Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library
Saturday, May 16, 1789
749 Hanover, March 6, 1789
On reasonable terms, and with an indisputable Title,
That pleasant and healthy Polink, known by the name ALBION, late the property of Doctor Robert Brand, deceased binding on Tryal and Blue-Hole estates, and the sea, consisting of about fifty acres of land, part in provisions, and the remainder in guinea-grass pasture, divided by stone walls. There are on the premises a very neat, strong built dwelling-house, that has withstood the violence of all the hurricanes which have happened of late years, good out-houses, and a pigeon house well stock'd. The purchaser may be accommodated with any part of the household furniture he may choose, at a reasonable rate.
Also to be sold, at the same place, sundry stock, viz. A very excellent high bred stallion, got by Goldfinder, out of Clio, a well-known high bred mare, late Sir Simon Clark's, several horses, colts, and a small flock of Sheep.
For sale at Caledonia Penn, (adjoining to Chigwell Penn) a spell of creole steers, fit for immediate work. At said Penn there are good guinea grass pastures, where neat cattle will be taken in at 7/0 and mules at 10s a head per month. A quantity of Toyer, at Albion and Caledonia, for sale at 7/6 per cwt.
The subscriber will be at Albion every Saturday - a line left there, at Flint River Post Office, or at Mr. John Cunningham's store, Montego Bay, will be duly attended to.
JAMES BRANDS, Acting Exor.
All persons to whom the estate of Doctor Robert Brands, deceased is indebted, are desired to render in a state of their claims; and those who are indebted to said estate, will please to make payment with all convenient speed.
Sportsman's Hall, Trelawny, Oct. 17, 1788
All persons who have, or did obtain judgments against the estate of Hugh Barnett, deceased, on or before the 1st day of July, 1781, are requested to enter satisfaction for what payments have been made them on account thereof. 72811m
Hugh Barnett
743 u Spanish-Town, March 16, 1789
To be sold, or rented, for any term of years, Eldersly, Formerly a sugar plantation, situate in the parish of St Elizabeth, containing 2000 acres, 1000 of which are opened, and in good pasturage: the wood land abounds with excellent mahogany and hard timber; has a very good dwelling house, and the land is very well watered. The above property is well calculated for a Penn, and may be kept in good order with few negroes. Should any person be inclined to purchase the whole or any part thereof, and will give good security, the terms of payment will be made easy to such purchaser. For further particulars apply to the subscriber in Spanish Town.
William Wallace
749 Montego Bay, March 20, 1789
TO BE RENTED, Bethlehem, containing about twelve acres of land, lately tenanted by Mrs. Parr: There is a good dwelling house, &c. on the premises. For particulars, apply to SAMUEL BERNARD.
Falmouth, Trelawny, Feb. 26, 1789
All persons having demands against the estate of Mrs. MARY SCHAW, late of this town, deceased, will be pleased to render in a state thereof to the subscribers; and those indebted to said estate, are requested to be speedy in their payments.
To be sold, a dwelling house and out offices, with the yard well fenced, where Mrs. Schaw resided previous to her decease; also a soft chaise, and three carriage horses. For particulars, apply to ROBERT KERR, or JAMES BROWN, Executors to the estate of Mary Schaw, dec.
To be SOLD, on very reasonable terms, the following parcels of LAND, all well stored with cedar and hard timbers, and very fit for penn or provision lands, viz.
300 acres in the parish of St. Ann, patented by Henry Proctor, binding north on Samuel Chamberlain and James McGone, north westerly on unsurveyed land, south westerly on William Middlemost, south easterly on George Payman and Alexander Fullerton.
300 acres in the parish of Trelawny, patented by William Middlemost, binding north on George Fullerton, east on Alexander Balmer, west on Daniel Maithers, and south on unsurveyed land.
300 acres in the parish of Trelawny, patented by Alexander Balmer, adjoining to the last mentioned parcel, binding north on John Rinton east, and David Wilson, west on William Middlemost, and south on unsurveyed land.
300 acres in the parish o Trelawny, patented by Isaac Gomez Silva, binding south on Joseph Gomez Silva, binding south on Joseph Gomez Silva, and on all other sides on unsurveyed land.
For further particulars apply to Mr. Munso, surveyor, in Trelawny, David Baillie, Esq. attorney at law, or in Kingston to the proprietor, MARY MIDDLEMOST.
