Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library

Gleaner Excerpts

June - August 1881

June 1, 1881


At no. 95 East Street, Kingston, on the 26th inst., the wife of Jeos. Gomes Casseres of a son.


We regret to record the death of Mr. Joseph Bravo, once a merchant in this island, and long resident in London, where he continued to engage in West Indian business and served as a director of the Colonial Bank.

June 2, 1881


At Spanish town, on the 23rd inst., Mary Edwards, relict of the late George Adam Hague of the Revenue Department, deceased, aged 58 years.

June 3, 1881


On June 1st, the wife of the Revd. J. Seed Roberts, Calabar College, Kingston, of a daughter.



At her sister's residence, Lucea, on the 26th inst., after a long and painful illness, Milward Julines, youngest daughter of the late Julines Alexander Ochterlony, Esq., of Westmoreland.

June 4, 1881


On the 1st June, at no. 1 Manchester Square, the wife of C. Davidson of a son.



DELEVANTE - At Brooklyn, on the 24th May, Rebecca Delevante, 18 years of age, daughter of the late Rev. A. H. Delevante.

June 7, 1881


In this city, on the 6th inst., the wife of D. H. DaCosta of a son.

In this city, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr. Charles T. Valencia, of a daughter.

June 8, 1881


At Boston, USA, on the 15th April, of heart disease, Margaret Augusta Holden, formerly of Capetown, South Africa, the dearly beloved and deeply cherished wife of Arthur Ryder, of London, in the 32nd year of her age.

June 10, 1881

The Governor has been pleased to appoint the following gentlemen to be Justices of the Peace: - D. S. B. MacKenzie, Esq., for the parish of St. Elizabeth; C. L. Ripoll, Esq., for the parish of St. Catherine; E. W. Pigou, Esq., for the parish of St. Mary.

The Lieutenant Governor directs that it be notified for general information that the Royal Humane Society have awarded the Honorary Bronze Medal of the Society to Joseph Campbell, fisherman, of Black River, for saving the life of John Wright, on the 24th of February last, when the latter fell into the Black River.



At Ocho Rios, on the 7th inst., the wife of Moses L. Hyman of a daughter.

June 11, 1881


At 3 o'clock this morning at the residence of her brother, Mr. J. R. Gore, no. 127 Church Street, Mrs. Laselves, relict of the late Valmore Laselves.

June 13, 1881


This morning at no. 95 East Street, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeos Gomes Casseres.

At no. 3 John Street, Rae Town, James Douglas, infant son of Mr. T. Douglas Dallas, aged 1 month 6 days.

June 16, 1881


In this city at 3 a. m. at 118 Duke Street, James D. Ford, aged 56 years, Grand Worthy Chief Templar of the Independent Order of Good Templars.

June 17, 1881


At Low Layton, Portland, on the 14th inst., Mildred Maud, the dearly beloved wife of Thomas Graham Dundas Broughton, aged 21 years.

June 21, 1881


On the 18th inst., at Hagley Park, St. Andrew, the wife of Colquhoun Aitken of a son.

June 24, 1881


On the 1st June at the Parish Church, Kingston, by the Rev. H. H. Kilburn, assisted by the Revd. J. D. Hunt, Frederick Shedden Sanguinetti, third son of the late M. Sanguinetti of Woodlands, St. Catherine, to Annie Charlotte Isabelle, only daughter of William Lee, Administrator General.


At St. Peter's Church, Brooklyn, New York, on 28th April, by the Rev. C. A. Tibbals, Rector, Roger Swire, of Iowa City, Iowa, to Edith Constance, youngest daughter of the late R. L. Foster, formerly of H. M. Customs, Kingston, Jamaica.



At Malta, of Typhoid Fever, on the evening of the 21st April, Lieut. Frank H. Rogers, of H. M. S. Superb, in the 31st year of his age.


The Lieutenant Governor has approved the rules for a new market at Halfway Tree, and the said rules are published in yesterday's "Gazette". The 4th section of Law 5 of 1880 applies to the village of Halfway Tree from the 1st August next.


We like the following notice which appeared in yesterday's "Gazette":

I, Henry Manly Cook, of Grotto Pen, Westmoreland, Jamaica, Engineer, hereby notify that I intend to apply to the Government of Jamaica for Letters Patent for the invention of a Machine for removing fibre from plants and thereby utilising the said fibre for the manufacture of Cordage.


