Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library


Vol. V.                                       From Saturday JUNE 22 to Saturday JUNE 29, 1754                                        No 295

Kingston, in Jamaica Printed by William Daniel, Printer, Bookseller and Stationer in King Street


From Harbour Head Plantation belonging to William Beckford Esq. at St. Thomas in the East;
An indented servant named William Broxup, by trade a Carpenter, about five feet 4 inches high and has got the Yaws. . .
Whoever will apprehend the above mentioned servant will deliver him to Mr. James Fogo at the estate, to Peter Russell Esq. in Kingston or Mr. Richard Lewing in Spanish Town shall receive two pistoles reward.
N.B. He arrived in this Island in March 1750, in the Pompey, Capt. England, and came from Enfield, near London.


From Rock Fort:
A Negro Man, named Bristol, belonging to John and Edward Foord; he is a lusty Fellow well known in and about this Town. Kingston, June 18, 1754. . .. one pistole reward


From the Brigantine 'William and Mary', William Gerrard  Master, now lying at Corbett's Wharfe;
An indentured servant named William Walker, born in Scotland a lusty well-set Fellow, about five Feet ten Inches high, of a ruddy Complexion, pretty much marked with the Small Pox,.. . .two pistoles reward.


Taken up at my Plantation at Black River, a Negro Fellow without Name or Mark, he says he has been Run-Away above six Years, and has lived in the Woods all that time; he can give no further account of himself. . .Whoever owns the said Fellow, and will apply to Dominick Lopdell, may have him paying the charges.


From John Ross;
A Tall, slender Creole Negro Man, named Guy, without any Mark, formerly the Property of William Wanning; and is known by having the Care of said Wanning's House at Cow-Bay. . .two Pistoles and all Charges paid.


Run away, in the night, between the 12th and 13th Inst. from the Ship 'Antelope', John Scott, Master, lying at Montega-Bay; three white indented servants, viz.
        One named Patrick Henderson, a Cooper, born in Scotland, a middle-size Fellow, marked with the Small Pox, aged 18 Years, talks broad Scotch.
        Another named Thomas Conway, a Sawyer born in Ireland, a middle-size Fellow, talks much on the Irish Accent, aged about 21 Years.
        The other named Kames Keating, Indented as a Carpenter, but knows nothing about the Business; born in Ireland, talks very much on the Accent, a little well-set Fellow.
        Whoever apprehends the said Servants, so as the said John Stott may have them again at Montega-Bay, or bring them to Edward Foord in Kingston, shall receive a Pistole Reward for each, and be paid all Necessary expences.


About two Months ago, from the Fort at Musquitto-Point;
A New Negro-Man marked on the right shoulder IHC, speaks but little English; whoever secures the said Negroe in any of the Goals, or delivers him to Curtin and Parker in Kingston shall have one Pistole Reward. Kingston, April 25, 1754.


From Mr John Lewis, on Friday the 7th Inst.
A Coromantee new Negro-Man named York, mark'd on the right shoulder TL, with a Diamond on Top. Whoever brings the said Negro, to the said John Lewis, at his Store the back of the Court-House in Kingston shall have a Pistole Reward.


From the Ship 'Shirley' (late from London) James Allen, Commander, between the 28th and 29th Inst.
Three Indented Servants, viz. James Manson a House-Carpenter, a tall sickly looking Man, five Feet seven Inches high. . .John Owen. . .speaks Welsh. . .[illegible]


The 10th January, from Mr. John Peace, in Spanish Town
A Negro Woman, named Fanny, formerly the property of Charles Prescot Esq. She is of the Eboe country, speaks good English. . .one Pistole reward.


Caveats against Administration, entered in the SECRETARY'S-OFFICE,

When enter'd       On Whose Estate              By Whom

May 25, on the estate of John Guiot by Abraham Guiot
May 25, on the estate of John Bryan, William Bryan, Charles Bryan and Jane Bryan by Henry Dawkins and Walrond Fearon

