Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library
[published on Tuesdays and Fridays]
At the Parochial Church in Montego Bay, on Thursday the 2nd instant, by the Reverend David R. Morris, Rector of the Parish of St. James, Emily, eldest daughter of the late Mr. George Bellinger, to Philip Abraham, eldest don of Abraham Hart, Esquire. No Cards.
Among the passengers in the Royal Mail Company Steamer Nile for England, we notice the names of the Honorable Robert Nunes, and his two daughters. As the Honorable Gentleman will be absent from the Island for a period of six months, his Excellency the Lieut. Governor has been pleased to appoint James Wanchope Fisher, Esquire, Acting Custos of Trelawny.
In consequence of the illness of Henry Drake, Esquire, the Lieut. Governor has . . . appointed Thomas Oughton, Esquire to act temporarily as Judge of the Kingston District Court.
A Petition is in course of signature in this town, asking Sir John Peter Grant to continue his services as Governor of Jamaica for a lengthened period. The Petition is to be seen at the Store Messrs. James A. Vine & Son.
A quarterly meeting of the Directors of the Falmouth Water Company was held at the Court House in this town on Saturday the 11th January 1873. The chair was taken by Mr. Abraham Lindo, President, and the other gentlemen present were Messrs. Henry Sewell, John Wilson, David Galloway, and J. O. Clerk.
A letter was read from the Hon. Robert Nunes asking for leave of absence for 6 months in his capacity as Treasurer to the Corporation.
Mr. David Galloway was elected, by ballot, to take the Poll for the election of Directors on the 20th instant.
The Custos of St. Ann's and Justice Bruce
The Honorable Charles Royes, Custos of St. Ann and Member of the Legislative Council, will submit Justice Bruce's intemperate and unmerited censure [of him] to the consideration of Sir John Peter Grant, immediately after his arrival in the Island by the Packet.
Masonic Ball in Falmouth
We are authorized to state, that a Masonic Ball will be given at the Court House in this town, on the night of Wednesday, the 29th instant, by the Master-Elect, Officers, and other Members of the Athole Union Lodge, and that the gentlemen appointed as the Committee of Management, are: the Right Worshipful Messrs. M. A. Nunes and John Colston Lewis, the Worshipful Daniel C. D'Souza, Brothers Henry Reuben, Lucius J. Preston, Charles Delgado, Louis H. Lazarus, David Morales, Henry Fray, and D. A. Quern....Dancing is to commence at 9 o'clock: an efficient Band is engaged.
Domestic Affliction
We regret, in common with our contemporaries in Kingston, to learn of the death of the beloved wife of Mr. George Henderson, the Proprietor of the late Guardian newspaper. It appears, (we quote from the Morning Journal), "that Mrs. Henderson, had gone to England to reside with her young family, in order to bestow on them a Mother's care while at School. A Telegram was received by Mr. Henderson, about four weeks ago, intimating that she was seriously ill: he at one took passage for England, and had the melancholy satisfaction of seeing her before her death."
Falmouth District Court
The above Court was opened at the Court House in this town on Tuesday the 14th inst., at 10 o'clock A.M., before the Honorable Charles Jeffery, and the following cases were tried.
The Queen vs Mary Forbes for assaulting Thomas Lewis, occasioning actual bodily harm. The defendant pleaded guilty, and the Judge, considering that the assault was a brutal one, sentenced the prisoner to hard labour for 12 months in the Falmouth District Prison.
The Queen vs George Bartlett. This was an indictment, charging the prisoner (who is quite a youth) with unlawfully and maliciously wounding David Dunn, an ablebodied young man.
The Queen vs Julian Campbell for unlawfully attempting to break and enter into the shop of A. M. Nathan with intent the goods of the said A. M. Nathan to steal, take and carry away. The evidence was quite conclusive. The Judge sentenced her to hard labour for 9 months in the F.D.P.
The Queen vs Jacob Bowen for breaking into the dwelling house of Maria Spence and stealing four cocoanut biscuits. Guilty.
The Queen vs James Gallimore and Jane Brown for larceny of £1.10s, the property of Bitchue, a coolie. Acquitted.