The Lieutenant Governor has appointed Mr. J. H. DeSouza to be a J. P. for St. Catherine; Miss W. C. Aird to be District Postmistress at Lucea; Mr. D. Stevenson, District Postmaster at Gordon Town; Doctors J. Scott, J. C. Phillippo, J. W. Anderson, J. Pringle, and A. R. Saunders, to form the Medical Council instituted under the 11th Section of Law 47 of 1872; and G. Fletcher, Esq., to act as Custos and Parochial Chairman for St. Ann's during the absence from this Island of the Hon. Michael Solomon.

June 27, 1881


FODERINGHAM - STEEL - In Brooklyn, New York, on Thursday evening, June 2, 1881, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Charles A. Tibbals, Henry J., son of the late Henry Foderingham of Jamaica, West Indies, to Mary Millicent, youngest daughter of William Steel, formerly of Staffordshire, England.



At Mount Plenty, St. Ann, on the 22nd inst., Julia C. Mais, the beloved wife of Adam Roxburgh, aged 24 years.


On 26th June, at her residence, no. 8 Duke Street, Jane Oliver, the beloved and deeply cherished wife of Frank B. Farebrother, of this city.

June 30, 1881


At Drummond Pen, Orange Street, on the 29th inst., Mrs. J. J. Bowery of a daughter.


The friends and acquaintances of Charles E. M. Harvey and those of his brothers, Alexis, John and Henry Harvey, are requested to attend his remains from their residence, no. 16 Race Course, to the place of interment.

July 1, 1881

The Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to grant leave of absence for three months from the 1st prox. to Alexander Lake, Esq., Clerk of Petty Sessions of St. Ann's, and Clerk of the St. Ann's Bay Circuit Court, and has appointed James O'Meally, Esq., to act as his locum tenens.

The Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to appoint Thaddeus C. Dias, Esq., to be a Distributor of Tickets under the regulations for affording Medical Aid at moderate charges to poor persons not on the pauper roll; and Miss M. E. Aldred, Mrs. Croft, and Miss G. Kerr, to be Postmistresses for May Pen, Port Morant, and Bath, respectively.

July 2, 1881

John Gardner - Died in this City at no. 43 Mark Lane, on the morning of the 26th June, in his 90th year.


We learn that Dr. Stamers has gone to Port Antonio to practise his profession. He has the good wishes of many friends on this side of the island for his success at that rising place.


We learn from an undoubted source that Mr. A. A. Lindo, of Port Antonio, has issued an action against the Jamaica Co-operative Fire Insurance Company, to recover his claim against the Company of £750, for insurance effected with the Company on stock in his store at Port Antonio. It will be remembered that the store was destroyed by fire on the morning of the 29th May; and the Company have now refused to pay the claim.

July 6, 1881


On the 3rd inst., at no. 133 Orange Street, Mrs. Lionel L. Samuel of a son.


At Emmaus Pen, St. Elizabeth, on the 27th June, Henrietta McLeod, in her 98th year.

July 9, 1881

At the Regular Meeting of the Phoenix Lodge, Port Royal, held on Tuesday evening, 5th inst., Bro. W. D. Smedmore was duly elected master to serve for the ensuing year.

July 11, 1881

Mr. A. E. Burke, Consul for Haiti, left in the "Moselle" yesterday for Port-au-Prince on an official visit to President Salomon.

July 13, 1881


At Ballymore, Manchester, on the 29th ult., Mrs. Gordon Farquharson, of a son.

July 15, 1881

The Hon, W. Kerr, Custos of St. James, having left for England per "Claribel", his duties will, it is stated, be discharged by the Hon. G. L. Phillips.

George Frederick Edwards, Esq., has been appointed J. P. for the Parish of St. Mary, and Robert Henry Robertson, Esq., Member of the Hanover Road Board.

We regret to learn, says the "Falmouth Gazette", that Mr. Alfred Solomon, the son of the Post Master at Montego Bay, drank an overdose of Laudanum on Thursday evening last, from the effects of which he died shortly after.

July 18, 1881


At Elm Tree Cottage, St. Andrew, on the 15th July 1881, Mrs. G. H. Rees of a daughter.


In this city on the morning of the 16th inst., Ann Elizabeth, relict of the late Alexander Evans Todd, Esq., aged 72 years.

July 20, 1881


At Cedar Valley, on the 17th inst., the wife of James Francis, of a son.

July 21, 1881


At no. 31 Parade, at 11:30 a.m., Julia, the beloved daughter of Mr. Gray, Veterinary Surgeon ... aged 9 years.



