Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library



The Times 1787

Thursday September 20, 1787

On his passage from Jamaica, in the Elizabeth, Capt. Curling, George Redward jun. Esq., of Spring Garden Estate, Westmorland. [Pg. 4 Iss. 854 Col. A]

Monday September 24, 1787

Same morning [Friday] at Mile-end, Captain Mathias Kitchen, many years Commander of a ship in the Jamaica trade. [Pg. 4 Iss. 857 Col. C]

Wednesday September 26, 1787

On the 14th instant on his passage from Jamaica, the Hon. John Jackson Esq., Advocate General and one of his Majesty's Privy Council said island. Will Dated 17/10/1787 PROB11/1170. [Pg. 4 Iss. 859 Col. B]

Tuesday November 13, 1787

On Saturday, at his house in Old Bond-street, Henry Parker Esq., of the Island of Jamaica. [Pg. 4 Iss. 899 Col. C]

Tuesday December 18, 1787

Lately at Ludlow, Shropshire, Thomas Hall, Esq., of the Island of Jamaica, to Miss Eliza Humfreys. [Pg. 4 Iss. 943 Col. B.]

January 14, 1788
pg. 3 Issue 951 col D

The Hon. William Peete, one of His Majesty's assistant Judges in the island of Jamaica, Representative for Kingston, and only son of Richard Peete, Esq., of the city of Norwich.  Various letters from Chief Justice Grant, and other eminent gentlemen, which confirm this afflicting account, concur in eulogiums of the deceased, as a magistrate and a man, and express his being lamented as a public loss to Jamaica.

November 25, 1788

At Garraway's Coffee House, Exchange Alley, Cornhill.
On Thursday, the 27th. instant at one o'clock
A very valuable and definable Estate, known by UNITY VALLEY PEN GRASS FARM, adjacent the Moneague Tavern, Mr. Spencer's and Mr. Sterling's Pen in the parish of St Anns.  A situation the most healthy in the Island.  The Estate comprises Five Hundred Acres of well established Guinea Grass, fenced with Stone Walls;  Eighty Acres of Common Pastures, also Fenced;  Thirteen Acres of Plantation Walk, Eighteen Acres of Negro Ground in Provisions; and upwards of 1150 Acres of Wood Land, most of which is well calculated for Guinea Grass.  There is an Excellent Dwelling House and Offices on the Estate.  Particulars of which may be had at the several Coffee-Houses contiguous to the Exchange; and of Mr. Griffith, No. 9, Blackman Street, Southwark, where a Plan may be seen.
N.B.  May be treated for by Private Contract.

The Times 1788.




Saturday 23/2/1788
Pg 3 Iss 880223 Col D

On Saturday last, at Lewisham in Kent, Martin Morrison Esq., of the Royal Hospital, Greenwick [sic] to Miss Beall of Lewisham, youngest daughter of Edward Beall Esq., late Master Shipwright of the Royal Yard at Jamaica.


Monday 3rd March 1788
Pg 4 Iss 880303 Col A

A few days ago at St George's, Hanover-square, James Grierson Esq., to Mrs Isabella Parker, widow of the late Henry Parker Esq. of Jamaica.


Thursday 13th March 1788
Pg 4 Iss 880313 Col A

On Monday the 3d instant, Captain Charles Green of the Marines, to Miss Ann Innes of Walcot Terrace, Lambeth, late of Spanish Town, Jamaica.


Saturday 12th April 1788
Pg 3 Iss 1045 Col D

Wednesday, J. Ergas, Esq., to Miss Lindo, of Bishopsgate-street, sister to Alexander Lindo Esq., of Kingston, Jamaica.


The Times 1788.




Thursday, Jan 10, 1788
pg. 4; Issue 948; col C

In October last at Kingston, in Jamaica, the Hon Paul Phipps Esq., Representative in Assembly, First Magistrate, Custos Rotulorum, and Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, an assistant Judge, Justice of the Quorum and Colonel Commandant of the Regiment of foot-militia for St Andrews.


Saturday 19th January 1788
Pg 3 Iss 880119 Col D

Thursday same day in Norfolk-street, in the Strand, Mrs. Bayley, wife of Nathaniel Bailey [sic] Esq., of Jamaica.


Tuesday 26th Aug 1788
Pg 3 Iss 1151 Col D

Sunday night at Moore Place, Lambeth ------Poore, Esq, of the Island of Jamaica


Tuesday 30 Sep 1788
Pg 4 Iss 1132 Col C

Monday se'nnight at his house at Shadwell, Capt William Forster, many years Commander of a ship in the Jamaica trade. This gentleman, in his ship The Belle, on the 17th September 1782 saved Admiral Graves, with all his crew, belonging to the Ramilies, at the time, the Ville de Paris, and other ships of war, foundered on their passage from the West Indies.
[Master of the Duckingfield Hall, a merchant ship trading to and from the Island of Jamaica in the West Indies].


Friday 3 Oct 1788
Pg 3 Iss 135 Col D

Saturday se'nnight, Mrs Brown, wife to ------Brown, Esq., of Taunton, niece to Lady Amelia Leanox, and sister to Sir J Champnies, late of Jamaica.


