Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library


John James, SnrSt. Elizabeth



From Jamaica Almanac - St. Elizabeth


From Jamaica Almanacs, based on givings-in to the Parochial Vestries as of March in the prior year.


YEAR     OWNER                        PROPERTY                                          SLAVES           STOCK          ACRES


1810       James John, senior      Lignumvitae Pond etc.                         105                  916

1811       James, John, senior     Lignumvitae Pond etc.                         155                  852

1814       James, John, senior     Lignum-Vitae Pond, Watchwell,

                                                   Forfar, Spotts and Newell                    204                  1229

1816       James, John, senior     Lignum-Vitae, Pond, Watchwell,

                                                   Forfar, Spotts, Newel                           215                  page torn       

1817       James, John, sen.        Lignumvitae, Pond, Watchwell,

                                                   Forfar, Spotts, Newell                          168                  1181

1819       James, John heirs of                                                                150[illegible]    411                

1820       James, John, heirs of                                                               169                  647




Return of Slaves in St. Elizabeth, 1817


                  A Return of Slaves in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the possession of John James Snr as Owner on the 28th day of June in the Year of our Lord 1817.


Names                                     Colour   Age              African or Creole      Remarks


Quaco                               Negro    75              African                   

Tom                                  Negro    72              African                   

Abraham                            Negro    62              African                   

Allick                                 Negro    70              African                   

Wiltshire                            Negro    75              African                   

Bob                                   Negro    60              African                   

Lenn                                 Negro    55              African                   

London                              Negro    70              African                   

Hector                               Negro    45              African                   

George                              Negro    40              African                   

Solomon                             Negro    40              African                   

Charles                              Negro    45              African                   

Marlborough                        Negro    55              African                   

Cyrus                                Negro    35              African                   

Fuller                                 Negro    30              African                   

Jack                                  Negro    38              African                   

Paddy                                Negro    26              African                   

Edward                              Negro    35              African                   

Thomas                             Negro    30              African                   

Peter                                 Negro    23              African                   

Venture                             Negro    40              African                   

Harry                                 Negro    40              African                   

Tom                                  Negro    45              African                   

Jamaica                             Negro    35              African                   

Pancho                              Negro    30              African                   

Hampton                            Negro    30              African                   

Lancashire                          Negro    32              African                   

Price                                 Negro    40              African                   

Phillander                           Negro    36              African                   

Whan                                Negro    35              African                   

Swift                                 Negro    40              African                   

Shepherd                           Negro    50              African                   

Quamina                            Negro    40              African                   

Old William                          Negro    26              African                   

Marcus                              Negro    32              African                   

Kent                                  Negro    30              African                   

Darby                                Negro    50              Creole                    

Creole Quaco                      Negro    50              Creole                    

Cuffee                               Negro    60              Creole                    

Old Adam                           Negro    65              Creole                    

Old Guy                             Negro    50              Creole                    

Natty                                Negro    55              Creole                    

Quawo                               Negro    50              Creole                    

Jack                                  Negro    31              Creole                    

April                                  Negro    44              Creole                    

Nicholas James                    Sambo   40              Creole                    

Enneas                              Negro    27              Creole                     Sarah’s

Little Adam                         Negro    25              Creole                     Jenny’s

Pompey                             Negro    35              Creole                    

Tackey                              Negro    30              Creole                    

Tommy                              Negro    35              Creole                    

Charles                              Negro    23              Creole                     Jenny’s

Old Phillip                           Negro    45              Creole                     Old Marina’s

Little Phillip                         Negro    35              Creole                    

Joe Chalmers                      Negro    24              Creole                    

Frank                                Negro    20              Creole                     Sibell

James Jackson                    Sambo   27              Creole                    

Prince                                Negro    40              Creole                    

Toby                                 Negro    37              Creole                    

John Bryce                         Negro    35              Creole                    

Creole Peter                       Negro    23              Creole                    

Hackney                            Negro    27              Creole                    

Sam                                  Negro    17              Creole                     Sebell

Hyam                                Negro    17              Creole                    

Prymus                              Negro    15              Creole                     Sebell

Blackwall                            Negro    37              Creole                    

Ben                                   Sambo     2 mos       Creole                     Mary Bennett

