Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library


No. 816]           MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1789                     [No. 737

MONTEGO-BAY, JAMAICA                Printed by JAMES FANNIN


                              Vestry-Room, Hanover, January 12, 1789
Resolved, that the thanks of the Justices and Vestry be given to the Honourable Samuel Williams Haughton, and George Scott, Esquires, for their strenuous exertions in forwarding the Business of this Parish during the last Session.
      Sam. Reid, Clerk Vestry.


                              St. James's, November 21, 1788
Land Surveying
Robert Rosindell, Stapleton Mount, and
Nicholas Robson, Montego Bay
solicit employment for Plans of Estates, Schemes of Lands, with descriptive embellishments


                                             Montego Bay, July 18, 1787
                            For Sale
                  BRANDON HILL
Near this Town
containing 96 acres of land, with a good dwelling house, out offices, etc..  For particulars, apply to Mr. Walter Adam, or Alexander McLeod in Spanish Town.


                              Montego Bay, January 18, 1789
           Notice is hereby Given
To all persons indebted to Mr. William Mattocks, late overseer on Catherine Hall Estate, to be speedy in their payments, and those to whom he is indebted please render their demands to


                              Montego Bay, January 28, 1789
               Wanted to Purchase
A quantity of old Mill gudgeons on a delivery at any wharf in this parish.


                              Montego Bay, January 9, 1789
               TO BE SOLD
Near the Court-House
Ale, cider, pickles, tobacco, etc.


                              Haughton Court, Hanover, January 13, 1789
From Mosquito Cove estate, in this parish, a Negro Wench of the Coromantee country, marked on the right shoulder GS, (late the property of George Scott Esq. but now belongs to the Honorable Simon Taylor, Esq.) she is very black, and stout made. A half Joe reward will be given to any person that will deliver her to


                              Blue Hole estate, Hanover, January 22, 1789
               RAN AWAY
From this estate on the 25th of July last, two Negro carpenters, named LAMBERT and CICERO. Also run away on 6th October last a slim-made Negro fellow named PICKLE well known as a rider at races. A PISTOLE reward will be given for each, upon securing them in any workhouse, or delivering them to said estate, to Ralph Montague Esq. Montego Bay, Mr. Adam Scott, overseer on said estate, or Dan Bernard in St. James.


                              Montego Bay, June 20, 1787
               FOR SALE
           At the Store of
A general assortment of dry goods and plantation necessaries


                              Montego Bay, December 5, 1788
Just Imported By the ship Brittania from Glasgow. and to be sold low, for cash or produce
Cloth , thread, shoes, wine, etc.


                              January 2, 1789
               JUST IMPORTED
In the Hall, from Liverpool, and for sale


                              St. Elizabeth's, June 2, 1788
               TO BE SOLD
In this Parish, that well-known Penn, called
Containing about 2000 acres of land, 400 of which are in well established Guinea-grass, divided into different enclosures by logwood fences.  A large commodious Dwelling-house and Out-offices, in complete repair; a good Overseer's house, Stablings, and other convenient buildings, distant 2 miles from the sea, on which it binds on the south, and about 4 miles from Black River Bay.  This property is well calculated for the culture of cotton; together with between 400 and 500 head of different kinds of stock
     Either separately, or with the above premises, we be sold a MOUNTAIN POLINK situated in Well Savanna Mountains, known as TORRINGTON CASTLE, containing 500 acres, well adapted either for cotton, coffee, or provisions.
Apply to


                              Hanover, January 9, 1789
on the road between Blue Hole and Mosquito Cove estates, a SILVER WATCH on which I. McI.. is engraved.
Reward for return to John Patie, Lucea, or John McIndoe, Mosquito Cove


                              St. James, May 15, 1788
To Be Sold or Rented,
in the parish of Hanover,
625 acres of land, known by the name of Cave Valley
for particulars, apply to J. L. Bowen


                              April 24, 1788
               FOR SALE
The following Runs of LAND, in the parish of Hanover, viz.
600 acres, patented by William Banwell, June 2, 1727
300 acres, patented by John Mahagan, February 19, 1739
300 acres, patented by Thomas Cuppage, February 20, 1739
300 acres, patented by Mary Banwell April 12, 1740
For particulars, apply to Mrs. Margaret Stone, Westmoreland


                              Montego Bay, December 5, 1788
               To Be Sold, Leased or Rented,
               Upon very reasonable Terms,
The tenement adjoining Mr. Ingram's, in which James Taylor now resides.  The house contains five small bed chambers, a front and back hall, cellar, kitchen,  and buttery, under a double roof, the other offices at some distance, and the whole in complete repair.  There is between four and five acres of land belonging to the place, which is in ruinate guinea-grass.  The situation is remarkably healthy, and the prospect pleasant.