Friday 7 Nov 1788
Pg 3 Iss 1165 Col D

Last week, William Gardner Esq., brother of Allen Gardner Esq., Commodore of His Majesty's fleet on the Jamaica Station.


Tuesday 11 Nov 1788
Pg 4 Iss 1168 Col C

A few days since, Captain Timberley, late of Turnham Green, Middlesex, and formerly of the 74th Regiment in Jamaica.


Tuesday 30 Dec 1788
Pg 4 Iss 1218 Col C

Lately at Jamaica, Archibald M'Intrye, Esq. Surgeon to His Majesty's 3d Regiment of Foot.


September 9, 1789:

Lately, in Spanish Town, Jamaica, William Ramsay, Esq., Register of the high Court of Chancery of that Island, to Miss Gordon, daughter of Larchin Gordon, Esq.
On Wednesday the 17th. of June, at his house in Spanish Town, Jamaica, George Cuthbert, Esq. one of the Representatives in Assembly for the Parish of Port Royal, and late Provost Marshal General of that Island.

25 October 1790

Whitehall. Oct. 23.

The King has also been pleased to grant to Thomas Beach, of  Hals Hall, in the parish of Clarendon. in the Island of Jamaica. Esq. and to John Hynes Beach. of Lincoln's lnn, Esq. (both sons to Thomas Beach, Esq. late Chief Justice of the Island of Jamaica) and their issue, his Royal Licence and Authority to assume and use the surname of De la Beche only.

November 20, 1809

Apprehensions are entertained, that the Little Belt sloop of war, with General Morrison on board, and a transport brig under her convoy, have been lost near Jamaica.  They were seen of the East end of that island on the 12th. of August, and had not arrived at Port Royal, whither they were proceeding, on the 9th. of September.  General Morrison had been appointed Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica and Commander of the forces.

May 8, 1820

At G(?)ockermouth, on Tuesday, the 2d. inst. John Steel, Esq., of Kingston, Jamaica, to Jane, youngest daughter of the late John Hodgson, Esq., of the former place.

October 9, 1821

On the ?? instant, at Gillingham, Kent, Edward James, Esq., of Jamaica to Mrs. White, relict of the late Thomas White, Esq.

24 Sept. 1822.


On Friday 20th inst. at St. Mary's Newington. Mr. John Littlewood, Jun. of Walworth, to Louisa, daughter of the late Captain Perkins of Kingston, Jamaica.


On the 17th inst. At Paris, Mrs. Sophia Milne of Pedro River, Jamaica.

30 Dec. 1823


On the 6th September at Kingston. Jamaica after a long illness the Hon. George Kinghorn.

25 May 1824


On the 24 inst. at St. Luke's, Mr. Robert Briggs,. of Kingsland, to Deborah Heath, eldest daughter of John Russell Moore, Esq. of Amity Estate, Westmoreland, Jamaica.

July 9, 1829

On the 13th. of April last, in Trelawny, Jamaica, Nicholas Doman, Esq., of Green-vale Pen, in that island.

August 2, 1831

At Horsham, on the 29th. ult., Mrs. Brissett, widow of the late Joseph Brissett, Esq., of Jamaica, aged 64.


Friday, January 10, 1772

On Thursday last, died, of the gout, at Bath, John Lamb, Esq., of Jamaica.  He is the gentleman who put himself under the hands of Doctor Sir James Jay, about two years ago, and signed an agreement to pay 600 guineas for the Doctor's attendance one year, in order to relieve him of the gout; a half of the sum was paid, and a law suit ensued for a further part of it, which ended lately in favour of the Doctor.

Tuesday, April 21, 1772

Yesterday died here, Mr. Bentley, Student of Physick, a young gentleman from Jamaica.

Tuesday, July 18, 1775

John McLeod of Colvecks, Esq., an eminent planter died in Jamaica on the 12th. of May last.

Friday, March 1, 1776

Patrick Sirling, Esq., of Kippendayle, died in Jamaica, on the 12th. December last.

Tuesday, December 26, 1786

Died at Lucea, in Jamaica, in October last, Dr. David Stewart.  He was unfortunately drowned in crossing a river on horseback.

Tuesday, February 3, 1789

Died on Monday, Mr. Robert MacFarlane, merchant in Glasgow, and late of the island of Jamaica.

Tuesday, September 2, 1789

Yesterday was married at Holyrood House, John Maclaren, Esq., late of Jamaica, to Miss Lea.

Tuesday, November 16, 1790

John Oliphant, Esq., of Crooked Island, Bahamas, was married the 10th. curt. to Miss Jeffy Oliphant, only daughter of Laurance Oliphant, Esq., of Jamaica.

Tuesday, January 15, 1793

Died in Jamaica, on the 30th. October last, George Gairden, only son of the late Mr. George Gairden, merchant in Banff.  A young man, whose virtues, maintaining proper bounds, merited to him, while alive, the unreserved esteem and regard of all who knew him, and their unfeigned and just regret at his death.  He was dutiful and affectionate as a son, kind as a brother, and his friendship and attachment, which were without partiality, were lasting and sincere.

