Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library


1914 to 1920

Issue 28789 - January 2, 1914

Government Notice

Colonial Secretary's Office

No. 121. 12th March, 1913

Jamaica Law 28 of 1912.

Unclaimed Moneys (Bankers) Law, 1912.

In compliance with the requirements of Jamaica Law 18 of 1912, "A law to provide for a yearly return by bankers of unclaimed securities and moneys and to make certain unclaimed moneys general assets of the Island," the Governor of Jamaica directs it to be notified for general information that the moneys described in the Schedule hereunto annexed, amounting to the sum of £555 12s., have remained in the possession and under the control of the Colonial Bank at Kingston, Jamaica, for a period of thirty years and upwards, and that during that period no claim has been successfully made thereto, and that unless claim to those moneys be made within one year from the date of the first publication of this advertisement in the London Gazette and be substantiated to the satisfaction of a court of competent jurisdiction, such moneys shall lapse to, and become part of, the general assets of the Island of Jamaica, as provided for in the aforementioned law, subject, however, to the proviso in the fifth section of the law, namely, that if, within the year aforesaid a claim to any portion of these moneys shall have duly been made but shall be pending at the expiration of the said year before a court of competent jurisdiction, and there shall be lodged with the Treasurer of Jamaica a certificate to that effect signed by a judge of that court, then such moneys shall not lapse to, or become part of, the general assets of the island until any such certificate by cancelled or revoked.


Amount of Deposit, In whose name deposited, Date of Deposit

£13, William Smith Clarke, 29th. June,1870

£200, Alejandro Beltram Dumas. 28th. March, 1876

£201 Ditto 25th. July, 1876

£141. 12s. Ditto 23rd. October, 1879

By command,

(Sgd.) P. C. Cork,

Colonial Secretary

Issue 28799 - 6 February, 1914

Foreign Office,

January 31, 1914

The KING has been pleased to approve of -

Senor Don Pedro Regalado Machado as Consul of Guatemala at Kingston, Jamaica

Mr. Robert Samuel Gamble as Consul of Norway at Kingston for Jamaica and Grand Cayman Island.

Issue 28823 - 21 April 1914


Pursuant to the Statute 22nd. And 23rd Victoria, chapter 35, intituled (sic) "An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees."

Notice is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Marianne Bravo, late of 7, North Street, Kingston, Jamaica, Spinster, deceased (who died on the 12th. day of July, 1913, and letters of administration, with the will annexed, of whose estate were granted by the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the 15th. day of April, 1914, to Israel Davis, of 6, King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, the lawful Attorney of Altamont Ernest da Costa, the executor therein named), are hereby required to send the particulars, in writing, of their claims or demands to the undersigned, the Solicitor for the said administrator, on or before the 21st day of June, 1914, after which date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims, and demands of which he shall then have had notice; and he will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims or demands he shall not then have had notice. Dated this 17th. day of April, 1914.

F. Walton Atkinson, LL.D.,

2 Finsbury square, E.O.,

Solicitor for the said Israel Davis.

Issue 28864 - August 7, 1914

War Office,

7th. August, 1914


Commands and Staff

Colonel Leonard S. Blackden, from the half-pay list, to be Inspector of the West Indian Local Forces and Officer Commanding in Jamaica, and to be granted the temporary rank of Brigadier-General whilst so employed, vice Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) J.R.M. Dalrymple-Hay , C.B., D.S.O. Dated 29th. July, 1914.

Issue 28870 - 14 August 1914


Pursuant to the Statute 22nd. And 23rd Victoria, chapter 35, intituled (sic) "An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees."

