Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library



[For the Parish of St. David, see below]


Acres of Land, 70,031

The Numbers of Stock in this Parish are taken from the Public Roll in the office of the Receiver-General.

Names of Proprietors &c., Names of Properties &c., Number of Slaves/ Number of Stock.

(All entries include a number of Slaves, not all have Stock).


Aikman, Alexander senior, Prospect Pen 29/18
Aikman, Alexander junior, Friendship Park Pen 16 / 10
Albert, Pierre, Swallowfield Pen 21 / 2
Alvin, David Richard 11
Alvin, Nancy, 16/10
Anderson, Alexander, Somerset Pen 44 / 34
Asher, Frances, Whim Pen 11/ 3
Atkinson, George & al., receivers, Constant Spring Estate, 321/37
Auld, William, Content Pen 2
Barclay, Andrew, Eden Pen 6/1
Bayley, Richard, Richmond Pen 30/ 8
Bean, John, Grove Pen 14/ 5
Bell, Anna Elizabeth, Retreat Pen 4
Berdoe, James, Islington Pen and Holborn Hill 13
Blades, Caleb, Pinfold Pen 14 / 4
Bond, William, heirs of, Mona Estate 177/67
Booth, Annabella, Rawlington Pen, 32/3
Bravo, Moses, Bravo's Pleasure 6
Bremand, Peter, Retirement Pen 16/ 2
Brodhurst, John, Oxford Pen 4 / 1
Brown, Charles P. Plumb Tree 4 / 1
Bryan, William, Charlton Pen 3 / 2
Buckingham, Duke of, Hope Estate 349/70
Cammack, Robert S., Andrew's Pen 3
Campbell, Ann, Harmony Farm Pen 18 0
Campbell, Colin, Hunt's Bay Farm Pen 182/32
........ditto, Waterhouse Estate 162/20
Campbell, Sophia 12/1
Carter, ---- , Pen, 10/4
Chrystie and Taylor, The Ferry, 62/65
Clark, Francis, Winchester Park 16 / 8
Clarke, Jane Frances, Hampstead Park Pen 45/15
Cleland, E. M., Halcot Farm Pen 8 / 14
Cockburn, Charles S., Charlemont Pen 46/ 2
Cockburn, Sarah 17
Cockburn, Thomas, deceased, Twickenham Park Pen 20/1
Colthirst, James F., Hinde's Pen, 5/10  
Connollv, Paul, Pereira's Pen 12 / 4
Connolly, William, Salt Gut Pen 10 / 3
Cope, Sarah C., May Pen 9
DaCosta, Moses P., Tower Hill Pen 28/39
Davis, Esther E., 14
Davis, Thomas, 8/ 2
De Carrier, Paul Lamothe, Sandy Park Pen 4 / 7
Depass, Isaac, Happy Retreat Pen 4/ 3
Douet, Jaques P., Up-Park Villa, 17/17
Drummond, J. J., 12/4
Duany, Ann, Whitchurch Pen, 13/2
Dufaye, Ann, Swallowfield Pen, 8
Edie, Ann, 4
Edie, Frances Ripley, 5
Edlyne, Jane, 7
Falconer, Charlotte, Retreat Pen, 13
Feurtado, Isaac D., Retreat Pen, 6
Feurtado, Jacob O., Pen, 2/3
Forsyth, Sarah M., Trafalgar Pen, 7/10
Fowles, John, Macksfield Park, 7
Fry, Joseph, Felsted's Pen,  9/ 2
Gibson, David, Ireland Pen, 33/4
Glenn, Frances, Turkey Hall Pen, 15
Gordon, John, estate of, Barbican and Somerset Estates and Pens, 339/64
........ditto, Green Glebe, Iron River, and Swallowfield Estates, 134/15
Gordon, Joseph, Newland's Pen, 54/25
Graham, Brice 10 / 1
Grant, Alexander, Prospect Pen & Duny Hall, 37/3
Green, Sarah, Spring Garden Pen, 6/ 1
Grey, James, Chesterfield Pen, 20
Harman, J. and E., Cherry Garden Estate, 169/32
Harris, John Thomas G., Tamarind Grove and Mount Prospect, 22/8
Harris, John Townshend, Content Pen, 12
Heron, Thomas, Hut and Brentford Pen, 18/ 2
Hewson, Frances, Greenwich Pen, 9/3
Huie, Thomas, Pen, 6/2
Hull, Henry T., guardian, 5
Hunt, James, Swymmer's Pen, 16/2
Hyman, Levy, Hyman's Delight, 55/33
Jackson, Elizabeth S., Cassia Park Pen, 12/7
