Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library
1. An Inventory and Appraisal was made of the personal property and rights of deceased persons as a part of Probate.
2. The following items summarize Inventories which are on a microfilm prepared by the Archives to show the Inventories of particular deceased persons. Other items (or parts thereof) may appear at the top or bottom of the same page, or on the facing page. Partial items are also included here for the value of the names and information they contain. The order in which they appear on the microfilm has been preserved.
3. Pounds £ are in Jamaican currency of the time, which was worth less than British sterling.
4. For an example of the full text of the authorizations issued for appraisals and inventories, please see the Inventory of George Huie (which was also taken from this microfilm).
5. 1B/11/3/ is the Index Number for Inventories in the Jamaica Archives.
1B/11/3/135 Folios 2-3
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: James Guthrie and Robert Watt Esquires, by William Duke of Manchester, 4 January 1821. W. Bullock, Secretary.
Appraisers appointed: Thomas L. Kearn and James Morrison both of the parish of Saint James gentlemen
Administrator of estate: James McIntosh of the parish of St. James watchmaker
Inventory: Sundry book debts £500
1B/11/3/135 Folio 3
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Pat Spence and John Dobson Esquires, by William Duke of Manchester, Governor, 17 November 1820. W. Bullock, Secretary
Appraisers appointed: James Wedderburn and Samuel Case
Administrator of estate: Aaron DeLeon the Elder of Westmoreland a free person of colour
[Inventory not microfilmed]
1B/11/3/144 Folio 205
Appointments by: Sir John Keane, Lieutenant Governor, 2 February 1828
Appraisers appointed: John Russell and William Drummond
Executors of estate: Augustus Ebanks and Richard Ebanks of the parish of St. Elizabeth
[Inventory not microfilmed]
1B/11/3/144 Folio 205-206
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: George H. Oates, by Sir John Keane, Lieutenant Governor, February 10, 1828. W. Bullock, Secretary
Appraisers appointed: William England and James Buchanan
Executor and Executrix of estate: Thomas Higgins Thelwell and Mary McKenzie widow
Three Slaves:
Charles James £135
Alexander Schaw £130
William Morrison £75
One mule, 1 mare, household furniture and tools £86
Wearing apparel and a watch £4
Total inventory. . . £430
1B/11/3/144 Folio 206
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: John Dobson and Benjamin Capon Esquires, by Sir John Keane, Lieutenant Governor, January 28, 1828. W. Bullock, Secretary
Appraisers appointed: Aaron Deleon Junior and James Wedderburn
Executor of estate: Samuel Brands, Ralph Tomlinson, and James Tomlinson
[Inventory not microfilmed]
1B/11/3/149 Folio 95
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Mulgrave, 9 November 1832. W. G. Stewart, Secretary
Appraisers appointed: Samuel H. Binger and H. J. Lawrence
Only surviving Executor of estate: Francis Bowen
Inventory 12 January 1833
Samuel Smith £104
Joseph Monkhouse £26
Jane Greenland £34
Two horses and a steer £70
Watch £35
Powder flask and shot belt, Regimentals, saddle and bridle £6. 1. 8.
A Bond or obligation from John Ray and William Heslop to James Walker by him assigned to Messrs. Patey and Sewell and by them assigned to Duncan Stewart for the principal sum of £666.13.4. plus interest, Total £748. 1. 10
A Bond from George Vidal and William Heslop to Duncan Stewart less payments made £200
Cash and checks £66
Furniture in the house £50
Odd debts unsettled and outstanding £20
Old chaise and harness £5. 6. 8.
Total inventory...... £1436. 10. 2.
Words in document counted by John Wallace Harris 23 January 1833.
1B/11/3/144 Folio 97
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Thomas Joseph Grey and James Guthrie Esquires, by Constantine Henry Earl of Mulgrave, Governor, 30 July 1832. W G. Stewart, Secretary.