The suit of Ashenheim et al vs. DeCordova et al, was heard yesterday before the Hon. Alan Ker, in the Court of Equity. Mr. Attorney General Hocking, instructed by Mr. E. W. Lewis, appeared for the plaintiffs, and Mr. Advocate Oughton, instructed by Mr. S. H. Watson, for one of the defendants, Mr. Solomon DeCordova. The other defendants, who are Trustees, do not oppose the suit; but their interests were watched yesterday by Mr. A. Corinaldi, on behalf of Mr. Advocate Lindo, now on circuit. The plaintiffs seek to set aside the injunction made some time ago by the Court of Equity, that the sum of £6,400 be kept and invested in Island Debentures, being portion of the estate of their father, the late Mr. Aaron DeCordova, and divided, according to his will, among them, altogether, with £1,200 lent Mr. Eustace DeCordova, and £1000 lent Mr. Alfred DeCordova. They apply also for a decree for the realisation of the residue of the estate. After argument, His Honor deferred judgment.


We note that Mr. William Holland has opened The New York Hotel and Restaurant at 12 Orange Street and Water Lane. The Restaurant is under the care of Mr. H. Da Costa. Breakfasts, Lunches and Dinners are supplied at all hours, and boarding may be secured by the day, week, or month. the Hotel will be conducted on the American Plan, and will, without doubt, secure considerable patronage.

July 23, 1881

Mr. Alfred Pawsey advertises in another column that he has recently imported a large stock of artificial flowers. A display of a few of them may be seen in the window of his store in Harbour Street, where they attract great attention. While confessing to a weakness for the real flowers "which have their time to wither" we must admit that this "Flower Show" is eminently gratifying to the eye. It should be mentioned that the Show is open to competition - of purchasers.

An appeal has been lodged with the Clerk of the City of Kingston Court, by the Members of the Municipal Board, against the amount assessed on the premises of Mr. Walter Curtin, at the corner of East and Port Royal Sts. The amount fixed on the Roll is £4, but we understand that it was intended for £10, the mistake arising through the fault of the copyist. The case will, however, be heard in the City of Kingston Court. before Judge Curran, on the 15th prox. the other appeals by Mr. William Lee, Administrator General and Mr. Wellesley Bourke, will be heard at the same time.

July 25, 1881


At Mahogany Hall, Trelawny, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Edward Owen, Lieut. Morris H. Smyth, R. N., of H. M. S. Sparrowhawk, to Mary Eliza, second daughter of the Hon. J. Wauchope Fisher.


At his residence, no. 32 Water Lane, on Sunday the 24th, Louis Virgil Desdunes, aged 73 years.


We are pleased to learn, says the "Falmouth Gazette", that Mr. H. L. Mossman of Ulster Spring in this Parish, and Mr. H. T. Stradwick, of Brown's Town, in St. Ann's, have received certificates as Dispensers under the Sale of Drugs and Poisons Law.

July 27, 1881


On Saturday, 23rd Susannah Herbs, the wife of Levy Herbs, of a son.


At Alley, Vere, on Sunday 24th, D. C. Lopez, aged 40 years.



Advertisement has appeared in our columns of the Jamaica Royal Hotel and Sanitorium Company, Limited, and we now have the prospectus of the new enterprise before us.

It appears that the company is to be formed with a capital of £50,000 in 25,000 shares of £2 each, of which 10 s. is payable on application, £1 on allotment, and the balance as required. The object of the Company is to purchase Flamstead Estate, at present the Governor's residence, converting it into a Sanitorium, and also to erect a first class Hotel in Kingston. Conditional proposals have been made to the Company by the Jamaica Club, numbering 120 members, for accommodation at the new Hotel, the present Club House being disposed of and the proceeds invested in Hotel shares. At the Sanitorium and the Hotel, a table d'hote will be provided, and it is estimated that no fewer than 50 residents will patronise that at the Hotel, if it is well regulated. ...

The list of directors includes: Sir William Crosbie, Bart., P. E. Auvray, Esq., R. C. Compton,. Esq., British Consul at Colon, and H. Stephenson, Esq., F. R. G. S. We notice that the Company will also trade as a wholesale and retail wine merchants, and from this source large profits are anticipated. Seven per cent on the shareholders' investments is guaranteed for the first six months during construction of Hotel and the alterations at Flamstead House ....

July 28, 1881


At No. 1 Manchester Square, on the 25th inst., Jessie Panton, Relict of the late John Hoyes Panton, aged 83 years.

July 29, 1881

The Governor has granted leave of absence for three months from the 1st proximo to Dr. J. H. Deleon, District Medical Officer of the Lucea District, and Green Island, Sub-District of the Parish of Hanover, and has appointed Doctor C. A. Mosely to be Dr. Deleon's locum tenens during such absence.