Quamine                            Negro    14              Creole                     Phillis’s

Old Quashea                       Negro    40              Creole                    

Old Isaac                           Negro    56              Creole                     Old Marina’s

Little Isaac                         Negro    14              Creole                    

Little Quashea                     Negro    19              Creole                    

Little William                       Negro    13              Creole                     Queen (alias) Jane James

Malborough                         Negro    9               Creole                     Cynthia’s

Dick                                  Negro    13              Creole                     Cynthia’s

Glasgow                             Negro    50              Creole                    

Tom                                  Negro    55              Creole                    

Carey                                Negro    10              Creole                    

Little Whan                         Negro    10              Creole                     Cuba’s

Julius                                 Negro    10              Creole                     Polly’s

Arthur                               Negro    10              Creole                     Jenny’s

John                                  Negro    10              Creole                     Cormantee Polly’s

Little Guy                           Negro    6               Creole                     Polly’s

James                                Negro    6               Creole                    

Little Cudjoe                       Negro    8               Creole                     Bella’s

Hardtimes                           Negro    4               Creole                    

Little Natty                         Negro    5               Creole                     Mary James's

Little Bob                           Negro    6               Creole                     Cretia's

William James Bennett          Sambo   12              Creole                     Jane Bennett's

Tommy                              Sambo   10              Creole                     Jane Bennett's

Little Abraham                     Negro    6               Creole                     Benny's

Oliphant                             Negro    3               Creole                     Cynthia’s

Barnett                              Negro    2               Creole                     Molly's

Little Quaco                        Sambo   3               Creole                     Mary Bennett

Providence                         Negro    1               Creole                     Polly’s

Runaway Quaco                  Negro    37              Creole                     Runaway

Edward                              Sambo   1               Creole                     Amelia Ann James's

Ben                                   Sambo   2 mos         Creole                     Mary Bennett

Edward                              Sambo   1               Creole                     Amelia Ann James's


Old Marina                          Negro    80              Creole                    

Sarah                                Negro    62              Creole                     Old Marina’s

Diana                                Negro    70              African                   

Charlotte                           Negro    60              African                   

Hannah James                     Negro    60              Creole                    

Peggy                                Sambo   55              Creole                    

Phebea                              Negro    50              African                   

Sebell                                Negro    47              African                   

Lucy                                 Negro    50              African                   

Jenny                                Negro    47              African                   

Rose                                 Negro    40              Creole                     Old Marina’s

Queen (alias) Jane James      Negro    38              African                   

Beck                                 Negro    37              African                   

Polly                                  Negro    35              African                   

Old Phillis                           Negro    38              African                   

Cynthia                              Negro    33              African                   

Minerva                             Negro    40              African                   

Little Phillis                         Negro    40              African                   

Cretia                                Negro    32              African                   

Cormantee Sally                  Negro    32              African                   

Fanny                                Negro    50              African                   

Rachell                              Negro    45              Creole                     Hannah James's

Velvet (alias) Eliza Ebanks     Negro    35              Creole                     Sarah’s

Jane Bennett                      Negro    33              Creole                     Sarah’s

Abigail                               Negro    38              Creole                    

Ann                                   Negro    38              Creole                     Peggey's

Molly                                 Negro    30              Creole                    

Cuba                                 Negro    29              Creole                     Phebea's

Benny                                Negro    26              Creole                     Phebea's

Gracey                              Negro    30              Creole                     Sarah’s

Bella                                  Negro    30              African                   

Pomellia                             Negro    27              Creole                     Fanny's

Congo Sally                        Negro    47              African                   

Rosey                                Negro    37              African                   

Famea                               Negro    17              Creole                     Cretia's

Little Abigail                        Negro    20              Creole                     Jenny's

Little Marina                       Negro    16              Creole                     Cormantee Sally's

Bessey                              Negro    20              Creole                     Rachell's

Little Cuba                         Negro    16              Creole                    

Franky                               Negro    16              Creole                     Cretia's

Peggey                              Negro    15              Creole                     Bella's

Memba                              Negro    15              Creole                     Phillis’s

Monimia                             Negro    15              Creole                     Minerva's

Mary Bennett                      Negro    30              Creole                    

Little Rose                          Negro    17              Creole                    

Queens Marina                    Negro    17              Creole                     Queen (alias) Jane James