Friday, January 18, 1793

Married at Fortrose, on the 29th. December last, James Fowler, Esq., of the Island of Jamaica, to Miss Sophia Wood, eldest daughter of the Rev. Mr. Wood, Minister of Rosemarky.

Friday, February 14, 1794

Died at Lucea Bay, in Jamaica, 21st. November last, beloved and respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, Dr. George Robertson, an eminent practitioner in physic and surgery.  His friends and relations will be so good as accept this as a sufficient notification of his death.

Tuesday, June 24, 1794

Tuesday, the University of Edinburgh conferred the degree of Doctor to Medicine on the following Gentlemen - after the usual public and private trials:
From Jamaica. . . . . . . .Dissertations, Inaugurales
Mr. Ambroise Carter . . . .De Cholera
Mr. James Kerr. . . . . . .De Hysteria

Friday, July 25, 1794

Died lately at Kingston, Jamaica, Mr. James Robertson, Clerk to the signet.

Died at Kingston, Jamaica, on the 28th. April last, Dr. John Frazer, eldest son of Mr. James Frazer of Glasgow.

Died at Kingston, in Jamaica, on the 18th. of April last, Mr. Alexander Dunbar, late merchant at Nairn.

Tuesday, August 12, 1794

On the 22d of May died at Jamaica of the yellow fever, in three days illness, much regretted, Mr. Arthur Burnett, son of Mr. William Barnett, advocate in Aberdeen.

Friday, September 12, 1794

Tuesday, the University of Edinburgh conferred the degree of Doctor to Medicine on the following Gentlemen - after the usual public and private trials:"
From Jamaica, Mr. Francis Rigby Brodbelt. Dissertations, Inaugurales: De Bronchoesle

Friday, September 19, 1794

The Lord Provost and Magistrates have conferred the freedom of the city, upon William Mitchell, Esq. of Bushy Park, of the Island of Jamaica, for the great and eminent services rendered by him to his countrymen in Jamaica.

Tuesday, September 30, 1794

Died, at Kingston, Jamaica, on the 23d of June last, eight days after his arrival there, of the malignant fever, Mr. A. Johnston Maclarty, youngest son of Capt. Alexander Maclarty, Greenock.

Friday, October 3, 1794

Mr. Robert Fyfe, son of Mr. Barclay Fyfe, merchant in Leith, died at Kingston, Jamaica, the 1st. August.

Tuesday, December 23, 1794

Died in Jamaica in the month of September last, Mr. Andrew Stewart, youngest son of the deceased Patrick Stewart of Tannachy.

Died at Jamaica on the 18th. October, Mr. Charles Young, son of the late Mr. Young of Fallside.

Tuesday, January 5, 1796

On Monday last, was married at Maybole, Robert Thomson, Esq., late of the Island of Jamaica, to Miss Jane Kennedy, daughter of the deceased Robert Kennedy, Esq., of Daljarrock.

Friday, was married at Kilmarnock, Mr. Robert Boyd, from the Island of Jamaica, to Miss Jean Paterson, daughter of the deceased Bailie Robert Paterson.

Friday, February 26, 1796

Sequestration, &c.
Creditors of Helen and Rebecca Scollays, in Kirkwall, daughters and apparent heirs of the deceased Mr. John Scollay, minister of the gospel of St. Andrew's, Orkney, and also heirs apparent of the deceased Martin Scollay, in Jamaica, their brother, and David Scollay, weaver in Kirkwall, to produce their claims, &c. before the Lord Glenlee, Ordinary, on the 12th. May.

Tuesday, April 5, 1796

Died yesterday, John Fergusson, Esq., merchant in Glasgow, formerly of the Island of Jamaica.

Tuesday, July 5, 1796

Died, in Trelawny, Jamaica, the 18th. of March last, Mr. James McLean, son to the late Hugh McLean, Esq., of Kingerloch.

Tuesday, July 12, 1796

Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Jamaica, to his Friend in Edinburgh, dated 21st. May.
"The Maroon War is happily at an end, though not without the loss of many valuable lives.  I firmly believe, that had it not been for the military ardour of Lord Balcarres, we would have been all massacred by our own slaves, set on and headed by those banditti the Maroons, who had been tampering with them to rise and destroy all the white people.  Lord Balcarres is an honour to his country, and under Divine Providence, has saved this Island, and will ever by held in grateful veneration by the inhabitants."
We have seen several letters brought by the Westmoreland Packet, to the same purport as the above - The following is an extract of a letter from a Gentleman in Jamaica, to his Brother in Leith, dated, Good Hope, Trellawny (sic), Jamaica, May 10, 1793:
"The Maroons that were in rebellion, have all surrendered, and are at present on board ships to carry them from this to Canada.  The Island is now supposed to be in much greater security than it was previous to the commencement of the war…..Much praise is due to Lord Balcarres, for the vigorous measures which he pursued, though I find that his enemies in Britain are bring serious accusations against him, for calling in blood hounds to his assistance; they were only held out in terrorem, and there is not doubt but that they, without shedding a drop of blood, had the effect of bring the enemy to surrender much sooner than they would otherwise have done"

Tuesday, September 13, 1796

Died , lately, in Jamaica, Lieutenant John Maxwell Taylor, of the 3rd West India Regiment, son of the Rev. Dr. William Taylor, one of the Ministers of Glasgow.