July 30, 1881


We regret to announce that a telegram was received in this city yesterday morning, announcing the death in England of the Honorable Henry Forbes Colthirst, who left Kingston on the 25th April for England, for the benefit of his health, he being then a sufferer from rheumatic gout. The news was expected, as a warning telegram as to his sickness had been received only a few hours earlier.

Mr. Colthirst was a native of this Island and was born in 1822. He devoted himself from youth to a mercantile career, and has for many years past been identified as a merchant with the leading commercial interests of the Island. He belonged to the firm of Scott, Leaycraft and Co., and afterwards to that of Davidson, Colthirst and Co., of which at this death, he was the senior member.

Mr. Colthirst was a warm and generous supporter of the Episcopal Church in this Island, especially since disendowment. On the 12th July, 1876, he was elected Chairman of the Diocesan Financial Board, and to his duties in this office he was greatly devoted. The Parish Church of Kingston, of which he was a member, has received many gifts from him, and we may mention his contributions towards the organ and the enlargement of the Church.

Mr. Colthirst was sworn in as member of the Legislative Council on the 11th December, 1878, and was very regular in attendance at the Council meetings. He served also as a member of the Civil Service Commission of Inquiry. He was a Justice of the Peace for Kingston, and Chairman of the Jamaica Mutual Life Insurance Company, in which his life was, we understand, insured for several thousand pounds. He was also a member of the Quarantine Board. In various other ways, the deceased gentleman showed a public spirit which gained him the highest esteem of his fellow townsmen and countrymen.

Yesterday the flags on the ships in harbour and at the Consulates were half-masted, and the bell of the Parish Church tolled during the afternoon. The expression of regret was universal.

August 2, 1881

Mr. Colthirst was buried in Kensal Green Cemetery, London, on Saturday. The bell of the Parish Church of this city tolled for three hours during the afternoon.


At the opening of the Supreme Court yesterday, Mr. Charles M. Calder was sworn, and signed the roll as a Solicitor, to practise in the several Courts of the island. The Judges wished Mr. Calder success in the profession he had chosen.


The provision store of Mr. Altamont DeCordova was again broken into on Sunday night. The thieves made their entrance this time by climbing on the roof, ripping the shingles, and breaking through the ceiling. They carried away with them several articles of provisions, and went out by way of the garret. The desk and drawers were also rifled, but nothing valuable was found. This is the fifth time in three months that Mr. DeCordova has suffered, and it is evident that more than person is concerned.

August 3, 1881

We have no doubt that G. Silvera, Esq., now living in Crescent, in St. Mary, and F. A. Ebbeke, Esq., now a resident in Bremen, Germany, will thank our contemporary, the Budget, for having numbered them amongst those who "have passed away", of the magistrates of this city. If our contemporary be correct, the two gentlemen named have enjoyed the rare opportunity of witnessing the display and influence of benign justice in a better world, and being once more in the flesh, are in a very favourable position to administer justice rightly tempered with mercy.

August 5, 1881

The installation of the officers of the Excelsior Lodge, I. O. G. T., took place on Wednesday evening last. There was a large attendance of members and visitors from the sister lodges. There was however a something missing, and that was the presence of the late esteemed and lamented Grand Worthy Chief Templar, Bro. James D. Ford. He it was who installed the officers of the past quarter, when he spoke warmly on the successful working of the Lodge and expressed the hope that it would increase in numbers. The hope is realized, for the Excelsior Lodge has had a quarter of prosperity, and it is to be hoped that she will grow more and more in strength, and prosper in the good work in which she is engaged. The duties of installing the officers this time devolved on Bro. Herbert A. Cunha, L. D., who as D. G. W. C. T., was assisted by Bro. A. W. Fouche, as G. W. M., and Bro. O. Vaz (of the St. Michael's Lodge) as G. W. D. M. The following compose the administration for the current quarter: -

Bro. H. R. Walters, W. C. T.; Sis. Miss M. E. Perkins, W. V. T.; Bro. Allan A. McRae. W. Sec.; Bro. W. H. Newman, W. F. Sec.; Bro. C. L. Cunha, W. Trea.; Bro. W. Warner, W. Chap.; Bro. C. Ibbott, W. M.; Bro. E. Wilson, W. I. G.; Bro. S. Barton, W. O. G.; Bro. Geo. Lamb, W. A. S.; Sis. A. L. Aitcheson, W. D. M.; Bro. a. Harris, P. W. C. T.

August 6, 1881


At no. 2 Prince of Wales Street, Allman Town, yesterday evening, at 5:30, Mrs. Georgiana Curphey. Friends and acquaintances of her husband, Mr. Thomas J. Curphey, are requested to attend her remains ...