Notice is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any debts, claims or demands against the estate of John Henry McCrae, late of Kingston, in the Island of Jamaica, Deputy Inspector-General of Police in the city and parish of Kingston aforesaid (who died on the 3rd. day of May 1913, and probate of whose will was resealed in favour of Olive McCrae, the Widow of the said deceased, and sole executrix, therein named, in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the 8th. day of August, 1914), are hereby required to send particulars, in writing, of their debts, claims or demands to us, the undersigned, as Solicitors to the said executrix, on or before the 20th. day of September, 1914; and notice is hereby given, that at the expiration of that time the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said testator among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims and demands of which she shall then have had notice; and that she will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose debt, claim or demand she shall not then have notice. - Dated this 12th. day of August, 1914.

Morley, Shirreff and Co.,

53, Gresham house, Old Broad Street, London,

Solicitors to the said Executrix.

Issue 28920 - 2nd. Supplement to the London Gazette, 30 September 1914

War Office, September 30, 1914


Colonel James R.M. Dalrymple-Hay, C.B., D.S.O., on completion of his period of service as Inspector of the West Indian Local Forces and Officer Commanding the Troops, Jamaica, is placed on the half-pay list. Dated 16th. September, 1914.

Issue 29077 - 19 February, 1915


Pursuant to the Act of Parliament 22nd. And 23rd. Vict.,cap. 35, intatuled (sic) "An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees."

Notice is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Adelaide Solomon, late of Seville, Saint Ann, in Jamaica, Widow, deceased (who died on the 20th. day of August, 1896, the letters of administration de bonis non, with the will annexed, of whose estate were granted by the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the 10th.day of February, 1915, to Adele Davis, Wife of Louis Davis, the administratrix of the estate of the said deceased), are hereby required to send the particulars, in writing, of their claims or demands to the undersigned, the Solicitor for the said administratrix, on or before the 31st. day of March,1915, after which date the said administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims and demands of which she shall then have had notice; and she will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims or demands she shall not then have had notice. Dated this 16th. day of February, 1915


Solicitor for the said Administratrix,

2, Finsbury square, London.

Issue 29084 - 26 February, 1915


Pursuant to the Act of Parliament 22nd. And 23rd. Vict.,cap. 35, intatuled (sic) "An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees."

Notice is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the estate of Elizabeth Barrett, late of the Convent of Our Lady of Mercy, Alpha, Kingston, Jamaica, in the West Indies (formerly of 35, Bismarck road, Highgate Hill, in the county of Middlesex), Spinster, deceased (who died at Kingston, Jamaica, on the 8th. day of January, 1913, and letters of administration, with the will annexed, of whose estate were granted out of the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the 15th. day of January, 1915,to Herbert Pennington, Frederick Toulmin Leeming and Geoffrey Amherst Daniel-Tyssen, all of 64, Lincoln's Inn-fields, in the county of London, Solicitors), are hereby required to send particulars, in writing, of their claims or demands to us, the undersigned, on or before the 8th. day of April, 1915, after which date the said administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which they shall then have had notice; and they will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims or demands they shall not then have had notice. Dated this 25th. day of February, 1915.

Pennington and Son,

64, Lincoln's Inn-fields, London, W.C.,

Solicitors for the said Administrators

Issue 29145 - 27 April, 1915

War Office,

17th. April, 1915

Territorial Forces

Derbyshire; John Travers Calder (late Lieutenant, Jamaica Volunteers) to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 16th. April, 1915.

Issue 29283 - 3 September, 1915

I, RALPH JOHN RITTE, a British subject, born in Kingston, Jamaica, in the year 1873, heretofore called and known by the name of Ralph John Rittenberg, of 35, Down-view, Bude, in the county of Cornwall, hereby give public notice, that on the 13th. day of August, 1915, I formally and absolutely renounced, relinquished and abandoned the use of my surname of Rittenberg and then assumed and adopted and determined thenceforth on all occasions whatsoever to use and subscribe the name of Ritte instead of the said name Rittenberg; and I give further notice, that by a deed poll dated the 13th. day of August, duly executed and attested and enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme Court, on the 13th.day of August, 1915, I formally and absolutely renounced, relinquished and abandoned the said surname of Rittenberg and declared that I had assumed and adopted and intended thenceforth upon all occasions whatsoever to use and subscribe the name of Ritte instead of Rittenberg, and so as to be at all times thereafter called, known and described by the name of Ritte. - Dated this 30th. day of August, 1915.