The Queen vs Thomas Clarke for illtreating a Steer on Gales Valley Estate, the property of William and David Kerr. The case was withdrawn.
The Queen vs David Gordon, a boy under 11 years of age, for breaking and entering the dwelling house of Mary Brodie, and stealing therefrom three pence. The Judge found the prisoner guilty and ordered him to be conveyed to the Industrial School, near Kingston, and there to be detained for 3 years.
The Queen vs Thomas McLachlan for assaulting Joseph Stewart. Guilty.
Intelligence from Spanish Town
From our Correspondent
Immigration: The arrival of a Coolie Vessel at Salt River with over 330 immigrants will increase the labour gangs of Clarendon and Vere. There were but few deaths during the voyage, and not a single birth. The Coolies are reported to be a fine, healthy lot, and are being located on the estates of Proprietors who applied for them.
District Court of St. Catherine: The Clerk of this Court has returned to the Island, his leave of absence having expired: but he will not resume his duties until the end of March, the present incumbent Mr. S. H. Watson having been appointed by the Governor to act up to that time. He is a sound lawyer.
The Standard reports that there was a meeting of the Members of the Legislative Council for Thursday last the 17th instant. The members present were His Excellency Edward Everard Rushworth, C.M.G., D.C.L., Lieutenant Governor, President; The Honorable John Ward Straton, Acting Colonial Secretary; the Honorable Ernest A. C. Schalch, Attorney General, and the Honorable R. E. Mann, Lieutenant Colonel, R.E., Director of Roads and Surveyor General. Among Laws enacted was the payment to the Reverend Wyndham Scott Serres, the Ex-Chaplain to the Kingston General Penitentiary and to the Lunatic Asylum, of a pension at the rate of £150 per annum.
The following are the remaining cases which were tried at the above Court on Tuesday last:
The Queen vs Archibald Ritson for setting fire to a fire work. The evidence in this case not being satisfactory the Judge acquitted the defendant.
The Queen vs Henry Muir, David Black, and William Miller for disorderly conduct. Case withdrawn.
The Queen vs David Dunn for setting fire to a fire work. Guilty.
The Queen vs Alonzo Nathan. This was a summons at the instance of Marcus Crosbie Brownrigg, Inspector of Constabulary, for an assault alleged to have been committed on him by the defendant. Mr. Albert Nathan was refused permission to conduct the case on his brother's behalf. The case was dismissed.
The Queen vs Elizabeth Wright, Margaret Perkins and Louisa Morgan, for using a lighted pipe on Holland Estate. Guilty.
Court held Wednesday, January 15th.
The Queen vs John Brown for the larceny of a hat the property of Messrs. James A. Vine and Son. Guilty.
The Queen vs W. J. Johnson, William Smith, Eliza Berry, and Eliza Sutton for dealing in Obeah. Insufficient evidence. Case dismissed. Mr. Swan conducted the defence.
Court Thursday January 16th
Several contested actions, in which Messrs. Phillpotts Brown, R. W. Swan and W. S. Gilbourne were engaged were disposed of.
Cases tried before Mr. Justice Smith
The Queen vs Mrs. Matilda Williams for having a Still in her possession without obtaining a license for same. Mr. Phillpotts Brown appeared for the defendant. Spring Garden is the property of Mrs. Williams. Evidence was given by Thomas Breakespeare, and F. S. Chamberlaine, Assistant Collectors of Taxes. A letter from Mrs. Williams to Mr. Mortlock was produced in Court. The Judge postponed his decision. [The case was later dismissed on January 21st].
Another case against the defendant, for removing Rum without a duty paid permit was dismissed.
We learn that a serious accident occurred on the night of Monday last to Mr. H. M. Purchas, of Swanswick Estate in this parish, occasioning the loss of buggy and horses, on the road leading to Montego Bay. It appears that Mr. Purchas left Falmouth on the above named night at 8:30 p.m., after a very heavy shower of rain, for Cinnamon Hill Estate, on his reaching the road opposite to Lilliput Estate a heavy flood of water running across the road into the sea washed away the horses and buggy with Mr. Purchas in it, who, with his servant, narrowly escaped by swimming. The Buggy, we learn, is completely destroyed and the horses drowned.
