Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library





Acres of land, 77,929

See Almanacs for general information on using the Almanac


Proprietors, etc., properties, etc., slaves/ stock

[If there is only one number it is the number of slaves]


*Adams, Robertson, & Co. 136
Aikman, Alexander senior, Prospect Pen 27/23
Aikman, Alexander junior, Friendship Park Pen 17/15
Albert, Pierre, Hope Tavern and Swallowfield Pen 32/29
Anderson, Alexander, Somerset Pen 42 / 17
Ashburn, Catherine A., Belmont Pen 28/8
Asher, Frances, Whim Pen 12/ 5
Auld, William, Content Pen 2
Barclay, Andrew, Eden Pen 9/30
Bayley, Richard, Richmond Pen 29/18
*Beak, George, estate of, Islington Pen 4/2
Bean, John, Grove Pen 14/ 5
Bell, Ann Elizabeth, Retreat 4
Berdoe, James, Islington Pen 12
Blackham, Ann, Dudley Castle 9
Blades, Caleb, Pinfold Pen 13 / 4
Bond, William, estate of, Mona Estate 182 / 135
Booth, Annabella, Rowlington Pen, 26/3
Breakenridge, Thomas, 4/2
Bravo, Moses, Bravo's Pleasure 8
Bremand, Peter, Retirement Pen 4 / 2
Brodhurst, John, Oxford Pen 4 /1
Brown, Charles P. Plumb Tree 4
Brown, James W., Cocoanut Grove 8 /2
Bryan, William, Charlton Pen 2 / 12
Buckingham, Marquis of, Hope Estate 353/173
Cammack, Robert S., Andrew's Pen 5/ 1
Campbell, Ann, Harmony-Farm Pen 20
Campbell, Christian, Whitchurch Pen 10/8
Campbell, Colin, Hunt's Bay Pen 171 / 43
Ditto.............., Waterhouse Estate 157/111
Clark, Francis, Winchester Park 16 /3
Clarke, Jane Frances, Hampstead Park Pen 52/3
Cleland, E. M., Halcot Farm Pen 8 / 11
Clemetson, James 2
Cockburn, Charles S., Charlemont Pen 46/ 5
Cockburn, Sarah 17
Cockburn, Thomas, Twickenham Pen 30/3
Cohen, Alexander H., Prater's Mount 4/6
Connollv, Paul, Pereira's Pen 12 / 11
Connolly, William, Salt Gut Pen 5/2
Cope, Sarah C., May Pen 7
Cowan, Thomas, Green Glebe estate 81/73
Ditto.............., Swallowfield estate 96
DaCosta, Frances Pereira, Happy Retreat 6 / 17
DaCosta, Moses P., Tower Hill Pen 36 / 52
Davis, Anthony, Pomona Grove Pen 2/16
Davis, Esther E., 14
Davis, Thomas, 5/1
Depass, Isaac, Happy Retreat Pen 4/ 9
Douet, Jaques P., Up-Park Villa 12/17
Drummond, J. J., Hut Pen 7/3
Duffays, Ann, Hope Tavern 8
Dunn, Alexander deceased, 7/1
Feurtado, Jacob D., Cassia Park 15/37
Feurtado, Jacob O., Pen 4/4
Forsyth, Sarah M., Argyle 5/2
Fowles, John, Macksfield Park 4
Fry, Joseph, Felsted's Pen 16/ 2
Geohegan, Thomas K., Downer's Pen 5/10
Gibson, David, Ireland Pen 33 / 6
Glenn, Frances, Turkey Hall Pen 14/ 1
Gordon, Adam G., 3
Gordon, John, Barbican Estate and Collins' Pen 144/75
Ditto.............., Somerset Estate, Camperdown and Watson's Pens 149 / 69
Gordon, Joseph, Newland's Pen 59/30
Graham, Brice 10 / 1
Grant, Alexander, Prospect Pen & Duny Hall 37/ 8
Grant, Ann, Newland's Pen 16 / 1
Grant, James and Charles, The Ferry 70/115
Green, Sarah, Spring Garden Pen 5/ 1
Grey, James, Chesterfield Pen 25/2
Hamilton, Archibald R., 62
Hamilton, Robert, & al., Hamilton's Estate 77/66
Harman, J. and E., Cherry Garden Estate 166/92
Harris, John Thomas G., Tamarind Grove and Mount Prospect 24/9
Harris, John Townshend, Content Pen 10/ 2