749 St. James's, Sept. 5, 1788
STOLEN or STRAYED, from Bougee Gut, near Irwin Estate, a grey Spanish STALLION, with a Spanish mark on the near thigh, resembling the figure 8. Any person taking up said horse and will give information thereof to Mr. Alexander Allan, Montego Bay, or Mr. Edward Joblin, as above, shall receive a HALF JOE reward.
749 St James's, Aug 30, 1788
STRAYED, From Amity Hall estate in this parish, about the 8th instant, a dun she MULE, one ear lopp'd and marked AH on the near thigh. Any person that delivers her to the OVERSEER on said estate, or Mr. LEONARD PARKINSON, Montego Bay, shall be thankfully rewarded.
749 Montego Bay, July 18, 1788
Near this town;
Containing ninety six acres of land with a good dwelling house, out offices, &c. For particulars, apply to Mr. Walter Adam, or the subscriber in Spanish Town.
746 U April 10 1789
STOLEN OR STRAYED, From T. James's stable, Martha Brae Point, on Monday the 30th ult. Two MARES, one a dun, the other a bay, with a cut tail. Whoever will deliver them at Mess. Booker and Balfour's Tavern, at the Point, Bradley's Tavern, Montego Bay, or the subscriber, St. Ann's, shall be thankfully rewarded.
749u Montego Bay, Feb. 28, 1789.
All persons indebted to the late co-partnership of Longlands and Rennald, Alexander Longlands and Co. or Longlands and Smith, are requested to make the earliest payment, that the subscribers may be enabled to settle all the accounts depending among them.
They have for sale, a new house, which will be finished in about two months, with compleat out-offices, situated between that of I.L. Winn, Esq. now building, and that tenanted by Ann Palmer. A house in the New Town, at present in the possession of Thomas Alves, Esq. with a lot of land behind it; and about one and a half acre of land opposite, planted in scotch and guinea grass, binding north on Church Street, and south on the Creek, east on land possessed by Mr. Colin Watson, and west on Ralph Mountague, Esq.
And at their store, all the remainder of their stock in trade, consisting of dry goods, ironmongery, glass, earthenware, &c. which will be disposed of altogether, on very reasonable terms, for produce, or on time, with good security.
747 Prospect, Trelawny, April 15, 1789
All persons indebted to the Estate of THOMAS BELL, late of the parish of Trelawny, deceased, are requested forthwith to pay the same to the subscriber, or they will be immediately sued; and all those who have demands against said Estate, are desired to render a state of the same to JAMES IRVING, Acting Administrator of Thomas Bell.
749 Montego Bay, Oct. 30, 1788
To Be RENTED, The lower part of the HOUSE lately occupied by Mess. Harper and Co. To be sold, a PIECE of LAND, on the Green Pond road, within a mile of this town, containing about ten acres. Apply at the printing office, or to John Fowler, Martha Brae.
749 u April 24, 1788
FOR SALE, The following runs of LAND, in the parish of Hanover, viz.
Six hundred acres, patented by William Banwell, June 2, 1727. Three hundred acres, patented by Thomas Cuppage, Feb. 20, 1739. Three hundred acres, patented by Mary Banwell, April 12, 1740. For particulars, apply to Mrs. Margaret Stone, Westmoreland, or the printer here of.
728 Montego Bay, Dec. 5, 1788
To be Sold, Leased or Rented, Upon very reasonable terms,
THE TENEMENT adjoining Mr. Ingram's, in which James Taylor now resides: The house contains five small bed-chambers, a front and back hall, with cellar, kitchen, and buttery, under a double roof; the other offices at some distance, and the whole in compleat repair: there is between four and five acres of land belonging to the place, which is in ruinate guinea grass. The situation is remarkably healthy, and the prospect pleasant. For particulars, apply to the printer.
746 Irwin Estate, St. James's, April 7, 1789
STOLEN or STRAYED From this estate, about six weeks ago, a JACK ASS, with black back and sides, white belly, and grey muzzle, has a won on his near side. Whoever delivers him on said estate, or will give information where he may be found, shall receive five pounds reward; and on information of his being in any persons possession (excepting Poundkeepers) one month after the date hereof, shall receive TEN POUNDS.