Kitty                                 Negro    28              Creole                    

Dauphney                           Negro    13              Creole                    

Little Kitty                          Negro    5               Creole                     Bella's

Sally (alias) Sarah Forbes      Negro    12              Creole                     Velvet (alias) Eliza Ebanks

Little Rosey                        Negro    11              Creole                     Abigall's

Prudence                           Negro    10              Creole                     Cretia's

Little Sarah                        Negro    8               Creole                     Cretia's

Eleaner                              Negro    1               Creole                     Cynthia's

Henrietta                           Negro    10              Creole                     Cormantee Sally's

Martitta                             Negro    2               Creole                     Cormantee Sally's

Harriott                              Negro    1               Creole                     Cormantee Sally's

Nancy                               Negro    1               Creole                     Bella's

Kate                                  Negro    1               Creole                     Cretia's

Little Jenny                        Negro    10              Creole                     Gracey's

Bella's Rose                        Negro    10              Creole                     Bella Rose's

Nancey                              Negro    1               Creole                     Queen (alias) Jane James

Juddy                                Negro    14              Creole                     Abigall's

Amelia Ann James                Negro    28              Creole                     Sally's

Margaret Jane Chalmers        Negro    15              Creole                     Rosey's

Milly                                  Negro    7               Creole                     Pommillia's

Catalina                             Negro    14              Creole                    

Susan                                Negro    9               Creole                     Jane Bennett's

Violet (alias) Eliza F. James    Negro    20              Creole                    

Olive                                 Negro    5               Creole                     Cynthia's

Catherine Eliza Bennett         Negro    3               Creole                     Violet's (alias) Eliza F. James

Monimia                             Negro    9               Creole                    


                                                                    Males                     Ninety seven

                                                                    Females                  Seventy two

                                                                    Total                      One hundred and Sixty Nine




John  X  James Snr.





William Rhodes James, St. Elizabeth




Burials in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the County of Cornwall in the Year 1842

1842 Fol. 482 – No. 26

William Rhodes James

64 years

Abode: Newell

Died: Oct 9th, 1842

Buried at Newell by R. B. Parchment




From Jamaica Almanac - St. Elizabeth


From Jamaica Almanacs, based on givings-in to the Parochial Vestries as of March in the prior year.


YEAR     OWNER                PROPERTY                                                           SLAVES  STOCK          ACRES


1811      James, William R.          ___                                                               30           30

1816      James, William Rhodes                                                                       9             page torn

1817      James, Wm. Rhodes                                                                           10           122                             

1820      James, William Rhodes                                                                       13           109                             

1821      James, William R.          Hill Top                                                          3             129                             

1821      James, William R.          Lignumvitae-Pond                                         1                                   

1821      James, William R.          Newell                                                           163         655                             

1821      James, William R.          Ridge                                                            2             97                               

1822      James, William R.          Hill-Top, Lignumvitae-Pond, Newell, Ridge    182       710                  

1823      James, William R.          Hill-Top, Lignumvitae-Pond, Newell, Ridge    177         390                             

1825      James, William R.          Hill-Top, Lignumvitae-Pond, Newell, Ridge    171         411                             

1827      James, William R.          Hill-Top, Lignumvitae-Pond, Newell, Ridge    188         483                             

1828      James, William R.          Newell                                                           200         488                             

1830      James, William Rhodes  Newell                                                           213         576                             

1831      James, William Rhodes  Newell                                                           213         604                             

1832      James, William Rhodes  Newell                                                           202         521                             

1837      James, William Rhodes  Newell                                                           164**                           

1839      James, William Rhodes  Newell &c                                                                                          5691       

1844      James, Eleanor             Newell                                                                                               2282    

1844      James, Eleanor R.         Smith’s Land                                                                                     30        

1844      James, Eleanor              Claremount Park                                                                               1704


** Apprentices




Return of Slaves in St. Elizabeth, 1817


                  A Return of Slaves in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the possession of  William R. James as Owner on the 28th day of June in the Year of our Lord  1817


Names                                      Colour         Age        African or Creole            Remarks


Billy                                            Negro         28            African                

James                                         Negro         21            African                

Robert                                         Negro         23            Creole                 