August 10, 1881


At Pentonville on 9th inst., of fever, Herbert Manvielle, eldest son of Robert and Mary Whittle, age 2 ½ years.

August 11, 1881


At the Parish Church, Kingston, by the Revd. C. T. Denroche, on the 4th August 1881, Samuel Risby Whitehorne, Esq., to Emma, youngest daughter of the late Charles Arbouin, Esq.

August 12, 1881


Yesterday evening at Kingston Gardens, Matilda Delgado, relict of the late Alfred Delgado. The funeral will move from the residence of her son, Moses Delgado, at quarter past four this afternoon.

August 15, 1881


On the 19th ultimo at St. Louis, Missouri, by the Rev. Dr. Schyller, Ida Louise, daughter of the late Alexander Henry, and granddaughter of the late Joseph Malabre, Esq., of Kingston, Jamaica, to James Donald Lindsay of Toronto, Canada.


At Camperdown Pen, St. Andrew, on Sunday the 14th August, at 1:30 p.m., Emily, the dearly beloved wife of P. B. Desnoes, aged 27 years.

August 16, 1881


At Chapelton on Friday the 12th August, Mrs. Grace Eastwood, aged 57 years, the beloved wife of the Revd. Alexander Eastwood of that place.


Madame Duval, the lady dentist to whom we referred yesterday, has established herself at 79 King Street, where she is now practising her profession. Crowds of people besieged her dental rooms yesterday for the purpose of getting their teeth extracted free of charge, and it is said that she performs her work in a most creditable manner.

August 25, 1881


At no. 66 Tower Street, Leila Rose Beatrix, infant daughter of Charles T. Valencia.

At 8 o'clock a.m. yesterday the 24th inst., Louise Marguerite (Julie) the beloved wife of Alexander Mattos. Friends are requested to attend the funeral which will leave the residence no. 88 East Street at 4:30 this evening.

August 26, 1881

Under the authority of the 4th Section of Law 29 of 1867 (the Contagious Disease Law 1867), the Governor has appointed David Palmer Ross, Esq., M. D., F. R. C. S., Senior Medical Officer of the Public Hospital, to be assistant to the Visiting Surgeon appointed under that Law for the City and Parish of Kingston.

The Governor has granted leave of absence for two months, from the 3rd proximo, to Dr. James Tompsett, District Medical Officer of the Spanish Town and Eastern District of St. Catherine, and has appointed Dr. G. T. Martyn, District Medical Officer of the Spanish Town and Western District, to the temporary charge also of Dr. Tompsett's District, with the assistance of Dr. A. W. Heron, Supernumerary Medical Officer at the Public Hospital.

The following particulars are given in the last schedule of the W. I. Encumbered Estates Commission: Abbey Green, St. Thomas and Portland, sold at public auction for £520; order made declaring Charles James Ward purchaser, and for payment of purchase money. Temple Hall Estate, St. Andrew, and wharf at Kingston, property of James Carson, deceased; Temple Hall sold for £2,240; order declaring Simon Soutar purchaser and for payment of purchase money; wharf at Kingston sold for £4,600; order declaring John William Leyden, purchaser and for payment. Koningsberg and Cape Clear Pen, St. Mary; particulars of sale settled, and sale to take place in London on 15th November.

August 27, 1881


On the 24th inst., at 21 Beeston Street, Kingston, Jamaica, the wife of William Arbouin Paine, Esq., of a son.


At York Pen, Clarendon, on the 15th inst., after 3 days illness, James Leopold, eldest surviving son of Mr. John Longbridge, aged 8 years and 6 months.

August 29, 1881

We are glad to state that Captain Sidney Cargill of the 55th Regiment has attained his majority and been appointed Adjutant of the Westmoreland Militia. He is a "Jamaica boy", and brother of Dr. Jasper Cargill of St. Andrew.

August 30, 1881


Yesterday evening at his residence, opposite Ebenezer Chapel, at 6 p.m., John Berryman.

The friends and acquaintances of C. B. Burnett are respectfully requested to attend the funeral of his dear Mother, from his residence no. 21 Duke Street.

August 31, 1881

The Hon. William Clarke, Custos of Manchester, left Port Antonio for New York in the steamer Edith Godden on the 27th inst.


We regret to announce the death at Brownsville, Hanover, on the 25th inst., of the Revd. Warrand Carlile, who was for about 40 years a devoted missionary of the United Presbyterian Church in this Island.


A Cricket Match was played on Monday at Emerald Park Pen (by kind permission of D. R. DaCosta, Esq.) between the 2nd Eleven of Kingston C. C. and the Kensington C. C.

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