Jackson, Honorable J. R., Vineyard Pen, 2/21
James, Eliza, Boucher's Pen, 15/21
James, Herbert J. attorney to Frances Sims, Farm Pen, 8
James, William S., Petworth & Well Side Pens, 7/2
Johnson, Diana, Content Pen, 10/1
Jones, Henry Fuller, Well Side Pen, 11/1
Kaylet, Thomas, heirs of, Maverly Estate, 253/21
Keir, D. T., Belmont Pen, 20
Lacey, Ralph, Chancery Hall Estate, 164/5
Laing, Hon. James, attorney to Davidsons, Barclay, & Co., 7
Lamothe, Geraume C., Prospect Retreat, 8/ 2
L'Hoste, Michael C., Studley Park Pen, 21/4
........ditto, executor, Hope Tavern, 13/12
Littlejohn, Caleb Mumford, Lewisham Cottage, 13/2
Logie, William, Buchan Park, 7
Lunan, Andrew, Pen and Mountain,  6/3
Mackglashan, Charles, Rest Pen, 4/ 3
Mais, Hon. John, Hall's Delight Estate, 100/ 17
Marks, Elizabeth, Plumb Tree Tavern, 30/1
Martel, Margaret, Buchan Park and Unity, 6
Mattocks, William, Retreat Pen, 23
Maxwell, Elizabeth C., Bogmiln Pen, 16/ 1
Melhado, Daniel, Greenwich Park, 48/23
Merchant, Milborough, Ascot Pen, 10
McEwing, Mary, 11/ 2
Miller, John, Wade's Pen, 4/5
Minot, James, Humphrey's Pen, 4/6
McIntyre, John, Pomona Grove Pen, 2/6
McNaught and Ford, Dallas Castle Pen, 14/4
Moffat, John, May Pen, 20/ 40
Murphy, Samuel, Pen, 10/ 8
Neilson, John, Waterhouse Pen, 10/6
Newland, Elizabeth, deceased, Newland's Pen and Mount Regain, 43/9
Newlands, George, Pen, 11/2
Newman, James, Slipe Pen, 10/6
North, Dudley Long, Norbrook Estate, 81/27
Palmer, Sarah, Little Spring Garden, 8
Payant, Marie Adelaide, 6
Pearson, William, Dunad Pen, 10/3
Perkins, Benjamin M., Pen, 50
........ditto, Shortwood Estate, 167/24
Pinnock, Elizabeth T., Hermitage Pen, 12/1
Pinnock, George, Clifton, 10/4
........ditto, Molynes Estate, 195/16
Plunkett, Edward, Liberty-Hall Pen, 48/ 8
Regnier du Timat, Unity Pen, 19/10
Rickard, George, Mount Elizabeth, 5
Ripley, Elizabeth F., The Hermitage, on 42/21
Robins, James, deceased, Kew Pen, 18/ 2
Rochfort, James R., estate of, 19
Rose, Hugh Hay, Somerset Park, 25/10
Rose, William, Crosbie Pen, 20/ 30
Ross, Henry John, Retreat Pen, 9/10
Rutherford, Jane, Abbey Court, 4/2
Seixas, David, Whitehall Pen, 19/1
Shannon, Mashod, Rachel's Farm, 15/4
Shattock, John B., Good-Air Pen, 20/4
Simpson, James, Islington Pen, 7/4
Small, Henry Charles, 6/ 1
Smyth and Collings, Spring Estate, 118
Sparkes, Louisa, Friendship Pen, 11/4
Spooner, Hungerford, estate of, Pembroke Hall  Estate, 107
Starks, William, Dudley Castle, 8/2
Stevenson, Mary, Clifton, 6  
Swaby, Henry, 6
Tardif, Jerome P., Bumper Hall Pen, 34/12
Tayler, John, Twickenham Pen, 2/ 3
Tierney, E. F., Mountain Spring, 8/2
Titley, William, Sabina Park Pen, 20/10
Tory, Netlam, Deanery Pen, 8/ 3
Tyrrell, Joseph, Lignumvitae Grove Pen, 4/3
Watson, John, 6
Whair, Helen, 8/1
White, Mary, Pleasant View Pen, 5/2
Whitehouse, John, Winckworth Lodge, 6/3
Wildman, James B., Papine Estate and Cavaliers Mountain, 224/61
Williams, Harriett, 4
Williamson, James, Whitfield Pen, 20/13
Wilson, John G., Younger's Pen, 4
Wilson, Sarah, Halfway Tree, 6
Wiltshire, Frances, 13
Wordie, Rev. James, Collins' Green Pen, 1/7
Wright, George, Whitehall Estate, 77
Wynter, Grace, Barrington Pen, 10
Yates, Thomas L., Pen, 18


