Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library


1939 to 1943

Issue 34600 - February 21, 1939


Pursuant to the Statute 15, George 5, Chapter 19.

NOTICE is hereby give that all creditors and other persons having any debts, claims or demands against the estate of Dr. Michael Grabham late of Funchal, Madeira, but formerly of Kingston, Jamaica, retired Medical Practitioner (who died on the 13th. April 1938, at Funchal, Madeira aforesaid and of whose Will probate was granted to the Administrator General of Jamaica the executor therein named by the High Court of Jamaica on the 27th. day of July 1928 and probate of which Will was resealed in the High Court of Justice in England on the 15th. Day of February 1939 by Graham Strang Steel, the Attorney of the said Administrator General of Jamaica) are hereby required to send particulars in writing of their debts, claims or demands either to us, the undersigned as Solicitors in England to the said executor and to the said attorney, or to the said Administrator General of Jamaica, whose address is Public Buildings, East Block, Kingston, Jamaica, on or before the 29th. day of April 1939 and notice is hereby given that at the expiration of that time the said executor or the said attorney will proceed to distribute the assets of the said testator among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims and demands of which he shall then have had notice and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose debts, claim or demand he shall not then have had notice. Dated this 16th. day of February 1939.


174, Gresham House, Old Broad Street, London, E.C.,

Solicitors to the said Executor and to the said Attorney

Issue 34604 - March 3, 1939

Downing Street,

21 st February, 1939

The KING has been pleased to give directions for the appointment of George Harry Franklyn Cannon, Esq. (Judge of the High Court, Jamaica), to be a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court, Ceylon.

Issue 34608 - March 17, 1939

Downing Street,

14 th March, 1939

The KING has been pleased to confirm the appointment of Sir Alfred Horace D'Costa, Kt., to be a Member of the Privy Council of the Island of Jamaica for a further period.

Issue 34609 - March 21, 1939

The War Office,

21 st . March, 1939

Commands and Staff:

The undermentioned appts. are made:

Col. J. MacD. Latham, M.C., to be Inspector.-Gen. of the West Indian Local Forces & Off. Commanding the Troops, Jamaica, 13th. Mar. 1939

Issue 34611 - March 28, 1939

War Office,

28 th . March, 1939

Commands and Staff.

The undermentioned relinquish their appointments:-

Col. (local Brig.) R. Howlett, D.S.O., M.D., as Inspector.-Gen. of the West Indian Local Forces & Off. Commanding the Troops, Jamaica, and the local rank of Brig. 25th. Mar. 1939.

Issue 34633 - June 6, 1939

Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood

St. Jame's Palace, S.W.I

8 th . June, 1939

The KING has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the Celebration of His Majesty's Birthday, to give orders for the following promotions in, and appointments to, the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire:

To be Officers of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order:

Major James McIntosh Clark, Officer Commanding Jamaica Militia Artillery

Issue 34639 - June 23, 1939

By the KING

A Proclamation

Directing that Silver Crowns, Half-Crowns, Shillings and Sixpences of the United Kingdom shall cease to be Legal Tender in Jamaica for a payment of an amount exceeding Forty Shillings.

George, R.I.

Whereas by virtue of the Proclamation of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, dated the 3rd. day of February, 1898 (hereinafter called "the Proclamation"), certain provisions of the Coinage Act, 1870, as amended by section two of the Coinage Act, 1891, were applied with modifications specified in the Proclamation to the colonies or possessions therein mentioned and their dependencies including the Colony of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the colony of Jamaica):

And whereas it was provided by the Proclamation that silver coins which, under section four of the Coinage Act, 1870, as set out in the Proclamation, were legal tender should, in any of the said colonies or possessions in which the like coins were at the date of the promulgation of the Proclamation therein legal tender for a payment of an unlimited amount, continue to be legal tender for a payment of any amount;

And whereas the Proclamation was promulgated in the colony of Jamaica on the eighth day of June, 1898, and at that date the British silver crown, half-crown, shilling and sixpence (hereinafter referred to as "the said silver coins") were in the colony of Jamaica legal tender for a payment of an unlimited amount:

