Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library
Descendants of Mathieu Baille
1. Mathieu Baille was born Abt. 1799. He married Marie Francoise Minard. She was born Abt. 1799.
Child of Mathieu Baille and Marie Minard is:
2 i. Marie Marthe Baille, born September 10, 1824.
More About Marie Marthe Baille:
Baptism: March 30, 1825, The Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 155.)
Fact: [The record is pale and names are partly illegible]
Godfather: John P--- represented by Joseph Candolive
Godmother: Marie Marthe Maison [?]
Language of record: French
Descendants of ? Ballestrie
1. ? Ballestrie
Children of ? Ballestrie are:
2 i. Catherine Ballestrie, born Abt. 1795. She met Joseph Cadalzo; born Abt. 1795.
3 ii. François BallestriE9, born Abt. 1797. He met Reine Bourgeois Bef. 1822; born Abt. 1795.
More About François Ballestrie:
Native of: Kingston
More About Reine Bourgeois:
Native of: the island of St. Thomas
More About François Ballestrie and Reine Bourgeois:
Single: Bef. 1822
4 iii. Marie Ballestrie, born Abt. 1797.
Descendants of Andres Ballon
Generation No. 1
1. Andres Ballon was born Abt. 1781. He married Justine (Ballon). She was born Abt. 1781.
More About Andres Ballon:
Native of: Kingdom of Tajore, Asia
More About Justine (Ballon):
Nationality: Kingdom of Tajore, Asia
Native of: Samoa, East Indies
Children of Andres Ballon and Justine (Ballon) are:
+ 2 i. Marie Elizabeth Ballon, born Bef. 1800.
+ 3 ii. Justine (Genevieve) Ballon, born Aft. 1798.
4 iii. Marie Adelaide Ballon.
5 iv. Jean Joseph Ballon, born February 01, 1818; died July 02, 1818 (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 13.).
More About Jean Joseph Ballon:
Baptism: July 01, 1818, Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 13.)
Burial: July 1818, Roman Catholic Cemetery, Kingston, by Jean Hyacinthe Rodrigues de Aranjuez
Godfather: Jean Charles Debrosse
Godmother: Cleret Louise Debrosse
Language of record: French
6 v. Andres Francois Ballon, born November 18, 1821 in Kingston.
More About Andres Francois Ballon:
Baptism: November 21, 1821, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 96.)
Godfather: Joseph Francois Rodriguez, child's brother-in-law
Godmother: Justine Ballon, wife of Rodriguez, the child's sister
Language of record: French
Generation No. 2
2. Marie Elizabeth Ballon was born Bef. 1800. She married Joseph Duval. He was born Abt. 1791.
Children of Marie Ballon and Joseph Duval are:
7 i. Marie Elizabeth Duval, born August 15, 1816 in Kingston.
More About Marie Elizabeth Duval:
Baptism: July 15, 1820, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 67.)
Godfather: Joseph Francois Rodrigues
Godmother: Justine Ballon, wife of Rodrigues, maternal aunt
8 ii. Gabriel Duval, born March 27, 1821 in Kingston.
More About Gabriel Duval:
Baptism: June 21, 1821, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 91.)
Godfather: Melchor Perello, merchant of Kingston
Godmother: Marie Francoise Leaumont
Language of record: Spanish
9 iii. Marie Antoinette Duval, born January 09, 1823 in Kingston.
More About Marie Antoinette Duval:
Baptism: February 12, 1824, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 138.)
Godfather: Antoine Garcia, merchant
Godmother: Marie Francoise Laurence Leaumont
Language of record: French
3. Justine Ballon was born Aft. 1798. She married Joseph Francois Rodrigues May 08, 1819 in the Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0105 Roman Catholic Marriages Kingston 1800-1819, p. 46.), son of Francois Rodrigues and Therese Sadellet. He was born Abt. 1794.