There was a meeting of the Municipal Board at the Court House in Lucea on Friday 17th. The Hon. William H. Cooke (Custos), presided, and the other members present were Messrs. William Browne, Jacob Jackson, Henry Davis, and Charles M. Phillips (Justices), and Churchwardens Jacob Lyon and Robert Miller.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read by the newly appointed Clerk, Mr. Melville A. Carter (appointed in room of Mr. Robert W. Alwood, of whom the Board recorded its high approval.)
The Clerk read a report from Mr. William Cort (Parochial Vaccinator) showing that there had been 830 successful and 92 unsuccessful vaccinations during the last quarter.
Mr. Lyon stated that he had received information that the Paupers at Green Island do not get their allowances regularly from Mr. Murdoch Munroe, who has acted for some time as Deputy Almoner. He mentioned that the Rev. Charles H. Davis had offered to perform the duties of Almoner without remuneration.
The above-named Board met at the Court House in Lucea on the 17th. Members present were the Hon. William H. Cooke (Custos), Mesrs. Jacob Lyon, William Browne, Jacob Jackson, Henry Davis, Charles M. Phillips, William Allen, Francis Dod, and the Revd. Charles H. Davis.
The Clerk was instructed to write to Edward J. Sadler, Esq., Attorney of Riley's Estate, asking his permission to divert the Road No. 27 through Riley's Penn, as the present Road is carried away, the land of this road being given in lieu of that which is required.
Death of a Public Officer
We regret to learn that Mr. Thomas C. Walcott, who held the appointment of Collector of Customs in St. Ann's Bay, died in that town on the 13th instant, after an illness of 10 days, from fever and sore throat. Mr. Walcott lost his wife about 7 weeks ago: and two daughters are left to mourn the death of their beloved parents.
A New Appointment
His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased to confer on Mr. Israel Lewin the appointment of Assistant Collector of Customs at the port of Annotto Bay.
Municipal and Road Boards
There was a meeting of the Municipal Board last week, attended by the Hon. Charles Royes (Custos), Messrs. Edward G. Barrett, H. P. Thompson, and Michael Solomon (Justices), and Churchwardens Cover and Fletcher.
Walton's School
A vacancy having occurred in this School, the above-named members of the Municipal Board, with Messrs Charles Isaacs and Charles Steer, supported the nomination of the Son of Mr. James Passmore, and the election was unanimous.
On January 14, at the Farm Penn, St. Ann's, the wife of David Carvalho, Esquire, of a daughter.
There was a meeting of the Shareholders of the above-named company at the Court House of Falmouth yesterday at 11 o'clock for the purpose of electing 13 Directors for the year 1873. The following gentlemen were nominated by Mr. A. Lindo; seconded by Mr. J. N. Alsop, and at the close of the Poll were declared duly elected.
The Hon. Robert Nunes, Messrs. David Galloway, A. B. Dignum, John Delisser, Abraham Lindo, John Passmore, Henry Sewell, J. O. Clerk, A. M. Nathan, Simon Thomson, Charles Delgado, J. N. Alsop, and John Wilson.
His Excellency the lieutenant Governor has been pleased to appoint Charles Jeffrey and Henry Sewell, Esquires, to be Justices of the Peace for the Parish of Trelawny.
At Lucea, on the 23rd January, Mr. Wallace McIntosh, Planter, in the 38th year of his age, leaving an aged mother, and several relatives to all of whom he was affectionately attached. They deeply mourn his loss, but derive consolation from the knowledge that he died in a saving belief of the truths of the Gospel.
At California Estate, St. James on Sunday last, 26th January, aged 54, Allan McLean Esq., Overseer on that property, and a native of Scotland, leaving a wife and friends to regret his loss.
The Installation of the Worshipful Daniel C. D'Souza, as Master of the Athole Union Lodge, No. 367, in this town, and Officers associated with him, took place on Wednesday evening last at the Lodge Room in Market Street. The ceremony of installation was performed by the Right Worshipful Samuel Constantine Burke, Grand Master for Jamaica, in the presence of a large number of Masons, among whom was A. E. Burke, Grand Secretary of the Provincial Lodge of Scotland. After the solemn ceremony of the evening was concluded, and the Officers had received the congratulations of those present, the Brethren marched in the procession to the Court House where dancing was commenced at 9 o'clock and continued up to 1 o'clock, after which the company retired to the Banqueting Room where they were entertained by the Brethren at a splendid repast which was provided for the occasion. After the many "good things of this life" had been most liberally discussed, several toasts were given and responded to in appropriate speeches, at the conclusion of which the company returned to the Ball Room where dancing was resumed and kept up to a late hour in the morning.