Note: Also printed in Issue 29224 - July 9, 1915

Issue 29320 - 8 October, 1915

Downing Street,

7th. October, 1915

The KING has been pleased to approve of the appointment of Sydney Couper, Esq. (Director of the Jamaica Government Railway), to be Nominated Member of the Legislative Council of the Island of Jamaica

Issue 29323 - 12 October, 1915


Pursuant to the Law of Property Amendment, Act, 1859

Notice is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon the estate of Edward Vickers, deceased, a retired Junior Puisne (?) Judge of the Supreme Court in the Island of Jamaica, lately residing with his Son, Mr. Charles Edward Vickers, at "Tekels," Christchurch Park, Sutton,, in the county of Surrey (the said Edward Vickers having died on the 2nd. Day of September, 1915, and his will having been proved in the Principal Probate Registry of the High Court of Justice, on the 1st. Day of October, 1915; by the said Charles Edward Vickers, the sole executor named in the said will), are hereby required to send, in writing, full particulars of such claims and demands to the said Charles Edward Vickers, at the address above mentioned, or to the undersigned, Messrs. A.R. Jackson and Son, of Bush Land House Cannon Street in the city of London, his Solicitors, on or before the 8th. day of November next, after which date the said Charles Edward Vickers will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Edward Vickers, deceased, among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which he shall then have notice; and that he will not be liable for the assets of the said Edward Vickers, deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person of whose debt or claim he shall not then have had notice. Dated this 8th. day of October, 1915.

A.R. Jackson and Son, Solicitors for the Executor,

Bush Land House, Cannon Street, E.C.

Issue 29552 - 18 April, 1916

Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, James Fitzpatrick, Henry Malcolm Graham and Gilbert Collyer Johnston, carrying on business as Chartered Accountants, at 147, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C., and at Georgetown, British Guiana, Port of Spain, Trinidad, and Kingston, Jamaica, under the style or firm of FITZPATRICK, GRAHAM AND CO., has been dissolved, so far as regards the said James Fitzpatrick, by mutual consent, as and from the 31st. day of March, 1916. All debts due to and owing by the said late firm will be received and paid by the said Henry Malcolm Graham and Gilbert Collyer Johnston. - Dated 12th. day of April 1916.

J. Fitzpatrick

H.M. Graham

G.C. Johnston

Issue 29643 - Supplement to the London Gazette, 28 June, 1916

B.W. Indies Regt.

Maj. G.V. Hart (Jamaica Contg.) to be temp. Maj. 6 Mar. 1916

Lt. A. T. Allan (Jamaica Contg.) to be temp. Lt. 6 Mar. 1916

The undermentioned 2nd. Lts. (Jamaica Contg.) to be temp. 2nd. Lts. 6 Mar 1916

L.M. Horns

E.W. Nicholls

O.D. Harris

C.A. Grant

G.H. Dawson

P.S. Bacquie

W.M. Beresford

J.M. Musson

F.K. Isaacs

A.E. Thompson

L.B. Young

R.F. Gallway

T.E. Adam

J.L. Lord

A.S.J.C. Hedmann

A.A. Dunlop

T.D. Keiffer

J.E.A.R. Daly

A.A. Davis.

Issue 29671 - 18 July, 1916


Colonial Secretary's Office,

December, 1915

Chancery Fund Balances, Jamaica

In Accordance with the provisions of section 5 of the Jamaica Act, 19 Vio., chap. 5, the Governor of Jamaica directs it to be notified and it is hereby notified accordingly, for the information of whomsoever it may concern, that the several Chancery Deposits mentioned in the accompanying Schedule furnished by the Treasurer of this Colony were paid into the hands of the said Treasurer (who corresponds in such matters to the "Receiver General" mentioned in the Act), and so remain in the books of the said Treasurer.