[This one page from a Register of Marriage started in 1802 was bound in the back of the Register of Burials after entries for 1823]
There is a promise and agreement of marriage between Joseph Francois Rodrigues resident in Kingston, native of St. Domingue, legitimate son of Francois Rodrigues native and inhabitant of La Grande Pointe, parish of Jacmel in St. Domingue, and of Therese Sadollet, wife of Rodrigues native of Leogani, the groom proceeding on his own authority, of the one part, and Justine Ballon resident in Kingston, native of ___ston [torn] in North America, daughter of Andres Ballon and Justine ___ his wife native of Tanjour [blotch] in ___, the bride proceeding on her own part, and in the presence of her parents..... [no continuing page]
More About Justine Ballon:
Age: 1819, A minor
Native of: Charles Town, North America
Residence: 1819, Kingston
More About Joseph Francois Rodrigues:
Native of: St. Domingue
Residence: 1819, Kingston
Marriage Notes for Justine Ballon and Joseph Rodrigues:
Present at the wedding:
Joseph Candolive
Jean Paul Dinon
Baron Olivier
Jean Baptiste Vileure
Andrew Ballon
Elizabeth Duval
The father and mother of the Bride were present and gave consent.
Children of Justine Ballon and Joseph Rodrigues are:
10 i. Genevieve Justine Rodrigues, born May 01, 1821 in Kingston.
More About Genevieve Justine Rodrigues:
Baptism: May 30, 1821, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 88.)
Godfather: Andres Ballon, maternal grandfather
Godmother: Genevieve Ballon, maternal aunt
Language of record: French
According to the record the mother, and the mother's sister were both Genevieve. This must be an error. Subsequent baptisms give the mother's name as Justine.
11 ii. Joseph Francois Rodrigues, born December 16, 1822 in Kingston.
More About Joseph Francois Rodrigues:
Baptism: December 26, 1822, the Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 116.)
Godfather: Andres Ballon, maternal grandfather
Godmother: Marie Adelaide Ballon, maternal aunt
Language of record: French
12 iii. Marie Francoise Rodrigues, born January 13, 1824 in Kingston.
More About Marie Francoise Rodrigues:
Baptism: January 21, 1824, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 136.)
Godfather: Florin Gayard
Godmother: Marie Elizabeth Ballon, maternal aunt
Descendants of Juan Banis
1. Juan Banis was born Abt. 1799. He met Ana Maguich. She was born Abt. 1799.
Child of Juan Banis and Ana Maguich is:
2 i. Francisco del Carmen Agripino Banis, born June 23, 1824.
More About Francisco del Carmen Agripino Banis:
Baptism: August 01, 1824, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 144.)
Godfather: Manuel Banis
Language of record: Spanish
Descendants of Jean Baptiste
1. Jean Baptiste was born Abt. 1793. He met Marie Louise Georgin. She was born Abt. 1793.
More About Marie Louise Georgin:
Native of: St. Domingue
Children of Jean Baptiste and Marie Georgin are:
2 i. Marie Louise Georgin, born May 17, 1818 in Kingston.
More About Marie Louise Georgin:
Baptism: June 18, 1818, Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 12.)
Godfather: Dominique Gourgue, merchant of Kingston
Godmother: Adelle Chassevian
Language of record: French
Race/Nationality/Color: Free Mulatto
3 ii. Charlothe Georgin, born October 18, 1820 in Kingston.
More About Charlothe Georgin:
Baptism: December 04, 1820, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 75.)
Godfather: Federic Chassariau
Godmother: Marie Catherine Olivier, from Port au Prince, St. Domingue
Language of record: French
Race/Nationality/Color: Quadroon
1. Jean Pierre1 Baquie He married Rose Elizabeth Blanchard. She died Bef. October 1810.
More About Jean Pierre Baquie
Native of: the parish of Notre Dame de Bon Port, St. Pierre, Martinique
Child of Jean Baquie and Rose Blanchard is:
+ 2 i. Jean Rose Joseph2 Baquie, born Aft. 1789.
2. Jean Rose Joseph2 Baquie (Jean Pierre1) was born Aft. 1789. He married Catherine Victoire Regnier October 11, 1810 in the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston1, daughter of Charles du Timat and Catherine de LaPlace. She was born Aft. 1789.