And whereas by the Coinage Act, 1920, provision was made for the amendment of the Coinage Act, 1870, in respect of the standard of fineness of silver coins, and it was enacted that where by virtue of the proclamation made under section eleven of the Coinage Act, 1870, the whole or any part of that Act was in force in any British possession at the date of the commencement of the Coinage Act, 1920, the Coinage Act, 1870, should, as from that date, apply in that possession as amended by the Coinage Act, 1920, and, that any Order in Council or proclamation directing that any coins which under the Coinage Acts, 1870 and 1891, were legal tender in the United Kingdom should be current and legal tender in any British possession should extend to coins which were legal tender in the United Kingdom under the Coinage Acts, 1870 and 1891, as amended by the Coinage Act, 1920:

And where as by virtue of the Coinage Act, 1870, it is lawful for His Majesty with the advice of his Privy Council by proclamation to revoke or alter any proclamation previously made under that Act:

And whereas it is expedient that the said silver coins which under section four of the Coinage Act, 1870, as set out in the Proclamation and amended by the Coinage Act, 1920, are legal tender should no longer be legal tender in the Colony of Jamaica for a payment of an amount exceeding forty shillings:

Now, therefore, We, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council, in pursuance of the said recited provisions and of all other powers enabling Us in this behalf, do hereby proclaim, direct and ordain as follows:-

1. As from this date the said silver coins which under section four of the Coinage Act, 1870, as set out in the Proclamation and amended by the Coinage Act, 1920, are legal tender shall in the colony of Jamaica be legal tender for a payment of an amount not exceeding forty shillings, by for no greater amount, and accordingly so much of the Proclamation as provides that the said silver coins shall be legal tender for a payment of an unlimited amount shall, as from this date, cease to have effect as respects the colony of Jamaica.

2. This Proclamation may be cited as the Jamaica (Silver Coinage) Proclamation, 1930.

Given at Our Court at Buckingham Palace this Twenty-third day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, and in the third year of Our Reign.


Issue 34687 - September 19, 1939


Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925 (Section 27)

Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Lionel de Mercado late of Belmont, Cross Roads, Saint Andrew in the Island of Jamaica, formerly of Kingston, Jamaica, who died on the 13th. day of March 1939 and whose Will was proved in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of Justice on the 16th. day of August 1939 by Barclays Bank (Dominion Colonial & Overseas) one of the executors therein named are hereby required to send particulars thereof in writing to the Trustee Department Barclays Bank (Dominion Colonial & Overseas) 37 King William Street, London E.C.4, or to the undersigned on or before the 30th. day of November 1939 after which date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims or demands then notified and will not be liable for the assets of the deceased or any part thereof so distributed to any persons of whose claims or demands they shall not then have had notice. - Dated this 15th. day of September 1939.

JOHN HANDS and Son, 12, King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, E.C.4

Solicitors for the said Executor.

Issue 34757 - December 22, 1939

Privy Council Office,

22 nd . December, 1939


Notice is hereby give that His Majesty in Council was pleased on the 1st. day of December, 1939, to approve an Order in Council entitled "The Jamaica (Legislative Council - Extension of Duration) Order in Council, 1939".

Issue 34767 - January 5, 1940


In continuation of the notification on page 19 of the "London Gazette" of the 2nd. January, 1940, information has been received that proceedings have been instituted in the Prize Court in Jamaica in respect of the ship specified in the Schedule below.

Appearances to the Writ in this action should be entered within thirty days from the date mentioned in the third column of the Schedule.


Prize Court. Name of Ship Date of Writ

Supreme Court of Dusseldorf December 28, 1939

Judicature of Jamaica

Colonial Office,

4th. January, 1940

Issue 34820 - March 29, 1940


(otherwise MACIVER LOCKHART TINDALL), Deceased

Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925

ALL persons having claims against the estate of Marmaduke Lockhard Tindall (otherwise MacIver Lockhart Tindall) late of "Weirhbolm" Scalby in the county of York and Number 5 South Avenue, Swallowfield, Saint Andrews, Jamaica, B.W.I., Gentleman (who died on the 31st. day of July 1938 and whose Will with a Codicil thereto was proved in the York District Probate Registry on the 15th. day of April 1939 by Christopher William Moody and Clare Caltey the executors named therein) are hereby required to send particulars thereof to us the undersigned, on or before the 29th. day of May 1940, after which date the executors will proceed to distribute the said estate having regard only to the claims then notified. Dated 19th. March, 1940

MOODY and Co., 17, York Place, Scarborough,

Solicitors for the said Executors

Issue 34822 - April 2, 1940


In continuation of the notification on page 1848 of the "London Gazette" of March 29th. 1940, information has been received that proceedings have been instituted in the Prize Court of Jamaica in respect of the ship specified in the Schedule below.

