson deposited in the stone on which the foundation was to be laid, a bottle containing several documents.

Monday, June 19, 1876


For Bremen, Brigantine Inca
For Kingston, on June 17, American three-masted schooner Helen Maria

Thursday, June 22, 1876


June 19, British Brigantine Loretta, Veal, in 25 days from Halifax
Also the Cayman Schooner Champion, with cows etc. to D. Mills Esq. of Montego Bay



On Tuesday June 30, the skeleton of a person supposed to be a man was found on Providence estate in parish of St. James, in one of the cane pieces.  It appears that about five months ago a man called Davis came from Rose Hall Estate, and was wondering about Providence, when he was driven off.


A young man named Myers, servant of A. B. Dignum, Esq., of Falmouth has been apprehended on the charge of having stolen £24 cash and several articles of clothing from Mrs. Purcell, a storekeeper at Clermont in Saint Ann.

Monday, June 26, 1876


June 22, British Barque Lincluden, from St. Thomas, to fill up.


June 23, British Barque Nile, for London
June 23, British Barque Patricia, for Montego Bay, to fill up


For sale

[carriage, sporting equipment, etc.]

The horses can be seen at Windsor Pen, and the other articles at Tilston.
M. E. Morrish

Thursday, June 29, 1876


At Ashton, Trelawny, on Midsummer Day, the wife of Reverend J. Adam Thomson, a son.



On Monday, June 26, after a short illness, Edith Eliza Mary, daughter of Robert Doig, Esq., aged eight months and three weeks.

Monday, July 3, 1876

Kingston Circuit Court

At the hearing of this Court on June 26, Robert Patience charged with the murder of James Crawford having wounded him in the neck.  On the Sunday just before the murder was discovered, Patience went to another man who had the reputation of being an obeah man, whom he asked to "work obeah" so that he might not be found out in "something he had done down in the gully."  It is reported that he proceeded to tell this man what he had done.
The case of Sergeant Charles of the second West India Regiment charged with riot and wounding was fixed for Thursday.
Neasmott, an East Indian, was prosecuted on April 17 in St. Mary, for having attempted to cause to be administered to Coodi Bacchus another East Indian, 500 grains of white arsenic.  Mr. John J. Bowrey, the Island Chemist proved that the poison was nearly 550 grains and he added that two or three grains of it would be a fatal dose.  The jury found Neasmott guilty.  Sentence seven years penal servitude.

Thursday, July 6, 1876

Correspondence from Montego Bay

A robbery was committed on the premises of Miss Euphemia Pulies on Friday night June 23 by 4 men.  We are glad to state that the suspected parties have been captured.  An investigation was held at the courthouse on Saturday, June 1 before the Stipendiary Magistrate Thomas H. Sharpe, Mr. John C. Humber, Clerk of the Petty Sessions being present.


Intelligence has been received of the loss of the Sloop Excelsior upon Barebush Keys.  She was returning from Kingston to Montego Bay with a general cargo to her owner Mr. George Lyons.

Monday, July 24, 1876


At Mount Zion Manse, St. James, on the morning of July 17, the Reverend Edwin Angel Wallbridge, pastor of Mount Zion Presbyterian Church, aged 28 years, a talented young Missionary.  His father, the late well known and much beloved Reverend E. A. Wallbridge, missionary in Demerara, predeceased him by only a few months.
The name of "Wallbridge" will recall that of the "Dairyman's Daughter" from whose family, in the Isle of Wight, the now lamented father and son were linearly descended.

It is with profound regret that we record the decease of this promising young clergyman.  The startling announcement of his death on Monday night caused universal grief in this community.  Mr. Wallbridge came out to Jamaica from Scotland towards the close of the year 1869, and on his arrival in Kingston was heartily welcomed.  He was soon, however, located at Rosehill, one of the Presbyterian mission stations in Saint Mary's, where he diligently labored for about a year and a half; but in May 1871 he was ordained by the Northern Presbytery to the Pastoral charge of the larger and more important congregation at Mount Zion in St. James then vacant by the lamented decease of the Reverend William Lawrence.  Mr. Wallbridge has left behind him a disconsolate widow and her three children.