Tuesday, September 20, 1796

On the 15th. curt. was married at Aberdeen, Mr. Alexander Forbes, late of Jamaica, to Miss Eliza Lumsden, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Lumsden, late Minister at New Marcher.

Tuesday, October 18, 1796

Died on the 15th. of July, at Dundee Estate, Trelawny, Jamaica, Mr. George Carruthers, eldest son of the late Mr. James Carruthers, Dinwoodie Green.

Married on the 19th. the inst. Mr. William Gordon McCrae, late of the Island of Jamaica to Miss Margaret Murison, daughter of Mr. Andrew Murison, writer in Edinburgh.

Friday, December 23, 1796

Died at Williamsfield, on the 13th. Current, William Duthie, Esq., late of Jamaica.

Friday, January 13, 1797

Died at Drummond Lodge, Jamaica, upon the 25th. August last, John Spalding, second son, and on the 28th. of September preceding, died at Cherry Garden Estate, also in Jamaica, Andrew Spalding, the third son, of George Spalding, Esq. of Glenkilry.

Tuesday, January 17, 1797

James Riddock, Esq., of Montego Bay, Jamaica, died there on the 10th. September.

Tuesday, February 28, 1797

On Tuesday last, was married here, William Dallas, Esq., writer to the signet, to Miss Elizabeth Kerr, youngest daughter of the late Jas. Kerr, Esq., of Jamaica.

Tuesday, April 25, 1797

Died, on the 19th. of January last, on Belford estate, parish of St. James's Jamaica, Mr. Gilbert Dickson, mill-wright and architect, son of Mr. Robert Dickson, merchant, Glasgow.

Capt. Thomas Leslie, of the Brig. Princess of Wales, of Leith, died at Jamaica the 6th. of February last, much and justly regretted.

Friday, October 6, 1797

Married here on Monday se'ennight, William Gun, Esq., from Jamaica, to Miss Mary Finlayson, daughter of Mr. John Finlayston, Caithness.

Friday, March 16, 1798

Died lately at Berne in Switzerland, Lady Keith, Relict of Sir Basil Keith, late Governor of the Island of Jamaica.

Died in Jamaica, 4th. November last, Mr. Douglas Ranking, surgeon, son of Mr. Charles Rankine, surgeon, Douglas, much regretted.

Friday, April 13, 1798

James Rochead, Esq., of Airy Castle, Jamaica, died there in December last.

Tuesday, April 17, 1798

Died at Kingston, Jamaica, the 3d January last, Anthony McCaa fourth son of Mr. Anthony McCaa, in Newton-Douglas

Friday, May 11, 1798

Died in December last, at Springvalley, in the Island of Jamaica, Mr. Leslie Dunlop, only son of John Dunlop of Aiket.

Tuesday, June 30, 1798

Monday was married at Dumfries, John McCurtie, Esq., of Jamaica, to Miss Mary Smith, daughter of Mr. Andrew Smith, merchant in Dumfries.

Friday, August 17, 1798

Died here, on the 17th. curt.(?) Miss Elizabeth Stewart, daughter of James Stewart, Esq., Kingston, Jamaica.

Friday, September 14, 1798

On the 14th. curt. was married at Ormistoun, Roxburghshire, Dr. William Scott, late of Jamaica, to Miss Currie, daughter of Thomas Currie, Esq. of Ormiltoun.

Died lately at Keneish(?) Town, two miles from London, Mrs. Lawrie, sister to the late Dr. Thomas Steel, of the Island of Jamaica, deceased.

Tuesday, October 2, 1798

On the 2d of July, died, at Montego Bay, Jamaica, Miss Peggy Findlater.

Friday, October 26, 1798

Died, upon the 31st. July last, at Black River, Jamaica Mr. Thomas Watson, surgeon, son of the late Mr. William Watson, of Glasgow.

Tuesday, November 13, 1798

Died at Roaring River, Jamaica, on the 15th. August last, Mr. George Scott, son of the late Mr. Thomas Scott, merchant in Glasgow.

Friday, February 1, 1799

David Finlayson, Esq., late of Savannah-la-Mar, Member of Assembly for Westmoreland, Jamaica, died here on Sunday.

Tuesday, July 30, 1799

John Wedderburn, Esq., eldest son of James Wedderburn, Esq., Inverelk, died in Jamaica on the 19th. May last.

Tuesday, October 8, 1788

Married on Tuesday the 8th inst. Robert Gordon, Esq., of the Island of Jamaica, to Miss Isabella Dunn, second daughter of James Dunn, Esq., of Alderston.

Tuesday, December 10, 1799

Married at Kingston, Jamaica, upon the 11th. September last, James Inglis, Esq., merchant, to Miss Mary Jane Brock.

Tuesday, January 28, 1800

Married lately, in Jamaica, Henry William Carr, Esq., Captain in the 83d Regiment, to Mrs. Chambers, daughter of Col. Ross.

Tuesday, May 13, 1800

Died at Savannah-la-Mar, Jamaica, Mr. John Finlayson, youngest son of the late Mr. Wm. Finlayson, Depute (sic) Clerk of the Bills.