Appearances of persons claiming an interest in the ship or the goods laden therein should be entered within thirty days from the date mentioned in the third column of the schedule.


Prize Court Name of Ship Date of Writ.

Supreme Court Hanover March 15th, 1940

Of Judicature

Of Jamaica

Colonial Office.

30th. March, 1940

Issue 34884 - June 28, 1940

William Leslie,

Elleanah Williams

Ronald Seivewright,


On Wednesday, 8th. November, 1939, at about 7 a.m. a party of men were fishing on a rock about 1½ miles from Dry Harbour, Jamaica. It was the hurricane period and a heavy sea was running, with the tides dashing over the rocks. A great wave swept the rock and one man, Johnson, was thrown into the sea. Although a good swimmer, it was impossible to swim to the shore at that point and Johnson was only able to just keep afloat while being drawn further out to sea. He supported himself by holding on to a piece of log which had been thrown to him. When nearly exhausted, a small bamboo raft with an inflated inner tube attached, which had been hastily prepared and thrown into the sea, drifted near enough to enable him to grasp it and he thus kept himself afloat. Johnson was now about 100 yards from the shore. Leslie, Williams and Seivewright then took off in a canoe from Dry Harbour to rescue him. Leslie acted as coxswain, and Williams and Seivewright rowed. They pulled to outside the harbour and then for over a mile along the coast in the raging sea. They eventually reached Johnson, and Leslie pulled him into the canoe. After two hours they at last landed Johnson safely on the beach at Dry Harbour. It was exceptionally dangerous for a canoe to put to sea in the conditions prevailing.

Issue 34987 - November 8, 1940


Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925 (as amended).

Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any depts. Claims or demands against the estate of John Stringer Brownhill late of Negril, Jamaica, British West Indies, a Civil Servant deceased (who died on the 21st. July 1939 and whose Will was proved in the Supreme Court of Judicature in Jamaica on the 2nd. December 1939 by the executors named in such Will and which probate has been re-sealed in the Principal Probate Registry of the High Court of Justice in England on the Oath of Thomas Francis Heyworth and John Hardy Lawton both of 53, Spring Gardens Manchester Solicitors as Attorneys for the said executors) are hereby required to send particulars in writing of their debts claims or demands to us the undersigned the Solicitors for the said Attorneys on or before the 10th day of January 1941 after which date the said Attorneys will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the debts claims and demands of which they shall then have had notice and they will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose debts claims or demands they shall not then have had notice. Dated this 4th day of November 1940.

BOOTE EDGAR and CO., 53, Spring Gardens

Manchester, Solicitors for the said Attorneys

Issue 35225 - July 22, 1941

Downing Street,

3 rd July, 1941

The KING has been pleased to give directions for the appointment of Claud Ramsay Wilmot Seton, Esq., Puisne Judge, Jamaica, to be the Chief Justice of Nyasaland.

Issue 35247 - August 15, 1941


The Crown Agents for the Colonies, on behalf of the Government of Jamaica, give notice that the Principal of the above stock will be repaid at par on the 15th. February, 1942, on which date the stock will cease to bear interest.

Crown Agent's Office,

4, Millbank, S.W.I

15th. August, 1941

Issue 35354 - November 21, 1941

Foreign Office

4 th November, 1941

The KING has been pleased to approve of:

Mr. Albert Edward West, as Consul of Sweden at Kingston, for Jamaica and the Turks Islands.

Issue 35455 - February 13, 1942

Whitehall, February 13, 1942

The KING has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 10th instant, to confer the honour of Knighthood upon the undermentioned gentlemen:-

Gilbert Cochrane Wainwright, Esq., O.B.E., of the Island of Jamaica

(His Majesty's approval of these Knighthoods was signified on the 1 st January 1941)



Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925

NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Matilda Cork late of Park Mount, Portland, Jamaica, British West Indies, Widow, who died at Park Mount, Portland aforesaid on the 17th August 1941 and to whose estate letters of administration with Will annexed were granted on the 6th February 1942 by the Principal Probate Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of Justice to Barkley's Bank (Dominion Colonial and Overseas) the lawful Attorney of Fred Vincent Grosett are hereby required to send particulars thereof in writing to Barclays Bank (Dominion Colonial and Overseas) Trustee Department, Kings Furlong, Bassingstoke Hants or to the undersigned on or before the 24th April 1942 after which date the said administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims or demands then notified and will not be liable for the assets of the deceased or any part thereof so distributed to any persons of whose claims or demands they shall not then have had notice. Dated this 10th February 1942

HUGH-JONES and FLINN, The Clock House,

7, Arundel Street, Strand, London, W.C.2,

Solicitors for the Administrators.