And it is hereby notified also that no proceedings have been had in the respective matters, causes or suits, mentioned, or in respect thereto nor has any application for payment of these balances of Chancery Deposits been made for the period of twenty years or upwards. Consequently if no claim be made or right to all or several the sums specified in the Schedule be substantiated to the satisfaction of the Court of Chancery of Jamaica within two years from the date of the first publication of this Notice in Great Britain, the sums of money aforesaid will become the absolute property of the Public of this Island.

By command,

Robt. Johnstone,

Acting Colonial Secretary.

STATEMENT OF CHANCERY FUND BALANCES remaining in the Treasury unclaimed for a period of twenty years and upwards, and which are forfeitable to General Revenue under Section 6 of 19 Victoria, Chapter 5.

No. of

Pass Book

Name of Account

Year in






Interest to

31 - 3 - 15

A 31370

A 37490

A 38051

A 39570

A 39571

A 39572

A 39573

A 39575

A 39747

A 44043

A -----

A -----

A -----

A -----

A -----

A -----

Estate of Boodham

Jamaica Railway Co. and Attorney-General Jamaica in security for costs account.

Mrs. Wood - Davis vs. Davis

Estate of Samah

Estate of Mary Watson

Estate of Alex. George Lecky

Estate of Wm. F. Evans

Estate of J.S. James (Intestate)

Estate of Fooda (Decd. Coolie)

Salmon, M.A. vs Cresser, M.J. (July)

Aguilar vs. Beuling (or Benting)

Trust Estate Hersfield

Estate of I. R. Tuckett

Stephenson vs Stephenson

Estate M.A. Bent

Lindo vs.Billings

















£115 4s 1d

9 10 9

14 17 11

10 14 4

98 6 11

211 18 0

94 9 6

22 15 6

18 6 9

3 13 6

3 14 0

6 6

2 9 5

10 14 9

6 0 0

1 14 8

£625 16 7

NOTE: Above also printed in The London Gazette - Issue 29442 - 18 January, 1916

Issue 29723 - 25 August, 1916

Foreign Office,

August 7, 1916

The KING has been pleased to approve -

Mr. Thomas Vilmenay as Consul-General of Hayti at Kingston, Jamaica.

Issue 29775 - 6 October, 1916

Island Treasury,


29th. December, 1915


Forfeiture of Money Deposited in the Treasury on Account of Insolvent or Bankrupt Estates.

Whereas provision has been made by Law 5 of 1895 for the forfeiture of moneys deposited in the Treasury on account of insolvent or bankrupt estates, and remaining unclaimed for twenty years and upwards, and whereas by direction of His Excellency the Governor of this Island that proceedings be taken under the Law, I hereby give public notice that unless within one year from the date of this publication claim to the moneys be made to the satisfaction of the Treasurer or to the Court of competent jurisdiction, such moneys will become part of the general assets of this Island.

C.C. Anderson,

Island Treasurer

STATEMENT showing balances at credit of insolvent or bankrupt estates and dividends remaining unclaimed:-

Balance at Credit.

£ s. d.

John Salmon 0 6 11

Rae and MacKay 0 2 10

Philip Newton 0 4 4

S. J. Marks 0 13 2

E. A. Ledward 7 1 1

M. A. Stines 10 14 0

R. H. Brice 1 16 4

J. W. Scott 2 10 0

D.V. Thomas 1 13 4

A. M. Hill 5 8 9

A. Delgado and Co. 0 8 5

E.A. Schloss 2 3 1

George Levy 4 5 4

A. A. Waite 0 13 7

W. O. Parchment 0 7 10

E. L. Muirhead 0 16 5


£ 39 5 5

C.C. Anderson,


NOTE: The identical entry is also printed in The London Gazette - Issue 29651 -4 July, 1916; Issue 29534 - 4 April, 1916; Issue 29463 - 5 Feb. 1916

Issue 29818 - 10 November 1916

Mrs. EMMA REEVES, Deceased.