Mr. Edward O'Malley, barrister-at-law, has been appointed Attorney General of Jamaica.  He is the son of the late Mr. Peter Frederick O'Malley, Q.C., recorder of Norwich, and contested Bedford in the Conservative interest in 1862.



At a meeting of the Board on Saturday last Licenses for Hawking and Peddling were granted to Cabaloos (a Coolie), John Jarrett, Richard Clarke, Louisa M. Bodden, John R. Lions, Stephen E. Pritchard, Isabella Binham and B. Gordon.
The Clerk read a letter from the Director of Roads informing the Board that it is the intention of the Government to build a Constabulary Station at Duncans.
A letter from the director of roads informed that the digging of the well at Duncans under contract with Mr. Ellis was still not complete.  Water was reached at 160 feet by December 1875, but in too small quantity to be depended upon as a supply.  The total depth now reached is about 200 feet.  A letter from General Mann to the Colonial Secretary recommends that digging continue as water may be near.

Thursday, July 27, 1876

From all parts of the Island reports reach us of the extreme violence of the weather during the greater part of last, and the beginning of the present week.  In Kingston it blew a gale in that harbor on Wednesday last, and in the parish of St. Elizabeth its effects were disastrous to life and property, eight fishermen at Pedro having been drowned, and two wharf men at Black River.  In Falmouth on Wednesday and Sunday night the weather was very fierce, rain, wind, and lightning.


Apropos of the above it is to be feared that the loss of the crew of the Sloop "Minnie," if the current rumor is true, is to be attributed to the severe weather at sea.  It is said that the "Minnie" was taken in tow by a vessel, not one person having been found on board.

Monday, August 1, 1876


July 29, British Brigantine Mary E. Rowland, from New York, via Kingston.

Thursday, August 3, 1876

Kingston, 20th of July 1876

For Sale

Tweedside Coffee Plantation in St. James District of the parish of St. Andrew.
This property adjoins Mount Moses plantation.  The freehold contains 300 acres of which about 80 acres are in coffee cultivation.  Along with Tweedside will be sold a detached run of land called Mount James containing about 80 acres with tenants on it.  Mr. R. O. McGann, the overseer in charge to show the properties and for further particulars apply to John McLean, Cold Spring P.O.



Of the following Freehold Estates abounding in valuable woods and of the most fertile land in the Island, situate in the parish of Clarendon will be received by the undersigned in time for transmission to England by the mail of the 10th of August.
Leicesterfield, containing about 3471 acres
Peckham, containing about 2508 acres
Logie Green, containing about 564 acres
Leicesterfield's CanoeValley about 418 acres
Effort, containing about 350 acres
Leicesterfield's Store, containing about 17 acres
                      Together 7328 acres
Hill, Airey and Harvey, Solicitors, Kingston


Our fellow townsman, Mr. John E. Muir who has for many years past been in the public service in Falmouth, has received well merited promotion, having been appointed Clerk to the Kingston Municipal Board at a salary of £350 a year.


Stewart Town P.O., July 1876

For lease on first September
Atkins Wharf, (Rock)
with the Bush Keys
Consisting of between 50 and 60 acres

Apply post paid to J. W. Fisher

Thursday, August 17, 1876


August 11, American Brigantine Mary E. Rowland, for Montego Bay
August 12, British Brigantine W. E. Stowe, for Turks Island, in ballast.

Monday, August 21, 1876

Alligator Pond Wharf, August 21, 1876
All persons having goods on the above wharf are requested to check them with the wharfinger, Mr. N. Parchment, before the end of the present month.
George Solomon and Co.

Thursday, August 24, 1876


August 23, British Brigantine Champion, from Halifax, via Kingston, with fish stuffs.