Harris, William and Co., Whitehall Estate 183 / 92
Hewson, Frances, Greenwich Pen 12 / 4
Hunt, James, Swymmer's Pen 10/4
Hyman, Levy, Hyman's Delight 45/ 11
Jackson, Ann, Content Pen 4/6
James, Eliza and Margaret, Boucher's Pen 15 /24
James, Herbert J., attorney, 8
James, William S., Petworth Pens 7
Johnson, John, estate of, Hunts Bay Pen 24/2
Jones, Anthony, 6
Ditto.............., Slipe Pen 13 / 2
Jones, Henry Fuller, 13/4
Kaylet, Thomas, estate of, Maverly Estate 258/103
Lacey, Richard, Chancery Hall Estate 160/64
Lamothe, Geraume C., Prospect Retreat 8 / 2
Lamothe, Paul, Sandy Park 60/10
Lindo, Abraham Alexander, Constant Spring Estate 332/166
Littlejohn, Caleb Mumford, Farm Pen 14/17
Logie, William, Buchan Park 25/ 4
Lunan, Andrew, Pen and Mountain  7 / 3
Mackglashan, Charles, Rest Pen 5/5
Marks, Elizabeth, Plumb Tree Tavern 32 / 2
Martel, Margaret, Buchan Park and Unity 4/ 2
Martins, Priscilla Hill, Attempt Pen 3/2
Maxwell, Elizabeth C., Bogmiln Pen 17 / 1
McNaught and Ford, Dallas Castle Pen 11/5
Melhado, Daniel, Greenwich Park 49/17
Merchant, Milborough, Ascot Pen 13/3
Miller, Alexander, Hinde's Pen 6/6
Misskelly, John, Halfway-Tree Tavern 5/3
Moffat, John, May Pen 8/97
Murphy, Samuel, Pen 8/ 8
Neilson, John, Deanery Pen 15/25
Newlands, James, estate of, 17
Newland, John and Elizabeth, Newland's Pen 30/30
Nicoll, John, Gramble Hall Pen 8/4
North, Dudley Long, Norbrook Estate 18/75
Palmer, Sarah, Little Spring Garden 3
Pearson, William, 5 / 2
Ditto.............., Lewisham 1
Perkins, Benjamin M., Trafalgar 80/28
Pinnock, Elizabeth T., Hermitage Pen 13 / 2
Pinnock, Hon. George, Molynes Estate and Clifton 203/54
Plunket, Edward, Liberty-Hall Pen 46 / 8
Prescot, Charles, 2 / 2
Quarrell, Richard, Cottage Pen 8/4
Regnier du Timat, Delacree Pen 23 / 17
Rickard, George, Mount Elizabeth 5
Ripley, Elizabeth F., Hermitage 148/31
Robertson, George, Humphreys' Pen 6/2
Robins, James, Kew Pen 20/3
Rochfort, James R., 19
Rose, William, 14/26
Ross, Henry John, Retreat Pen 7/8
Rutherford, Jane, Abbey Court 4 / 4
Seaman, Catherine, 13
Seixas, David, Whitehall Pen 21/4
Shannon, Mashod, Rachel's Farm 16 / 3
Shattock, John B., Good-Air Pen 16/6
Simpson, James, Islington Pen 4/ 5
Smyth and Collings, Spring Estate 122/63
Sparkes, Louisa, Friendship Pen 7/ 2
Spooner, Hungerford, estate of, Pembroke Hall  Estate 102/51
Stewart, Honorable James, estate of, Islington Pen 6/2
Strupar, George W., Vineyard Pen 18 / 28
Tardif, Jerome P., Bumper Hall Pen 34/24
Taylor, John, Twickenham Pen 1/17
Thompson, Charlotte, Retreat Pen 15/ 6
Titley, William, Sabina Park Pen 10/4
Waddell, James, Collins' Green Pen 22/16
Wardale, George S., Lignumvitae Grove Pen 12/6
Whair, Robert, deceased, Pen 9/4
White, Mary, Pleasant View Pen 3/ 1
Whitehouse, John, 3/1
Whitfield, William L., deceased, 8/1
Wildman, James B., Papine Estate 222 / 138
Williams, Harriott, 6
Williams, Nathaniel B., estate of, Hall's Delight Estate 100/40
Williamson, James, Whitfield Pen 20 /32
Wilson, John G, Younger's Pen, 6/ 1
Wilson, Sarah, Halfway Tree Pen 19
Wiltshire, Frances, 10
Wynter, Grace, Barrington Pen 80
Yates, Thomas L., Pen 16