Died at St. Elizabeth's, Black River, Jamaica, on the 24th. January last, Mr. James Hood, Surgeon, late of Glasgow.

Tuesday, March 31, 1801

On Monday, at Glasgow, John ?? Esq., of Jamaica, to Miss Grace Bogle, daughter of George Bogle, Esq.

On the 5th. of January last, at C…. in the parish of Hanover, Jamaica, ???? Dixon, from Glasgow.

Wednesday, June 10, 1801

At Jamaica, Walter Little, Esq., son of the late Rev. Arch Little, at Kirkpatrick, Irongray.

At Kingston, Jamaica, of the yellow-fever, Mr. John Walker of Edinburgh, assistant surgeon to the forces in that Island, a young gentleman of very promising abilities.

Wednesday, October 28, 1801

Deaths at Jamaica in August:
Robert Clerk, Esq., Dr. Charles Stedman of the Royal Navy; Mr. Neil McKinnon; Miss Sarah Levy; Captain De Ghens of the 60th. regiment; Mrs. Ann Spalding, wife of S. Spalding, Esq.; William Ross, Esq. late Commander of the Recovery Schooner; Mr. Nicholas Cowen; Mr. James Topham; Mr. Turnbull, coach-maker; Mr. James Richey; Mr. Andrew McCulloch; Mr. John B??iw; Mr. Moses Tavares; Mrs. Dinah Nunes Net??; Miss Rachael Cohen; Duncan Pollock, Esq.; Mr. David Corinalde, jun.; at sea, Captain Maughan of his Majesty's ship Bonetta; Mr. John Smith clerk to Med? Gordon and Phillips; Gordon Maxwell, Esq. Captain 1st. bat. 60th. regiment; Mr. Archibald Morrison; Mrs. Scroby; Mr. Duncan Hardy; Daniel Hine, sen. Esq. Aged 79 years; Mr. George Modatt; Mr. John Shaw one of the clerks in the King's yard; Mrs. Laird, lately from Europe; Mr. Hodgson; Lancelot Burton, Esq.; Mrs. Hanna Penha; Capt. Charles Moore; Mr. Henry Thomas ?? midshipman of H.M.S. Circe; Mr. Bradford, the infant daughter of Mr. William Bradford; Mr. James Lamb; Lieut. Sanford, of the >>> dragoons; Mr. Douglas, overseer of Phenix Estate; Mr. Robert Scarlett; and Mr. James Mandeion.

Wednesday, January 20, 1802

At Raftings, Mrs. Blinshall, relict of Thomas Blinshall, Esq. of Clarendon, Jamaica.

In Jamaica, James Scott, of Comieltoun, Esq.

Near St. Jago, Savanna, parish of Clarendon, Jamaica, Mr. Donald Bain, Surgeon, aged 28 (could be 23).

Samual Douglas, Esq. late of the Island of Jamaica, died at Charlestoun, South Carolina, upwards of two years ago; and his corpse having, in terms of his will, been put into a leaden coffin, the same was lately conveyed to this country, in order to be deposited in a tomb which he had some time ago caused to be erected, in the new church yard at Newton-Douglas, to the memory of his revered parents, who resided in that Neighbourhood.  Mr. Douglas left a considerable sum in legacies to his relations in Galloway; but the principal part of his fortune, amounting to upwards of 25,000L he left for the endowment of an Academy, for the education and maintenance of poor children belonging to the parishes of Penningham and Kirkmabreck, to be built at Newton-Douglas.  His funeral took place on Thursday last, and was attended by a great number of relatives, as well as by gentlemen in the neighbourhood, when an elegant entertainment was provided for the company at the inns, by order of the trustees to his will.

Wednesday, June 23, 1802

At Jamaica, Mr. Robert Falconer, son of the Rev. John Falconer.

At Kingston, Jamaica, Richard Nicholson, Esq. of Mount Pleasant.

At Port Royal, Jamaica, age 16, Wm. Steel, midshipman on board his Majesty's ship Garland, seventh son of Mr. Robert Steel, writer in Lanark.

Wednesday, June 30, 1802

The University of Edinburgh has conferred the degree of Doctor in Medicine on the following gentlemen:
Of Jamaica - Thomas Joseph Gray, Peter Murray.

Wednesday, February 15, 1804

At the Buck's Head Inn, Greenock, Charles Montgomery, Esq.  He arrived in the ship Garthland, from Jamaica, where he has resided 35 years, and was on a visit to his friends in this country, with intention to go out again.  He seemed in good enough health till within four days of his coming on shore.

Died - Mrs. Johnstone, wife of John Johnstone, Esq. late of St. Thomas in the East Jamaica.

Wednesday, May 2, 1804

At Bloomhill, the Rev. Mr. McDonald, minister of Kille?n Argylshire, to Miss Grace Thomson, daughter of Dugald Thomson Esq. of Jamaica.

Mr. Henry Buffett, of Cumbwatch, Bridgewater, Somersetshire, late of Jamaica to Miss C. Clark, second daughter of John Clark, Esq. Orchard House, Old Aberdeen.

Wednesday, May 6, 1807

At Glasgow, James Berry, Esq. late of Jamaica, to Miss Anne Gordon.