Pursuant to the Statute 22 and 23 Victoria, Cap. 35.

NOTICE is hereby given, that all persons having any claims against the estate of Emma Reeves (Wife of William Henry Reeves), of Ballinware, in the parish of St. Catherine, in the Island of Jamaica (who died on the 29th. day of November, 1915, at Ballinware aforesaid, and letters of administration to whose estate were granted at London, on the 30th. day of October, 1916, to the Public Trustee, the Attorney of the said William Henry Reeves, for his use and benefit), are required to send particulars thereof to the undersigned, on of before the 11th. day of December, 1916, after which date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed by the Public Trustee, and regard had only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated this 8th. day of November, 1916


3, South square, Gray's Inn, London, W.C.

Solicitors for the Public Trustee.

Issue 29904 - 16 January 1917

Foreign Office, December 11, 1916

The KING has been pleased to approve of:-

Senor Don Jorge A. Dutary as Consul-General of Panama at Kingston, Jamaica.

Issue 29938 - Supplement of the London Gazette, 12 February, 1917

Chancery of the Royal Victoria Order,

St. James's Palace,

1st. January, 1917

The KING has been graciously please to make the following promotions in, and appointments to, the Royal Victorian Order:-

Overseas Dominions:

Thomas Alexander, Inspector (1st. class), Jamaica Constabulary.

Issue 30145 - 22nd. June 1917

Re Lieutenant-Colonel ERNEST CHARLES PATRICK BOYLE, D.S.O. Deceased.

Pursuant to the Act of Parliament of the 22nd. And 23rd. Vict., cap.35.

Notice is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having claims against the estate of Lieutenant-Colonel Ernest Charles Patrick Boyle, D.S.A., late of Good Hope, Mavis Bank, in the Island of Jamaica, deceased (who died on the 7th. day of February, 1917, on active service in France, and whose will was proved in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice, on the 19th, day of June, 1917, by Colonel Lionel Richard Cavendish Boyle, M.V.O., one of the executors named in the said Will), are hereby required to send the particulars, in writing, of their debts, claims and demands to the undersigned, the Solicitor for the said Lionel Richard Cavendish Boyle, on or before the 31st. day of July, 1917, after which date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which he shall then have had notice; and he will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose debts, claims or demands he shall not then have had notice.

Dated this 20th; day of June, 1917

B.J. Preston, 7, Bedford row, London W.C.1,

Solicitor for the said Executor.

The following is not from the London Gazette:


In Memory of


1st Bn., Honourable Artillery Company
who died age56
on Wednesday 7 February 1917.
Lieutenant Colonel BOYLE, Son of Charles John Boyle and Zacyntha his wife.

Remembered with honour

Issue 30205 - 27th. July 1917

County Courts Jurisdiction


Pursuant to an Order of the County Court of Cheshire, holden at Birkenhead, made in the Matter of the estate of Henry Collier, deceased, late of 64, Emery Street, Walten in the city of Liverpool, Labourer (who died on the 8th. day of January, 1871, intestate), and in the Matter of a petition of Ellen Baker, of 14, Chatsworth road, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, in the county of Chester, Spinster, legal personal representative of the said Henry Collier, deceased, which petition was preferred unto this Court on the 17th. day of May, 1917 (Plaint No. W. 873), the following enquiry was ordered to be made. Viz.:-

An enquiry who were the next of kin, according to the Statutes for the Distribution of Intestates' Estates, of the said Henry Collier, deceased, living at the time of his death, and whether any of them have since died; and, if so, who are their legal personal representatives, and whether the intestate left a Widow, and, if so, whether she is living or dead, and if dead who are her legal personal representatives. The persons claiming under such enquiry are by themselves or their Solicitors, on or before the 4th. day of September, 1917, to come in and prove their claims at my office, at Pilgrim street, Birkenhead, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Order. Wednesday, the12th. day of September, 1917, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at my said office, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating upon the claims. Dated this 25th. Day of July, 1917.

