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Printed and published by John Castello, Falmouth, Jamaica

March to June 1873

[published on Tuesdays and Fridays]

Tuesday, 4 March 1873


Meeting of Saturday, March 1. James Wauchope Fisher, Acting Custos, presided, and the other gentlemen present were the Hon. William Kerr, Simon Thompson, H. M. Purchas, Stuart Edwards, Charles Delgado, Esq., and Dr. Henry Hume. The Clerk, Mr. G. W. Stricker, read the Minutes. A letter was read from Mr. Tilley, the District Engineer.

Licenses for Hawking and Peddling were granted to Jane Brown and Mary Wallace.


At a meeting on Saturday, March 1, the Chair was taken by James Wauchope Fisher, Esquire, Acting Custos, and the other gentlemen present were the Hon. William Kerr, Simon Thompson, David Archer, F. G. Anderson, W. R. Sievwright and Richard Bruford Esquires.

A letter was read from Mr. R. E. Gardner, Superintendent of Roads, respecting the Ulster Spring road.

The clerk read a letter from Mr. F. Willock, Superintendent of Roads, to the effect that Waywardens Sime of Bellefield, and Hoskins of Dundee had refused to declare to the Way Bills for payment of wages.



DYE WOODS: It is pleasing to report that the French Company established at Old Harbour for the grinding of Logwood and preparing the Dye for English and continental markets, are progressing favourably under the management of Monsieur Limornaird of the firm of Messrs. Laloubere and Co., of Kingston. Excellent machinery is being erected, and the principal station will be at Hume's Penn, midway between Old Harbour Market and the Bay, and within a short distance from the Railway buildings.

COPPER: The old Copper Mine of Charing Cross in the parish of Clarendon is to be reopened, and the precious Ore looked after, as competent Judges have stated that the Mine can be profitable worked. Dr. Beckett has been appointed to act as Agent for the Company.



DISTRICT COURT was opened in St. Ann's Bay on 20th February. Justice Jeffery was on the Bench. Officers present were Messrs. A. B. Dignum (clerk), David Edwards (Assistant Clerk), Edward B. Lynch (Solicitor), and Henry S. Gilbourne (Bailiff). The following criminal cases were disposed of:

The Queen vs Francis Williams for assaulting and wounding Mary Ann Brady. Guilty.

The Queen vs Mary Grant for abusive language to Philip Robinson. Guilty.

The Queen vs James Milne, for disorderly conduct. Guilty.

The Queen vs Robert Fletcher, for obstructing a Bailiff in the execution of duty. Case dismissed.


THE POST OFFICE. Mr. John R. Naylor, late Postmaster at Manchioneal, has been appointed to St. Ann's Bay to take the place of Mr. S. Binns, who has gone to Annotto Bay, as Assistant Collector in the Revenue Department.



At St. Ann's Bay, on the 24th February, at the Residence of Mr. Albert J. Hart, the infant Son, aged 4 months, of Mr. H. Taylor Brown, of Fever, after an illness of nine days.

Friday, 7 March 1873


We acknowledge with much pleasure, the receipt of the first Report of the Committee appointed for the collection and distribution of the above named fund. The Revd. J. M. Bartolio is Chairman of the Committee, and the other members are General Geffrard, Messrs. George Solomon, J. R. Sorapure, F. A. Autey, B. C. Carvalho, A. Mattos, P. E. Auvray, William Malabre, S. Laraque, Altamont DeCordova, A. H. Jones, Joseph Stines, Charles Gadpaille, and Wellesley Bourke, Junior, [of Kingston] all of whom have been philanthropically engaged in collecting means for the relief of a large number of Cuban Families who have sought refuge in Jamaica since the commencement of the revolutionary war in their native country, and who, being in impoverished, and indeed, destitute circumstances, are unable to procure the common necessaries of life.... There is another Institution, called the Cuban Beneficence Society of which the Revd. Ramon Montsalvage and William Wemyss Anderson, Esq., of Kingston, with the Revd. William Murray of Falmouth, the Revd. Adam Thompson of Montego Bay, and the Revd. Andrew Baillie of Lucea, Presbyterian Ministers, are prominent members.