More About Jean Rose Joseph Baquie:
Age: 1810, A minor
Referred to as: Esquire
More About Catherine Victoire Regnier:
Age: 1810, A minor
Native of: Parish of Notre Dame of the Assumption in Torbeck, in the plain of les Cayes du fond, southern part of St. Domingue
More About Jean Baquie and Catherine Regnier:
Marriage: October 11, 1810, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston1
Marriage banns: September 08, 1810, and Sundays 9/9 and 9/16
Witnesses: Charles d'Heillecourt, Charles Francois Louis Terresion de Vermeuil, Philippe Auguste Laffon de Ladebat, Bernard de la Biche de Reignefort
Children of Jean Baquie and Catherine Regnier are:
3 i. Catherine Caroline3 Baquie, born December 04, 1813; died March 25, 1832.
More About Catherine Caroline Baquie:
Baptism: January 15, 1814, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston2
Burial: March 26, 1832, Kingston3
4 ii. Charles George Edouard Baquie, born June 12, 1816.
More About Charles George Edouard Baquie:
Baptism: November 16, 1816, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston4
5 iii. Catherine Francoise Ysabelle Baquie, born January 09, 1819 in Kingston.
More About Catherine Francoise Ysabelle Baquie:
Baptism: February 15, 1819, The Roman Catholic Church, Kingston5
Godfather: John Askene
Godmother: Mrs. Catherine Francoise Laplace Regnier, maternal grandmother
Language of record: French
6 iv. Edward Regnier Hampden Baquie, born June 13, 1821 in Kingston.
More About Edward Regnier Hampden Baquie:
Baptism: August 15, 1821, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston6
Fact: Parents and godparents signed, and: George Edw. de Regnier, J. D'Espinose, L. Perrotin, Lagourgue Regnier, Mary Elizabeth Pye
Godfather: C. L. Regnier du Timat, maternal ancestor, represented by Mr. Ellen Hampden Pye, Colonel in the service of the British Monarch
Godmother: Mrs. Catherine Francoise Laplace Regnier, maternal grandmother
Language of record: French
7 v. William Mortimer Baquie, born February 07, 1824 in Kingston; died July 19, 1827.
More About William Mortimer Baquie:
Baptism: July 01, 1824, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston by Benito Fernandes, curate
Fact: Register signed by parents, godparents, and J. M. Hill, George Edward Regnier, St. M. Estur, Edmond Estur
Godfather: William Duncan
Godmother: Mrs. Catherine Francoise, maternal grandmother
Language of record: French
1. B0105 Roman Catholic Marriages Kingston 1800-1819, p. 24.
2. B0101 Kingston Roman Catholic Baptisms 1800-1817, p. 80.
3. B0125 Roman Catholic Registers, Burials 1823-1843, p. 69.
4. B0101 Kingston Roman Catholic Baptisms 1800-1817, p. 153.
5. B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 31.
6. B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 92.
Descendants of Juana Incarnacion Bargas
1. Juana Incarnacion Bargas
Child of Juana Incarnacion Bargas is:
2 i. Maria Ignacio Bargas, born Bef. April 10, 1825.
More About Maria Ignacio Bargas:
Baptism: April 10, 1825, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston by Benito Fernandez, curate (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, p. 155.)
Godfather: Marco de Dio
Godmother: Petronila Dias
Language of record: Spanish
Descendants of Nicholas Barro
1. Nicholas Barro He met Margarita Burego.
Child of Nicholas Barro and Margarita Burego is:
2 i. Maria Elcame Barro, born September 17, 1820.
More About Maria Elcame Barro:
Baptism: October 01, 1820, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingston (Source: B0104 Roman Catholic Baptisms, Holy Trinity Church, Kingston 1818-1826, a loose note page stamped Pg. 72, Legitimacy not noted.)
Godfather: Pedro Ferguson
Godmother: Rita Leon
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