D.W. White, Registrar of the said County

Court of Cheshive, Holden at Birkenhead.

NOTE - The said Henry Collier was a Son of John Collier, of Jamaica. It is stated that the said John Collier was married twice, first to Louisa Stuveng in Jamaica, and that there was issue of that marriage, one child, namely Ellen Ann Collier, and, secondly, to Margaret Paterson, or Berry, by whom he had issue, eleven children, namely, Hannah, John, Peter, Edward, a Daughter who died a few minutes after birth, Edward, a Daughter stillborn, Harriet Margaret, James, the above-named deceased and Margaret.

Geo. F. Lees, 45, Hamilton square, Birkenhead,

Solicitor for the Petitioner.


County Courts Jurisdiction


Pursuant to an Order of the County Court of Cheshire, holden at Birkenhead, made in the Matter of the estate of Peter Collier, deceased, late of 12, Bebington Street, Everton, in the city of Liverpool, Bookkeeper (who died on the 15th. day of July, 1960, intestate, and in the Matter of a petition of Ellen Baker, of 14,Chatsworth road, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, in the county of Chester, Spinster; legal personal representative of the said Peter Collier, deceased, which petition was preferred unto this Court, on the 17th. day of May, 1917 (Plaint No. W. 872), the following enquiry was ordered to be made, viz,:- An enquiry who were the next of kin, according to the Statutes for the Distribution of Intestates' Estates, of the said Peter Collier, deceased, living at the time of his death, and whether any of them have since died; and, if so, who are their legal personal representatives, and whether the intestate left a Widow, and, if so, whether she is living or dead, and if dead who are her legal personal representatives. The persons claiming under such enquiry are by themselves or their Solicitors, on or before the 4th.day of September, 1917, to come in and prove their claims at my office, at pilgrim street, Birkenhead, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Order. Wednesday, the 12th. day of September, 1917, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at my said office, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating upon the claims. Dated this 25th. day of July 1917.

D.W. WHITE, Registrar of the said County Court of Cheshire, holden at Birkenhead.

NOTE - The said Peter Collier was a Son of John Collier, of Jamaica. It is stated that the said John Collier was married twice, first to Louisa Stuveng in Jamaica, and that there was issue of that marriage, one child, namely Ellen Ann Collier, and, secondly, to Margaret Paterson, or Berry, by whom he had issue, eleven children, namely, Hannah, John, the above-named deceased, Edward, a Daughter who died a few minutes after birth, Edward, a Daughter stillborn, Harriet Margaret, James, Henry and Margaret.

Geo. F. LEES, 45 Hamilton square, Birkenhead,

Solicitor for the petitioner.

Issue 30426 - 4nd. Supplement of the London Gazette, Tuesday, 14 December, 1917

Overseas Contingents.

Br. W.I.R.

2nd. Lt. (since promtd. Temp. Lt.) R.P. Gallwey (Jamaica Contg.) to be temp. 2nd. Lt. 6 Mar. 1916. (Substituted for Gazette notification. 28 June 1916 incorrectly describing name as R.F. Gallway,)

Issue 30424 - 2nd. Supplement of the London Gazette, Wednesday, 12 December, 1917

His Majesty the KING has been pleased to award the Distinguished Conduct Medal to the undermentioned for gallantry and distinguished service in the Field: -

5777 Pte. J. Davis, B.W. Indies R. (Jamaica).

5766 Pte. A. De Pass, B.W. Indies R. (Jamaica)

Issue 30576 - 5th. Supplement of the London Gazette, Friday, 15 March, 1918

Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood.

St. James's Place, S.W.

15th. March, 1918

The KING has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for services in or for the Oversea Dominions, Colonies and Protectorates, in connection with the War. The appointments to date from the 1st. January, 1918:-

Crown Colonies, Protectorates, &c.