Montague                                    Sambo        1             Creole                                  Bess's


Bess                                           Negro         29            Creole                                 

Beck                                           Sambo        27            Creole                                 

Luckey                                        Negro         14            Creole                                 

Hannah James                             Sambo        4             Creole                                  Bess's

Rosella                                       Negro         40            African                

Patience alias Patience Slater      Negro         25            African                


                                                                     Males              Four

                                                                     Females           Six

                                                                     Total               Ten



signed: William R. James




Jonathan James, St. Elizabeth


From Jamaica Almanac - St. Elizabeth


From Jamaica Almanacs, based on givings-in to the Parochial Vestries as of March in the prior year.


YEAR     OWNER                                          PROPERTY                        SLAVES           STOCK    ACRES

1811     James, Jonathan,                     ___                             50                50

              [Jonathan James – son of John James, Sr. & Hannah Bonella]

1814     James, Jonathan                                                        30                page torn

1816     James, Jonathan, deceased                                          30                376              

              [wife Elizabeth executor]

1817     James, Jonathan, dec.                                                31                279              

1819     James, Jonathan [deceased]                                        46                354

1820     James, Jonathan, dec.                                                46                295              

1821     James, Jonathan, dec.                                                49                279              

1822     James, Jonathan, dec.                                                49                281              

1823     James, Jonathan, dec.              Watchwell                     49                148              

1825     James, Jonathan, dec.              Watchwell                     50                127              


1817      James, Elizabeth                                                       14                100

1819      James, Elizabeth                                                       19                99

1821      James, Elizabeth                                                       20                114

1822      James, Elizabeth                     Malvern Well                 19                126

1823      James, Elizabeth                     Malvern Well                 19                145

1825      James, Elizabeth                     Malvern Well                 22                10

1827      James, Elizabeth*                    Malvern Well                 50                100

1828      James, Elizabeth                     Malvern                       50                50

1830      James, Elizabeth                     Malvern                       38                35

1831      James, Elizabeth                     Malvern                       29                27

1832      James, Elizabeth                     Malvern                       22                16


* are assessed [and the numbers were increased, usually ended in 0 or 5]






Jonathan James was born 1766. He met Bridget Drummond. She was born Abt. 1763.

More About Jonathan James:

Fact: He was Jonathan "Junior"

More About Bridget Drummond:

Race/nationality/colour: "Said to be white"


He married Elizabeth




Return of Slaves in St. Elizabeth, 1817


                  A Return of Slaves in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the possession of Elizabeth James as Executrix to the Will of Jonathan James deceased on the 28th day of June in the Year of our Lord 1817.


Names                                      Colour            Age                     African or Creole                                                 Remarks



August                                      Negro              60                       African                      

Trim                                           Negro              58                       African                      

Venture                                     Negro              52                       African                      

Chance                                     Negro              50                       African                      

Vulcan                                       Negro              40                       African                      

Cato                                          Negro              40                       Creole                      

Adam                                        Negro              36                       African                      

Simon                                        Negro              36                       African                      

Providence                                Negro              36                       African                      

Fortune                                     Negro              38                       African                      

Aberdeen                                  Negro              35                       African                      

Hercule                                     Negro              38                       African                                                 Runaway

Dick                                           Negro              36                       African                      

Joe                                            Negro              32                       African                      

Daniel                                       Negro              21                       Creole                      

John                                          Negro              11                       Creole                                                 Quasheba's

Patrick                                       Negro              9                         Creole                                                 Nelly´s

Neptune                                    Negro              6                         Creole                      

Tom                                           Negro              6                         Creole                      

Jack                                           Negro              4                         Creole                                                 Peggy´s

Henry                                        Negro              2                         Creole                                                 Quasheba´s



Amertha                                    Negro              50                       African                      

Peggy                                       Negro              40                       Creole                      

Reliah                                        Negro              32                       African                      

Nelly                                          Negro              32                       Creole                      

Quasheba                                 Negro              34                       Creole                      

Pheba                                       Negro              14                       Creole                                                 Quasheba´s

Cuba                                         Negro              13                       Creole                                                 Peggy´s

Bessy                                        Negro              1                         Creole                                                 Quasheba´s