Friday, January 20, 1808

At Pitsford, the Rev. Edward Collins Wright, to Mary, daughter of the late David Wright, Esq. of Jamaica

In Jamaica, on the 15th. (or 13th.) October last, Mr. William Houston, merchant.  His death was occasioned by taking a draught of cold water, while very warm, as he was proceeding on a journey from Kingston to Clarendon.

Tuesday, February 20, 1810

At Jamaica, on 6th. January last, William Fyfe, Esq., of London, brother of the late Barclay Fyfe, Esq., Merchant in Leith.

Friday, April 05, 1811

At Paddington, Thomas Bull Williams, to Miss Mary Dunbar, daughter of the late Patrick Dunbar, Esq., of Jamaica.

At Greenock, Hinton Spalding, Esq., of New Grange, Jamaica, M.D. to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. John Rankin, Merchant in Greenock.

At Jamaica, Mr. John Ker, son of the late Rev. M. Ker, Minister of Carmunnock.

Friday, April 26, 1811

At Inverness, Colin McRae, second son of the late John McRae, Esq., of Jamaica.

Deaths in Jamaica:  Roderick Mathison, Esq., Mr. A.F. Stuart, Surgeon of the Branble schooner; James Wilson, Esq; George Donovan, Esq., barrister; Dr. John Harris; Samuel Oliver, Esq.; Brigade Major J.N. Maillard, of the 18th. or Royal Irish; Miss Eliza Pringle.

Friday, June 28, 1811

University of Edinburgh
Monday the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh conferred the degree of Doctor in Medicine on the following Gentlemen, after having gone through the appointed examinations, and publicly defended their Inaugural dissertations:
From Jamaica, Andrew White. Dissertations, Inaugurales: Capitis Vulnerati quibusdam Injurirs

Friday, September 13, 1811

William Dick, Esq., of Jamaica, second son of the late Quintin Dick, Esq. of Rosegarlad, to Eliza, youngest daughter of Thomas Lane, Esq., of Thitchfield Street, London.

At Jamaica, on the 30th. June, Mr. William Brown, fourth son of the late Lawrence Brown, Esq., of Edmonston.

Friday, June 26, 1812

University of Edinburgh
Wednesday the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh conferred the degree of Doctor in Medicine on the following Gentlemen, after having gone through the appointed examinations, and publicly defended their Inaugural dissertations:
From Jamaica: Colin Campbell. Dissertations, Inaugurales: Ictero

Friday, August 4, 1820

University of Edinburgh
On Tuesday the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh conferred the degree of Doctor in Medicine on the following Gentlemen, after having gone through the appointed examinations, and publicly defended their Inaugural dissertations:
From Jamaica . . . . . . Dissertations, Inaugurales
Edward John Spence. . . . De Hepetis Functionibus
William Turner. . . . . . Scarlatina

Friday, October 20, 1820

At Melrose, on the 17th. inst. Robert Henderson, Esq., Writer in Selkirk, to Miss L.J. Waugh, daughter of the late Dr. John Waugh of Jamaica.

Friday August 3, 1821

University of Edinburgh
On Wednesday last …… the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh conferred the degree of Doctor in Medicine on the following Gentlemen, after having gone through the appointed examinations, and publicly defended their Inaugural dissertations:
From Jamaica . . . . . Dissertations, Inaugurales
Swaby Plummer. . . . . Scarlatius Anginosa
Edward Tucker. . . . . Frambarsia

Edinburgh, August 1, 1821
Since Whitsunday last, the following gentlemen have appeared before the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and have produced certificates of the completing the course of study prescribed by the College, and been admitted on examination, have been found fully qualified to practise the arts of Anatomy, Surgery, and Pharmacy, and have received diplomas accordingly:
From Jamaica:
Lachlan MacIntosh

Friday, August 2, 1822

University of Edinburgh
Yesterday …. the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh conferred the degree of Doctor in Medicine on the following Gentlemen, after having gone through the appointed examinations, and publicly defended their Inaugural dissertations
From Jamaica . . . . . .Dissertations, Inaugurales
George S. Coward . . . .Capitis Plagis
John Cox . . . . . . . .Malignis Festis Vitiis
George Swaby . . . . . .Hydrope
Samuel Tucker. . . . . .Urethrae stricturis
Thomas Turnbull . . . . Inflammatione Hepatis Acuta

BOTANY - After the examination of the Herbaria collected in the King's Park, by the Botanical Pupils at the University this season, in competition for the prize medal, the sealed package, marked by the same motto as that to which it had been adjudged, was opened in the presence of the class, on Friday last, and the collector found to be Mr. Richard Bainbridge, from Jamaica.  The collection was extensive, the species correctly arranged and neatly put up, showing that Mr. Bainbridge had entered upon the study of Botany with zeal, and prosecuted it with success.