Arrivals at Port Royal since our last. The ship John, Molyneux, from Liverpool; brigs Minerva, Morgan, Philadelphia; Chance, Beatton, Dublin; and Navarra, McGowan, Mississippi; schooners Catherine, Durfee, Shelburne; Governor Miro, Ewing, New-Orleans; Polly, Strange, North-Carolina; sloops Mary, Coles, New Providence; and Commerce, Musson, from Port-au-Prince.
Monday morning, his Majesty's Packet boat, Prince William Henry, sailed from Port Royal harbor with the mail for Great Britain.
Last Monday, Sarah Allpress a free mulatto woman stood trial at the Surry Assize Court. She was indicted for the poisoning of Mary, a Negro slave and property of Mr. Thomas Cuthnie in the possession of Harry Lumsden, Esq. On the Wednesday September 3rd, Sarah placed arsenic in a tea kettle of water which Mary drank and caused her death. The beverage had been meant for someone else. After 8 hours in court, the Chief Justice weighed the evidence for and against the prisoner. The jury retired and returned after 20 minutes with a guilty verdict.
On Tuesday, Sarah was returned to court for trial; her Counsel raised objection to the legality of the enquiry. After much arguments, the court deferred their final decision and the prisoner was remanded. Yesterday, Sarah Alprefs was granted the benefit of a clergy; she was sentenced to be burnt in the hand and to suffer twelve months imprisonment. The first part of her sentence was immediately inflicted in open Court.
Married in this town, on Thursday the 30th of April last, Dr. James Dawson, to Miss Susanna Catherine Aldred, the eldest daughter of Dr. George Aldred.
The brig Mary, Scott, from Glasgow, arrived at Port-Morant the 28th ult. Capt. Scott informs that the Juno, Ritchie, arrived at Greenock the 14th of March.
Thursday night sailed from Savanna la Mar, the ship Alfred, Delamore: and on Sunday last, the Mount Pleasant, Watt, both for London.
Sunday sailed from Black River, the ships Louisa, Steel, for London; and Bristol, Hensley, for Bristol.
The same day sailed from this port, for London, the ship Worcester, Craigie.
Tuesday sailed the brig Apollo, Hynson, for London; and on Thursday, the Nancy, Carberry, for Philadelphia.
The ship London, Capt. Barker, is arrived at Rio Bueno from London.
Tuesday arrived at Savanna la Mar, the ship Elizabeth, Wilson, from Gibraltar and Antigua.
Arrivals from this island:
At Charleston: Fanny, Fowle; and Gibralter, Miller.
At Philadelphia: Eliza, McKay.
At Bermuda: Adventure, Wadson.
At Providence: Mayflower, Lecroix.
On the 23rd April at the Grand Caymanas [Cayman] in the 67th year of his age, William Bodden Esq., Chief Magistrate of that island.
On Sunday last in this town, Mrs. Jane Goppy, aged 75. Blessed with barely more than the necessities of life, this good woman, with true charity, was the constant friend of the poor; from her benevolent heart they ever found succour and relief, which can be well attested by many respectable members of this community.
On Monday night, Mr. Jeremiah Jackson.
Montego Bay, May 15, 1789
All persons having demands against the estate of Mrs JANE GOPPY, deceased, are requested to render them in to the subscribers.
Vestry Room, St. James's,
May 15, 1789
Notice is hereby given, that a vestry will be held at the court house, Montego bay, on Monday the 8th day of June next, for the Road Tax Allotments. Way Wardens of the last year are desired to observe, that such part of last year's allotments as do not appear by regular returns to be worked out, will be taken in aid of the Road Tax of the present year. If the way warden employs another person to do the work, he must certify that it was done under his direction.
The following oath to be made on all future returns of road work, without which, they will not be allowed: "I swear, that the above mentioned work was well and faithfully done, and that the slaves therein charged, were worth to hire, agreeably to the customary rate for able negroes, three bits per diem."
T.D. BERNARD, Clerk Vestry.
751 Montego Bay, May 15, 1789
For sale, on reasonable terms, A healthy NEGRO BOY and GIRL between ten and twelve years of age. Apply to Mr. James Cotter, or John Hatton.
If not disposed of before the first of June, they will then be put up to public outcry, at Bradley's Tavern, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
751 am May 14, 1789
The subscriber wishing to liquidate all demands against him, respectfully requests those who are indebted to him, to make an early payment to Mr. John Woollams, Montego Bay, who is authorized to give full discharges for the same. He hopes, as he has quitted business so long, no one will put him to the disagreeable necessity of suing, as it will be totally against his inclination, but the urgency of the business will require it.