Eliza                                          Negro              8                         Creole                                                 Quasheba´s

Susan                                       Negro              6 mos 5 days      Creole                                                 Quasheba´s


                                                                                                   Males                                                 Twenty one

                                                                                                   Females                                                 Ten

                                                                                                   Total                                                 Thirty one


I, Elizabeth James, do swear that the above list and return consisting of one sheet is a true perfect and complete list and return to the best of my knowledge and belief in every particular therein mentioned of all and every Slave and Slaves possessed by me as Executrix to Will of Jonathan James deceased considered as most permanently settled worked or employed in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth on the twenty eighth day of June One thousand eight hundred and seventeen without fraud deceit or evasion.


Sworn before me this 23rd day                                                                                   So help me God             

        of September 1817                                                                    her                    

          George Forbes                                                         Elizabeth    X     James      






William James, St. Elizabeth


From Jamaica Almanac - St. Elizabeth


From Jamaica Almanacs, based on givings-in to the Parochial Vestries as of March in the prior year.



YEAR        OWNER         PROPERTY       SLAVES        STOCK                ACRES       


1827 James, William                                        27                    59  

                     [William James – son of Jonathan James & Elizabeth]

1828 James, William             Watchwell          48                    63 

1830 James, William             Watchwell          30                    42 

1831 James, William             Watchwell          30                    42

1832 James, William             Watchwell          31                    28





Return of Slaves in St. Elizabeth, 1826


                  A Return of Slaves in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the possession of William James as Heir of Jonathan James on the 28th day of June in the Year of our Lord 1826.          


                                                                                                         Males by last return                                               

                                                                                                         Females by last return

                                                                                                         Total by last return                                                



Names                   Colour    Age      African      Remarks                Increase and cause    Decrease and cause

                                                         or Creole                                 thereof                        thereof                              


William                   Sambo    25        Creole       



Phillip                     Negro      56        Creole                                                                                                                    

Isaac                      Negro      46        Creole                                                                                                                    

Joseph                   Negro      33        Creole                                                                                                                    

Jack                        Negro      18        Creole                                                                                                                    

Natty                      Negro      66        Creole                                      Registered in                                                         

Isaac                      Negro      46        Creole                                      1823 by                                                                 

Quashie                 Negro      31        Creole                                      Elizabeth James                                                     

Robert                    Negro      20 mos Creole        Jenny                     (Birth)                                                                    

Nicholas                 Sambo    41        Creole                                      as Executrix                                                           


Females                                                                                           of Jonathan James                                                 

Sary                       Negro      66        Creole                                      deceased                     Death                                

Hannah                  Negro      71        Creole                                                                                                                    

Rachael                  Negro      51        Creole                                                                                                                    

Bessy                     Negro      36        Creole                                                                                                                    

Jenny                     Negro      21        Creole                                                                                                                    

Gracey                   Negro      41        Creole                                                                                                                    

Monemia                Negro      19        Creole        Recovered by Elizabeth James as Exec. of J. James decd. from

                                                                           John James ---- but cancelled to be registered by her 1823                


                                                                                                         Increase          17        Decrease          1               


Number of Slaves on the 28th day of June 1826                                                                  Males                              Ten              10  

Births since last return          One                                                      Females                       Six                 6

Deaths since last return       One                                                      Total                            Sixteen         16                                               


I, William James do swear, that the above list and return is a true, perfect, and complete list and return, to the best of my knowledge and beliefs in every particular therein mentioned of all and every slave and slaves possessed by me as Heir to Jonathan James deceased considered as most permanently settled worked or employed in the parish of Saint Elizabeth on the 28th day of June in the year of our Lord 1826 without fraud, deceit, or evasion.  So help me God.                      


     Sworn before me, this 15th day                                   William James                            

         of September 1826                                                                                                                                                

             James Miller            



Jonathan James


From Jamaica Almanac - St. Elizabeth


From Jamaica Almanacs, based on givings-in to the Parochial Vestries as of March in the prior year.