                              Montego Bay, September 12, 1788
               TO BE RENTED
A commodious house in James-Street, (opposite Mr. Richard Milburn's).


                              Montego Bay, December 12, 1788
All persons indebted to JAMES PATTERSON, deceased, are desired to be speedy in their payments, and those to whom his estate is indebted please render their demands to


                              St. James, November 14, 1788
This subscriber having commenced the BUTCHERY BUSINESS, at a stall which he has erected between Latium and Leyden estates, requests support of the ladies and gentlemen who reside in that neighbourhood.  He intends killing twice a week, Thursday and Sunday, at six pence per pound.


                              November 26, 1788
From the subscriber at Hyde Park in St. Ann's, in February 1787, two Creole Negro men named Tunbridge and Palm.  They were purchased in 1784, from Mr. Thomas Gray Gaubadon, of the parish of St. Ann. Reward for their return to G. HYDE CLARKE at Swanswick Estate in Trelawny.


                              St. James, August 30, 1788
From Amity Hall estate in this parish, about the 28th instant, a dun MULE.  Reward for return to overseer on said estate, or Mr. Leonard Parkinson, Montego Bay.


                              Montego Bay, January 1, 1789
               JUST IMPORTED
by the Worcester, Captain Craigie, to be sold by
a general assortment of millinery, haberdashery, and other goods


                              January 16, 1789
               Just Imported
              and for sale by
at Montego Bay and Martha-Brae
Best Red and White Oak Staves, Pitch Pine Boards and Planks, and common Flour


                              Montego Bay, September 12, 1788
               FOR SALE
At the Store of WILLIAM KING
(next to Bradley's Tavern) very reasonable for Cash or Produce
Barrels of Mess Beef and Pork, Cargo Beef, Ox Cheeks, Herrings
Butter, Soap, Candles, Wines, Cloth, etc.


                              Montego Bay, January 2, 1789
               FOR SALE
The whole of BLUE-HILL and part of BLUE-HOLE PASTURE and WOOD LAND, in the parish of Hanover, for which the legacies of Benjamin Harding, Esq. deceased court Judgments against Messrs. Newman and Hardings, will be received in payment.
Also to be rented, NEWMAN-HALL ESTATE in the parish of St. James.
Apply to CHARLES BERNARD and RALPH MOUNTAGUE, Attornies to the Trustee


                              Trelawny, June 12, 1788
TO BE SOLD on very reasonable terms, the following parcels of LAND, all well stored with Cedar and hard Timbers, and very fit for Penn or Provision Lands , viz.
      300 acres in the Parish of St. Ann, patented by Henry Proctor, binding north on Samuel Chamberlain and James McGone, northwesterly on unsurveyed Land, southwesterly on William Middlemost, South easterly on George Payman and Alexander Fullerton.
     300 acres in the parish of Trelawny, patented by William Middlemost, binding north on George Fullerton, east on Alexander Balmer, west on Daniel Maithers, and South on unsurveyed land.
     300 acres into parish of Trelawny, patented by Alexander Balmer, adjoining to the last mentioned parcel, binding north on John Rinton East, and David Wilson, West on William Middlemost, and South on unsurveyed land.
     300 acres in the parish of Trelawny, patented by Isaac Gomez Silva, binding south on Joseph Gomez Silva, and on all other sides on unsurveyed land.
     For further particulars apply to Mr. Munro, surveyor, in Trelawny, David Baillie, Esq. Attorney at Law, or in Kingston to the proprietor, MARY MIDDLEMOST


                              Kingston, December 24, 1788
WILLIAM ROACH begs leave to inform his friends and public, that he is now ready to grant Licences to any gentlemen who is desirous of adopting his new invented hydraulic machine, as he is authorised to do by law, at £5 for each licence. . . Mr. Stamp at the east end of this town is able to construct the machine in the completest manner.
**Mr. James fan in, at Montego Bay, for the parish of St. James,  and Mr. George Woodbine, at Savanna-la-Mar, for the parish of Westmoreland, are empowered to grant Licences ask the act directs.