Issue 35586 - June 5, 1942


St. James's Palace, S.W.I

11 th . June, 1942

The KING has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the Celebration of His Majesty 2's Birthday, to give orders for the following promotion in, and appointments to, the Most High Excellent Order of the British Empire:

To be Additional Officers of the Civil Division of the said Most Excellent Order:-

Arthur Frederick Thelwell, Esq., Secretary, Jamaica Agricultural Society.

Issue 35618 - July 3, 1942

Re The Hon. A.H. HODGES, Deceased

Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925 (as amended)

All persons having claims against the estate of Arthur Harris Hodges late of 47, Lady Musgrove (sic) Road, Saint Andrew, Kingston, Jamaica, Colonial Treasurer of the Government of Jamaica formerly of the Nigerian Civil Service who died on the 16th. October 1941 and whose Will was proved by the Public Trustee the sole executor therein named on the 8th. June 1942 in the Principal Probate Registry, are required to send particulars thereof in writing to the undersigned on or before the 30th. September 1942, after which date the executor will proceed to distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice -

Dated this 29th day of June 1942


74, High Street, Croydon,

Solicitors for the said Executor

Issue 35673 - August 18, 1942

Foreign Office

June 12, 1942

The KING has been pleased to approve of:

Mr. John H. Lord, as Consul of the United States of America at Kingston, Jamaica

Foreign Office

July 14, 1942

The KING has been pleased to approve of:

Mr. Percival Arthur George, as Consul of the Dominion Republic at Kingston, Jamaica

Issue 35841 - December 29, 1942


St. Jame's Palace, S.W.I

1 st January, 1943

The KING has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire:-

To be Additional Officers of the Civil Division of the said Most Excellent Order:

Harold Egbert Allan, Esq., for public services in Jamaica.

Issue 36012 - May 11, 1943


Name of Deceased

William Richard Simpson Ladell

Address, description and date of death of Deceased

Amity Hall, Alley, Clarendon, Jamaica, Formerly of 3, The Cloister, Grange Court Road, Harpenden, Herts, Agricultural Chemist. 6th November 1942.

Name, addresses and descriptions of Persons to who notices of claims are to be given

Midland Bank Executor and Trustee Company Limited, of 27-32, Poultry, London, or Ronald G. Taylor, of Harpenden, Herts., Solicitor.

Date on or before which notices of claim to be given

15th July, 1943

Issue 36133 - August 13, 1943

Foreign Office, July 7, 1943

The KING has been please to approve of:

Senor Don Jorge W. Martin Carazo, as Consul of Honduras at Kingston, Jamaica.

Issue 36145 - August 24, 1943

Downing Street,

12 th August, 1943

The KING has been please to appoint Sir John Huggins, K.C.M.G., M.C., to be Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of the Island of Jamaica and its Dependencies.

Issue 36166 - September 10, 1943


Name of Deceased

Biernacki, Roderick Korneli

Address, description and date of death of Deceased

42 Queens Gardens, London, W.2; c/o Lloyds Bank Ltd., Kings Branch, 6 Pal Mall, London; and also of "Kenley Lodge", Christiana, Jamaica, British West Indies, Retired Engineer. 24th January, 1943.

Name, addresses and descriptions of Persons to who notices of claims are to be given

Hart Reade & Co., Hadley Hurst, Church Road, Polegate, Sussex, Solicitors. (The Public Trustee).

Date on or before which notices of claim to be given

12th November, 1943

Issue 36264 - November 26, 1943

Foreign Office, October 14, 1943

The KING has been please to approve of:

Senor Don Jorge Martin C., as Consul-General of Costa Rica at Kingston, Jamaica, for Jamaica and its dependencies.

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