Jamaica, ss. - In CHANCERY.
Longlands, et al. Creditors, V' Mowat, et al Exix. & Excrs, et al.
Whereas, by the final decree made in this Cause, dated the 25th day of April last, it is ordered, that the Defendants, some or one of them, do pay, or cause to be paid, on or before the 25th day of May instant, unto the several Complainants, and to the other Creditors therein named, who had proved their demands in this cause, against the estate of Benjamin Laurence, deceased, their Representatives or Assigns, the several sum and sums of Money in the said Decree expressed, amounting in all to the sum of Seven Thousand One Hundred and Forty-eight Pounds, Fourteen Shillings, current money of Jamaica, with interest thereon, from the 25th day of January last, together with their full Costs out of purse, to be taxed: I do therefore give Notice, that in case default shall be made in such payment, I shall, pursuant to the said decree, and for the purposes therein mentioned, on Tuesday the 16th day of June next, between the hours of ten and twelve in the forenoon, at Bradley's Tavern, in the town of Montego-Bay, put up to sale, and actually fell to the highest and best bidder, all the Lands, Tenements, Slaves, and Hereditaments, of which Benjamin Lawrence, in the pleadings in this cause particularly named, died seized and possessed, or such part thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the several demands by the said decree directed to be paid. - Dated this 9th day of May, 1789.
Particulars and Terms of Sale, may be known from John and William Mowat, Esquires, Dumfries Estate, St. James.
Jamaica, ss. - In CHANCERY.
Sims, et al. V' Davis, et al. Executors. Et al.
In pursuance of the final decree made in this Cause on Tuesday the first day of April last past, I do hereby give Notice, that _____ William Hay Davis, Elizabeth Davis, and Bonella Bowen, Defendants, in the said cause named, or one of them, do, on or before the first day of June next, pay, or cause to be paid, unto the Complainants John Sims and William Thorpe, and William Rhodes Bernard, one of the Defendants in the said cause, the several sums of Money reported to be due to them respectively; that is to say, to the complainant John Sims, or his lawful Attorney in this island, on account of the Judgment and Bond assigned unto him by Thomas James, in the pleadings in this cause mentioned, the sum of One Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty-nine Pounds, Eighteen Shillings, and Seven-pence halfpenny, current money of Jamaica: to the complainant William Tharpe, or his lawful Attorney in the island, in respect of the two several Judgments and Bonds assigned to him by John Tharpe, as mentioned in the pleadings in this cause, the sum of Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty-five Pounds, Seven Shillings, and Sixpence, current money aforesaid: to the defendant William Rhodes Bernard, or his lawful Attorney in this island, in respect to his demand, for Principal, Interest, and Costs due him on the Bond which he still holds, as mentioned in the Master's Report in this cause, the sum of Five Hundred and Fifty-seven Pounds, Twelve Shillings, and Ten-pence three farthings, of like current money, with due and legal interest on the said three several Sums, from the ninth day of July, 1787, the date of the said Master's Report till paid; I shall, for the purposes expressed in the said decree, forthwith thereafter, that is to say, on Tuesday the second day of June next ensuing, between the hours of ten and twelve in the forenoon, at Bradley's Tavern, in the town of Montego-Bay, put up to public sale, and cause to be sold to the highest and best bidder, all that Penn or Parcel of Penn-Land (in the pleadings in this cause particularly mentioned) summate, lying, and being in the parish of Hanover, in the county of Cornwall, and island aforesaid, containing Seven Hundred and Sixteen Acres, be the same more or less, commonly called and known by the Name of LILLIPUT PENN; and that either altogether, or in such lots and parcels as shall appear to me, or in such lots and parcels as shall appear to me to be most for the advantage of all parties concerned: or so much, and such part of the premises as may be sufficient for the purposes mentioned in the said Decree.
Given under my hand, this 9th day of May, 1789.
751 Montego-Bay, May 9, 1789.
To be Sold or Rented,
A HOUSE in the New Town, lately tenanted by A. Ricketts, Esq. adjoining Mr. Farquharson's. For particulars, apply to WILLIAM DAGGERS or RICHARD LAKE, Esquires, Kingston, or the subscriber.
Jamaica, ss. - In CHANCERY.