We perceive by the European Mail of the 2nd January, that the Hon. Alan Ker, one of the Judges of our Supreme and Circuit Courts, and the Hon. William Kerr, the Custos of the parish of St. James, were booked as passengers in the Royal Mail Company's Steamer Moselle which was to leave Southampton on the 17th January for this Island.
We readily give insertion to the following Letter which we received last week:
"Dear Sir. I observe in your paper of the 24th January, among the minutes of the Municipal Board for the Parish of Hanover, a statement made by one of the members that the paupers are Green Island do not get regularly their allowances of money from me, as Acting-Almoner, and that in consequence, they are in a starving condition. In reply to this most atrocious mis-statement, I beg, through the columns of your paper, to repel the slanderous attack on my character as Almoner. I have been acting in that capacity for the last 20 years, and I think to the satisfaction of all concerned; therefore, it is with the greatest astonishment I find myself thus slandered. I may also observe that I have been doing the work gratuitously for some years back, and I trust that the matter will be properly investigated, and an opportunity afforded me of defending my character.
Yours faithfully,
Murdock Munro
Mr. Adolphus Browne who has conducted the Post Office at Lucea for some time, in a creditable manner, has tendered his resignation; and we are glad to learn that Miss Rebecca Collymore is appointed to perform the duties of Post Mistress.
The road leading from the town of Lucea has been very much injured by the heavy Rains: and Mr. Tilley, the Civil Engineer, having examined it, is now making the necessary arrangements for its re-construction, and for building a Sea Wall, the expense of which will be not less than £500 or £600. The Convicts will be employed in repairing the Road.
THE DISTRICT COURT was held on the 23rd January, before Mr. Justice Jeffery. The Solicitors present were Mr. Dignum, Mr. Lake, and Mr. Edward B. Lynch.
SUDDEN DEATH: A man named George Trusty was found some days ago in a dying state in a yard in St. Ann's Bay. He was taken to the Hospital, and attended by the Medical Officer, but died a few hours after. A post-mortem report stated that the man died from exposure to the inclement weather.
A Coroner's Inquest was held at the Court House in Falmouth on Tuesday and Wednesday last, before the Coroner, the Honorable Charles Jeffery, and a respectable Jury, of which Mr. Albert Nathan was foreman, to enquire into the cause of the death of Thomas Patterson, Stillerman on Lansquinet Estate, who it was reported came to his death by foul means.
The evidence of John Small the headman on the property, and who was the first person to go to the assistance of the deceased, is as follow: I saw deceased about 3 p.m. 28th January last in the stillhouse with the other stillermen. John Barnett and William Stewart were there, and Andrew Anderson, the Bookkeeper...
Dr. Henry Hume, Government Medical Officer in Falmouth testified. The Overseer, Mr. Charles Mortlock, and 10 other witnesses were examined. The Jury delivered a verdict of "Accidental Death."
At Orange Hill, Montego Bay, on the 4th February, after giving birth to a still born son, Ellen Jane, aged 29 years, the beloved wife of Mr. Lewis Phillips, of Retirement Estate.
The Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief having received a report of the attack at Orange Walk on the 1st September, 1872, and of the repulse by 38 men of the 1st West India Regiment, under the command of Lieut. J. G. Smith, since promoted to a company in the 97th, desires to express to that officer, to Staff Assistant Surgeon J. D. Edge, and to the non-commissioned officers and men, his commendation of their gallant and successful defence against the determined assaults of the enemy, whose object was the plunder and destruction of the settlement. He also desires to mark his approval of the conduct of Sergeant Edward Belizario, Lance-Corporals Spencer and Stirling, and Privates Hoffer, Maxwell, R. A. Morris, Murray, S. Osborne, and W. Tell, who have been specially brought to notice on this occasion. Among the civilians who assisted the Military in defence of the barrack, Messrs. Downer, Police Magistrate, Henry Oswald, Price, and Borden, were conspicuous, and the Duke of Cambridge has much pleasure in placing on record his appreciation of their behaviour.