Friday, August 3, 1827

University of Edinburgh
Wednesday the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh conferred the degree of Doctor in Medicine on the following Gentlemen, after having gone through the appointed examinations, and publicly defended their Inaugural dissertations:
From Jamaica . . . . . .Dissertations, Inaugurales
George Archer . . . . . De Hydrophobia
John Edward Chambers . .Ictero
John Clark . . . . . . .Usu Hydrargyri
William C. Smith . . . .Concoetione

Tuesday, January 4, 1825

The reports relative to insurrections in the neighbourhood of Montego Bay, Jamaica, seem to have arisen from an affair in which two whites and two Negroes have been killed, and of which the following are the particulars:
On the 26th. of October Mr. Sutherland and Mr. Gallimore, attended by ten white men and twenty Negroes, proceeded to the back part of the parish of Cornwall, about nine miles beyond the Dromilly estate, to dislodge a party of runaway Negroes who had formed an encampment in the woods near the Dromilly mountain.  As they were approaching the camp they were suddenly attacked by the runaways, and Mr. Sutherland and Mr. Gallimore, who had the command of the party, were left dead; the remainder fled back to the estates.  On this unpleasant affair transpiring, a detachment of militia and maroons, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Scott, proceeded to the mountain; they were also attacked (for by some means the Negroes in the woods were acquainted with the particulars when both expeditions would come upon them), the fire was returned, and two Negroes killed; the party then proceeded to the camp, which was denominated "We no sen, you no come."  It consisted of fourteen houses, in which nine men and eight women, and four children resided; they had fled so precipitately, that all their cooking utensils were left, with victuals ready prepared.  The bodies of the two whites (Sutherland and Gallimore) were interred, and 130 Negroes sent to destroy the plantations in the neighbourhood of this mountain camp.  Several other encampments were stated to be in the neighbouring mountains.

Tuesday, February 15, 1825

At Bellemont, Jamaica, on the 16th. December, George Willis, Esq. surgeon, son of the late Thomas Willis, Esq. Kirkaldy.

Friday, April 1, 1825

Jamaica Papers
Jamaica Papers to the 9th. February have been received.  A great sensation has been produced in Jamaica by the failure of Mr. Muirhead, the Receiver-General of the island.  His deficiencies amount to £80,000.  His affairs were submitted to the creditors at a public meeting on the 6th. February.  It appears that the loss chiefly falls upon the holders of checks - an anomalous paper currency, which the Receiver-General have been in the habit of issuing, not on the credit of the public treasury, but on their own personal credit, as men of presumed respectability; though, it appears, many people have been in the dark as to the real nature of the security.  The following are extracts:

St. Jago De La Vega, Jan. 29:- It is with extreme concern that we publish the notice concerning the resignation and embarrassments of the Receiver-General, which, we fear, will occasion loss to many individuals.  There is, however, reason to believe that the public credit will not be affected.

To the Commissioners of Public Accounts:
Gentlemen, - We have this moment received a letter from R.B. Muirhead, Esq., Receiver-General, resigning that office, by reason of his private difficulties, arising from improvident loans, and undertaking executorships.  We represent the present Lessee, and have great satisfaction in believing, from Mr. Muirhead's statement, that his embarrassments will have no influence on public credit; for, we have no doubt, that under any inquiry, there will be found in the public chest every shilling which can be claimed from the Patentee - We have the honour to be, &c.
F. Smith, G. Vedal - Attornies (sic) to the Lessee.

In the Jamaica Currant, of the 8th. February, there is a very long statement of the meeting of the check-holders of Mr. Muirhead, in which it appears that his deficiency is about £80,452.  Though the Committee has with great anxiety and earnestness endeavoured to obtain from Mr. Muirhead a clear idea of the extent and nature of his actual losses, and the real state of his affairs, the information received from his  is altogether vague and unsatisfactory; Mr. Muirhead having expressed himself to be unable, under six weeks or two months, to furnish any other statement than what he has now given, from his never having kept regular books of accounts, but merely memorandums, and those very imperfect, and his own and public accounts being completely blended, and greatly in arrear.

Friday, May 13, 1825

Jamaica Papers (re Right Rev. Christopher, Lord Bishop of Jamaica, of the Established Church of Scotland)
By the last arrival of Papers from Jamaica, we have advices of the active and zealous proceedings of the Bishop in the discharge of his sacred functions.  His Lordship had visited several of the coffee properties in the St. Andrew's and Port Royal mountains, to fix on a spot whereon to erect a chapel in the vicinity of the most extensive plantations, for the benefit of the slaves.  In addition to the Rev. George Wilson Bridges, B.A. the Bishop has appointed the following clergymen to be his Chaplains:  The Rev. David Williams, the Rev. John McIntyre, A.M. the Rev. Thomas Alves, the Rev. Wm. Patterson, and the Rev. C. Bolton, A.M.  Congratulatory Addresses have been presented to his Lordship by the Public Authorities, Clergy, Magistrates, and other Inhabitants of all the parishes in the Island.  The Members of the Church of Scotland, it will be seen, have also joined in the general expression of respect and satisfaction.


Saturday, January 26, 1867

Judicial Appointments in Jamaica - It was omitted to be stated in our notice of the appointment of Mr. Harry Davidson, advocate, as District Judge in Jamaica, that the salary of that office, under recent arrangements of the Governor of Jamaica, amounts to £800 a year, and that the appointment is one which, in the case of merit in the discharge of the duty, may lead to promotion to the Supreme Court of the colony.  We believe that the expense of the outward voyage is paid by Government.