MINTO, ADMER. V' BORLAND, Executor M ed. Per Original Bill.
IDEM, V' LANG, per Supplementary Bill, in the nature of Original Bill.
In pursuance of the final decree made in this cause, bearing date the 24th day of January last past, I do hereby give notice unto the defendants Robert Borland and William Lang, that unless they, or one of them, do, on or before the first day of May next, pay or cause to be paid unto the defendant John Grdy, Esquire, the sum of seven hundred and eighty-five pounds, one shilling and four-pence, reported to be due and owing to him on the fifteenth day of January, 1789, for principal and interest upon a certain indenture of mortgage in the pleadings in this cause mentioned, with interest thereon from the said fifteenth day of January, 1787. And unto the complainant Robert Minto, Esquire, as administrator of Adam Ruther ford, in the pleadings named, the sum of nine hundred and ten pounds, eighteen shillings and four-pence, reported to be due on the said fifteenth day of January, 1787, for principal and interest upon a certain other indenture of mortgage in the pleadings mentioned: And also unto the said complainant Robert Minto, Esq. as administrator aforesaid, the sum of four thousand nine hundred and thirteen pounds, three pence farthing, reported to be due on the said 15th day of January, 1787, for principal, interest, and costs upon sundry judgments in the pleadings also mentioned, against Robert Lang, dec. in the pleadings named, together with interest on the said two several sums of money last mentioned, from said 15th day of January, 1787. And also unto the said complainant and defendant respectively, their full costs of suit in this cause, as the same shall be taxed. I will, for the purposes expressed in the said decree, in that behalf, forthwith thereafter, that is to say, on Wednesday the 20th day of May next ensuing, between the hours of ten and twelve in the forenoon, at BRADLEY'S TAVERN, in the town of Montego-Bay, put up to public sale, and cause to be sold to the highest and best bidder, all that piece or parcel of Land, situate, lying and being in the parish of Saint James, commonly called and known by the name of VIRTUE-HILL, and particularly mentioned and described in the indenture of mortgage first herein before-mentioned; And also all that piece or parcel of Land, situate in the said parish of Saint James, patented by the said Robert Lang, containing by estimation, three hundred acres, and bounding north and northerly on Philip Anglin and John Sells, southerly, easterly and northerly on Alexander Mackie and Peter McKenzie, Esqrs. Southerly on unsurveyed land, and westerly on Dugald Malcolm and Mr. Skelden: And also all those negro and other slaves, named Prince, Captain, Britain, Charles, Tom, Eve, Delivia alias Delia, Belly, Peggy, Amey, Amelia, and Rodney, being the premises comprised in the said other indenture of mortgage herein-before also mentioned, and the increase of the slaves to comprised therein; and all other the real estate, lands and slaves of the said Robert Lang, which shall then remain unsold, or so much, and such part thereof, as shall be sufficient to effectuate the purposes expressed relative thereto in the said final decree.
Given under my hand, this 27th day of March, 1789.
The above Sale is put off till MONDAY the 8TH day of JUNE next.
749 Montego Bay, May 1, 1789.
To be Sold or Rented,
HOPEWELL-HOUSE and GRASS-PIECE, situate on the borders of this town, and too well known, to need a particular description. Possession may be had immediately, by applying to
N.B. The Grass-Piece has saved the present possessor from £70 to 80 per annum.
To be Sold or Leased,
SEVENTY-FIVE Acres of LAND, planted with Guinea Grass, and fenced with stone walls, about two miles from Montego-Bay, binding north on part of Retreat estate, east on land belonging to the heirs of Mary Jones, deceased and south on Clanritkard Penn. Apply to I.L. WINN.
749 May 1, 1789.
The Creditors of ROBERT CARR, late of the parish of Hanover, Planter, deceased are requested to send a state of their respective demands to the Office of Mr. Bernard, attorney at law, Montego-Bay, or the subscriber St Round-Hill, Hanover.
748 Hanover, April 24, 1789
From Chester-Castle Penn, in this parish, the 14th inst. A Bay MARE, with a long mane and tail, 14 hands 1 inch high, 5 years old, and has the appearance of a blood mare; it is supposed a Spanish Mule left the Penn at same time. Whoever will deliver said mare to Mr. Samuel Gayner, Montego Bay, or at the above Penn, shall receive a Pistole reward.
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