Appraisers appointed: Peter Drummond and George Peterkin of the parish of St. James planters
Executors of estate: Kames Carr and John Fergus
[Inventory not microfilmed]
1B/11/3/144 Folio 153
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Frederick Lamont and George Miller of the parish of Trelawny esquires, by Constantine Henry Earl of Mulgrave, Governor, 18 October 1832. W G. Stewart, Secretary.
Appraisers appointed: Benjamin Harris and Frederick Castle of the parish of Trelawny
Executor of estate: Thomas Robert Vermont
George 3 years son of Charlotte £15
John 6 months son of Charlotte £10
Polly 5 years daughter of Peggy deceased £15
Charlotte 30 years £50
Jeanny Cooper 25 years £50
Total.... £140
Words counted by John Wedderburn 25 March 1833
1B/11/3/144 Folio 154
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Frederick Lamont and George Miller of the parish of Trelawny esquires, by Constantine Henry Earl of Mulgrave, Governor, 30 October 1832. W G. Stewart, Secretary.
Appraisers appointed: Benjamin Harris and Frederick Castle of the parish of Trelawny
Administrator of estate: Thomas Robert Vermont
A set of tolls and clothes etc. £10
A Negro man named Industry £30
Total... £40
Words counted by John Weppler, sworn before J. S. Brown 25 March 1833
1B/11/3/144 Folio 213
Appraisers appointed: David McLean
Inventory 21 June 1833
[first part of inventory not microfilmed]
Saws, carpenter tools, coffee sieves £12. 13. 4.
Coffee mill, steel yard, coffee farmer, breakers £6. 13. 4.
5 mules, a mare and followers £157
Saddle and bridle, bedsteads complete, sofa, sideboard & cases £29.6.8.
Furniture £28
Spy glass, wash stands, looking glass, gun shot bag and horn £5
42 volumes of Inchballs British Theatre with several odd volumes £30
A safe, knives and forks ladle, teaspoons, kitchen utensils £11
Balance on account due by agent in Kingston £508.9.0.
Also remaining on the wharf at Mr. Walker's death 3 bags pimento 1 tierce and 2 casks coffee unsold.
Total. . . £3,146. 2. 4.
Words counted by Henry Smith of Kingston 3 August 1833.
1B/11/3/144 Folios 213-215
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Frederick Lamont and John Kelly of the parish of Trelawny Esquires, by Constantine Henry Earl of Mulgrave, Governor, 4 May 1833. W G. Stewart, Secretary
Appraisers appointed: Robert Frampton and John Altham Mather [signed J. L. Mather] of the parish of Trelawny planters
Administrators of estate with will annexed: John Hibgame and Anthony Taylor
Moll £16
Maggy £16
Bessy £14
Dumpling £7
Nelly £18
Lassie £16
Fatima £26
Phillis £16
Toby £15
Judy & Pottener £21
Toby £5
J. C. D. £35
Jarmett £40
Viper £10
Minerva £67
Bell £17
Molly £16
Mary £15
Madge £10
Grace £20
Eliza (mule) £20
Margery £16
Eliza £15
Creole Tom £10
Ratler £35
Umcan (ass) £20
Syntax £40
Total... £556
Guns and saddles £65. 6. 8.
Camp bed £10
4 mahogany chairs, traveling stool £10
1 cabriolet £30
a Gig £20
A set of monkey tandem harness £1. 6. 8
Candlesticks, dishes £4
Sheets, towels, silverware, watch, cloth £39. 10
One old Regulation Sword 6/8
Table covers, clothing, silver epaulets, counterpane, muslin £15.16.8.
Mathematical instruments, boots, vest, leather £14. 10
Book debts
Due from Mr. Fowler £7
Due from Mr. Currie £20
This Balance appearing on the Books and papers to be due to him upon account current with Water Valley, Dry Valley, Jacks Lodge Estate the properties of the late Walter Minto deceased £961. 13. 1
Total £1751. 9. 9.