These are some extracts from the above paper containing the affairs of the Church of England in Jamaica:


In answer to an application from the Rev. G. B. Brooks, (now in England) Secretary of the Synod, the Earl of Harewood as promised to give a piece of land as a Site for a Parsonage for Harewood Church (St. Catherine).

Curacy in Spanish Town

The Revd. C. Mackinnon, B.A. is to remain as Curate in Spanish Town. He is also Superintending Clergyman of the station known as St. John's Parish Church.

The Savanna-la-Mar church

The Revd. Henry Clarke has accepted the call of the Church Committee, and will reside in that town. At present, the duties at Trinity Church will be provided for by the Revd. Edward Clarke, head master of Manning's Free School, Savanna-la-Mar, and a Catechist.

Albert Town Church Trelawny

On Thursday 16th January, the Revd. G. Hall, Island Curate of Brown's Town, St. Ann, visited this town for the administration of the sacraments. Nearly a year elapsed from the Revd. J. A. Thompson's last visit to the 11th February of the past year, when the Revd. H. H. Isaacs visited the station.

Friday, 21 March 1873


At the "Castle" in the Town of Lucea, on Wednesday the 12th Instant, at the age of 2 years and 4 months, after a short illness, Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Davis.

Tuesday, 25th March 1873


We have learned that the following are the list of names of the officers to be installed at the consecration of the Seville Lodge in St. Ann's Bay on April 2: [all names preceded by "Brother"]

Master-Elect, Brother Michael Solomon

Substitute Master, M. A. Nunes

Deputy Master, Alexander Lake

Senior Warden, Edmund N. Hart

Junior Warden, A. N. Sutherland

Senior Deacon, Alfred T. Kidd

Junior Deacon, David Carvalho

Inner Guard, W. R. Phillips

Treasurer, Albert J. Hart

Secretary, George Roe

Tyler, Edward Hall



The District Court was opened on Thurday last, before the Hon. Charles Jeffery. The Solicitors in attendance were Mr. Dignum, Clerk of the Court, Mr. E. R. Lynch, and Mr. E. C. Smith, junior.


A LARGE FISH, said to be an "Amber Jack" was caught by a fisherman named Hall, on the 20th instant, measuring 6 feet 2 inches in length and 3 feet 6 inches in circumference. The weight thereof was 133 lbs.



PUBLIC CAUTION: A notorious vagabond named Thomas Jonas, has been practicing many felonious acts on persons in the country districts of this parish. He is a short, stout Sambo, and is very intelligent and plausible.



MASONIC: A meeting of the members was held last Tuesday evening, at the residence of Stipendiary justice Lilley. The following gentlemen were elected to office for the current year: John McGlashan, Master, H. Hutchins, Senior Warden, C. Jamieson, Junior Warden, D. C. Henriques, Senior Deacon, Augustus Abrahams, Junior Deacon, Joseph R. Deleon, Tyler, Maurice Emanuel, Secretary, and J. Hutchins, Inner Guard.


MONK STREET SYNAGOGUE: A meeting was held in the Vestry Room of this place of Worship, and 6 Vestrymen were elected for the coming year: Messrs. Henry Harris, S. K. Magnus, David C. Peixotto, Cleveland A. Dias, David Lawton, and Wolfe Josephs.



THE FRUIT TRADE: The schooner "Hathwood" arrived here from Trinidad, consigned to Mr. P. A. Moodie. Mr. Moodie is erecting a wharf, along side of which vessels drawing 24 feet of water may go, to take in fruit.

A NEW VESSEL: Mr. Panton, a native of this place is building a large Schooner. He is a first-class Shipwright.

Tuesday, April 1, 1873


A meeting was held on Saturday last, attended by J. W. Fisher, Esq., Acting Custos, Hon. William Kerr, Simon Thomson, J. M. Purchas, L. C. Shirley, and Stuart Edwards, Esq.

Licenses for Hawking and Peddling were granted to Maria Bell, Elizabeth Brisset and Sarah Gilbourne.



On Sunday 9th March, 1873, at Callao, Charles McGeachy, from the effects of a fall from a horse. He was a native of Jamaica.

Friday 4 April 1873


This Court for the parishes of St. Ann and part of St. Mary, opened on March 28th before the Hon. Alan Ker. In attendance were Mr. R. Lynch, the Assistant Attorney General, Mr. Alexander Lake, Clerk of the Court, and Mr. E. B. Lynch. The following cases were tried:

The Queen vs Richard Gallum for larceny. Acquitted.