Saturday, May 16, 1868

Married, at the parish church, Falmouth, Jamaica, on the 10th. April, Alexander G. Morrison, Esq., Drax Hall Estate, St. Ann's, to Eliza, only daughter of the late Archibald Scott, Esq.

Saturday, August 29, 1868

At Highgate, Jamaica, on the 28th. July, the wife of Tomline Campbell, Esq., of Masemare(?) Estate, of a son.

Wednesday, October 23, 1867

Married, at Holy Trinity Church, Kilburn, London, on the 17th. instant, James Hay Campbell, Esq., Major, 71st. Highland Light Infantry, to Caroline Evina MacPherson, eldest daughter of John MacPherson-MacKiel, Esq., of Kingston, Jamaica.

Thursday, April 22, 1869

Died, of bronchitis, at No. 7 Edward Street, Bath, on the 17th. inst., aged seventy-seven, Mary Anne, widow of the late Andrew Hunter, Esq., younger of Lochrennie, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, N.B., and of the Island of Jamaica.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post

Published at Exeter, Devon, England.

Trewman's Thurs Dec 16 1819 Issue no 2831

Exeter Wednesday, Dec 15
On Wednesday last, at St Andrew's Church, Plymouth, by the Rev Mr LAMPIN, Thomas PRING Esq solicitor, Crediton, to Mrs VIRGO, widow of Robert VIRGO Esq late of Trelawney, in the Island of Jamaica

Trewman's Thurs Feb 24 1820 Issue no 2841

Exeter, Wednesday Feb 23
On Monday last, at Ipplepen, by the Rev Randolph MARRIOTT, Wm ABELL Esq of Jamaica, to Margaretta, youngest daughter of Wm NEYLE Esq of Ambrook-House.

Trewman's Thurs Mar 23 1820 Issue No 2845

Lately, at Clarendon, in the Island of Jamaica, Mary, the wife of William HEWITT, Esq and second daughter of Philop CORNISH Esq of this city.

Trewman's Thurs Mar 23 1820 Issue No 2845

On the 29th January, of the yellow fever, on board HMS Iphigenia, on the Jamaican station, at the early age of 17, Mr William Charles Johnstone Hope BLAKE, youngest son of the late Captain BLAKE, royal navy.

Trewman's Thurs Aug 31 1820 Issue no 2868

Exeter Wednesday Aug 30
At Cashoo estate, St Elizabeth, Jamaica, on the 4th of July, Mrs HEWITT, late of Colleton Crescent, in this city.

Trewman's Thursday 10 May 1821 Issue No 2902

Falmouth May 7 1821
Also arrived the Walsingham packet, Captain BULLOCKE, from Jamaica, which she left on the 27th March, and Crooked Island on the 9th April; this packet has brought 12 passengers. Dr MACLARTY, also a passenger, died at sea of a dropsy on the 4th April; and was interred at Crooked Island.

Trewman's Thurs Aug 2 1821 Issue No 2914

Falmouth Jul 30th 1821
Arrived the Duke of York packet, Price, from Jamaica; left it on the 14th of June, and Crooked Island, on the 30th. On the 15th June, spoke His Majesty's ship Tribune, bound to Jamaica: passengers Mr McBAYNE, Mr and Mrs HYSLOP and son, Messrs Antonio de ESCUDERO, family, and servants.

Trewman's Thurs Dec 6 1821 Issue No 2932

On Wednesday, at Cheddon, Somerset, W METFORD, MD, to Mary Eliza only daughter of the late Hobart ANDERDON Esq, of the Island of Jamaica, formerly of this city, surgeon.

Trewman's Thursday May 2 1822 Issue no 2953

At Jamaica, on the 16th of March, Captain John RICHARDS, of Falmouth, aged 51 years.

Trewman's Thursday May 9 1822 Issue no 2954

Hampshire Courrier
The Army
The 58th Regiment, which arrived last week from Jamaica has disembarked, and is at present in Gosport barracks. The transports which brought the troops from Jamaica have been discharged from the service. This regiment embarked on October 1816 from Ireland, for Jamaica, where they have been stationed ever since;  and we are concerned to state, that they have lost 5 officers, 530 men, 110 women, and 200 children, which have been carried off by the local fever. The inhabitants of Jamaica have equally suffered from the dreadful malady.

Trewman's Thursday Jan 28 1819 Issue no 2785

Jamaica Papers to the 28th November arrived on Wednesday. They contain some distressing accounts of the ravages committed by the hurricane. The plantain walks, in many districts, had been nearly all destroyed, and great loss sustained with respect to the coffee trees, which, in many instances, were nearly stripped of their fruit and leaves. The canes, particularly the young plants, had also suffered very materially, and some properties had their buildings, negro houses, &c. entirely destroyed, or considerably injured. The places where the storm appears to have raged with the most destructive violence were Black River, Savanna-la-Mar, Montego Bay, and Port Maria. Many vessels were driven on shore, and otherwise much damaged. Some were entirely lost. At Savanna-la-Mar, the wharf was entirely swept away, stores were unroofed, trees and fences torn up by the roots, and the whole country looked as if a fire had gone over it. The hurricane is described as having been more severe than any that had occurred in that Island since the year 1780.

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