Words counted by James Munro of the parish of Trelawny gentleman, 6 August 1833
1B/11/3/144 Folio 215
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Thomas Joseph Gray and John Manderson of the parish of St. James Esquires, by Constantine Henry Earl of Mulgrave, Governor, 5 October 1832. W G. Stewart, Secretary
Appraisers appointed: James Bryant and John Mattick
Administratrix of estate with copy of Will annexed: Ellen Perry Appleton
[Inventory not microfilmed]
1B/11/3/144 Folio 230- 231
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: William Oldaker and Robert Clark Plunkett Esquires, by Constantine Henry Earl of Mulgrave, Governor, 9 February 1833. W G. Stewart, Secretary
Appraisers appointed: Henry Rigg and Henry Dobson
Executrix of estate: Ann Garthwaite
2 new coats, red coat, pantaloons, jacket £10. 5
Hats, old portmanteau, books, silver watch £5. 18. 4
Silver watch, pantaloons, linen sheets, traveling bag £13. 7. 6.
Clothing and books £4. 12. 11
Saddle, bridle, boat hooks, shoe brushes and horn £6. 18. 4.
Liquor case with 12 bottles, old fowling piece, old barrel & powder £2. 16. 3.
Balance of account due by Matthew Murphy Wilson received by him from James Cockburn Esq. the deceased account for salary as overseer on Spring Valley Estate £31.7.5.
2 spy glasses, 4 shoe brushes, old portmanteau, bridle & bit £2.15.10
1 writing desk, silver snuff box £2. 8. 4.
Total £130. 9. 11
Words counted by Henry L. Dempster. Sworn before R. Williams 8 August 1833
1B/11/3/144 Folio 231
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: D. Mackintosh and H. D. Mackay
Appraisers appointed: James McGregor and Thomas Fallen
Executors of estate: William Tucker and Moggy Pillick both of the parish of St. Thomas in the Vale
[Inventory not microfilmed]
1B/11/3/151 Folio 4
Appraisers appointed: R. Muschett and John Muschett
Executor of estate: Matthew Farquharson
Inventory 6 January 1835
2 sofas, 9 chairs, 2 sideboards £27
Sundry glass ware, 8-day clock, pair pistols £6
4 tables, books, 2 bedsteads with bedding complete £40
2 military coats, 2 military swords, 1 large writing desk £11
1 Surveyor's compass, 1 spy glass, 1 coffee fanner £13. 5.
2 carts £50
2 old chaises with harness £35
3 bulls, 54 cows £492
15 bull calves, 18 cow calves, 27 steers £360
36 steers, 7 heifers £266
19 heifers, 2 speyd cows £113
1 drip and frame, 2 sieves, 100 lbs wright pimento £5.10.
100 lbs. coffee, 1 hand pulper, old iron work £15. 6. 8.
22 sheep, a horse £49. 5
16 apprenticed laborers £320
Nominal compensation £320.00
Total.... £2123.6.8.
Sworn before Edward Smith
Words counted by M. S. Farquharson before J. S. Brown
1B/11/3/151 Folio 4
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Thomas Blakely and Hugh Paterson Esquires, by Peter Marquess of Sligo, Governor, 10 June 1834. T. H. Bernard Secretary.
Appraisers appointed: Thomas Brown and Joseph Pickford
Executor of estate: Henry Richardson of St. Thomas in the East
Inventory: Balances of money in Messrs Lengmore [or Longmore?] and LHoste's hands per account current at the time of the said John Brown's leaving the Island £238.19.1.
Words counted by William Lee of the parish of Saint Catherine gentleman, sworn to before Samuel Rennalls 9 January 1835.
1B/11/3/152 Folio 115
Appointment: by Peter Marquess of Sligo, Governor, 17 March 1836. W. G. Stewart, Secretary
Appraisers appointed: P. Harrison and Roger Walker
Former Executors of estate: Timothy Flanagan and John McIntosh respectively deceased
As shown to appraisers by Susannah Harvey of the parish of St. Dorothy gentlewoman executrix of the said Timothy Flanagan deceased and administratrix of the said James McIntosh deceased
Inventory: the remaining unexpired term of 7 apprentices late slaves and the compensation money to be awarded and paid for them £150. 9. 6.