The Queen vs Alfred DaCosta for escaping from prison. Not guilty.

The Queen vs Daniel Barnett for horse stealing. Guilty.

James Taylor was charged with the larceny of a Pig and 50 lbs pork. Acquitted.

The Queen vs George Stewart for larceny of a Sow. Guilty.

The Queen vs Joseph Henry for larceny of Fustic. Guilty.

James Frazer was convicted of a similar offense.



In Montego Bay on the night of the 25th March, aged 38 years, Charles Nunes, younger son of the late Benjamin Nunes and brother of the Honorable Robert Nunes and Ralph Nunes Esquire, whom he leaves with an aged mother and several sisters to mourn their loss.




Arrived April 1: British Barque Dundee, Stevens, 44 days, London, general cargo consigned to Simon Thomson, Esq.

Sailed April 1: Sloop Florence, Simpson, Montego Bay.

In Port: For London: British Barques Medina, Patricia, Moselle and Dundee.

Passengers Arrived: In the Barque Dundee from London: Mr. & Mrs. Dyer and 2 children; Mr. James Brodie, and Mr. Alexander Dowell.

Tuesday 8 April, 1873


THE LATE MURDER IN CLARENDON: The Government will give a reward of £100 to any person who will afford information leading to the apprehension and conviction of the Murderer of the late Mr. Robert Scully on the evening of 13 December 1872 in the parish of Clarendon.



New York, April 5, 1873

White Star Steamer "Atlantic" from Liverpool for New York ran on Meghers Head, about 20 miles from Halifax at 1:30 yesterday, ship, cargo and 750 lives lost.



In Falmouth on Saturday 5th April, Emma Matilda, the beloved wife of Mr. Andrew Delisser, and third daughter of M. A. Nunes, Esq., in the 31st year of her age.



On the 25th March, at New Milne in the Parish of Hanover, the Wife of R. H. Robertson, Esq., of a Son.

Tuesday 15 April, 1873


The Anniversary Sermons were preached at the Wesleyan Chapel in that town on Sunday 6th April by the Revd. Stephen Sutton. The musical portion of the services was ably conducted by Mrs. Lewis, the wife of the respected Pastor of the Church, and Mr. James W. Atkins, the Organist of the Wesleyan Chapel in Falmouth.

A public meeting in connection with the same School was held on the following evening. Michael Solomon, Esq., presided, when interesting addresses were delivered by the Reverends Stephen Sutton, Thomas Griffith and Samuel L. Smith.

We are glad to learn that with the kind assistance of benevolent friends the Revd. W. J. Lewis has imported a splendid Harmonium for the use of the congregation worshipping at the Wesleyan Chapel at St. Ann's Bay.



At the Quarterly Meeting of the Directors held on April 12, those present were: Abraham Lindo, Esq., President; Messrs. John Wilson, David Galloway, John Delisser, Jacob Alsop, A. B. Dignum, and J. O. Clerk.

A letter was read from Mr. John M. Young applying for leave to connect a branch pipe with the Company's Main in Duke Street.



SALE OF PROPERTIES: It is reported that the Georgia and Kew estates in Hanover have been sold by Messrs. George L. Phillips and Brother of Montego Bay to Messrs. Edward Sadler and William Vickers of Westmoreland, and that Haughton Tower estate in the Green Island district will become the property of another gentleman in Westmoreland.


ENGLISH VISITORS: Mr. Ross of the mercantile firm of Messrs. Cottam, Morton and Co. of London, and young Mr. Cottam, who is about 20 years of age, were at Lucea on Wednesday April 2, accompanied by Messrs. Sadler and Vickers. They inspected Riley's estate, of which Mr. Sadler is the Attorney.


APPREHENSION OF A THIEF: Thomas Jonas, the notorious and desperate thief having been apprehended by a Constable in St. James, was lodged in Lucea prison on April 4th.


GREEN ISLAND: Mr. Robert Miller's tender for building the bridge over the river at Green Island has been accepted.