To be Knights Commanders of the said Most Excellent Order:

Brigadier-General Sir William Henry Manning, K.C.M.G., C.B., Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of the Island of Jamaica.

To be Officers of the said Most Excellent Order:

Hubert Ashton Laselve Simpson, Esq., elected Member of the Legislative Council, and lately Mayor of Kingston, Jamaica.

William Wilson, Esq., of Kingston, Jamaica; for services in recruiting and on behalf of sick and wounded soldiers.

To be Member of the said Most Excellent Order:

Mrs. Ada Ellen Briscoe, local representative in Jamaica of Queen Mary's Needlework Guild.

Mrs. Judith de Cordova, for services in connection with War Charities and recruiting in Jamaica.

Miss Annie Jane Douglas, Matron of the Government Lunatic Asylum, Kingston, Jamaica, for services on behalf of War Charities and recruiting.

Issue 30735 - June 7, 1918


22nd. And 23rd. Vict., c, 35.

All persons having claims against the estate of Charles Goldie, late of "Wanstead," Cranley road, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, retired Collector of Customs and Shipping Master, Jamaica (who died on the 16th. March, 1918, and whose will was proved, on the 23, May 1918, in the Principal Probate Registry by the Public Trustee, the sole executor thereof), are required to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned not later than the 5th. day of July, 1918, after which date the executor will distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated this 5th. day of June, 1918.

H.J. JEFFERIES and CO., Solicitors for the Executor, 39, Alexandra Street, Southend-on-Sea.

Issue 30768 - Supplement of the London Gazette, 27 June, 1918

His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Military Medal to the undermentioned Non-commissioned Officers and Men:-

M2/115668 Sjt.(sic) E.R. Rouse, A.S.C. (Kingston, Jamaica)

Issue 30824 (July 30, 1918) - Supplement of the London Gazette,

2nd. August, 1918

The undermentioned temp. appts. are made at the War office:

Col. A. R. Gilbert, D.S.O., from h.p. list, to be Inspr. Of the W. Indian Local Forces, and O.C. in Jamaica, and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld., vice Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) L.S. Blackden. 21. July 1918.

Issue 30864 - Supplement of the London Gazette, 26 August, 1918

The undermentioned temp. appts. are made at the War Office:-

Col. A. R. Gilbert, D.S.O., from h.p. list, to be Inspr. Of the W. Indian Local Forces and O.C. in Jamaica, and to be granted the temp. rank of Brig.-Gen. Whilst so empld. 21st. July 1918.

Issue 30905 - 17 September, 1918


Pursuant to the Law or Property Amendment Act, 1859, entitled (?) "An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees."

Notice is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any debts, claims or demands against the estate of John Hodgson Phillpotts, late of Eden Park, St. Mary, Jamaica (who died intestate on the 13th. day of December, 1908, letters of administration of whose estate were granted to Samuel Nunes Carvalho, of 11 St. Helen's place, London, E.C., Solicitor, the attorney of Florence Muriel Phillpots, the Widow of the said John Hodgson Phillpotts, by the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the 21st. day of August, 1918), are hereby required to send particulars, in writing, of their debts, claims or demands to us, the undersigned, the Solicitors to the said administrator, on or before the 14th. day of October, 1918; and notice is hereby given, that at the expiration of that time the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said intestate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims and demands of which he shall then have had notice; and that he will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose debts, claims or demands he shall not have had notice. Dated this 13th. day of September, 1918.

COBURN and CO., 11 St. Helen's place, E.C.,

Solicitors for the Administrator.

Issue 30920 - Supplement of the London Gazette, 26 September, 1918


His Majesty the KING to be Colonel-in-Chief of the Guards Machine Gun Regiment.

Col. L.S. Blackden relinquishes the temp. rank of Brig.-Gen., and is placed on the h.p, List on termination of his period of comd. In Jamaica. 5th. Sept. 1918.