Words counted by John A. Davidson of the parish of St. Catherine gentleman.
1B/11/3/152 Folio 115-116
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Alexander McLeon and Francis Melville Esquires, by Peter Marquess of Sligo, Governor, 28 September 1836. W. G. Stewart, Secretary
Appraisers appointed to report unadministered rights: Peter Harrison and Roger Walker
Administratix of estate: Susannah Harvey of St. Dorothy (Timothy Flanagan former Administrator, deceased)
Inventory: The compensation money to be awarded and paid for 3 apprentices late slaves nonpraedials £44. 8. 11 1/4
1B/11/3/153 Folio 188
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: by Sir Lionel Smith, Governor, 17 May 1838. W. G. Stewart, Secretary
Appraisers appointed: David Meston and James Tough
Executor: William Armand
Inventory: A horse, a cow, a watch and chain, a writing desk, a fowling piece, a saddle, sundry saddlery, wearing apparel. Total £76. 16. 8.
1B/11/3/153 Folio 188
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Bernard M. Senior and William Finlason of the parish of St. Elizabeth Esquires, by Sir Lionel Smith, Governor, 13 January 1838.
Appraisers appointed: James Monteath and George Brooks Spence of the parish of St. Elizabeth Esquires
Administrator of estate:
Executrix and Executor of estate: Ann Dobb and George Mancy both of the parish of St. Elizabeth.
[Inventory not microfilmed]
1B/11/3/154 Folio 63
Appointment of appraisers: by Sir Lionel Smith, Governor, 13 January 1838. M. G. Stewart, Secretary
Appraisers appointed: Joseph Gerring and Josep Reid
Administrator of estate: George Silvera
Inventory dated 17 August 1839
Money in the House £43
An acceptance of J. W. Cater £193. 3. 10
Three penns [or ponds?] valued for £70
3 dozen Madera wine £11
3 dozen ale £3
Sadlery £8
Wearing apparel £5
Silver watch and guard £7.13.4.
Salary due him as overseer of Lyssons Estate £80
Due him by Henry G. Cooper £6. 13. 4.
Total £427. 10. 6.
1B/11/3/154 Folio 72
Appraisers appointed: John Huxtable and Alexander Bizzett
Administrator of estate: William Thomson
Inventory dated 3 September 1838
A black pony £32
Saddle double bridle Martingale whip and bits £5
Valice, old halter, flint fowling piece, shot bag and powder flask £4
3 pairs of spectacles 13/4
Case of mathematical instruments £1. 16. 8
Silver watch £1. 6. 8.
Clothes and dressing case £4. 13. 4
To amount of following debts due to deceased:
Estate of John Urquhart £61. 6. 8.
William Hooper's bond £200
William Hooper's note £200
Archibald Leighton Palmer for amount due by John Cane £25
Archibald L. Palmer £22. 6. 8.
Estate of William Rae about £300
Cocoa Walk plantation £13
Shantamee Plantation attested for £21. 6. 8.
John Clough's note balance £10
Thomas Huxtable's note £35
Menlo Plantation £24. 2.
John Thompson £35
William Fleming's note balance £9
Duckworth Plantation £85. 2. 11
Grove Plantation £30
James McDougal's note £40
Kings Weston plantation £28. 10.10.
Orchard Plantation £89. 0. 9
Mahogany Vale plantation £11
Rennd. Hill plantation £14
Robertsfield plantation £70
Washington plantation £21. 6. 8
Middleton Plantation £20
Silver Hill Plantation £12
Richmond Vale plantation £12
Mount Hybla plantation £16. 13. 4.
Orange Hill £6. 13. 4.