Allan, Charlotte, Montpelier 44 / 4
Anderson, Thomas, Mount Dorothy, 40/2
Arbouin, Charles, Greenwich Hill 76/ 5
Ditto.............., 4
Ditto.............., for Thomas Higson, 11
Ashburne, Henry, Mount Habnab, 7/1
Ashburne, John, Happy Grove 7
Ashburne, Robert, Pleasant Valley 3
Brown, John, The Cottage 32/5
Bull, John, estate of, Botanic Garden 27 / 2
Cameron, John Home, Newcastle 54/5
Castile, Alexander, deceased, Hampton Court 41/10
Chisholm,Colin, Mount Lebanon and Hampton Court, 44 / 4
Chisholm, Robert, Newton 103 / 8
Clark, Francis, receiver, Dublin Castle 180/18
Ditto.............., Mount Pleasant 50
Clark, James, Campbell's and Norwich Castle Mountains and Kintyre Pen 72 /8
Concanen, James, estate of, Middleton 231/8
Coupland, William T., Claremont 11/17
Crossley, Mary Elizabeth, Pleasant Hall 13/4
Daly, James, Felix Grove 13
Dolmage, Adam, Charlottenburgh 63/2
Ditto.............., Hopewell 41 / 3
Ditto.............., Union Hill 48/2
Drysdale, Hannah, Dublin Castle 1/2 +51
East, Sir Edward H. Baronet, Maryland 333 / 52
Elin, John B., receiver, Clifton Hill 8 / 1
Falconer, James, Mount Friendship 45 / 6
Fargie, John, Springfield 9/8
Farmer, Thomas, Dublin Castle 23
Fenton, Henry, Gibraltar 5
Feurtado, Isaac D., Mount George 37/3
Fortune, David, Murmuring Brook 17
Fox, John, Mount Chrissey 19/8
Geohegan, Michael, deceased, Summer Hill 8/2
Gordon, John, Iron River 95 / 24
Haase, David, estate of, Content Mountain 137 / 5
Hall, Charles William, Hall's Prospect 86/19
Hall, Constantine, Basford Hill 15 / 2
Hall, Richard, Mount Pleasant 56/11
Hall, Thomas, Irish town and Pleasant Prospect 2/2
Hamilton, Archibald R., Clifton Mount and Enfield 184/24
Higginson, Thomas, Grove Pen 8/ 2
Latimer, Richard, estate of, Peter's Rock and Mount Charles 139/3
Lindner, Augustus, Shooter's Hill 51 / 6
Mais, John, Tweedside 40
Manning, Humphrey, Content Mountain 8
Marshall, Elizabeth, Mount Moses 225 / 28
Martel, Margaret, Strawberry Hill 33 / 3
Mattocks, William, St. Patrick's Vale and Pen 125/ 5
McDonald, Jane, seven
McDonald, John, estate of, 14
McDonald, Sarah, 7 / 1
McDonald, Susanna, 11
Menzies, Alexander, Mango Ridge 31 / 5
McKay and Yates, Prospect Hill 24
Mothersill, Robert, Pleasant Hill 31/1
Nicholson, John, Retreat Mountain 9 / 1
Oliphant, Elizabeth, 17
Pownall, James C., Silver Hill and Stepney Lodge 151/16
Prendergast, Thomas, Unity Vale 17 / 3
Rennalls, Samuel J., Rock Castle Pen 6
Rennie, William, Spring Hill 22
Riches, George, 4
Riches, George and Susan, 7
Riches, Mary Ann, 11
Riches, Susan, 7
Robertson, William, deceased, Airy Castle, Boone Hall, Tivey and Pens 167/85
Ditto......., Mesnes, Hermitage, Mount Pleasant, and Carpenters Ridge 100 / 4
Ross, David, Ross's View 35/38
Rugless, Nathaniel P., Green Hill 15/6
Ditto.............., executor, 4
Schroeter, George W. deceased, Mount Industry 93/5
Smith, James, Prospect Hill 123 / 27
Smith, James William, Belle Vue 6 / 1
Stamp, William, Prospect Hall 9/ 2
Sutherland, Jane, estate of, 15
Taggart, George, Unity Vale 8
Taylor, John, North and South Bardowie 106/11
Thompson, Robert, Moresham and Muff Castle 175/5
Touzalin, Anthony, Juniper Grove 33/9
Tyrrell, Joseph, attorney, St. Mary's Pen 32
Wells, Richard, estate of, Constitution Hill 78 / 4
Wiles, James, Holywell and Monmouth Mount 85/6
Williams, Bartholomew Owen, Wiltshire Mount 18 / 2
Willis, John, Rowhill 100/2