Thursday, August 31, 1876

A young man named George McCarthy is in custody, charged with having committed a violent assault on a woman by kicking her in the abdomen on Monday night.  The woman is the person with whom he lived and was at the time of the alleged assault pregnant by him.  She was still alive on Wednesday though suffering great agony and lying in too dangerous a state to allow very sanguine hopes being entertained of her recovery.

Monday, September 4, 1876


This court was opened on Wednesday, August 30 and was occupied for some time with the case of the Queen against Julia Powell, a domestic servant girl, in the employ of Mr. Reilly, at Windsor Pen St. Catharine, for having, on the 29th August, after having delivered herself of a child, unlawfully endeavored to conceal its birth by secretly throwing the dead body into the soil of a certain private room in their yard.  The jury returned a verdict of guilty with a recommendation to mercy.
The next was a similar case her name was Isabella Bargain; she resided at Grateful Hill in St. Thomas in the Vale; her child was born on July 28, and was placed, after death in a tuft of grass behind her house. The jury returned a verdict of guilty with a recommendation to mercy.
The Queen against Joseph Brown for the manslaughter on August 1 of one William McLean, in the Parish of St. Catherine.  The evidence disclosed great provocation on the part of the deceased, and that indeed, the prisoner had done all he could to prevent a rupture between them. The jury returned a verdict of guilty with a strong recommendation to mercy.
The Queen against James Samuel Cornish for shop-breaking and larceny.  The prisoner was charged with having in September of last year broken into the watch-making establishment of Mr. McPherson in St. Catharine and stolen therefrom 13 watches, and with having within six months after, stolen another watch from the same person.  The jury returned a verdict of guilty.


We learn from a correspondent that two new Sloops were launched from the beach at Meagre Bay, on the 24th and 29th of August.  The boats are named respectively the Royalist and the Reward of Providence; the former 14 tons and the latter 18 tons.


The Reverend J. M. Ramson, the newly appointed incumbent for Trinity Chapel Montego Bay, arrived in that town last week for the purpose of taking charge of the place of worship.


Armadale, Alexandria P. O.

The Great House on the above property with Carriage House, Stables etc., now undergoing repairs to be completed next month, with Pasturage for six or more horses, Milk etc. etc.
Apply to William Cover, Alexandria P. O.

Thursday, September 7, 1876

The Synod of the church of England in Jamaica met in Montego Bay on Thursday 31st August.  The following members of Synod were present:
Clergymen: the Bishop of Kingston, the Venerable Archdeacons G. H. Campbell and W. Rowe, the Reverend Henry Clarke Senior, Edward Clarke, J. K. Collymore, C. H. Davis, G. W. Downer, C. F. Douet, J. D. Ellis, J. S. Fraser, J. A. Garcia del Rio, H. H. Isaacs, E. B. Key, P. L. King, C. Macgregor, E. Nuttall, W. A. Pierce, J. M. Ramson, S. C. Smyth, P. Spence, J. A. Thomson, J. S. Vaughan, and E. A. Stewart.
Lay Representatives: Honorable W. C. Cooke and B. Vickers, C. P. Bovell, Stephen Campbell, J. Cargill, Henry Davis, A. B. Dignum, W. Dixon, J. W. Fisher, Robert Fowler, David Galloway, J. S. Lothian, J. D. Macpherson, J. W. Menell, F. H. Sharpe, A. D. Shore, J. Watson, W. Webster, J. C. Young and Phillpots Brown, Esquires.


A little boy, about 11 years of age, named Walter Wilmot, has just launched the following information with the Constabulary of Spanish Town. "On my return from school on Thursday 31st August, I found my father sitting in the house with his clothes all bloody.  Upon asking him what it all meant, he said 'softly, boy, I have just killed your mother (Amelia Pine) go to the fields and you will see her.'  I hastened to the spot and there found my mother lying in a pool of blood with the throat cut across, and dead.  This occurrence took place in the Rock River District of Chapelton.