At a meeting of the Directors of the Falmouth Water Company, the Chair was taken by Abraham Lindo, Esq., and the other gentlemen present were Messrs. A. M. Nathan, Charles Delgado, Jacob N. Alsop, and A. B. Dignum. The following Officers were elected for the current year: Abraham Lindo, President; Hon. Robert Nunes, Treasurer, David Lindo, Secretary and Collector; Thomas W. Benjamin, Deputy Collector; and John Smyth, Superintendent of Works.
We are informed that a convict named Wilson, who escaped from the General Penitentiary, has been some time at large in the Dry Harbour Mountains of St. Ann. On January 29th the Constables went to "Griffith's Town" where he was reported to have been with arms in his possession, and while there, in the yard of a man named Gray, a scuffle took place with one Thomas Green and Gray, and the latter who was said to be Wilson, was shot by Green's brother, in the leg. He was taken to Hospital at St. Ann's Bay.
Our correspondent writing concerning the District Court says, the Hon. Charles Jeffery has inspired suitors with increased confidence. Mr. Henry Selvyn Gilbourne, "the Veteran Bailiff"... conducts the business of his department in a very creditable manner.
On February 3, Mr. Justice Smith tried the case of Mr. Frederick William Mortlock, Collector of Taxes, against Messrs. John Edward Kerr, Gustav Boettcher, and William H. F. Pengelly for dealing in Metal on the 15th Nov. 1872, by shipping Copper and Iron on Board the brigantine Edward, without having a License. Mr. James Allwood, Clerk of the Court conducted the prosecution, and Mr. Phillpotts Brown appeared for the defendants.
Evidence was given by Francis S. Chamberlaine, Assistant Collector of Taxes, who stated that the defendants are merchants and trade in Montego Bay under the style John E. Kerr and Co. Mowbray DaCosta testified that he saw a canoe with copper in it alongside the Kerr and Co wharf. William Lawson Boxer, Sub-Collector of Customs and Assistant Collector of Taxes for St. Elizabeth testified that the copper is now locked up at Black River. Frederick W. Mortlock testified that Mr. Kerr lives in St. Elizabeth, and he knows of no license to the defendants to deal in metals. Testimony was also received from William Brice Salmon, Collector of Taxes for St. Elizabeth; David Williams, former wharfinger for John Kerr & Co.; Alexander Edgar, who shipped a old Still to the Wharf; Richard Parkinson employee at Kerr & Co. The case was dismissed.
In our advertising columns will be seen a notice to the effect that the members and adherents of St. Andrews Kirk, Falmouth, will open a bazaar in the Court House on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evening, for the sale of useful and ornamental Articles, the proceeds of which will be expended in repairing the Kirk Building. [Presbyterian Church].
[according to the ad. there were also refreshments, music and readings. It was Signed by D. A. Quern, Secretary]
PRESENT: His Excellency Sir John Peter Grant, K.C.B., President; The Hon. Edward Everard Rushworth, C.M.G., D.C.L., Colonial Secretary; the Hon. Ernest Alexander Clendenning Schalch, Attorney General; the Hon. John Ward Straton, Auditor General; the Hon. Mr. Mackinnon, and the Hon. Mr. Gibb.
Mr. Mackinnon read a Petition on behalf of the proposed Railway Extension, signed by 11,096 of the population, including 11 Custodes, 146 Magistrates, and 66 clergymen. Among those signing were Mr. Kemble the Custos of Kingston; Dr. Bowerbank, the ex-Custos; Mr. Chamberlaine, the Custos of St. Thomas; and Mr. Melville the ex-Custos; Mr. MacDonald the Custos of St. Mary, and Mr. Westmorland the ex-Custos.
The following notice of the above-named Gentleman was published in January last in the Anti-Slavery Reporter.