                              Montego Bay, November 28, 1788
In the ships Lion, Captain Smith, from Liverpool, and the St. James Planter, Captain Paxton, from London,  by WATSON and MILBURN up their store, on Isaac Milburn's (late Corbet's) Wharf, the following goods which they will dispose of at their lowest prices, for Cash, produce, or short credit,
Blue duffle great-coats, check shirts and holland striped trousers, cloth , sheeting , gentlemen's neatboots and shoes, slippers, sailors blue and green jackets, account books, etc.


                              Montego Bay, January 2, 1789
in the ship's Worcester, Captain Craigie, from London, and Hall, Captain Ward, from Liverpool, and for sale by WYNNS, MORTON & CO. Linens, kettles, coffee pots,
lamps, herrings, etc.


                                             Kingston, January 1, 1789
               At ALLWOOD'S, in KINGSTON
GENTLEMEN from the country may be accommodated with neat, airy, and pleasant lodging, good and secure stabling, from its central situation into town. . .
Contiguous thereto, FRANCIS ALLWOOD carries on VENDUE BUSINESS in all its variety. . . . His long pursuit of that business, and known integrity, see from the year 1774, until the fatal conflagration in 1782, which, to save the town from still further destruction, had his house blown into the air by gunpowder, for which he has never received the smallest recompense.


                              Montego Bay, December 22, 1788
               JUST IMPORTED
                and for sale by
            WILLIAM SHERRY
best London WINE in Pipes and Hogsheads


                              Montego Bay, January 16, 1789
               JUST IMPORTED
In the Venus, Captain Black, and to be sold by
Oak staves, boards, shingles, crackers, flour, etc.


                              Montego Bay, November 4, 1788
               JUST IMPORTED
In the brig Agnes, Thomas Callow, master, from Liverpool, and to be sold by
An assortment of fine and coarse Dry Goods . . .


                              Montego Bay, December 12, 1788
               JUST IMPORTED
and for sale by
Dry Goods . . .


                              Montego Bay, August 22, 1788
               FOR SALE
At Mr. Ismay's Wharf
A very elegant English built Gig, with neat plated harness for a pair of horses, a Top to put on occasionally, and Wings to use when the top is off.  It would hold two persons.


                              St. James's, November 13, 1788
from Glasgow estate in this parish 2 new negro men of the Moco country, named Jimmy and Johnny.  Whoever will secure them in any   workhouse, and give information to Frances Grant Esq. Trelawny, or the overseer of Glasgow, will be suitably rewarded.


                              January 30, 1789
In the St. James, Captain Thatcher, from Bristol, and for sale by JOHN KIDDELL at his Store at Great River, . . . dry goods. . .


                              Montego Bay, September 1, 1788
having taken the TAVERN lately occupied by Mr. Thomas GIFFIN has provided himself with excellent liquors of every kind, and humbly solicits patronage . . .
Montego Bay, September 26, 1788
As I am informed, and do believe, that JOHN DAVIDSON of the parish of St. James, Planter, has an intention of shipping off this island the Negroes he is possessed of, belonging to the estate of Archibald Clarke, late of the same parish, gentleman, deceased, I gave this public warning. . . that the said John Davidson has no right to sell or ship off the Negroes; and that the law with put in force against those who may be concerned in such scheme.
LANCELOTTE LAKE, administrator to the estate of A. Clarke deceased


                              Shepherd's Hall, Hanover, December 18, 1788
               FOR SALE
all kind of staves, shingles, planks etc. to be delivered at Flint River Wharf


                              December 29, 1788
               FOR SALE
All kind of staves, shingles, planks etc to be delivered at Mr. Atherton's Penn, Norman's Valley.  Orders sent to Mr. L. L. Lawrence, Liberty Hall, Trelawny. . .


                              Worcester, St. James's, August 17, 1785
               TO BE SOLD
1200 acres of LAND in the parish of St. Ann, situated about 2 miles and a half to the southward of Thatchfield and Lillyfield penns; it abounds with Mahogany, Cedar, and Hard Timber is well adapted for a penn, been mostly plantable. . . apply to Charles Boswell, Esq., in St. James's. . .