Aitkin, Robert, estate of, Broomley Hill and Mount Zion 36/3
Allen, James, Golburn's Mountain 7
Arrowsmith, Sarah, Dick's Last Shift 41/6
Austin, Ann, Castle James 10/ 4
Bagnold, Elizabeth, Woodlands 41/4
Baker, Lydia, Stoney Hill Cottage 4
Bean, John, Stirling Castle 85/27
Bennett, Robert, Mount Prospect 15
Berry, Richard, Lancashire 10/ 1
Berry, Thomas, estate of, Knowsley 74 / 7
Best, William, Industry Grove 10 / 6
Bond, Charlotte, Rock Castle and Little Bed Grove 6
Bravo, Jacob, Golden Spring Estate 175/91
Bryan, Robert W., Healthy Valley 52/8
Burrow and Parke, Mount Prospect 114/50
Case, Frances, Case Horton 24/2
Castile, Joseph, Long Contrivance 5/1
Chamberlain, Robert, estate of, Mullet Hall 98/15
Christie, William, Content Mountain 63
Cleland, E. M., Mountain 20
Cockburn, James, Belle-Vue 53 / 10
Cowan, Thomas, Cedar Valley 81
Curtis, Sarah, Happy Hut 11
Dalhouse, James, Paradise Mountain 26/2
Decker, John George, Resource 4
Demetres, Charlotte, Mount Trial 16/2
Desgouttes, Lewis, Florence Hill 26 / 7
Francis, Christopher, Burntfoot Mountain 7 / 2
Grey, Alexander, 12/6
Gutzmer, Anthony, Happy Grove 80/30
Heron, Ann Baker, Springfield 17
Heron, Rebecca, Content and Stoney Hill 11/2
Hughes, William, Rose Mount 113 /30
Jopp, Keith, deceased, Joppa and New Garden 264/56
Ditto.............., Keith Hall 100
Judah, Bathsheba, Mount Sinai 29/4
Lawrence, James, Firn Hill 16/2
Ditto.............., trustee, Firn Hill 16
Lewis, John, Brandon Hill 18/ 2
Lindo, Jacob, King's Weston 13
Lodge, John, Rock Hall and Pen 34 /3
Mackglashan, Charles, Mount Prospect 95/25
Mahoney, Charles, Good Hope 9/ 1
Mahoney, Elizabeth B., 10
Mais, John, Montpelier, Mount James and Pen 121/ 44
Ditto.............., receiver, Hall Green 170/ 8
McCaulskey, Malcolm, Mount Cheerful 27/3
McLelland, J. and A. estate of, Montpellier 45 /3
Montagnac, A., Exile Settlement 4 /6
Munds, Mary, Mount Horeb 14
Murdoch, Archibald, Down Castle 25/6
Newland, Elizabeth, Glasgow and Mount Regale 24/4
Nolan, Henry estate of, 6
Perkins, Elizabeth M., Good Hope 33/3
Pike, William T., Clermont Pen 64/33
Pine, John, Mount Dakins 119/58
Pitt, William, deceased, Mount Olive 73/2
Pouyat, John F., Bell Air 177 / 2_ [torn]
Reed, Adam, Cavalier's 4/2
Remington, Mary, Belmont 34/2
Renoux, M. C., Pleasant Spring 19/ 12
Ritty, James, Mount Content, and Good Intent 21 / 3
Ross, Hercules, Ross's Content 11/2
Ross, Robert, Mount Airy 41/_ [torn]
Ryan, Stephen, estate of, Mount Olive 24
Satchell, Charles, Swain Spring Mountain 71 / 1_ [torn]
Shaw, Mary Tucker, Peter's Retreat 38 / [torn]
Shreyer, William, Mount Perseverance and Pen 38
Shuttler, Ann M., Gethsemane 6/ [torn]
Silburn, Charles, White Pond 7 / [torn]
Silburn, Mary, Spring Valley 2/ [torn]
Silveira, Abraham junior, Mount Ogle 24 / [torn]
Smith, Edward estate of, Mount Sion 75
Smith, John, Salisbury Plain 180/4_ [torn]
Smith, Robert, Fair Hill 80/1_ [torn]
State, Edward, Content Mountain 30/_ [torn]
State, Sarah, Content Mountain 25/_ [torn]
Stewart, Ann, Retirement Mountain 8
Taylor, Robert, Mount Atlas 137 / [torn]
Weissart, Jacob, Langton Hill 17/ [torn]
Weissart, William, Pigeon Valley 15 / [torn]
Whitfield, William L. deceased, Andover 84 / [torn]
Wilcocks, Thomas, Mount Tirza 18 / [torn]
Williams, Ann, Prospect Hall 10 / 5
Wright, Hannah, Good Hope 4/ [torn]
Wright, William, 4/[torn]
                    14,796 / 4416
    Assessments 520
           Total 15,316