Allan, Charlotte, Montpelier, 37/2
Anderson, Thomas, Mount Dorothy, 33/4
Arbouin, Charles, Greenwich Hill, 46/2
Ashburne, Henry, Mount Habnab, 8
Ashburne, John, Happy Grove, 8
Ashburne, Robert, Pleasant Valley, 4
Ashburne, Thomas, Hermitage Hill, 2
Baines, George, Summer Hill, 9/1
Brown, John, The Cottage, 30/2
Bull, John, estate of, Botanic Garden, 35
Cameron, John Home, Newcastle and Hopewell, 47/5
Castile, Louisa, Merryman's Hill, 40/ 1
Chisholm, Colin, Mount Lebanon and Hampton Court, 43/3
Chisholm, Robert, Newton, 108 /15
Clark, Francis, receiver, Dublin Castle, 183/11
Clark, James, Campbell's and Norwich Castle Mountains, 76/3
Collins, Anthony, deceased, 8/1
Concanen, James, estate of, Middleton, 230/4
Crossley, Mary Elizabeth, Pleasant Hall, 16/3
Daly, James, Felix Grove, 14
Dolmage, Adam, Charlottenburgh, 60
........ditto, Union Hill, 50 +51
East, Sir Edward H., Baronet, Maryland, 329/61
Elin, John B., receiver, Clifton Hill, 8
........ditto, Grecian Regale, 10/5
Falconer, James, Mount Friendship, 46/3
Fargie, John, Springfield, 12/ 12
Feurtado, Isaac D., Mount George, 40/1
Fox, John, Mount Chrissey and Pen, 92/2
Garaud, Martonne, 12/ 1
Haase, David, estate of, Content Mountain, 133
Hall, Charles William, Hall's Prospect and Pen, 90/20
Hall, Constantine, Basford Hill, 15
Hall, Richard, deceased, Mount Pleasant, 55/ 13
Hall, Thomas, Irish Town Mountain, 2/1
Hamilton, Archibald R., Clifton Mount, 97/8
........ditto, Enfield Hall, 50
........ditto, Cold Spring, 102
Higginson, Thomas, Grove Pen, 12/ 2
Kuckahn, William, Mount Reserve, 1
Laird, Mary, guardian, Spring Hill, 19
Latimer, Richard, estate of, Peter's Rock and Mount Charles, 139/1
Lindner, Augustus, Shooter's Hill, 51/2
Maddan, Barnaby, receiver, Mount Industry, 70
Mais, Hon. John, Tweedside, 80
Marshall, Elizabeth, Mount Moses, 228/10
Martel, Margaret, Strawberry Hill, 33/ 3
Mattocks, William, St. Patrick's Vale, 100/ 5
McDonald, Alexander, Mount Olive, 2
McDonald, Frances, Mount Olive, 2
McDonald, James, Mount Olive, 2
McDonald, Jane, Mount Olive, 12
McDonald, John, Mount Olive, 2
McDonald, Sarah, Mount Olive, 13/2
McDonald, Walter, Mount Olive, 2
Menzies, Alexander, Mango Ridge, 29/4
Milne, Alexander, Murmuring Brook, 13
Mothersill, Robert, Pleasant Hill, 45/3
Nicholson, John, Mount Retreat, 9/ 1
Perkins, Benjamin M., Hermitage and Pen, 87/4
Pownall, James C., estate of, Silver Hill and Stepney Lodge Pen, 150
Prendergast, William , Unity Vale, 18/1
Rennalls, Samuel J., Rock Castle, 6
Richards, Thomas, Content, 11/ 6
Riches, George, 2
Riches, George and Susan, 7
Riches, Mary Ann, 11
Riches, Susan, 7
Robertson, William, Struan Castle, 55
Robertson, William, estate of, Airy Castle, Boone Hall, and Tivey, 205/14
Ross, David, Ross's View, 41/9
Rugless, Mary, Prospect Hall, 8/1
Rugless, Nathaniel P., Green Hill, 15/ 8
Smith, James, estate of , Prospect Hill, 123
Smith, James William, Belle Vue, 12/1
Stamp, William, Prospect Hall, 10 / 2
Sutherland, Robert William, 16/2
Taggart, George, Unity Vale, 4/4
Taylor, John, North and South Bardowie, 110/3
Thame, Richard, Mango Ridge, 5
Thompson, Robert, Moresham, 99
........ditto, Muff Castle, 80
Touzalin, Anthony, Juniper Grove, 29
Waterhouse, Edward, 9/3
Wells, Richard, estate of, Constitution Hill, 89/3
Wiles, James, Holywell and Monmouth Mount, 82/7
Williams, Bartholomew Owen, Wiltshire Mount, 9/1
Willis and Cockburn, Rose Hill, 102/2
........ditto, St. Mary's Pen, 33
Yates, Thomas Legal, Prospect Hill, 23/20