On Sunday 6th April by the Revd. T. P. Russell, Louis only son of Samuel Lazarus, Esq., of Falmouth, to Miriam, youngest daughter of the late George Castle, Esq.

Tuesday 22 April, 1873


Shepherd Mendes was tried at the Bath Circuit Court on April 16 before Sir John Lucie Smith, C.M.G., for the manslaughter of Dr. Irwin. The prisoner was ably defended by Mr. Advocate Lindo, instructed by Mr. Solicitor Jaquet. The prisoner was found guilty.



His Excellency the Governor has granted leave of absence, for 3 months, to Inspector Brownrigg who leaves for England, with his family, on Thursday next in the Barque Arcadia. Inspector T. Alexander, who has been appointed to fill the place of Mr. Brownrigg, arrived in this town on Sunday evening last.

Friday 25 April, 1873


THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND: The Venerable Archdeacon is now making his official tour. During the last fortnight he visited the several Church Stations in Westmoreland, St. Elizabeth, and the leeward part of Hanover. On Monday there was a meeting with communicant members. The Litany was read by the Rector, and then addresses were given by the Archdeacon, Mr. William Ewen and the Revd. Henry Clarke, and the Revd. Charles H. Davis.

In the evening the 25th anniversary of the Church Sunday School was celebrated, and the Superintendent the Revd. Joseph K. Collymore was congratulated.



CIRCUIT COURT: On the 17th April, the case of Andrew H. Lewis vs Robert Osborne was heard by the Judge of the Court. The Plaintiff sued to recover £50 for his services as an Accountant in bringing up the Books and arranging the affairs of the late Firm of Jordon & Osborne.


APPREHENSION OF A MURDERER: The murderer of young Scully has been apprehended. He was a Cooper on Longville estate, and his name is Case, twice a convict. He was captured by a Detective names Isaacs.

Tuesday 9 April, 1873


At the Cottage, in Trelawny, on Thursday 24 April, 1873, Mrs. Catherine Thoms, aged 75, leaving 3 sons, and other relatives to mourn her loss.

Friday 2 May, 1873


Captain Stevens of the Barque Dundee; Captain Tindale of the Barque Medina; Captain Bosdet of the Barque Blanche; Messrs. George DeLisser and R. G. Robey, master Pilots for the Port of Falmouth; Messrs. Higginson and Holdsworth, Masters of Coasting Vessels, met at the Court House in Falmouth yesterday, and formed themselves into a Board to examine Mr. William L. Penaydo for acting as a Pilot of the second class for the port of Falmouth. He will be placed under the Master Pilots for 3 months, after which he will be granted a certificate of competency.

Tuesday 6 May, 1873


The following resolution was unanimously agreed to by the Diocesan Council: the Committee having considered the plan proposed by the Reverend C. R. Chandler, for sending Mr. Charles Melville to India, to be qualified and prepared for Coolie Missionary work in Jamaica, cordially approve of such proposal, and recommend that a special subscription be opened in aid of this project. It is agreed to propose a special grant of £50 as the contribution of this Society.



His Excellency the Governor has appointed John Wilson and George Robertson, Esquires, Justices of the Peace for the Parish of Trelawny.

Friday 9 May, 1873


The Reverend Andrew Baillie, the deservedly-respected Pastor of the Presbyterian Congregation of the town of Lucea, having obtained leave of absence due to illness, will proceed to Scotland in the Packet which will sail from Kingston on the 11th. His place will be supplied during his absence, by the Reverend Messrs. Murray, Carlisle, Thomson, Wallbridge, and other Presbyterian ministers.

Tuesday 13 May, 1873


Robert Lewis, a Private in H.M. 1st W.I.R., quartered in this town, Edward Sutton and George Patterson, of Falmouth, were brought up at the Falmouth Court of Petty Sessions on Wednesday last before L. J. Preston, Esquire, the former charged with the larceny and forgery of a Colonial Bank Cheque for £20 the property of Captain Joseph Smith of H.M. 1st W.I.R., and the two latter with uttering the said cheque with intent to defraud. The prisoners were sent for trial at the Circuit Court in July next.



His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Charles Richard Sievewright and Walter Ogilvie, Esquires, Justices of the Peace for the Parish of Trelawny.