Cash found in his purse £10
Total..... £1379. 19. 10
Words counted by David Samuel Junior of Kingston, sworn before H. Mitchell
1B/11/3/154 Folio 72
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Richard Roe and William Dewar of the parish of St. James Esquires, by Sir Lionel Smith, Governor, 24 June 1839. W. G. Stewart, Secretary
Appraisers appointed: George Lyons Phillips and James Mitchell of the parish of St. James merchants
Administrator of estate: James Carr
Amount of Salary due from the proprietor of Montpelier Estate, St. James £97. 10
Amount due by the late George James being the purchase money of 2 slaves sold by him as Executor £90
Value of Gig harness wearing apparel saddlery etc. possessed by George Innis as Executor and not accounted for £32
The amount supposed to be due by Messrs. Marrett & Meller £5. 17. 6.
Total.... £225. 7. 6.
1B/11/3/159 Folio 101
Appointed appraisers: E. W. Bell, 14 October 1856. W. G. Stewart, Secretary
Appraisers appointed: W. T. Mears and W. M. Ryan
Executor of estate: John Fox
Household furniture £6. 2. 6.
Two odd pieces of silver £1
Total .... £7. 2. 6.
Words counted by Edward Claver Smith, sworn before George Silvera J.P.
1B/11/3/162 Folio 19
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Winslow Young Garcia, Hugh Vickers William Neilson Farquharson, and Richard Burgess of the parish of Westmoreland Esquires, by Sir William Grey, Governor, 25 August 1874. William G. Macfarlane, Acting Secretary.
Appraisers appointed: Charles Campbell and Robert Beckford of the parish of St. Elizabeth laborers
Executor of estate: John H. Cooper
2 cows £13
One calf £2
4 horses £13. 10.
Saddle 12/-
Sofa and chairs 4/6
Iron boiler 10/-
3 steers £22. 10.
Total... £52. 6. 6.
Words counted by W. H. Hutchinson, sworn to before James P. Clarke J.P.
1B/11/3/162 Folio 19
In the Court of Chancery
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: John Samuel Brown and Joseph Francis of Kingston Esquires, by Sir William Grey, Governor, 17 October 1874. William G. Macfarlane, Acting Secretary.
Appraisers appointed: William Lee and William Madon
Acting Administrator General: William George Macfarlane
[Inventory not microfilmed]
1B/11/3/163 Folio 4
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: James Dougall, Charles Salmon Farquharson and Edward John Sadler of the parish of Westmoreland, witness His Excellency Edward Newton Esquire Lieutenant Governor 30 December 1879. Records Office: Edward B. Lynch, Deputy Keeper.
Appraisers appointed: Robert Aitken and Lawrence F. Arquimbau of the parish of Westmoreland Esquires
As shown to them by E. B. Lynch Acting Administrator General
This amount received from Mr. Robert Aitken for salary due to the deceased £72. 8. 9.
A job lot of things including wearing apparel, boots, leggings, trunks, saddle, bridle and bits so to by Mr Aitken for £6.50
1 Horse sold £5. 14.
1 horse sold by Mr. Aitken £16
Case containing books, family relics, wearing apparel, watch, gold and silver chains to shipped by Mr. Aitken to Mrs. Forrest per Barque Zephyrus, Captain Williams, for distribution among the family valued at £50
Total £130. 7. 9.
Stamp Law
No. 8 .....Stamp Office Kingston
Received 20 Jan. 1880 from E. B. Lynch Esq the sum of £2. 4. 5. for Stamp Duty on Inventory Estate Thomas Marshall deceased.
Philip E. Chapman, Commissioner of Stamps
No. 23
Received 23 May 1880 from Messrs. Harvey & Bourke 7/3 for additional inventory duty estate Thomas Marshall deceased.
1B/11/3/128, Folio 154
Appraisers appointed: William H. Redman and Donald M. Campbell
Administrator of estate: John Slack of the parish of Hanover
Inventory dated 9 December 1816:
A horse, saddlery, shot bag and horn, backgammon box, 2 Regimental coats, 3 dress coats, 20 waistcoats, 1 pair breeches, 1 pair pantaloons, 18 pair trousers, 9 shirts, 12 handkerchiefs, 4 pair stockings, a pair silver sleeve buttons, a silver watch, a gold chain three gold seals and a key, 3 silver pencil cases, a portable writing desk, a pair trunks £61.6.8.