"William Sewell, Esq., a deceased man of note, was, it is supposed, the wealthiest planter in Jamaica. He was born in Cumberland about 1801; went to Jamaica at an early age in the humble capacity of a book-keeper, and rose by integrity, industry, and kindliness of disposition, to the very foremost place among the proprietors of the island. ..we will give a few particulars from a tribute paid to his memory by his friend and neighbour, the Reverend J. Milne, of the London Missionary Society " [a lengthy tribute follows] . . . Himself a member of the Church of England, the churches of various denominations in the neighbourhood participated in his gifts. He was for many years an invalid. .. He was a diligent reader of his Bible; felt that wealth could no nothing for his soul; and was thankful for the sympathy and counsel of any Christian friend who would read to or pray with him. The hymn 'Just as I am, without one plea but that Thy blood was shed for me' etc., afforded him great comfort. He was conscious to the last, and he died October 7th, with the prayer on his lips, 'God be merciful to me a sinner.'"
The above Court was opened at the Court House on Tuesday last, before the Honorable Charles Jeffery and the following cases were tried:
The Queen vs William Stewart: This was an indictment charging the prisoner with breaking into the shop of Ram Paul Tonsing, at Friendship, and stealing therefrom £5 and 50 marbles. Insufficient evidence; prisoner acquitted.
The Queen vs James White for the larceny of canes, the property of John Bell Sheriff. Guilty.
The Queen vs Emma Reid and Matilda Clarke, charged with larceny of 2s. 6d., the property of James Alfred Vine. Guilty.
The Queen vs Henry Nunes for setting fire to a firework during the Christmas Holidays. Acquitted.
In this town [Falmouth] on Thursday last, 13th February, after a short illness of one month, Mr. William Henry, in the 72nd year of his age. The deceased was, for a period of 40 years, Beadle of the Falmouth Church, the duties of which office he performed with credit to himself and satisfaction to the public.... He bore the reputation of a fond Husband and Father, an affectionate Brother and a sincere Friend.
His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. R. Collymore, of Lucea, to a probationary Clerkship in the Revenue Department in Falmouth, under the charge of William Cork, Esquire, one of the most efficient officers in the Public Service. Mr. Collymore is a son of the Reverend Joseph K. Collymore, the talented and respected headmaster of Rusea's Free School.
It is our painful duty to notice, editorially, the death of Mr. William Henry, one of the oldest and most deservedly-respected of our fellow-townsmen. As one of the black population of Trelawny, he afforded evidence of the fact, that men, though of humble origin, may, by the observance of correct principles, attain reputable and influential position in Society. Mr. Henry was born in the year 1801... Deprived of the advantage of being trained in a parochial or private school, he passed his youthdom in endeavouring to acquire proficiency as an Upholsterer; and at the expiration of his Apprenticeship, he pursued the business on his own account... In the year 1833 Mr. Henry received the appointment of Beadle to the Episcopalian Church in this Town, and this appointment he held for a period of 40 years...he was regular in his attendance at the Sabbath School in connection with the Church of England, which established by the Revd. John C. Stone in 1838. . .
A Cricket Match was played at the Parade Ground of this town on Saturday last between several gentlemen residing in the windward portion of the Parish, who have formed themselves into a Club, styled "The Impromptu's Oxford," and the Military quartered in Falmouth. The following is the scoring of the players.
Military, 1st innings
NAME..........................HOW OUT.......BOWLER........RUNS
Capt. Smith....................Run out.............Perkins
Dr. White.......................b Perkins...........Perkins
S. M. Murray.................c Walcott..........Walcott
Sgt. Ward......................c Walcott...........Dewar...............4
Inspr. Brownrigg...........c Walcott............Perkins
Corpl. Hollanside...........b Perkins............Perkins..............2
Private McCook............Not out
Private Coggin..............b Perkins.............Perkins..............8
Strickland....................c Perkins.............Walcott...............5
Lewis..........................c Walcott..............Guy
Priv. H. Smith..............b Walcott..............Walcott
Leg Byes..... 2
Members of the Impromptu's Oxford were: Perkins, McFarlane, Walcott, Guy, Houchen, Cunningham, Arquimbeau, Mortimer, Dewar, Rutty and Armstrong. Their score was:
Runs 64, Byes 10, Wides 15, Leg Byes 2. Total 91.