Persons assessed agreeably to their triennial returns of last year not having given in.

Proprietors etc., Slaves

Adams, John, 3
Addison, Thomas, attorney to Hugh Barker, 8
Alexander, Catharine, 3
Alvin, David Richard, 11
Archer, Margaret, 7
Arman, Ann, 7
Ashworth, Ann, 5
Bayley, Frances, 4
Beutt, Sarah Elizabeth, 8
Blackford, Jane, 8
Ditto......., as Guardian, 8
Blundell, Grace, 3
Boyden, Edward, 5
Boyden, Joseph, estate of, 9
Brody, Mary, 3
Bryan, Ann, 4
Bryan, Louisa, 6
Brydon, James, 3
Buckingham, William A., 3
Burke, Dorothy, 5
Callyard, Mary Key, 7
Cammach, S. Wilson, 4
Campbell, Sophia, 12
Colas, Charles, 6
Collins, Anthony, 8
Combauld, Louisa Rose, 5
Draper, Margaret, executrix of A. A. Stewart, 5
Dunn, James, 3
Edlyne, Jane, 7
Falconer, Margaret, 4
French, William A., 5
Garaud, Martonne, 10
Givers, Ann Martha, 4
Goaway, Elisabeth, 3
Graham, Robert, 10
Grieve, John Simpson, 8
Heron, Thomas, 18
Jackson, Elizabeth, 3
Laing, James, attorney to Davidson and Barclay, 7
Lamb, William, 3
Largent, William, 4
Lumly, Daniel Concanen, 6
Main, Eliza, 6
Matthie, James, 4
McCulloch, Elizabeth, 4
McDermut, John, 6
Ditto.........., as agent to A. A. Hall, 6
McEwing, Mary, 11
O'Brien, Edward, 8
O'Brien, Mary, 4
O'Brien, Frances, 5
Sadler, James, 9
Sams, John T., 4
Savage, Mary, 4
Schaw, Charles, 16
Silvera, Abraham, senior, 6
Skimmings, Elizabeth, 3
Skimmings, Mary, executrix, 4
Small, Charles Henry, 5
Smith, John A. & al., 27
Smith, Rachael, 10
Stevenson, Mary, 6
Stewart, Mary, trustee, 9
Swaby, Henry, 6
Terrelonge, Jeanne F., 4
Thame, Richard, 5
Thornhill, Elizabeth, 9
Walker, Sarah, 3
Waterhouse, Edward, 16
Watson, John, 6
West, Stewart, 4
White, Susanna M. A., 4
Williams, Rhoda, 7
Williamson, Neil, 6
Woolfrys, Ann Riches, 4
Woolfrys, Margaret, 14
Wynter, Charlotte P., 8
Ditto......., attorney to Philip Wynter, 6

--> The LISTS of STOCK in all the Parishes have been taken from the Parochial Rolls, with the exception of that of Westmoreland.

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