                              Montego Bay, February 25, 1788
               TO BE SOLD
THE BUILDINGS formerly the Parsonage, but now occupied as an Hospital, with the LAND thereto belonging, extending from South Lane to the Creek.  Two lots of LAND, situate between Church Street and South Lane, binding  on Mrs. Munro. Also one acre of LAND, (formerly the Pound) at Clanrickard, about a mile from this town.  Apply to the Reverend Francis Dauneyi, Rector, or John Cunningham and John Perry, esquires, Church-wardens of this parish.



No. 816]           MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1789                     [No. 737

MONTEGO-BAY, JAMAICA                Printed by JAMES FANNIN


               MONTEGO BAY,  February 7

[Name of Ship, Name of Captain, from…]

Arrivals at Port Royal Saints 24th January.
Betsy, Lawrie;  Caroline, Cleaveland;  and Henniker, Harrison, from London;  Esther,Racster;  and Triton, Jolly, from Bristol;  Ritson, Fairclough;  James, Wilkes;  Ferret, Ewing;  Betty, Ball, from Liverpool;
Brigs:  Sarah, Bentham, Lancaster; Rachel, Smith;  and St. George, Ames, Halifax;  Hercules, Cameron, New Brunswick;  Hope, Burchell; and Peggy, Donaldson, North Carolina; Bee, Manlove, Philadelphia;  Sally, Fox, Virginia;  and Endeavour, Neil, from the Bay of Honduras.

Friday the 30th January arrived at Port Royal, from great Britain, with the December mail, his Majesty's packet Lord Hyde , Mr. Henry Blight, master, in 52 days from Falmouth.  She appointed to sail on Monday the 16th instant
The packet touched at Barbados, which she quitted the 24th instant, after delivering dispatches to his Royal highness Prince William Henry, who is said to have mentioned his having received information that the Grantham packet, which sailed from this island last October, had put into Ireland in distress.  No account of this event was received at Falmouth prior to the departure of the Lord Hyde.

This is arrived from this island:
at London: Mentor, Hamilton
at Liverpool: Nelly, Barton; Mary, Scales.


On Monday the 19th of January on the election of Vestrymen for the parish of St. Thomas in East a majority of votes appeared for the following gentlemen:
George Scott, Fairlie Christie, William Lambie, Robert Gordon, John Scott, N. Phillips, Charles W. Mitchell, Samuel C. Baillie, Charles Brian, William Kennedy.


Last Tuesday se'nnight, came on at Savanna la Mar, the election of churchwardens and Vestrymen for the parish of Westmoreland, when the following gentlemen were elected:
Churchwardens: Charles Payne and William Cruickshank
Vestrymen: George Murray, John Graham, James Lawrence, Samuel Delap, Jules Hering, Hugh Wilson, George Leslie, Theodore Stone, James Dunn, and John Ricketts.


Yesterday se'nnight sailed from Savanna la Mar, the brig Alert, Bennet , for Charleston; and the day following, and the brig Polly, Berry, for Savannah, Georgia.
Thursday arrived the brig Ellen, Captain Drinkwater, from Liverpool and Montserrat; and the same day at Martha Brae, the ship Friendship, Captain Thorp, from Bristol and Grenada.



In London, the fourth of December last, in the 34th year of his age, after a lingering illness of nearly 2 years, which occasioned his departure from this Island, James Cleland Esq., of this town, merchant.

Wednesday, January 28 at Bath and St. Thomas in the East, Mark Lynch, Esq. of Spanish Town, Attorney at Law.

In Kingston, Master Archibald Galbraith, son of Archibald Galbraith Esq..

On Sunday last, at Harding Hall in Hanover, Mr. John Tennant, overseer of that estate.


               TRELAWNY ASSEMBLY
The subscribers are hereby informed that the second QUARTERLY BALL will be held at the courthouse, on the 10th of February next.  Tickets will be delivered on application to W. BRANDER, Treasurer.