The Coroner of St. Catherine
There is a rumour abroad, that Mr. J. C. McAnuff, who signed the Address to the Honorable Charles Royes, condemnatory of Mr. Justice Bruce's strictures on the character of that gentleman, is to be deprived of his office as Acting Coroner of St. Catherine, and that the Judge will employ Mr. Edward Claver Smith, senior, as his deputy.
The Constabulary
Mr. Chamberlaine, late Sub-Inspector of the Constabulary Force in Spanish Town, has been removed to another district.
Masonic Intelligence
The Brethren of the Mystic Craft in Spanish Town, intend re-establishing the Hamilton Lodge, and a preliminary meeting for the purpose was held at Lyon's Restaurant on Monday February 10th, when the following gentlemen were present:
Justices Bruce and Lillie, Messrs. Gilbert Shaw, W. A. Jamieson, D. C. Henriques, M. J. Emanuel, Richard Fonseca, S. S. Lawton, Elijah Abrahams, Augustus Abrahams, John Ricard, R. H. Jackson, S. K. Magnus, and several others.
Dr. White, Staff Assistant Surgeon, who was for some time quartered here with the Detachment of the 1st West India Regiment, left Falmouth on Thursday last, for the headquarters of the Regiment stationed at Up-Park Camp, Kingston. He has been succeeded by Dr. Hillman who arrived here a few days ago.
. . . The bazaar raised £150. The decorations and illuminations surpassed anything we have witnessed; while the Ladies having charge of the several tables were models of polite attention to Visitors of all classes. The Musical portion of the entertainment was excellent.....
The Revd. Mr. Kingdon was to have given a splendid exhibition of Dissolving Views, by the most recent and improved kind of Magic Lantern, but it had to be postponed to a future occasion, on account of the abundance of other entertainments furnished.
On the whole we have to congratulate the Revd. William Murray, the respected Pastor of the Congregation, as well as our friends of the Falmouth Kirk, on the success of their well-carried out undertaking.
Mr. Alexander, Acting Agent General of Immigration, is engaged in considering and meeting the claims of Coolies in the parishes of St. James and Westmoreland, who came to the island in the year 1863, and are therefore, entitled to return passages, or to bounty money if they prefer the latter. In the early part of this month, Mr. Alexander paid upwards of £1,800 at his Office in Kingston to Immigrants whose term of industrial service had expired, and there was not a single application for a return passage, thus affording proof that all of them were satisfied with the treatment of employers to whom they were indentured. ...A vessel called the Latona is expected at Annotto Bay, with 260 Coolies, shipped at Calcutta by Mr. W. M. Anderson, the Agent-General of Immigration.
Mr. J. Harcourt Dowling, H. A., from London, Portrait Heraldic Painter, etc. has arrived in Falmouth and will be executing Portraits in Oil of Life, or medium size, as seen in our advertising columns. [Ad says late of Margret Street, Cavendish Square, London].
An African named John Thomas, watchman at the village on Caanan Penn in the parish of St. James, murdered his wife, on Saturday morning last, at 2 o'clock, by splitting her skull open and fearfully mutilating her body with a cutlass. After committing the atrocious act he tried to murder his children, six in number, but they ran into the bush... The dreadful deed was wound up by the murderer cutting his own throat with a razor. Dr. Wilson performed a post mortem examination of the body of the unfortunate man Thomas, the result of which was that his brain was affected.
Public Appointments
Mr. Adolphus Browne has resigned from the Post-Mastership at Lucea. The appointment has been given to Miss Rebecca Sarah Collymore.
..a Pamphlet from the Office of the Colonial Standard, containing a full report of the Investigation into the charges of Dr. Bowerbank in reference to the late outbreak of Small Pox in St. Andrew by Mr. H. Figueroa.
At the residence of his Father,at Duncans, in this parish, in the 35th year of his age, James Douglas Benaim, the second and beloved son of Henry Benaim, Esquire. He was a dutiful and affectionate Son, a sincere Brother, and a true friend. He exclaimed previously to his death "I will glorify Thee O God!" and, "I believe in Jesus." His last mortal remains were interred in the family burial ground at the above named place on the 25th instant.
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