Aitkin, Robert, estate of, Mount Zion, 39
Arrowsmith, Sarah, Dick's Last Shift, 43/5
Atkinson, George, & al., receivers, Temple Hall Estate, 330/150
Bagnold, Elizabeth, Woodlands, 51/4
Baker, Lydia, Stoney Hill Cottage, 4
Barnett, Robert, Glasgow, 7
Bean, John, Stirling Castle, 80/23
Bennett, Robert, Mount Prospect, 20/ 2
Berry, Richard, Lancashire, 12/2
Berry, Thomas, estate of, Knowsley, 76
Best, William, Industry Grove, 10/9
Bravo, Jacob, receiver, Golden Spring Estate, 169/12
Bryan, Robert W., Healthy Valley, 85/14
Burrow and Parke, Mount Prospect, 119/5
Christie, William, Content Mountain, 65/5
Cleland, E. M., Mountain, 23
Cockburn, James, Belle Vue and Pen, 53/ 10
Colas, Charles, 6/ 1
Cooper, Diederick, Mount Olive, 76/5
Coughlin, Sarah, 5
Cowan, Thomas, Cedar Valley, 200/2
Curtis, Sarah, Happy Hut, 11
Dakers, Eleanor, Providence, 12
Dalhouse, James, Rosehill, 25
Dallas, Charles R., Stanmer Cottage, 30/ 10
Decker, John George, Resource, 5/2
De la Fitte, Louis, Broomley Hill, 23/1
Demetres, Charlotte, Mount Trial, 9
Desgouttes, Lewis, Florence Hill, 27/2
Fenton, Henry, 4
Fisher, John, Mount Sinai, 10/2
Francis, Christopher, Burntfoot Mountain, 8/3
Gordon, John, Mount Ossa, 19
Gray, Alexander, Corunna, 9/ 5
Gutzmer, Anthony, Happy Grove, 65/16
Halhead, Martin, deceased, Case Horton, 24/ 5
Heron, Ann Baker, Springfield, 20
Hughes, Benjamin, Rock Castle and Little Bedgrove, 6
Hughes, William, Rose Mount, 114 /17
Jopp, Keith, deceased, Joppa and New Garden, 176/21
........ditto, Keith Hall, 103
........ditto, Mullet Hall, 100
Lawrence, James, Fern Hill, 19/2
........ditto, trustee, Fern Hill, 16
Lewis, John, Brandon Hill, 18/ 2
Lindo, Jacob, King's Weston, 9
Lodge, John, Rock Hall and Pen, 29/2
Lumley, Daniel C., 6 / 2
Mackglashan, Charles, Mount Prospect & Killycrankie,  107/2
Mahoney, Charles, Good Hope, 9/1
Mais, Hon. John, Montpelier, Mount James and Pen, 81/19
........ditto, receiver, Hall Green, 165
McCaulskey, Malcolm, Mount Cheerful, 30/3
McLelland, J. and A., estate of, Montpellier, 45
Montagnac, Alexis, Exile Settlement, 4/ 3
Munds, Mary, Mount Horeb, 16
Murdoch, Archibald, deceased, Down Castle, 9
Nesbitt, George, Kelso Hill, 8
O'Brien, Edward, 8/ 2
Orgill, William A. junior, Generous Hill, 27/2
Osborn, Robert, Wheeler's Valley, 12/4
Patton, Diana, Home Castle, 3
Pennock, John, Goleburn's Mountain, 7
Perkins, Elizabeth M., Good Hope, 37/1
Pike, William T., Clermont Pen, 59/20
Pine, John, Mount Dakins, 116/21
Pitt, William, deceased, Mount Olive, 76
Pouyat, John F., Bell Air, 182/9
Reed, Adam, Cavalier's, 3
Remington, Mary, Belmont, 36/1
Renoux, M. C., Pleasant Spring, 29
Ritty, James, Mount Content, Good Intent, and Pen, 21/2
Robertson, William, 4
Ross, Hercules, Ross's Content, 15/2
Ross, Charles, Mount Airy, 43/7
Ryan, Stephen, estate of, Mount Olive, 24
Sadler, James, Mount Charles, 8/1
Satchell, Charles, Swain Spring Mountain, 72/9
Shaw, Mary Tucker, Peter's Retreat, 39/1
Shreyer, William, Mount Perseverance and Pen, 40/1
Shuttler, Ann M., Gethsemane, 4
Silburn, Charles, White Pond, 7
Silburn, Mary, Spring Valley, 8
Silveira, Abraham junior, Mount Ogle, 24/ 4
Skirrow, Thomas D., Lancaster, 1
Smith, Edward, estate of, Mount Sion, 81
Smith, John, Salisbury Plain, 179/24
Smith, Robert, Fair Hill, 72/3
State, Edward, Mount Content, 60/2
Stewart, Ann, Mount Charles, 7
Taylor, Robert, Mount Atlas, 150/10
Weissert, Jacob, Langton Hill, 19
Weissert, William, Pigeon Valley, 12
Whitfield, William L., estate of, Andover, 93
Wilcocks, Thomas, Mount Tirza, 18/4
Williams, Ann, Airy Hill, 8/1
Woolfrys, Richard Lake, Titchfield, 7
        Total  14, 513 / 2144