Salary due by George Mackay Esq. £30.19.6 ¾
Total £92. 6. 2. ¾
1B11/3/86 Folio 52- 53
Appointed appraisers by Alexander Earl of Balcarres, Lieutenant Governor, 3 July 1796. G. Atkinson, Secretary
Appraisers appointed: Joseph Dixon and Donald Sinclair
Administrator of estate:
Executors of estate: John Simmons and Kenneth McPherson
Joe £120
McKay £120
Bob £110
George £110
James £110
William £100
Lachlan £90
Charles £80
Jane £100
John £30
Peggy £110
Jenny £75
Milley £85
Sally £100
Polly £75
Kitty £90
Helen £50
Hennay £60
London £0 Runaway
Fanny and her 2 children £120
Total slaves .... £1735
2 horses £30
Amount of accounts against properties £604. 18. 8 ½, viz:
Wallins Estate, proprietors of Hazard Estate, Halifax Estate, proprietors of Goshen Estate, proprietors of Bagnall Spring Estate, proprietors of Lampkin Hill Estate, HenMon Hill Estate, Preston Estate
Mr. Robert Hume for watch sold him £5. 5/-
Mr. Thomson note of hand £28
Total £2403. 3. 8 ½
1B11/3/86 Folio 53
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Joseph Peterkin Esquire, by Alexander Earl of Balcarres, Lieutenant Governor
Appraisers appointed: John Hewan and John Grant
Executors of estate: Archibald Sterling and Alexander Hawthorne
[Inventory not microfilmed]
1B11/3/123 Folio 34-35
Appointed appraisers: witness William Duke of Manchester, Governor, 10 December 1813. E. H. Adams Secretary
Appraisers appointed: George Canton and Thomas Byndloss
Executrix of estate: Sarah Hinkerman
Polly £35
Maria £120
Margaret Brown £80
Mary Ann Brown £40
Catherine Brown £60
Thomas Cooper £20
Total slaves £355
Household furniture, 2 fire buckets, 4 clothes irons £22. 8. 4.
Total..... £377. 8. 4.
1B11/3/123 Folio 35
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers: Richard Kinkead and James Turner Harris, witness William Duke of Manchester, Governor.
Appraisers appointed: Patrick Laurie McMullan and Henry Hopkins
Acting Executor of estate: Thomas Mackenzie
[Inventory not microfilmed]
1B/11/3/161, Folio 48
Appointed to issue oaths to appraisers:
Appraisers appointed: John Ellis and D. Dewar
Executrix and executor of estate: Helen Mackie and James Milne
Inventory signed at Dry Harbour in Trelawny 2 May 1870
Household furniture £46. 6. 0
Oil painting, 2 paintings, 5 engravings, pictures £4. 4. 0.
Looking glass and mirror 10/6
Buggy, saddles, harness £25
Books £6. 18. 4. viz:
20 Volumes Household word, Colonial Atlas, 8 vols. Pinnock's Catechism, Websters Dic., 5 vols. Illustrated News, 3 vols. Pictorial Bible, 2 vols. Sermons, 4 Christian Treasury, 1 Household Narrative, Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, 2 vols. Leighton? on Peter.
Stock £94, viz:
Mare and follower, bay filly, 3 mares, 1 old horse, 1 draft horse, 5 young mules, donkey, 1 cow, 1 steer.
Book case and 16 volumes Chambers Journal £5
Spy glass and silver spurs £1. 16.
Pair silver brace buckles 16/-
Gold watch and appendages £12
Debts due to the testator's estate by and from:
Estate of Thomas Murthwaite deceased by his widow and administratrix £522.19.4
John E. Muir £22. 8. 7 ½
Robert E. Gardner £24. 19.6.
James Dalrymple £44. 3. 0.
Total ...£811. 16. 11 ½
Words counted by Edmund Gauntlett of the parish of St. Catherine, sworn before William Thomas March J. P., St. Catherine May 1870
Stamps £14. 2. 4. William Thomas March, Island Secretary
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