Friday 16 May, 1873


On the 9th April the Jamaica Gazette contained a Notice that the Governor had appointed Dr. Ralph Robert Scott to act as Superintending Medical Officer in the room of Dr. David Palmer Ross who had resumed the duties of Chief Medical Officer and Director of the Public Hospital. Dr. Scott has resigned the situation, and is succeeded by Dr. Phillippo, who, it is expected will not remain long in the service of the government, as he has an extensive private practice in the city of Kingston.



Cases heard on May 13th:

The Queen vs George White charging the prisoner with 4 counts of larceny of the property of Sophia Anderson. Guilty.

The Queen vs William Fraser for receiving moneys and goods under false pretenses. Guilty.

The Queen vs Jonathan Brown for unlawfully wounding William Fraser. Guilty.

The Queen vs Sarah Lamont for unlawfully wounding Jessie Clarke. Guilty.

The Queen vs Elizabeth Clarke for larceny of clothes the property of Ann Brown. Acquitted.

The Queen vs Catherine Nelson for larceny of clothing and sundry other articles, the property of Henry Aarons. Guilty.

The Queen vs Mary Gallimore for larceny of Calico the property of Sarah Magnus and Bro. of Duncans. Acquitted.

The Queen vs Alfred Lindo, Alexander Patterson, David Harris and Charles Angus. Charged with larceny of money the property of George Underhill, and with receiving the said money knowing it to have been stolen. Patterson guilty on the first count, Harris and Angus guilty on the second, Lindo acquitted.




There have been "great doings" in connection with the marriage of Captain Howard, of H. M. Ship Raccoon, with the eldest daughter of Mr. Francis Robertson Lynch. A grand Ball was given on board the Vessel on the night of the 6th instant.... The brilliant display of Rockets and other fire-works was much admired by a large number of the Inhabitants of Kingston and Port Royal.



This disease is spreading in all directions, and some of the cases are very bad. Dr. Stamers is actively employed in the performance of his duties as Government Medical Practitioner; but, sufficient means are not at the disposal of the Local Authorities to enable them to adopt measures for "stamping out" the scourge with which this part of the Island is afflicted.

Tuesday 20 May, 1873


The Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. John Allwood to be Clerk of the Municipal and Road Boards in the parish of Hanover in room of the late Mr. Melville A. Carter. Mr. Allwood's place in the Revenue Department at St. Ann's is to be supplied by Mr. L. M. Lynch. Mr. Allwood is a native of Hanover.



On the 9th May, at Frome, in the Parish of Westmoreland, Mrs. William Vickers of a daughter.

Friday 23 May, 1873


Mr. Alexander, the acting Agent General of Immigration, has shown by his annual report that the number of Coolie Labourers landed in the Island in the months of March, June, and September 1872 was 1,188; they were imported in vessels called the Merchantman, Salisbury and Humber, and located on estates in the parishes of St. Mary's and Clarendon. In the year 1872, a vessel left the island for Calcutta with 420 Immigrants whose time had expired, and who took with them Treasury Bills (payable in Calcutta) to the amount of £3,855....There were 1,179 whose time had expired who accepted the bounty in preference to return passages. Mr. Alexander has ascertained "that the total immigrant population on the 30th September, 1872 was 10,985, that of this number 4,452 were serving under indenture, while 2,156 had not yet completed their industrial residence of 10 years: the remaining 4,337 must therefore be regarded as permanent Colonists."



At Aboukir, on the 21st May, by the Revd. George Hall, Island Curate Brown's Town, David Galloway, Esquire, of Vale Royal Estate, Trelawny, to Ellen Rosalie, only daughter of the late Arthur Lowe, Esq., Manchester.

Friday 30 May, 1873


THE COLONIAL SECRETARY: The Honorable Edward Rushworth has gone to Demerara as Acting-Governor. Mr. William A. G. Young, whose salary as Assistant Colonial Secretary is £800 is to supply Mr. Rushworth's place.

Tuesday 3 June, 1873


Consequent upon the absence of the Hon. Mr. Rushworth, Hon Mr. Straton will become Colonial Secretary, and W. A. G. Young Esq., Auditor General.