Acres of Land, 45,558

Proprietors, &c., Properties, &c., Slaves, Stock

[If there is only one number it is the number of Slaves]

Those marked thus †are assessed.

Alcock, William, Seamore's Garden, 36/4
Anderson, James, Hermitage, 79/6
Barclay, John, Woburn Lawn & Windsor, 118/21
Betty, Eleanor, Pleasant Vale, 12/3
Benson, John White, Middleton, 20/6
Boswell, John Matthew, Abbey Green, 169/11
Brown, George, Breghton, 92/4
Brydon, James, Loudon Hill, 72/36
..ditto, Mount Clear and Mount George, 98/204
Buchanan, Andrew, Cave Bottom, 6/1
Bull, John, deceased, Sheldon, 214/13
Burger, Henry, Manheim, 98/10
Campbell, Jennett, estate of, Green Bay, 5/7
Canton, Sarah, Present Field, 11
Cherrington, John, Mount Pleasant and Wellington, 75/8
Clark, Francis, Old England, 135/10
Clavering, Thomas, Brighton, 30/2
Clavering, Thomas, trustee, 18
Colquhoun, George, estate of, Hill Side, 15/1
Croasdaile, Edward, Grove, 60/3
Cross, Thomas, Fellowship Hall, 4/2
Darby, Catherine, Fellowship Hall, 4
Davies, David Byron, deceased, New Battle, 80/6
Davies, Thomas, Snowdon, 16/7
Dawson, John, heirs of, Windsor Forest and New Ramble, 213/110
Delpratt, Edward, Brandon Hill, 22/4
Delpratt, S. deceased and Joseph, Coldstream and Lloyd's, 256/151
..ditto, Mountain Spring, 19
..ditto, Mount Sinai, 157/136
Dick, Archibald, Bransbury, 91/4
Dick, Archibald, and George Brown, Windsor Castle, 182/142
Dick, John and Richard, Orange Park, 144/15
Dick, Richard, 3/3
Douglas, Alexander, and Joseph Davies, Dry Sugar Work and Union, 27/10
Duncomb, Benjamin, Penlyne Castle, 90/9
Fligny, Joseph, Friendship Hall and Mount Pleasant, 48/5
Geohegan, Jane, Industry, 17/4
Gibson, Robert, Ayton, 56/4
Gilroy, John, Carrick Hill, 50/7
Goollen, George, Bloom Hill, 10/2
Graham, William, Easington, 9/8
Grant, Benjamin, Inverness, 10
Gully, Daniel, deceased, Sheffield, 87/9
Hately, Mary, Harmony Hall, 8/4
Hibbert, Robert, Albion, 480/239
Hunter, Louisa, Cherry Garden, 15/1
Hunter, Sarah B., Cherry Garden, 16/3
Jacobs, John, estate of, Hopewell, 13/6
Kearney, Samuel, 7/2