Rock, Trelawny, September 6, 1876
My wife Letetia Johnson having left my protection without any just cause, this is to inform all shopkeepers, storekeepers, and others, that if they give her credit, they will do so on their own responsibility.
Thomas Johnson, his X mark

Monday, September 11, 1876


On Thursday the seventh of September, the wife of D. C. D'Souza, Esq., of Falmouth, of a Son.



In Falmouth on 4 September 1876, Rosamond Emily, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wood, aged six years.

Thursday, September 14, 1876

Falmouth, 13 September 1876

The Hermitage, about 6 miles from Falmouth.  A fine residence for a small family.  For particulars apply to George Robertson Esq., Green Park, or to Emily C. Nathan, Falmouth.



That desirable freehold, situate in Duke Street, nearly opposite the Church School Room, known as BATT'S HOUSE.  The place will be sold cheap and on easy terms.  For permission to view the premises, apply to C. P. Delgado.
N. B. -- Expense of Title to be borne by Purchaser

Monday, September 18, 1876


On Saturday last J. W. Fisher Esq. was sworn in as Custos of Trelawny.  The magisterial oath was, after this, administered to Mr. Martin Loranzo Strickland, the only new magistrate associated with the Custos in the Commission.

Monday, September 25, 1876


September 22, British Barque Sorata, Price, master, from London in 44 days
September 23 an open boat from Cuba with five men, Cubans, on their way to Kingston.


[The following places of business will be closed due to the Jewish Day of Atonement on Thursday next: the Trelawny newspaper, Waterloo House and Medical Hall of D. Lindo & Co., Samuel Lazarus, Corinaldi & Co., C. P. Delgado.]

Monday, October 16, 1876


October 9, British Schooner Georgietta Curtis, from Norfolk
October 12, North German Brigantine Amor, from Dry Harbour

Monday, October 23, 1876


October 15, British Brigantine Eureka , Wilson, from Halifax
October 20, British Schooner Brigand, Baxter, called in from stress of weather



In Falmouth on 18th October 1876, Joseph Malabre Esq., Collector of Her Majesty's Customs for this Port, leaving a disconsolate widow and several children and friends to mourn their irreparable loss.

Thursday, October 26, 1876


Containing 560 acres, in two lots of 300 and 260 acres each.  The first butting on Covey, Lottery, Pembroke, and Canaan, Mountains.  The second on Bunkers Hill, Unity, and Drumilly.  Apply is by letter post paid to Charles M. Phillips Esq., Point, Lucea, or here to
Joseph Phillips,
Jarrett's Wharf

Thursday, November 2, 1876


Situate in the parish of St. Andrew: a very desirable top Mountain coffee plantation in cultivation, and possessing necessary works, barbecues, etc., and a comfortable residence adjoining

Charlottenburgh Plantations.

For particulars application to be made to Alexander W. Heron Esq., Shooters Hill P.O.



 At Georgia Estate, Trelawny, the residence of John Wilson, Esq., on 30th October, the wife of Alfred Novell Simons, Esq., late 101th [sic] Fusiliers, of a daughter.


The annual Wesleyan Missionary Meeting was held in the Chapel on Tuesday evening last.  The annual report with read by the Reverend R. M. Parther, the minister of the Chapel.  The following ministers then spoke: the Reverend William Duff, Methodist; Reverend John Kingdon, Baptist; the Reverend William Harty, London Missionary; Reverend T. P. Russell, Methodist; Reverend William Murray, Presbyterian; Reverend John Corlett, Methodist; Reverend Thomas Geddes, Methodist; Reverend Mr. Moodie, Methodist.


Estate of Alexander Maximilian Nathan
late of Falmouth, in the Parish of Trelawny, merchant, deceased.