                              February 1, 1789
               FOR SALE
At Minard, in the Parish of St. Ann, very fine Creole Mules and Steers fit for immediate work. Also a considerable number of young COWS and HEIFERS.  Apply to Archibald Campbell


                              February 2, 1789
Tuesday the 10th instant is that the Day appointed for choosing Churchwardens and Vestrymen for this parish.
     T. D. BERNARD, Clerk Vestry


                              Trelawny, January 29, 1789
NOTICE is hereby given, that there will be a meeting of the PLANTERS SOCIETY, at the house of Messrs. Booker and Balfour, Martha Brae Point, on Monday the ninth of February next, where all Planters, Merchants, Masters of Vessels, etc. are requested to attend, to fix the price and freight of Rum; also the price of Puncheons, for the present year. By Order


                              Montego Bay, February 6, 1789
in the Friendship, Thorp, and Trelawny, Power, and for sale by
Hams and cheese, raisins, ale and beer, an assortment of dry goods, etc..


                              Montego Bay, February 6, 1789
               JUST IMPORTED
in the Three Sisters, Captain Johnson, and for sale by
A fresh assortment of medicines, dry goods and Liquors, etc.


                              Montego Bay, February 6, 1789
               JUST IMPORTED
In the ship Ellen, James Drinkwater, Master, from Liverpool, and to be sold for cash, or immediate payment in produce
A General assortment of Dry Goods


                              St. James's, February 10, 1789
               FOR SALE
Apply to Messrs. Longman and Smith, or Mr. David Cooper


                              Montego Bay, February 6, 1789
In the ship Ellen, James Drinkwater, Master, from Liverpool, for cash or immediate payment in produce, a general assortment of dry goods etc.


                              St. James's, February 6, 1789
from Rockingham Penn, a dun horse, the property of Alex McLenan . . .


                              THE TURF STABLES
                        St. Ann's Bay, February 5, 1789
has opened stables at the above place. . .


                              February 6, 1789
IF JOHN DENTON MAHON, a free mulatto, by trade a Cabinet maker and Joiner, who resided in or near Kingston about 10 years ago, be leaving, and we'll apply to Mr. Thomas Harper, Montego Bay, he will hear of something to his advantage.  If dead, any person giving information thereof, or any of his children that may be living, it will be considered a favour, and a suitable acknowledgment made, if required


                              St. James's, February 6, 1789
               TO BE RENTED
SAINT ANDREW'S HILL, about 6 miles from Montego Bay, at commodious house, in a healthy and pleasant situation.  Inquire of George Neilson, administrator


                              Montego Bay, February 6, 1789
To Be Rented or Leased
The House in which George Josselyn now lives


                              January 30, 1789
               TO BE SOLD
An Elegant, New SULKY
Apply at Mr. Blair's Vendue Store, or to Mr. George Gordon


                              Montego Bay, January 30, 1789
ELIZABETH HENRY and MARY BROWN give notice to all concerned that they intend shortly leaving this island


                              Montego Bay, January 30, 1789
Just imported in the ship Three Sisters, Captain Johnson, from London
an assortment of the most fashionable superfine cloths, etc. with buttons of the newest taste, to be made up in the neatest manner, and on reasonable terms, by


                              Martha Brae Point, January 27, 1789
about 10 weeks ago, a negro girl of the Chamba country, named BECK, about 14 years of age and formerly belonged to Mr. Francis Mairez, deceased.


                              Montego Bay, January 19, 1789
about six weeks ago, a negro man of the Ibo country, named Prince, a fisherman; he is blind of an eye and about 40 years of age.  Likewise about four months ago, a Creole Negro man named Cudjoe, a tailor by trade, formerly lived with Benjamin Pinto and Mr. John Maxham of Hanover. . .


                              Montego Bay February 8, 1787
and for sale by GEORGE EDWARDS at his Store opposite Mr. Manderson's,
A general assortment of dry goods, liquors, etc.


                              Montego Bay, October 24, 1788
informs the public, that the Vendor and Commission Business are carried on as usual in his store, nearly opposite that of John Cunningham Esq. . . .


                              Montego Bay, October 9, 1788
               TO BE RENTED
That large and commodious HOUSE opposite the store of Messrs. Augustus and Cheney Hamilton.  It has lately undergone a thorough repair.  Apply to WALTER ADAM


                              St. James's, January 16, 1789
All persons having demands against THOMAS FLETCHALL, or his son JOSEPH FLETCHALL, will please to render them in that they may be paid; and to does indebted to them, are requested to make payment as early as possible, as they intend leaving this island in the month of April next.


                              Sportsmans Hall, Trelawny, October 17, 1788
All persons who have obtained judgments against the estate of Hugh Barnett, deceased, are requested to enter satisfaction for what payments have been made them on account thereof.