Lamont, David, Birness, Bothwell, Somerset Mount, Cottage & Palmyra, 116/12
Lancaster, Thomas F., deceased, Eccleston, 91/4
Law, Annie, 7
Law, Eliza, 4
Law, Robert, deceased, Highgate and Clyde Side, 40/19
Leigh, Thomas, estate of, Whitfield Hall, 101/7
McDermot, Peter, deceased, Hibernia, 68/4
McFarlane, Margaret, 7/2
McFarlane, Peter, Mavis Bank, 39/11
McGeachy, Edward, Bull Park Pen, 22/10
McGowan, James, Clifton, 49/14
Mignot, David, Friendship Retreat, 52/7
Milne, Alexander, deceased, Phillipsfield & Hampstead, 28/161
Millward, Thomas, Brook Lodge, 79
..ditto, River Head, 160/100
McIntosh, Alexander, Moy Hall and Ness Castle, 167/13
Moore, Susanna, Content Pen, 8/5
Morgan, Robert, Radnor, 217/11
Muir, Robert, Fair Prospect, 63/2
Nicholson, John, Sugar Loaf Hill, 4/1
Ouchterlony, James, deceased, Cocoa Walk, 209/106
..ditto, Ultimatum, 84/3
Parker, George, Lyme and Wearfield, 23
Paterson, William, heirs of, Aeolus Valley, 250/164
Penny, Eleanor, 10
Plummer, Julian C., Newton Hall, 2
Rae, William, Arntully, 73/7
..ditto, Sherwood Forest, 121/11
Ramsay, Francis, Birse, 10/4
Renny, James, heirs of, Norris's, to 40/168
..ditto, Swamps, 198/91
Richards, Fitz, heirs of, Creighton Hall, 266/240
Satchell, John, Bloomfield, 29/4
Savage, John, Epping Farm, 136/9
Schroeter, George, 14/9
Scott, Walter, Llandewey and Thistleborough, 19/88
..ditto, Minto, 87/10
Silvester, Robert, Pimento Grove and Shooting River, 76/3
Stanley, Henry, Farm Hill, 185/12
Stewart, Charles, 8/4
†Stewart, James, 1
Stiles, Sarah, Heart's Ease, 3
Stuart, Robert, Glen Finlas, 36/68
Tarbut, George, Prospect Pen, 109/78
Taylor, Sarah, Cherry Garden, 6/3
Telfer, John, deceased, Cedar Valley, 163
Walker, James, Bell Clare, 65 /5
Warren, John, Somerset, 31/6
Weir, William, estate of, Hill Side, 69/100
Willett, N.A., Edinburgh Castle, 1/2
Wray, Leonard, Richmond Vale, 103/10
Wright, Thomas, Greenwall, 179/170
(no name), Cambridge Hill, 8/74
(no name), Industry, 4
              TOTAL 7636  /  2975

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