May 27, on the estate of George Hutcheson by John Hutcheson
May 30, on the estate of William Deymoke by Alexander Mackie
May 31, on the estate of Eleanor Gale by Bernard Senior
May 31, on the estate of Edward Tanton by Richard Gravely
June 5, on the estate of Adam Perry by John Scot
June 5, on the estate of William Biggs by James Murray
June 11, on the estate of Elizabeth Johns by Susannah Martin
June 13, on the estate of Archibald James by Aaron Barrab Lusada
June 13, on the estate of Thomas Cole by Christian Short
June 14, on the estate of Abraham Coles Sables by Nicholas Sables
June 14, on the estate of Matthew Gallimore and Thomas Gallimore by George Gallimore
June 18, on the estate of George Thomson by James Read
June 18, on the estate of William Black by John Crookeshanks
June 19, on the estate of Thomas Madden by William Madden
June 19, on the estate of Hugh Wilkinson by Joseph Wait
June 20, on the estate of Charles Charras by Alexander McFarlane
June 21, on the estate of Jacob Pereira by Alexander Allen
June 25, on the estate of Nicholas Hardwick by Henry Livingston
June 25, on the estate of Isaac Gale by Zachary Bayly and William Elworthy


The Brigantine 'Nansemond' lately arrived from Virginia. The Brig is New England built and lies at Mr. Stibb's wharf. Inventory to be seen on board or with the subscriber, opposite to Messrs. Chapone and Yates in Port-Royal Street.
Archibald Buchanan


Three Hundred Acres of Land in Liguanea Mountains, about 11 miles from Kingston, patented by John Hanlon and binding on [land belonging to] George Pete, Henry Batson, John Williams, Ezekiel Gomersel, John Graves. Apply to Hugh Montgomery, Surveyor in Spanish Town, or Samuel Adams Esq. in Kingston.


Sundry Parcels of Land in St Anne, St. George, St. Dorothy, Clarendon, Vere, St. Elizabeth.
Apply to Messrs. Richards, Gordon & Kennion in Kingston or John McLeod Esq. at 'Colbeck' Plantation, in the Parish of St. Dorothy.


In the Parish of Westmoreland Plantation or Sugar Works known as 'Black Morass' within six miles of Savannah-La-Mar. Apply to Andrew Arcedeckne Esq. In Spanish Town.


Two parcels of Land. . .in the Parish of St. Andrew, binding on Henry Battson, [and] Elizabeth Hollins. Apply to William Morris, of Kingston, Gentleman.


The moiety of 600 acres of Land, near Manchioneal-Bay in the Parish of St. Thomas in the East, recently possessed by Forbes and Bucker. Enquire of Thomas Crowder in Kingston or James Barclay in Liguanea.


A mountain known by the name of 'Crawley's Mount' in the several parishes of St. Andrew and Port Royal, butting and binding on George Pike, John Anderson, 'Ridges', James Wilcox, belonging to the Estate of David Wilton, late of the Parish of Kingston, Butcher, deceased.
Apply to Henry Chapone, Merchant in Kingston.


Two Houses, one in the Savannah, now tenanted by John Paterson Esq. And one house in Princes Street now tenanted by Mr. William Main, Shopkeeper. Enquire of John Sill, Merchant in Kingston.


A pen in the Parish of St. Thomas in the East called 'Somerset' also a Mountain called 'Mullet-Hall' Patented for one Thousand one Hundred Acres.  Apply to the owner thereof, James Ramadge.
N.B. Any person that wants Gun Powder may be supplied by applying to said Ramadge or John Corbet Ludlow.


To be rented, a Large Convenient Dwelling House at Halfway-Tree in Liguanea, formerly inhabited by Mrs. Ann Leveredge.
Enquire of Theophelast Bleebynden at his House in Kingston.


Chapone & Yeates of Kingston, for the Estate of David Wilson.


James Ramadge, Attorney for the Estate of William and Joseph Oborne, late of Kingston, deceased.


William Jamison, James Rutherford, Philip Prioleau, Merchants, assigned for the debts due to Andrew Todd, of Kingston, Cutler.


Catherine Hussey, Executrix for the Estate of Capt. John Hussey, of Kingston, deceased.


Robert Delap for the Estate of John Patten of Spanish Town, deceased; Foster March Esq. and Mrs. Francis Hamilton Executors.


Wastel Briscoe Esq., St. Elizabeth, for the Estate of Bernard Andreas Woodstock Esq., deceased.


Mary Carroll, Executrix for the Estate of James Carroll Esq., Planter, deceased.


Davis and Bland, in Port Royal Street, Kingston, for the debts of Mrs. Anna Margaretta Hill.