                              December 17, 1788
from the Maggotty Estate in Hanover, December 19, a Negro man named York, about 26 years of age.  He took with him a mule.  A Pistole reward would be given by JOHN WHITTAKER


                              Martha Brae Point, December 14, 1788
having taken the commodious Tavern lately occupied by Mr. Thomas Dunn, they intend opening the same on Thursday 18th of December . . .


                              Montego Bay, October 30, 1788
               TO BE RENTED
THE HOUSE lately occupied by Messrs. Harper & Co.
Half the House tenanted by Mr. John Anderson, as a Vendue Store.
Also the upper part of the house where Mrs. Silva lives.
TO BE SOLD a PIECE of LAND, on the Green Pond Road, within a mile of this town, containing about 10 acres.
Apply to John Fowler, Martha Brae


                              St. James's, December 3, 1788
All persons indebted to the estate of Mr. JAMES LUMSDEN, deceased, are desired to be speedy in settling their accounts, and those to whom the said estate is indebted are requested to set to the same with William Lumsden, executor, in St. Thomas in the East, or Mr. Charles Stuart, Ironshore estate, St. James's


                              Montego Bay, June 13, 1788
               TO BE SOLD
THE HOUSE formerly possessed by Mr. James Taylor, at Meagre Bay.  Apply to the Printer.


                              Kew, Hanover, January 30, 1789
From Saxham in this parish, on January 16, a bay  mule. . .


                              January 30, 1789
From Brandon Hill, a Spanish horse. . .


                              St. James's, January 23, 1789
From Spot Valley Estate January 10 eight new Negro man, purchased a few days out of the Active, Captain Thompson at Montego Bay. . .
information thereof to be given to James H. Chancellor, on said estate, or Robert Scarlett at Montego Bay


                              St. James's, September 5, 1788
               STOLEN or STRAYED
FROM Bougee Gut, near Irwin estate, a grey Spanish Stallion. Any person taking up said horse, and will give information thereof to Mr. Alexander Allan, Montego Bay, or Mr. Edward Joblin as above, shall receive Half Joe reward.


                              Montego Bay, March 19, 1787
               TO BE SOLD
preserves of all kinds for exportation by JAMES MUNRO at his house in the New-town, near to the late Mr. Francis Mairez's.


A List of Runaway Slaves in Trelawny Work-House, February 2, 1789

December 2, 1787, Jaffray to T. Hill, Westmoreland, a Creole
June 19, 1788, Ben to Boswell, Burnt Savanna, a Moco
October 5, 1788, Anthony, a mulatto, says he is free, sent from Martha Brae gaol
October 11, 1788, Billy to Davis, Westmoreland, a Chamba
January 23, 1789, Quaw to Mrs. Underhill, a Creole
February 1, 1789, Peggy to William Henry Ricketts, a Creole
  according to the oath of Peter Brown, supervisor of Trelawny Workhouse
  sworn before Thomas Wheatle


A List of Slaves in Clarendon Workhouse, January 28 , 1789

September 20, 1788, Will to the estate of E. Samuells, deceased Westmoreland, a Papaw
October 31, 1788, Warwick, a Mundingo, to Barton
                               Pholomy (Ptolemy), a Congo, to ditto
                               Jemmy, a Moco, to ditto
November 5, 1788, William, and Eboe, says he is free
                                Quasheba, a Congo, to D. Turner, Vere
November 20, 1788, Phoebe, a Creole, to Child, Spanish Town
December 2, 1788, August, a new Negro, owner unknown, an Eboe
December 3, 1788, Paul, a Creole boy, to R. Jacobs, a free mulatto, Kingston
December 11, 1788, Winter, a Creole, to the heirs of J. Messon , Westmoreland
December 18, 1788, Nancy, a Moco, to C. Baker
December 20, 1788, William Smith, a mulatto, says he is free, but is supposed to belong to Maze-Moor [Masemure] estate, Westmoreland
December 21, 1788, Nancy a Creole, to Mrs. Masteen, Kingston
January 6, 1789, Billy, a Creole, to John Stokes, a free mulatto, St. Elizabeth's
January 17, 1789, Juba, a Creole, to Richards
January 19, 1789, Matilda, a Congo, to Blackheath Penn, St. Ann's
  Richmond Barker, clerk to William Johnson, supervisor and keeper of the Clarendon workhouse, deposeth that the above is a true list
  sworn before Thomas Pool