Friday 6 June, 1873


The last number of the above-named paper contains the following:

ORDINATION IN KINGSTON: On the 1st June, the Bishop of Kingston ordained a Deacon, Mr. James Samuel Vaughan, who lately arrived from England. Mr. Vaughan came under the auspices of the Colonial and Continental Church and School Society, . . and he will fill the Cure at Trinity, in the parish of Westmoreland, vacated when the Revd. Henry Clarke was 'called' to Savanna-la-Mar.



The shop of Mr. P. W. Alveranga, situate in the Market Square in Falmouth, was broken into on the night of Wednesday last, and sundry pieces of ready made clothing, and other articles to the value of several pounds, were stolen therefrom.



Tomorrow being the Anniversary of the Great Earthquake at Port Royal in the year 1692, and as such a Public Holyday by Law, the several Public Offices in this town will be closed accordingly.



THE CHURCH: Divine Service was held at the Parish Church in St. Ann's Bay on Thursday 29th May, on which occasion the Bishop of Kingston delivered a lengthy charge to the Clergymen and Catechists present, viz: Reverends Cork, Browne, Sharpe, Douett, McDermott, N. L. Ellis and Hall. Messrs. J. Cork, P. Cork, Shenton, C. E. Anderson and J. Gall.

Tuesday 10 June, 1873


We learn that, in consequence of the invasion of British territory by the Ashantees, the Detachment of the 1st West India Regiment, quartered in Falmouth, is under orders to leave immediately for Up-Park Camp, Kingston, from which place it is expected that they will proceed to Africa to take part in the protection of British interests.

Friday 13 June, 1873


The above-named vessel, which left Falmouth on the 18th May for St. Jago de Cuba with a cargo of fish stuffs for Messrs. D'Souza, Son and Lazarus, returned here after a passage three and a half days, from Manzanilla de Cuba with a general cargo to the above named firm. We are glad to state that the Challenge brought over 3 passengers, among whom is Don Juan Rondon, a very successful and experiences Sugar Planter who intends purchasing property on this side of the island for manufacturing purposes.

Friday 20 June, 1873


The Gleaner states that the following movements of Troops, consequent upon the present disturbances, have been or about to be made. Some 400 men of the 2nd W.I. Regiment are transferred to Africa from Barbados and Demerara. To supply the deficit of troops at Demerara 100 men of the 1st W.I.R. from Up-Park Camp embarked on board the Nile on Tuesday morning 10th June, for Demerara. In anticipation of this, a detachment of the 98th, consisting of an Officer and 60 men has recently arrived here. A wing of the 97th Regiment has been sent from Ireland to Barbados, to replace the troops sent to Africa.



The above Court was opened on Tuesday 10th June. Solicitors in attendance were Messrs. A. D. Dignum, L. J. Preston, Phillpotts Brown, and Watson. A special Court was held on Saturday, for the following cases:

The Queen vs Charles Lahl a seaman on board the Brig Catharina. This indictment contained 2 counts; the first was larceny of a watch the property of Johann Joachin Backhaus, the master of the said vessel; the second was receiving the said watch knowing it to have been stolen. Guilty on the second count.

The Queen vs Charles Lahl and Elizabeth Ragan for the larceny of one pair of sleeve buttons and one Pocket Book the property of Hermann Rohrdanz, and the larceny of one gold compass the property of Charles Stellman, both seamen on board the said vessel. Ragan was charged with receiving the stolen goods. Lahl was found guilty; Ragan was acquitted.



SMALL POX: There are 17 cases of this dreadful disease within a distance of 10 miles of St. Ann's Bay, and at Exchange in the Ocho Rios district. The disease is as bad as it ever was.



At Pennsylvania, USA, on the 14th May 1873, of Pleura Pneumonia, Charles Bartlett, Esquire, of the U.S.M. and late of Jamaica, aged 36 years, only son of the late Charles Bartlett, Esq., of Manchester, and Mary Morris, widow, now resident at St. Ann's Bay. This young gentleman had been for 6 months in the American Service and fell victim to the above disease, leaving a disconsolate widowed mother, and sisters to mourn their loss.





June 19, German Brigantine Catharina, Backhaus, Bremen.

Friday 27th June, 1873


Mr. Charles Hamilton Jackson, the present Island Secretary, and late Acting Judge of the District Court in the parish of St. Catherine, has been appointed by His Excellency the Governor as a member of the Legislative Council.

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