YEAR      OWNER                 PROPERTY                           SLAVES           STOCK                                        ACRES       


1827       James, Jonathan    Watchwell           11              40                     

               [Jonathan James – son of Jonathan James & Elizabeth]

1828       James, Jonathan    Watchwell           18              45                     

1830       James, Jonathan    Watchwell           18              31                     

1831       James, Jonathan    Watchwell           16              24                     

1832       James, [Jo]Nathan Watchwell           15              22                     

1839       James, Jonathan    Watchwell                                                     591                                              

1844       James, J.                Watchwell                                                     456 




Return of Slaves in St. Elizabeth, 1826


                  A Return of Slaves in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the possession of Jonathan James as Owner on the 28th day of June in the Year of our Lord 1826.            



Names               Colour   Age        African     Remarks     Increase and cause                           Decrease and cause

                                                         or Creole                       thereof                           thereof


Joe                 Negro    41         African    



John                Negro    30         Creole                                                     

Providence       Negro    45         African                      Inherited from            

Venture           Negro    61         African                      Jonathan James         

Henry              Negro    11         Creole                       and registered           

Females                                                                   in 1823 by                

Quasheba         Negro    43         Creole                       Elizabeth James         

Susan              Negro    9          Creole                       as Executrix              

Peggy              Negro    49         Creole                                                     

Eliza                Negro    17         Creole                                                     

Charlotte         Sambo   28 mos   Creole      Quasheba    Birth                        


                                                                                    Increase      10                        Decrease     


Number of Slaves on the 28th day of June 1826                     Males                        Five      

Births since last return      one                                           Females                        Five      

Deaths since last return                                                    Total                        Ten                                                                                                                      


                                                 signed:  Jonathan James  




William Rhodes James, St. Elizabeth


From Jamaica Almanac - St. Elizabeth


From Jamaica Almanacs, based on givings-in to the Parochial Vestries as of March in the prior year.


YEAR       OWNER                        PROPERTY                                          SLAVES           STOCK          ACRES


1844      James, W. R.             Hill Top                                                                           1273

                    [William Rhodes James – son of William Rhodes James & Eleanor Taylor]

1844 J    James, W. R.             Smith’s Land                                                                   106



Daughter Ellen’s baptism:

Ellen Edevina [James]

Born Jan 5, 1845

Baptized Apr 27, 1845

Father: William Rhodes James, Penkeeper

Mother: Margaret Hutchinson, his wife

Ceremony performed by W. Forbes



Return of Slaves in St. Elizabeth, 1832


                  A Return of Slaves in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the possession of William Rhodes James Junior as Owner on the 28th day of June in the Year of our Lord  1832.


                                                                           Males by last Return                                  None                     

                                                                           Females by last Return                              None                     

                                                                           Total by last Return                                           


Names                   Colour    Age      African      Remarks             Increase, and cause      Decrease, and cause

                                                         or Creole                              thereof                           thereof


Lewis Brown          Negro      43        Creole                                   By purchase from           

                                                                                                      Henry Hart and              

                                                                                                      registered in 1829 by him


                                                                                                      Increase           1            Decrease    


Number of Slaves on the 28th day of June 1832                                                                  One                       

Births since last return                                                                   Males                              1     

Deaths since last return                                                                Females                                 

                                                                                                      Total                               1     




John James, St. Elizabeth


From Jamaica Almanac - St. Elizabeth


From Jamaica Almanacs, based on givings-in to the Parochial Vestries as of March in the prior year.


YEAR       OWNER                        PROPERTY                                          SLAVES           STOCK          ACRES


1839 James, John                         Ridge-Pen                                                                                         1013 

               [John James – son of William Rhodes James & Eleanor Taylor]

1844 James, J.                              Ridge                                                                                                1013 

1844 James, J., executor               Lignumvitae Pond                                                                             519




Return of Slaves in St. Elizabeth, 1832                                                                                                                                   

                  A Return of Slaves in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the possession of John James as Owner on the 28th day of June in the Year of our Lord  1832.         