RUNAWAYS in the St. Mary's Workhouse, November 26, 1788

August 20, 1788, Bosow, owner unknown, a Nago
September 9, 1788, Cuffee to John Tallon, deceased, a Creole
October 31, 1788, Jack to Thomas Brown, Port Royal, a Mongola
November 2, 1788, Lettira, alias Juba, to Tremolesworth Estate, St. Mary's
November 17, 1788, Toby to Delpratt, Kingston, a Guinea Negro
  according to the oath of James Forsyth , supervisor of St. Mary's Workhouse
  sworn before George Barriffe


RUNAWAY SLAVES in Morant Bay Gaol, December 15, 1788

October 15, 1788, Caesar to Henry Blake, or Bernal, an Eboe
October 18, 1788 Bristol to Campbell, a Congo
October 31, 1788, Brutus to Ross, a Mundingo
November 11, 1788, a new Negro man, owner unknown, a Congo
November 26, 1788, Maria to J. White, Wind Hill, a Succo
according to the oath of John Phelps, Keeper of Morant Bay Gaol
  sworn before J. G. Yonge


LIST of RUNAWAYS in Kingston Work-House, January 23, 1789

February 26, Billy to Smith, a Coromantee
April 13, Cato to Yates, an elderly Negro, a Congo
July 17, Quamina, a Chamba, says he is free
August 17, Smart to Care, or Kier, at Coromantee
April 9, 1788, Harry to R. Wetherell, Port Royal, a Nago
April 16, 1788 Cupid to Bryce, a Mungola
June 5, 1788, Strephon to W. Fraser, Lucea Bay, an Eboe
September 15, 1788, Jemmy to A. Galbraith, a Creole
September 27, Nelly to G. French, Spanish Town, a Creole, has her Child with her
October 13, 1788, Anthony Cooper, alias John Gibson, a mulatto Creole, to John L. Watt, Duncan's
October 24 , 1788, Bob to Willband, Martha Brae, a Mongola
October 25, 1788, Daniel to Monsieur Philiber, near Port Dolphin, Hispaniola, an American
                              Jack, an American, to ditto
November 10, 1788, Margaret to Clapperson, Martha Brae Point, a Creole
December 26, 1788, Quashie to Spencer, a Fantee
January 3, 1789, Prince to Charles Grant, an Eboe
January 7, 1789, Jack Smith, a Barbadian, says he is free
January 14, 1789, Joe to Largeant, a Chamba
January 14, 1789, Trim to C. Graham, a Creole
January 17, 1789, John Barnes, a Barbadian, says he is free
January 21, 1789, Providence to Mrs. Williams, Spanish Town, a Creole
January 21, 1789, Alexander to Duffie, or McDuffie, a Congo
   William Coakley, supervisor of Kingston Workhouse, swore to the truth of this latest before Peter Breton


RUNAWAYS in Clarendon Gaol, December 16, 1788

May 6, 1788, Kofi, or Johnny, a Creole boy, formerly advertised to Roberts or Clark, but supposed to belong to Spring Estate, Hanover, the property of Montague James, deceased
   Alexander Harvie, Clerk to J. Burd, Deputy Marshal, makes oath to the truth of above list before Thomas Pool


LIST OF RUNAWAYS in the Spanish Town Workhouse, January 22, 1789

January 28, 1788, Sampson, a Creole, to Sir Charles Price
March 8, 1788, Frank, a Coromantee, to Oliphant or Cosins, deceased
March 15, 1788, Mary, a Congo, to Lemon,  Kingston
March 23, 1788, Lucinda, an Eboe, to Mrs. Campbell
April 30, 1788, Titus, an Eboe, to Duncan
June 22, 1788, Toby a Moco, to W. Merchant
June 22, 1788, Nanny and her two children Elsy and England, creoles, to Tibby, deceased
June 26, 1788, Charles, at Chamba , to Wilcox
June 29, 1788, Cuba, a Creole, to J. Fuller Brown
July 1, 1788, Queen, a Creole, to John Munro
July 3, 1788, Shakespear to McQuintin
July 18, 1788, Duke a Mundingo to Craikell
July 18, 1788, Cudjoe, a Creole, to Barrett
July 26, 1788, Aesop, a Congo, to Richard Redwar
August 26, 1788, Jack Sharp, a Coromantee, to Howe
September 16, 1788, George a Mundingo, to J. Amary
October 26, 1788, Betsy, a Creole to Blackwood
November 2, 1788, Hercules, a Moco, owner unknown
November 13, 1788, Matty, a Congo, to Thomas Riley
December 15, 1788, Flora, a Creole, to Allen
January 3, 1789, Tom, a Mongola, to Barton
January 9, 1789, Sam, an Eboe , to Dawes , St. Mary's
January 11, 1789, Dick, a Nago , to Gray, Kingston
January 17, 1789, Yorick, at Creole, to Witter
January 21, 1789, Robert, at Coromantee, to Long, in Kingston
   William Nevinson, supervisor and keeper of St. Catherine's Workhouse deposeth that the above is a true list before D. Douglass