Creditors and others having claims against the above-named are requested to send in particulars to Emily Natherine [sic] Nathan and John Orrett, Kingston P.O., the Administrators in this island of the said Estate, on or before December 1, 1876.

Monday, November 6, 1876

The Barque Evening Star of Cardiff, was wrecked on Little Cayman on 18th October.  Captain Lloyd, his mate, and nine of the crew perished.  Six were brought to Montego Bay in the Alabama yesterday.
One of the crew of the Ellis E. Butler, a young man of 17 years of age, and brother of the mate, was washed overboard and lost.

Thursday, November 9, 1876

Mr. H. S. Vermont
Begs to notify the public that having qualified as an assistant surveyor he solicits a share of patronage.
H. S. Vermont, Ocho Rios, P.O.

Monday, November 13, 1876

On Friday afternoon one of those rare phenomena known as waterspouts was seen near the shore of the South West of Falmouth.  Its shape was that of an inverted pyramid, and its volume considerable.  It was some minutes in passing, and was plainly visible from the town.

Thursday, November 16, 1876

The Kingston Tramway was opened on Saturday last with great éclat.  A large, but select party was invited.  At 2 p.m. the procession of five cars filled with the invited guests moved off from the foot of King Street for its destination, a piece of ground near the residence of Mr. A. Malabre at the top of East Street, where a tent had been pitched and a dejeuner spread.

Thursday, November 23, 1876

A sharp shock of earthquake was felt in Falmouth on Sunday morning shortly after four o'clock.  The undulations were from east to west.

Thursday, November 30, 1876


At Cave Valley Estate, St. Ann, on the morning of the 19th November, after a short and painful illness, SAMUEL THARPE ATTERBURY, leaving a sorrowing wife, four children and relatives to deplore his loss.

Monday, December 4, 1876

Inspector Thomas Alexander, who has been for some time in command of the Constabulary Force in Kingston, will shortly return to his place in Trelawny.


We regret to learn of the death of the late Inspector Thomas Hart of St. Ann's Bay.

Thursday, December 7, 1876


December 5, British Barque Patricia, Roche, Master in 51 days from London.


The American Schooner Carrie Saunders, Captain Saunders, for Charleston with 175,000 Oranges and 200 bunches bananas, was loaded last week by Mr. Charles Gauntlett of Falmouth.  The fruit has been shipped in very good order expressly to meet the American Market.


News has reached Falmouth of the death of Jacob Segree, Esq., an old and respectable inhabitant of Sav-la-Mar, aged 78 years.


The American Schooner "Addie L. Bird" which sailed from this Port some time ago for New York and of which Mr. W. M. Griffith (late government schoolmaster) was on board as passenger has never been heard of since.  Three months have now elapsed since she set sail.  Little hope can therefore be entertained of her safety.


The Presbyterian church in Montego Bay, under the pastoral charge of the Reverend Adam Thomson, was reopened on Thursday the 13th of November 1876



The circuit court for Saint Ann opened on Monday 4th December.  Indictments heard were:
Queen versus Henry Dawson, for larceny, after a previous conviction.  Guilty.
Queen versus Thomas Williams, for horse stealing.  Guilty.
Queen versus George White for wounding.  Guilty.
Queen versus James Hinds and Richard Hall for larceny of a post-letter bag.  Richard Hall was found guilty.  Hinds was acquitted.



We have to report the death of Inspector T. P. Hart of St. Ann's Bay, after a few days illness, at his residence.  He served over 26 years in the parish, and died universally beloved.  This was marked by one of the largest funeral processions ever seen there.  He leaves a sorrowing widow, a large number of children and a wide circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss.  The deceased was buried at the Jewish cemetery, St. Ann's Bay.

Monday, December 11, 1876


At Pleasant Hill near Montego Bay, on the 7th December, MRS. ESTHER NUNES, relict of Benjamin Nunes Esquire, in her 83rd year, leaving a large family, and a circle of friends to mourn their loss.

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