Names                   Colour    Age      African      Remarks             Increase, and cause      Decrease, and cause

                                                         or Creole                              thereof                           thereof


Price                       Negro      35        African                                   Inherited under

John                       Negro      25        Creole                                   Will of

Cato                       Negro      13        Creole                                   John James

Price                       Negro      13        Creole                                   and Registered

Frederick                Negro      6          Creole                                   formerly by

Christopher            Negro      1 3/4    Creole                                   William R. James



Sally                       Negro      47        African                                   Inherited under

Marina                    Negro      31        Creole                                   Will of

Martitta                  Negro      17        Creole                                   John James

Harriett                  Negro      16        Creole                                   and Registered

Sarah                     Negro      7          Creole                                   formerly by

                                                                                                      William R. James


                                                                                                      Increase            11                              Decrease              0


Number of Slaves on the 28th day of June 1832                                                                                                             

Births since last return                                                                   Males                              6            

Deaths since last return                                                                Females                              5            

                                                                                                      Total                              11          




From St. Elizabeth Records


Birth/baptism 1875


Born:                         14 April 1875

Name:                       Florentina Irene Louisa James

                                Agatha Eveline Francella James


Gender:                     female

Baptized:                   8 June

Father:                      William Montague James

Mother:                     Emma …. His wife

Occupation:                Shopkeeper

Abode:                      Williamsfield




# 75 – Marriage 1898


When married:             Nineteenth of October 1898

Bridegroom/bride:         John Joseph Blair                            Agatha Evelyn Francella James

Condition:                  Bachelor                                       Spinster

Calling:                      Carpenter                                     Clerk

Age:                          Thirty                                           Twenty-two


at time of marriage:     Little Pedro, St. Elizabeth                 Southfield, St. Elizabeth

Father:                      Robert Blair                                   William James


Married at Mayfield in the parish of St. Elizabeth by me: A. Brown a Marriage Officer of the Island of Jamaica


This marriage was celebrated between us: John Blair (sign.) & Agatha E. F. James (sign). in the presence of us: R. J. Smith (sign.) & Elizabeth J. Blair (sign.)




From St. Elizabeth register


Baptized:              Aug 29, 1841 by W. Forbes

Name:                  Emma Reynolds

Father:                 [name not entered]

Mother:                [name not entered]

Born                     Dec 1, 1840



From St. Elizabeth register


Marriages solemnized in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the County of Cornwall in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and sixty-two.


Fol. 307 – No. 19


William Montague James

and Emma Reynolds

Both of this parish were married by Banns on the 24th January 1862 by the Revd. G. B. Brooks




Marriages solemnized in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the County of Cornwall in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and sixty-two.


Fol. 307 – No. 21


Ezekiel John Petgrave Wright

and Margaret Ann James

Both of this parish were married by Licence on the 26th February 1862 by the Revd. G. B. Brooks



Register of Baptism solemnized in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in the County of Cornwall in the Year 1867

1867 # 854

Baptized:       September 11, 1867

Name:           Sarah Haman Charlotte - b. June 19, 1867

Parents:         Wm. Montague James & Emma his wife

Abode:          Plains

By whom the Ceremony was performed:   Wm. Rowe




St. Elizabeth Records


# 70 – Marriage 1897


When married:             Seventeenth day of March 1897

Bridegroom/bride:         David Maurice Wright                      Alice Endora Levy

Condition:                  Bachelor                                       -

Calling:                      Shopkeeper                                   -

Age:                          Twenty                                        Twenty


at time of marriage:     Newell, St. Elizabeth                       Watchwell, St. Elizabeth

Father:                      Charles Adolphus Wright                  Edwin Levy (deceased)


Married at Mountainside in the parish of St. Elizabeth by me: J. C. Smith a Marriage Officer of the Island of Jamaica


This marriage was celebrated between us: David M. Wright (sign.) & Alice E. Levy (sign). in the presence of us: A. E. Channer (sign.) & Sybil James (sign.)




# 107 – Marriage 1905


When married:             December the sixth 1905

Bridegroom/bride:         Horace Nathaniel Wright                  Clara Morrett James

Condition:                  Bachelor                                       Spinster

Calling:                      Wharfinger                                    Seamstress

Age:                          Thirty years                                  Twenty years


at time of marriage:     Newell, St. Elizabeth                       Mount Charles, St. Elizabeth

Father:                      James Wright                                 John James


Married at Mountainside in the parish of St. Elizabeth by me: Ernest Gerrard Cooke a Marriage Officer of the Island of Jamaica


This marriage was celebrated between us: Horace Nathaniel Wright (sign.) & Clara Morrett James (sign). in the presence of us: Reginald Carver James (sign.) & Emma L. James (sign.)



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