Issue 30935 - Supplement of the London Gazette,

Friday, 4th. October, 1918.

Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood.

St. James's Palace,S.W.

4th. October,1918.

The KING has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following promotions in and appointments to the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for services in or for the Oversea Dominions, Colonies and Protectorates, in connection with the War.

To be Officers of the said Most Excellent Order:-

James Harvey Williamson Park, Esq., Director of Public Works and Chairman of the Recruiting Committee, Jamaica.

To be Members of the said Most Excellent Order.

Mrs. Mary Helen Bennett Blackden; for assistance to war charities in Jamaica.

Mrs. Irene Branch, for work in connection with the Red Cross Depot at Kingston, Jamaica.

John Henry Cargill, Esq., for services in connection with the Red Cross and Aeroplane Funds, Jamaica.

Altamont Da Costa, Esq., Deputy-Mayor of Kingston, Jamaica; for services in connection with the Red Cross and recruiting.

Walter Coke Kerr, Esq., Custos of St. James, Jamaica, for services in connection with local Defense forces, recruiting war charities.

Mrs. Maud Coke Kerr, for services in Jamaica in connection with the Blue Cross and other War Charities.

Issue 31128 - 5th. Supplement to the London Gazette,

Tuesday, January 16, 1919

War Office - 16th.January, 1919

His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of a Bar to the Distinguished Conduct Medal to the undermentioned Warrant Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Men, for gallantry and distinguished service in the Field:

121759 L./Cpl. C. Rennalls, 62nd. Bn., M.G. Corps (Montelair, Jamaica)

For conspicuous gallantry on the 15th. September 1918 at Havrincourt. This N.C.O. kept his guns in action in spite of very heavy shell fire. When the enemy worked round his position and it became impossible for him to use his guns he engaged the enemy at close range with both rifle and revolvers, killing several, including a battalion commander.

Issue 31173 - Supplement to the London Gazette, Thursday,7 February, 1919

His Majesty the KING has been graciously please to approve of the award of a Bar to the Military Medal to the undermentioned Warrant Offices, Non-Commissioned Offices and Men:-

Bar to Military Medals

85299 Cpl. S. England, M.M., 13th. Bde., Can. F.A. (Jamaica)

M.M's gazetted 23rd. August, 1916

Issue 31419 - 3rd. Supplement to the London Gazette,

Thursday, 26 June, 1919 - War Office

General List:

Temp. 2nd. Lt. H. J. Pilbrow relinquishes the actg. Rank of Capt. on ceasing to be empld. as Adjt., Depot, Jamaica. 1 Oct.1918.

Issue 31422 - 27 June, 1919

Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood,

St. James's Palace, S.W. 1

27th. June, 1919

The KING has been graciously please, on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to give orders for the following promotions in, and appointments to the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. To be dated the 3rd.June 1919:-

To be Officers of the Civil Division of the said Most Excellent Order:-

Dorothy Marguerite Elizabeth, The Honourable Mrs. Trefusis, for work in connection with war charities and recruiting in Jamaica.

To be Members of the Civil Division of the said Most Excellent Order:-

Robert William Bryant, Esq., Mayor of Kingston, Jamaica, for general war work.

Alfred E. Ffrench, Esq., for services in connection with Red Cross work and recruiting in Jamaica.

Sydney Cameron McCutchin, Esq., for services in connection with recruiting in Jamaica.

Horace Myers, Esq., for Kingston, Jamaica for services to contingents from the Bahama Islands.

Josephine, Mrs. Westmorland, for services in connection with Red Cross work and recruiting, Jamaica.

Issue 31712 - 30th. December, 1919

Supplement of the London Gazette, 1 January, 1920

Chancery of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George,

Downing Street, 1st. January 1920

The King has been graciously pleased to give directions for the following promotions in, and appointments to, the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George:-

To be Ordinary Members of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Distinguished Order:-

Herbert George de Lisser, Esq., of Jamaica, in recognition of his public services and literary work.

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