LIST OF SLAVES in St. Elizabeth's Work House, February 2, 1789

February 29, Dick to Sir Charles Price
February 29, Old Vaughan, formerly advertised at the name of London, says he belonged to a Mr. Sutton, but was sold by him to Mrs. Vere
May 30, Jemmy to heirs of H. Lord, deceased
July 18, Thomas Black, says he is free, pitted with the smallpox
August 7, Otto, says he is free, a Coromantee, formerly belonged to Fullerswood
October 2, Jack to Jacob D leon, Kingston, a Congo
October 29, Sammy to Goshen, a Creole
November 7, Patrick (a carpenter) to Mountpelier estate
November 18, Prince to Sledon, Westmoreland, a Nago
November 22, Mimba, says she belong to a free black woman named Mary Cole, a Creole
January 13, 1789, Sussex to Clark or Orr, Kingston, a Congo
January 20, Cupid to A. Dunkley, Withywood, a Mundingo
January 30, Tosswell to John Lewis, Westmoreland, a Creole
  The above is a just and true account, Andrew Murray, Supervisor


LIST OF SLAVES in the St. James's Work-House, January 30, 1789

May 21, 1787, Swansea to Reid and Thompson, a Banda
May 22, 1787, Mary to Sinclair, a Nago
September 15, 1787, Jack to Jonathan Curtin, Kingston, a Creole
March 26, 1788, Wiltshire to Thomas Archer, St. Mary, a Coromantee
May 2, 1788, William to William Reid, Clarendon, a Creole
January 27, 1789, Prince to Samuel Libert, a Congo
   Andrew Smith, supervisor of the St. James workhouse swore the above to be true before Ezekiel Petgrave


RUNAWAY SLAVES in Westmoreland Work-house, January 2, 1789

October 6, 1787, Bessy or Pheba, to Wright, Morant , or McKenzie, Vere, as attorney, Creole
April 16, 1788, Quaw to Rimmington, St. Mary's, a Congo
November 18, 1788, Venture to the estate of W. Gilchrist, a Chamba
December 3, 1788, Lucy, a Coromantee, said she is free, and got the same from John Parkinson, who sold Springfield estate, Westmoreland, to Jacob Johnston, deceased
January 8, 1789, John to J. Whitaker, an Eboe
January 21, 1789, Cuffee to J. White, St. Elizabeth's, a Creole
   James Crawford, supervisor, swore to this list before William Arthur


LIST OF RUNAWAYS in St. Ann's Work-House, January 25, 1789

July 26, 1786, Peter to Bernard, a Creole
June 6, 1787, Cuffy to Lawrence, or Hutchinson, a Creole
June 16, 1787, Douglas, says he is free, a Mundingo
December 6, 1788, Robert to Barrett, a Creole
December 15, 1788, Tommy to Barrett or Moulton, a Moco
December 31, 1788, Maria to Simpson, a Creole
January 24, 1789 , George to Jackson, a Congo
January 24, 1789, Scipio to Cuniffe, a Creole
     Sworn to by Joseph Clark, supervisor, before William Bolt


LIST OF RUNAWAY Negro and other slaves confined in Portland Gaol, December 1, 1788

October 29, 1788, Caesar, owner unknown, a Congo
October 29, 1788, Cicero, owner unknown, a Congo
November 25, 1788, John to Revere, a Creole
     Joseph Thompson Deputy Marshal and Keeper of Portland gaol     swore to this list before John Sutton

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