Christopher Monck, and Walker Buor-Lodge, Executors to Robert Brown, Ironmonger, deceased.


James Brown and Charles Gordon, Executors for the Estate of Dr. Alexander McLeane, deceased.


The Hon. Charles Price, Philip Pinnock, Thomas Thorowgood, Trustees for making the Coach Road from Rock-River, Kingston to Port Morant, St. Thomas in the East. Messrs. George Richards empowered to receive subscriptions for the same.


If Epaphroditus Houghton, who came to this island in the Year 1727 with Mr. William Raymond, by applying to Messrs. Curtin & Parker in Kingston, he will hear something to his advantage. N.B. Said Houghton has a poor brother in Ireland who has a Demand on the Estate but cannot have it settled till a Confirmation of his brother, or his issue being alive or dead.


If John Kipling that was Steward on board the Snow 'Molly', of Liverpool, Richard Rigby, Master, will send or come to the Printer hereof [William Daniel] he may hear something to his advantage.


A parcel of choice White Salt, to be Sold by John Sill at his Store, in Orange Street, opposite Mrs. Mary Barclay.


Imported from Newcastle-upon-Tyne and to be sold by Jasper Hald, the following goods, viz. . .. . ..
N.B. All the Ware is warranted to be from Crowley's Manufactory at Newcastle.


Just imported and to be Sold by William Jamison, at his Store in Orange Street. . .. . ..
N.B. Also The Indentures of Tradesmen and Labouring Servants.


William Curtin, regular bred Clock and Watchmaker has taken a house opposite the General Printing Office in King Street.


William Foster, of Kingston, Merchant being removed to Spanish-Town desire all person to bring their accounts to his House at Spanish-Town or to Abraham Stodart in Kingston over against the new store of Edward Manning Esq.


This is to acquaint the publick that Richard Quin has opened a Coach and Harness maker's shop at the house late the General Printing Office in King Street.


Whereas William Brigg, Sadler, hath taken the shop commonly known by the name of Mr. Gavin Halliburton's in Harbour Street, near the pump, where I intend to carry on all Business in the Sadlery way.


For Sale, Two Hundred and Forty-five choice Coromantee, Fantee, Poparo, and Akim Slaves; imported in the 'Pelham' David Hamilton, Master from Africa by Bright Whatley & Co.


Imported in the 'Catherine', Capt. Johnson, from London, by a Gentleman Passenger, since deceased and to be Sold at the Store of Henry Hotham by public Auction on Monday 1st of July for milled Dollars or Heavy Money the following Goods, viz. . .. . .


Imported in the Snow, Kingston, Edward Fullerton, Junior Master, from Hull and Madeira and to be sold by Elrington Husbands & Co. at their store in Port Royal Street. . .. . .


Just Imported, from Leith, in the Snow, 'Adventure', James Hamilton Commander; and to be sold by Hugh McLaghlan at Mr. Anthony Danver's store next door to Messrs. Hibbert & Sprigg.


Whereas the Partnership of Richie & Jacobs has been dissolved by mutual consent. . .John Jacobs continues in the same House on the same Business.
John Jacobs


Imported in the 'Mary' Capt. Francis Tye from London and to be Sold at his Store in Spanish Town. . .


Whereas his Excellency Charles Knowles Esq., Governor, hath by his warrant impowered me to sell gun powder. . .persons may be supplied with it at my shop in Harbour Street, formerly the shop of Mr. Robert Brown.
George Stewart


The 22nd day of June Inst. Henry Byndloss Esq. produced to the Supreme Court his Excellency the Governor's Warrant appointing him Attorney General in the room of Thomas Beach Esq., his Majesty's Attorney General whom His Excellency had suspended.  Mr. Byndloss was sworn in and took his seat as Attorney General.


Yesterday died at Port Royal, Mr. Thomas Tilbie, Surgeon of Greenwich Hospital.


At a COUNCIL held at Kingston, 19th Day of June, 1754
Ordered that the Receiver General do write to the several Church Wardens. . ..forthwith pay into the Receiver General's Office all the Rum Duty now due and the Deficiency Tax to the 28th December last.
Ordered that all Money due on Bonds to his Majesty either for Quit Rents, Escheats, or otherwise be paid by the 20th Day of August next.
John Reed Cl. Conc.'

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